Black tech dad

Chapter 94. 95. Follow the Network Cable

Chapter 94 95. Follow the Network Cable
606 Dormitory.

The three [human spirits] went out to roam around, only Feng Yuechan was left alone in the empty room.

If the press conference was held in the imperial capital, she would definitely cheer for her father's products on the spot, but the press conference was held in Shanghai, so she could only watch it through the Internet.After browsing the portal website, Feng Yuechan chose the most professional car forum and refreshed the webpage.

Different from general press conferences, the press conference of Dijun Automobile this time is scheduled to be held at the F1 stadium in Shanghai, and the entire track has been contracted, and temporary site reconstruction has also been carried out.

The official opening time is 2:12 p.m., but there are already huge crowds at [-]:[-] noon, and the scene is quite spectacular.

"Brother Loach, there are really enough people here."

Standing outside the arena, Yue Yu, a reporter from Automobile Forum, stared at the crowded team, a little dumbfounded.

A car company that was newly established less than half a month ago actually booked the entire race track, and it was able to call so many people to attend the press conference. Let alone the company's technological strength, with its financial resources and connections, "It's as terrifying as Si".

"Call me Li Qiu, I'm not a loach, your Cantonese and Mandarin is hopeless!" The team leader Li Qiu tugged at his collar, and the autumn tiger in Shanghai was still so hot, which made him uncomfortable and said impatiently.

"This is the F1 track. You can only buy tickets to enter the track. Now it is open for free. Of course, there are more passers-by to join in the fun. As for how many people care about the press conference, I don't know. However, dare to hold the press conference so much It is courageous, and it is the only one in the entire Xia Kingdom. I am really curious about what their products will be, and what kind of surprises they will give us.”

Other car companies will reveal the new products to be released in advance, and even before the new products are launched, they will deliberately take pictures to let the media leak spy photos in a sneaky way, so as to maintain the popularity and hype the publicity.But this time, the business was different.

Not only is it strictly confidential, it is tight-lipped, and it does not give any favors, and love will come and go.If it wasn't for the first time that the press conference was held in the F1 arena, if it wasn't for the desire to know what kind of medicine this rich and powerful new company sells in Hululi, Li Qiu would not have brought anyone to interview at all.

I'm not a bitch!
But when he was actually on the scene, he had a premonition that the trip was worthwhile.

Waiting in line was boring, Yue Yu had nothing to say: "Loach... Brother Qiu, do you think Dijun Automobile Company and Dijun Technology Company are connected? After all, they are both called Dijun."

"I checked, and they all belong to the subsidiaries of Dijun Group. Andy is the CEO of Dijun Technology, and Gao Weiguo, the former president of Wuyang Automotive Research Institute, is the general manager of Dijun Automobile. But the information about the chairman of the group, the legal person, etc. Keep it strictly confidential. Even if you use hacking techniques, you won’t be able to find out even if you rely on relationships.”

Li Qiu was also slightly surprised.

Who is the person who created the Dijun Group?This level of secrecy is too mysterious.

"By the way, this Dijun has never been heard of before, where did it come from?" Yue Yu said with emotion, "Dijun Technology's anti-smog tower and a haze-removing watch have stirred up blood in the technology market. It’s raining. As a brother company, Dijun Automobile will surely stir up people in the auto market.”

"You do have the confidence. Tell me, how much did Dijun Auto give you?" Li Qiu joked.

He knew very little about the company that had popped up out of nowhere.And the other party was really too airy, which made him very uncomfortable.

As the crowd squeezed into the arena, Li Qiu and Yue Yu stood in the media area.Originally, they thought they had come early, but they didn't expect that there were already many media outlets here, and the "dogs" took all the good positions.

"Brother Qiu, look, there are also foreign media!"

Without Yue Yu's reminder, Li Qiu had already seen those tall and strong Caucasians and big ocean horses.Can't help but raise another three points for this company's evaluation.These foreign media in front of me are not ordinary third-rate stuff, but well-known media such as the Associated Press.

What kind of medicine is sold in Dijun's car gourd?

But soon, they were attracted by the modified temporary props on the track.

Scattered and disorderly fixed obstacles, randomly triggered moving obstacles, this is not an unimpeded F1 track, it has clearly become an obstacle race.

"What the hell are you playing?"

Not only Li Qiu had this idea in his mind, but all the media people, ordinary spectators, and practitioners in the automobile industry who saw the whole picture of the stadium had this idea.

Strictly keeping secret, playing tricks, rich and powerful, and powerful, it does not give people a sense of disgust, but faintly makes people look forward to it. Is this a fruit conference in the field of mobile phones?

But, is it possible?
Li Qiu put a big question mark in his mind.

Yue Yu filmed the grand occasion of the press conference, and then posted it to the forum for live broadcast.

The auto forum is the largest auto industry forum in Xiaguo, and there are a large number of car friends in it.

As the official picture and text post on the top was sent out, it immediately became lively.

[Is this the F1 track in Shanghai?I'm going, it's such a prodigal, the track has been turned into this ghost. 】

[Dijun Automobile is simply rich and powerful. It not only spends a lot of money on the market, but also dares to carry out renovations. The management of the F1 track actually let them do whatever they want. I really want to know who is behind Dijun Automobile. 】

[Can people with a big background be identified by your ass people?joke.Think of my background as a big JT in the entertainment industry, and it will always be ranked among the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world! 】

Most of the comments in the car forum are normal, but a few are rhythmic.

[With this money, why don’t you know how to invest in research and development?Playing tricks and pretending to be a ghost can make domestic cars rank among the world's first-class?It's not rubbish! 】

[Ugly appearance, only known as a copycat, no awareness of independent innovation, cutting corners and gaps, after-sales service is cheating, and various problems emerge one after another.Garbage people make garbage trucks. With this kind of manufacturing attitude, domestically-made cars will never succeed! 】

[I am a keyboard man, if you have the ability to hit me along the network cable! 】

"Don't be angry, don't be angry..."

Feng Yuechan, who was flipping through posts on the forum, was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and she said with an aggrieved face, "But I'm still very angry."

"Hello, I'm Dabai, your personal health assistant."

Detecting Feng Yuechan's emotional instability, Dabai stepped out of the vehicle, and enlightened him: "Internet keyboard man, commonly known as a troll. It refers to some ordinary people who are frustrated in real life, but they will become useless online. A superhero who can’t do anything, points out the country, inspires words, is high-spirited, and criticizes others. But he doesn’t know how to blindly follow the trend and become the object of others’ use. The above is an encyclopedia summary.”

"Of course I know, but I'm still angry." Feng Yuechan said innocently, "Dabai, is there anything you can do?"

"I..." Dabai's black eyes narrowed suddenly, and Jarvis' main character took over, "There is a way."

"any solution?"

"Follow the wire and beat him up."


Before Feng Yuechan could ask, Renkang, who was far away in a coastal city, had just sent the reply "I am a keyboard warrior, if you have the ability to come to me along the network cable", he took toilet paper with his left hand, and controlled the mouse with his right to open the " "Educational film", I was about to get excited when I saw it, suddenly, the screen changed, a dry well, a horrifying background music, a woman with long hair and shawl came out, the picture was compelling, the timing was exquisite, and it was creepy.

Renkang was so frightened that he fell back, lost his balance, and fell to the ground with his head up. Under the traction of the mouse line, the host, screen, and speakers slid down one after another.

The screen cut between his legs, and Renkang gasped in pain.

The host continued to be smashed down, and Renkang's face was pale.


The speaker gave a fatal blow, and Renkang wailed.

When he was about to pass out, the TV in the living room suddenly started, and the scene of "Nine Pins of Sesame Official" beating Fang Tangjing violently appeared.

[Bao Longxing: Everyone heard it, he told me to fight, so I did it. 】

[Youwei: I have never seen such a request in my life! 】

 Thank you [Light and Darkness] for the two rewards plus updates.Up to now, there are three ten thousand rewards, one more is added first, and two more are still owed.In addition, thank you for [Calligraphy Tree] 500 starting coins and [Heart Love Old Dream] 100 starting coins for rewards

(End of this chapter)

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