Chapter 106 Happy Night

"Yes, so I can get these two opportunities, I should have thanked you very much.

But you feel guilty for me instead, and you gave me a gemstone necklace and added investment in the movie.

Your actions are so heart-warming, your heart is so kind, I seem to have met that destined person in my life..."

After Xiao Di confessed, she unconsciously buried her head in Ye Duan's chest.

Ye Duan completely understood Xiao Di's thoughts, but he still felt something was wrong.

His starting point for doing all this was not for Xiao Di, but to help her inadvertently.

If he took the opportunity to take advantage of her, he would have a bad conscience.

He is a gentleman!
"Xiao Di, I understand how you feel, but if I become your predestined person because of these things, what's the difference between me and those rich people who have evil intentions? Aren't you trying to trap me in injustice?"

Ye Duan's upright and dignified appearance immediately hit Xiao Di's heart.

"When you say that, I think you are more like my destined person."


Taking advantage of Ye Duan's unpreparedness, Xiao Di took the initiative to give him a kiss.

I rub!

was attacked.

Ye Duan's brain was blank.

It was the first time he was "molested" by a big star!

This feeling is really different.

The whole person is light and floating, as if he is about to go to the sky...

It turns out that being a good person really pays off!

After Xiao Di kissed Ye Duan, she shyly lay in Ye Duan's arms.

I am a big star, but I am really moved by my little brother, I am really ashamed to say it.

But who made him so handsome, so generous, so heart-warming, and so kind to her?
Although she is a star, she is also a girl.

Which girl is not pregnant?
Meeting such a good boy is really uncontrollable!

Ye Duan put his arms around Xiao Di, smelling the fragrance of her body, reminiscing about the kiss just now, a rush of blood rushed to his brain.

The whole person was dizzy, as if lack of oxygen.

He never dreamed that the big star who has attracted the attention of countless men would be in his arms.

There must be a lot of people who are jealous, right?
No way, Shenhao is just so charming!
Wouldn't it be a fool if he didn't know what to do and rejected her?

He is not two hundred and five!
Both of them stopped talking, feeling each other's warmth, hugging each other tighter...

Ye Duan lowered his head, and saw a beautiful little face and a pair of big eyes, staring at him infatuatedly.

Their eyes collided.

Aroused countless sparks.

The two lips, gradually, gradually, stuck together.

Xiao Di closed his eyes.

The whole person collapsed on Ye Duan.

An unprecedented warmth spread throughout her body from top to bottom.


A gust of wind blew past, Ye Duan sobered up, and Xiao Di's drunkenness was also blown away.

The two quickly separated.

"Xiao Di, I'm sorry, just now I... didn't mean it."

Ye Duan spoke first, he really didn't mean it.

Xiao Di was not angry, and said a little shyly: "It's okay, I kissed you first, little brother, I'll go first."

When he came to the side of the road, he hailed a taxi, and Xiaodi left like a gust of wind.

Standing messily in the night, Ye Duan was like having a dream.


It was very late when we returned to Jiangjing No. [-] in Zhongliang.

Ye Duan tiptoed to the door of Lin Meishuang's house.

As soon as she opened the door, she was found.

She has been waiting for him.

Ye Duan scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Shuang'er, I have something to do and I'm late."

"Come in, are you tired?"

Lin Meishuang was not only not angry, but cared about him very much.

This made Ye Duan feel even more uneasy.

Is it the calm before the storm?

This afternoon, the little fairy was bumped into by Shuang'er, and this girl foolishly revealed her identity as the little wife. The old classmate must be furious!

Now that he came back so late, wouldn't he be adding salt to Shuang'er's wound?
Ye Duan felt very guilty.

"Shuang'er, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged."

"I'm fine. Since I promised to be your old classmate, I won't care about other things."

Lin Meishuang turned around and threw herself into Ye Duan's arms.

She has completely figured it out, as a classmate, she can no longer be jealous.

"Shuang'er, you really are my good classmate!"

Ye Duan was very happy, and immediately carried Lin Meishuang on his shoulders, like carrying a banana, and walked into the bathroom.

He is now very strong!
After a few strokes, the banana skin was peeled off, revealing the sweet and soft inside.

After rinsing, it is delicious to eat.

It's delicious!

After taking a shower, Ye Duan hugged the banana again and put it on the big soft bed.

Lin Meishuang was stuffed into the comfortable bed, only her head was exposed.

Ye Duan squatted on the ground and dried her hair.

The technique was very gentle, and she didn't pull her hair once.

Gently, slowly.

Lin Meishuang's heart was already moved to a turbulent level.

His good classmate, a billionaire with a net worth of tens of billions, actually squatted on the ground to blow dry her hair!

How many people in the world can enjoy this kind of treatment?

In the whole of China, you can't find a few billionaires who blow their old classmates' hair, right?

Lin Meishuang's hair was dry, but her eyes were full of tears.

Ye Duan brought another half glass of red wine, and said with concern: "Shuang'er, drink some red wine in moderation, it's good for your health."

Lin Meishuang couldn't control her emotions at all, and cried in Ye Duan's arms.

"Ye Duan, you are too kind to me, woo..."

"Good Shuang'er, I wronged you to be my classmate. Isn't it right for me to do all this? I will definitely make you the happiest old classmate in the world!"

Lin Meishuang's heart was hit by Ye Duan's love words.

She was drunk and blushing.


Ye Duan and Lin Meishuang had a private conversation.

"Shuang'er, why aren't you angry with Xue'er today?"

"At first, I was a little angry, but when I saw her beautiful, innocent, and cute face, I instantly calmed down. Such a good girl, let alone your man, even I couldn't help wanting to love her."

"Shuang'er, you are so right! At first, I hated this little girl too. I was always attacked by her, but later I was attached to her. I couldn't get rid of her and I didn't want to get rid of her."

"Xue'er said that she proposed to be your little wife. You are so kind, she must like you very much."

Ye Duan was very moved by Lin Meishuang's words, and decided to tell her about her new identity.

"Shuang'er, I want to tell you something, I just bought the Ritz-Carlton Hotel wholly."

"What? The Ritz-Carlton? That five-star hotel next to the IFC mall?"

Lin Meishuang asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's the hotel."

"My God! How much property do you have in Shanghai? The owner of the magazine, the owner of the IFC shopping mall, the controlling shareholder of Yida Film, the owner of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel..."

"Hey, you know that old classmate is amazing, you will be my first assistant from now on, are you happy?"

"Well, happy, old classmate, you are awesome!"

Lin Meishuang looked at Ye Duan adoringly, almost suffocating with happiness.

Because this handsome man in front of him is not only rich, but also treats her as his best old classmate, and he couldn't be better for her.

"Ye Duan, I must be an old classmate of the happiest billionaire in the world!"


Another happy night!


Early the next morning, Lin Meishuang went to work.

Today, she will arrange an advertising agency to shoot a blockbuster endorsement film for Xiaodi and Ding Xueer.

Ye Duan didn't sleep late either.

While still lying in bed, she was woken up by Conch Girl.

"Qianbao, good morning."

Looking at Liu Qian's pretty face.

Ye Duan couldn't help touching it with his hand.

As crystal clear as jade.

Liu Qian is not ashamed at all now.

In front of her master, Miss Conch seemed to be a different person.

She basically had no contact with boys before, and felt that boys had a strange sweaty smell.

Now after being taught by the master.

Only then did she realize how comfortable it is to serve her master.


After eating the delicious breakfast of Miss Conch, Ye Duan went out energetically.

He has two things to do today.

The first is to go to Han Han's film company, sign an investment agreement, and remit 4 million yuan in cash to his company account.

The second is to go to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and talk to Zhao Feiyan. He has already sent more than a dozen messages, begging to talk to her.

Ye Duan drove a Lamborghini to Hanhan's company and quickly signed an investment contract.

Then he went to a nearby Huaxia International Bank and transferred money to Hanhan.

Ye Duan swiped his bank card on the number-taking machine to get the number, but the machine suddenly called out.

beep... beep... beep...

The lobby manager came over and said, "Sir, can I see your bank card?"

Ye Duan handed him the card.

"My God! 88888888..."

Seeing Ye Duan's bank card number, beads of sweat immediately oozed from the lobby manager's face, and then fell to the ground.

Several staff members hurried over and helped him to the chair, and it took him a long time to recover.

The branch manager also came out when he heard the commotion outside.

After looking at Ye Duan's bank card, he was also shocked.

"Sir, I am the manager of this branch, please, please!"

The branch manager pretended to be calm, and led Ye Duan into a VIP room.

The whole bank panicked.

All the staff soon knew that this client was the legendary mysterious client.

A few days ago, during a routine inventory check at Huaxia International Bank's headquarters, a mysterious bank card whose owner was named Ye Duan was discovered, with unexplainable mysterious transaction records.

The bank wants to inquire about the specific situation, but they dare not disturb the mysterious customer easily, because they don't know what kind of secret is hidden behind it.

Therefore, the bank specially marked this card. Once the customer goes to the bank to handle business, an alarm will sound, and then the branch manager can act according to the opportunity.

After the mysterious customer appeared, the branch manager was so frightened that his legs trembled and he walked crookedly.

He originally wanted to handle the business for Ye Duan himself, but his hands were shaking non-stop.

So he appointed a 55-year-old elder sister with the most experience in the bank to serve Ye Duan.

"First... sir, may I ask... what kind of business do you need to handle...?"

The bank lady asked hesitantly.

"I have a sub-account in this card with 100 billion deposits in it. Help me transfer 4 million to this account."

As Ye Duan said, he handed the eldest sister a piece of paper with the special bank account of Han Han Film Company on it.

"Okay... okay, I'll... handle it for you right away."

The elder sister of the bank wiped the sweat off her face and began to handle the money transfer business for Ye Duan.

The branch manager has been standing by, nodding and bowing to Ye Duan.

The service staff brought over a cup of tea, the branch manager took it and handed it to Ye Duan respectfully.

"First... sir, please... have some tea."

"Thank you!"

Ye Duan took a sip of tea, feeling a little weird.

What's the matter with the people in this bank, even if they have more than 100 billion deposits in their bank cards, they don't have to make such a fuss, right?

In Shanghai, there are more than 100 billion people, which should be a lot, right?
Besides, Huaxia International Bank is one of the top three major banks in Huaxia, and this branch can be regarded as a medium-sized branch. The branch manager wouldn't be so new to the world, would he?
Could it be that his card number is special? The tail number of eight 8s is really unusual.

But it's not surprising, is it?

Although Ye Duan had a lot of doubts, he didn't want to ask too many questions, as long as the money on the card can be used.

After finishing the business, Ye Duan called Han Han.

"Brother Hanhan, 4 million has already been credited to your company's account, please ask the financial department to check."

"Okay, okay, I'm in the accounting room, and it has been shown that the account has been credited, thank you Brother Duan!"

"Brother Hanhan, you're welcome. If it's not enough, you must tell me. I'll take care of the money. Just make a movie."

"Don't worry, Brother Duan, I will definitely not let you down!"

Hanging up the phone, Han Han returned to his office.

I can't be moved.

Since the coal boss disappeared from the film and television industry, money has become the most scarce resource in this industry.

No matter how awesome the stars are, they can be easily found. They are crying and begging, looking for scenes to shoot everywhere.

No matter how good the director is, he will go around asking for sponsors like a grandson, and he doesn't care if his stomach is ruined by drinking.

There are not many movies with an actual investment of more than [-] million yuan a year.

Although Han Han had a good box office performance, he also began to worry about money.Because he is a bit of a literati, he doesn't want to use some people's money.

The script of the new movie has been polished 12 times, and all the resources have been negotiated.

Just short of money!

Unexpectedly, Brother Duan, whom I met by accident, would easily invest 4 million yuan.

Moreover, Brother Duan is very low-key, kind, and has no airs. He is really approachable.

What's even more rare is that he is not lecherous at all, and he is as calm as Liu Xiahui when he sits in his arms.

In the midst of thousands of flowers, the leaves do not stick to the body.

Tsk tsk, this first-class self-control is simply astonishing!

Just after signing the contract today, 4 million yuan of funds arrived in the account at once.

This is the easiest investment he has ever made!
In Han Han's heart, his admiration for Ye Duan deepened.


Here, Ye Duan finished his business and was about to leave the bank.

Before he could leave the VIP room, he was stopped by a middle-aged man who hurried in.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I am Liu Jinzhu, the president of Huaxia International Bank's Mordu Branch."

Liu Jinzhu looked at Ye Duan with a flattering smile, and handed over his bronzing business card with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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