basketball talent system

Chapter 49 The Weird Press Conference

Chapter 49 The Weird Press Conference
Just as Ye Xuan was still thinking about how to gain survival time easily and efficiently, Coach Frank next to him came in and interrupted Ye Xuan's YY, "Ye, get ready, follow me to the press conference." After finishing speaking, he found Ye Xuan seemed to be out of his body again, without any response, so he had to push Ye Xuan again, "Ye?" At this moment, Ye Xuan quickly withdrew his consciousness, "Oh, Coach Frank, what can I do for you? ?”

Frank was also speechless for a while, "Ye, you should change your problem of being in a daze all of a sudden, you should clean up quickly, and then follow me to the press conference." After finishing speaking, he turned and left the locker room.

Lance Stephenson on the side began to tease, "Oh, Coach Frank, what can I do for you?" While imitating what Ye Xuan said just now, he made a gesture of handing over the menu, and then pretended to use his notes to write down the menu. Dishes ordered by customers.Immediately, everyone in the locker room roared with laughter.

Ye Xuan shrugged helplessly, and then half-jokingly said, "Originally, I was planning to invite everyone to my girlfriend's restaurant to have an authentic Chinese meal after returning to Indiana, but Lance, you seem to prefer French food ? Oh, that's a pity, I can't bring you to this dinner."

After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter again, and then shouted "Please, treat" in unison.Stephenson on the side heard the words, and immediately changed his face again, "Haha, Ye, you know that I am very obsessed with Chinese food, and I have learned a few words of Chinese for it. Do you listen to Ni Hao Xie Ni Te Le Ma?"

Ye Xuan was taken aback, then laughed, and patted Stephenson on the shoulder, "Lance, your pronunciation is really standard, hahaha, keep working hard, you have a future." Then Ye Xuan took a hasty shower, changed his clothes and went Ready to go to the scene of the press conference.

Coach Frank was waiting for him in the lounge outside the door. Seeing Ye Xuan approaching, Frank stood up with a smile on his face, "Finally, you finally appeared, let's go in quickly."

"Has it already started?" Ye Xuan asked.Frank nodded, and then said, "It's okay, we are the winners, let them wait for a while." Just as he was about to open the door and go in, Frank slapped his head, and said to Ye Xuan, "By the way, Ye, I have something to tell you When you enter the press conference, there will definitely be many difficult questions for you, I hope you will think clearly before answering each time."

Ye Xuan frowned when he heard the words, "What's the matter, boss?" Frank smiled and shook his head and explained, "It's not that something happened, I'm just worried that the media will catch your random words and magnify them infinitely. , you also know that the final stage of the regular season is about to enter. At this time, there is no time to adjust everyone's mental state, so we cannot be influenced by the media's remarks. In addition, after the team acquired you, many teams The dissatisfaction of the team, they may privately buy those bad media to deliberately target you to achieve their own goals, so you have to be careful about your words and deeds.”

When Ye Xuan heard that this was the reason, he burst out laughing, "Don't worry, coach, although I'm young, it's not so easy for those reporters to set up traps to lure me to step on them." Seeing Ye Xuan so confident, Frank was also satisfied Nodding, "This is the best." Then the two pushed the door open and entered the press conference.

Unlike the press conference that Ye Xuan participated in last time, this time Heat coach Spoelstra was sitting behind a table with LeBron James answering questions.Seeing Ye Xuan and Coach Frank come in, the reporters immediately picked up their cameras and took a quick picture. James looked at Ye Xuan and nodded slightly to show his friendliness.

After Ye Xuan sat down next to him, the master and apprentice of the Heat had basically finished their answers, and the reporters obviously had nothing to ask Spoelstra and the others after seeing Ye Xuan coming in, so They simply gestured directly, then got up and left the press conference.The press officer hurriedly said, "Next, it's time for the Indiana Pacers head coach Frank Vogel and main player Ye Xuan to ask questions."

As soon as the words fell, a group of reporters in the audience rushed to raise their hands and picked up a reporter at random. The reporter quickly got up and asked, "First of all, congratulations on your victory over the defending champion in the away game. Excuse me, does this show that your strength has surpassed your opponent's?" Are you done? Or, do you think you guys have a better chance of winning when you face your opponents in the playoffs?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while calmly, then smiled and said, "Actually, this is just a regular season. Both sides played well in this game, but we played better. That's why we won. As for the playoffs, I haven't participated in the playoffs yet, so let's talk about the future." Obviously, the reporter didn't get the answer he wanted, and was about to continue asking questions, but the press officer didn't even look at him, and just clicked on it. Another reporter.

The reporter got up, congratulated the Pacers on their victory, and then asked, "Ye, we found that you used the post-up singles technique many times in the game. Can you tell us when you learned this technique? Or Say, you were coached by Hakeem Olajuwon?"

Ye Xuan shrugged and said, "To be honest, my low-post skills are not as good as you imagined. As for the guidance, don't you know that there is a player named Luis Scola in our team. His footsteps are also excellent, and I asked him for advice during the extra training after the team's training." Ye Xuan also lied without blushing, except when the team gathered for training, he was never seen in the arena at other times. I'm ashamed to say that I practice more.

After answering a few more irrelevant questions, a strange question suddenly took the rhythm of the entire press conference off course, "Ye, our reporter photographed you having private contact with Howard in Houston, and even that night you They all live in Howard’s mansion, do you want to join the Houston Rockets after the contract ends?”

After hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but lamented how powerful the paparazzi were, and didn't know if they had filmed the embarrassing thing about my brother who was filming by mistake. "This is nonsense, can't I have a friend? It's just a gathering between friends That's all."

"Ye, there is news that you went to New York to meet with Anthony the day before the game against the Heat, is it because you are going to join the New York Knicks?"

"Ye, as far as we know, the owner of the Brooklyn Nets really wants to bring you to his team. Would you consider going to the Nets?"

"Ye..." Then, some reporters asked Ye Xuan about his thoughts on the end of his contract, which team he wanted to join, and so on, which made Ye Xuan feel dizzy.Fortunately, the press officer terminated the press conference in time, and Ye Xuancai and Coach Frank fled the scene quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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