Chapter 122 The New General Manager

Yang Bingyue softened a little.

Such a beautiful young woman became a victim of an old scumbag.

Then he said to Ye Duan, "Brother Duan, she is so pitiful."

Su Mengwen's face is calm, she has seen too many such things.

Many ignorant girls donated their virginity to some rich and powerful old men for a little money and material things.

In the end, he was ruthlessly abandoned, and even became a mistress who everyone shouted and beat.

Who can blame it?
For Yueyue's sake, Ye Duan decided to give Zhao Feiyan some compensation.

He also didn't want to see Zhao Feiyan chattering here, with disheveled hair like a female ghost begging for life.


So he said to the financial director: "Give her a month's salary as compensation."

Then he said to Zhao Feiyan: "Pick up your things and get out of here before I regret it."

Zhao Feiyan knew that there was no hope, so she left silently.

In Yang Bingyue and Su Mengwen's hearts, they admired Ye Duan even more, and felt that he was a warm boss.

Not as ruthless as most businessmen.

The women who stay with them don't feel any sense of security either.

Afterwards, the three of Ye Duan also left the financial room and informed the administration department to hold a management meeting this afternoon.

After walking out of the hotel, Ye Duan made a suggestion.

"Let's go to Sister Lin's place. You guys should also identify me, so that we can play with her in the future."

Both Su Mengwen and Yang Bingyue agreed.

The three of them walked towards the IFC shopping mall.

On the way, Su Mengwen asked puzzledly: "Brother Duan, you are the owner of the hotel, didn't you just fire that woman just now? Why did you make such a big detour?"

"Wenwen, you don't know, the magic city is different from the small county, the relationship here is more complicated, any little person may be inextricably linked with some big people.

If our enterprise wants to do well in the long run, it must develop steadily, and we cannot do things simply and rudely just because we have money.

I want that woman to leave with a heart, so that there will be no worries. "

Su Mengwen nodded vigorously, thinking it made sense.

Ye Duan said again: "Wenwen, after the establishment of the investment company, it must strictly follow the rules and regulations. It must do things right, and don't plant any hidden dangers. Only in this way can it grow bigger and stronger."

"Don't worry, Brother Duan, I will definitely remember your words."

Ye Duan's image, in Su Mengwen's heart, was even taller.

Yang Bingyue also admired Ye Duan extremely.

The little hand kept holding his big hand, ignoring that his cousin was by his side.

Su Mengwen also wanted to hold the boss's hand, but felt it was inappropriate.

He's his own boss, isn't that good?
Soon arrived at the IFC shopping mall.

Lin Meishuang also welcomed them very much.

There are a few more fellow villagers in Shanghai.

"Sister Lin, where is the finance department? Take me to report for duty quickly."

Yang Bingyue couldn't wait to get to work.

She doesn't want to get something for nothing.

How can you be worthy of his favor if you get so many gifts from brother Duan and don't work hard?

Lin Meishuang couldn't beat her, so she had to take her to report to the financial department.

After the two left.

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen took the opportunity to discuss the growth of the fruit.


Lin Meishuang helped Yang Bingyue arrange the work.

Responsible for account reconciliation in the Finance Department.

At noon, the four of them went to Suzhe Restaurant for dinner, and Lin Meishuang treated them.

But as soon as he arrived at the restaurant, the boss recognized Ye Duan.

Yesterday, he spent [-] million on a shopping spree, making Ye Duan a celebrity on the Internet.

There are many people who want to make friends with him in various fields in the business world of Shanghai.

The owner of the restaurant begged Ye Duan to take a photo with him, the advantage is that today's lunch is free.

Several women wanted to have a free lunch, Ye Duan had no choice but to obey them and took a photo with the restaurant owner.

After lunch, Lin Meishuang went to work.

Yang Bingyue returned home, and the Aston Martin sports car Ye Duan bought for her had already been delivered to Jiangjing No. [-] in Zhongliang.

Ye Duan brought Su Mengwen to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

He will announce the appointment of the general manager in public.

In the conference room of the hotel, all managers above the middle level have arrived.

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen sat on the stage.

Everyone present already knew the boss's money-making ability, and spent [-] million yuan in three hours.

In their hearts, they admired Ye Duan very much.

It is also a very proud thing to be able to work under the hands of the super rich.

Ye Duan said straight to the point: "Everyone, Zhao Feiyan has already been fired because of a serious mistake in her work. I would like to invite our new general manager, Su Mengwen."

Immediately there was thunderous applause from the audience, Su Mengwen stood up and greeted everyone.

Ye Duan continued: "Manager Su is a talented student who graduated from Aurora University and has rich experience in working in five-star hotels.

Last time I said I was going to give everyone a 30% salary increase. Manager Su proposed to give everyone a 50% salary increase. Let us thank Manager Su. "

The applause from the audience became more enthusiastic.

Su Mengwen kept turning her head to look at Ye Duan, feeling that this man was extremely heart-warming.

Everything is well arranged.

Every little detail is taken care of.

When did you say you would raise your salary by 50%?It's just to help him buy people's hearts.

It's really moisturizing and silent!
Give the female subordinate the greatest favor!

With such a boss, who wouldn't work hard for him?
After the meeting ended, Ye Duan deliberately asked the room manager to open an executive suite.

Then he brought Su Mengwen in.

He wanted the hotel management to know that he was the backing of the new general manager.

No one can bully her!
After entering the room.

Su Mengwen took the initiative to discuss the size of the hotel bed with Ye Duan...

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen discussed the comfort of the mattress again.

It is planned to replace the hotel with a moderately firm mattress.

Too soft or too hard is not good.

Here, Lin Meishuang brought two female assistants back home.

She selected some expensive cosmetics and jewelry from the [-] million items that Ye Duan bought yesterday.

And took two Hermès limited edition bags.

They were packed in two big gift boxes, and the two female assistants carried them back to their office.

Then he called Ye Duan.

"Hey, old classmate, where are you? I have something to do with you."

Ye Duan just finished discussing the work with Su Mengwen.

Then he replied: "I'm at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, what's the matter, Shuanger?"

"Xiao Di and Xue'er's commercials have been filmed. I want to have a banquet with them tonight. Do you want to attend?"

Ye Duan hesitated for a moment.

Of course he wanted to go to the banquet, but he couldn't let go of the work at hand.

Su Mengwen was sitting next to Ye Duan at this time.

She also heard Lin Meishuang's words.

Then he gave Ye Duan a look, which meant to let him go to work.

Ye Duan understood and was very moved.

The female subordinates are always so considerate, they don't fight or grab or get jealous.

That being the case, Ye Duan decided to attend the dinner party, he also missed the little fairy a little bit.

So he asked, "What time? Where?"

"Come to my office first, I'm not familiar with magic, I don't know what restaurant to choose."

"Okay, I'll be there in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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