Black tech dad

Chapter 74 75. Enrollment (Revised)

Chapter 74 75. Enrollment (Revised)
On January 9, the imperial capital.

Xia Guo's No. [-] school, people come and go, and the flow is endless.

Accompanied by their parents, students from all over the world, carrying big bags and small bags, walked to the freshmen reception desks set up by each college according to the road guidance, and consulted about the admission process.

"I really envy those colleges of arts and sciences, especially the college of art. They are really full of beauties, and the quality of freshmen is very high."

"Stop complaining. Like our engineering college, it would be nice to have girls here, and they are picky."

"That's right. Anyway, our school is also a comprehensive university, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.4:1. If you look at the science and engineering university next door, the male-to-female ratio can reach 9:1, and there are nine pairs of pairs for a couple."

"This year's freshman has a girl who has just turned 14, a god of learning."

"Let me see."

"Tsk tsk, looks average. It seems that talent and beauty cannot be combined in one person."

Three members of the college's organization department sat at the reception desk for freshmen and chatted casually.Suddenly, the tall boy patted the short-haired boy on the shoulder, and pointed to the student walking in the distance, as if seeing a new continent.

"Look, that girl is so beautiful. Ah, I think I got Cupid's arrow."

"piss off!"

"She's here, is she a freshman in our academy?"

"Overthinking the series. We have gone through so many freshman photos, most of them are dinosaurs, and there are very few beauties with a score of 6 or more. They should be freshmen from the college next door."

"She really has to come over!"

The three boys quickly sat upright, as if they were being tested by their superiors.

"Excuse me, is this the reception desk for freshmen from the School of Mechanical Engineering?" the pretty girl asked.

"Yes." The tall boy stammered nervously.

"Which department is the junior?" The short-haired boy was at ease.

"I am Feng Yuechan, a freshman from the Department of Mechanical Engineering." Feng Yuechan put the suitcase aside and took out the admission notice.

"Feng Yuechan? Such a familiar name."

The short-haired boy picked up the freshman list and began to search.Since each class of girls is a rare resource, the names were quickly found.But comparing the ugly photo with the unbelievably beautiful girl in front of him, it was clear that they were two people.It is said that the women's university has changed eighteen times, but this is completely different!

When the tall boy and the short-haired boy were in a daze, the third boy with the most good looks came out first with a stack of materials, and graciously helped pull the suitcase, and said with a smile: "Sister, I will help you." You carry the suitcase, and take you to the dormitory by the way, and after putting away the things, go through the admission process."


Looking at the three people going away, the tall boy and the short-haired boy gave their middle fingers together.Paralyzed, scheming BOY.

As the winner, the good-looking boy led the way and talked endlessly.

"Choosing the Department of Mechanical Engineering is a wise choice. The Department of Mechanical Engineering of our school ranks 16th in the world and is recognized by UNESCO. It is also the only university in Xiaguo that ranks among the top 20 in the world..."

Seeing the end of the hot scene, the good-looking boy introduced himself, "My name is Gao Lan, Shan Fenglan, and I am a third-year student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. If you have any professional questions in the future, you can ask me, and I promise to answer everything. It’s endless. For the convenience of contact, let’s add WeChat to each other.”

Saying that, Gao Lan quickly took out her phone, opened the WeChat app, turned to the QR code page, and handed it out.

"Senior, your phone has a virus."

"Virus? Let me see."

Gao Lan took it over and took a look, her eyes suddenly widened.I saw the QR code turned into a sentence: fire, theft, and seniors.

MMP, what kind of ghost virus is this.It made Lao Tzu unfavorable to be a teacher!

Gao Lan was dejected and was about to find other reasons to add friends when he heard the man who had been accompanying him all the time say: "Student, the dormitory is here, you can go back."

"Ah?" Gao Lan looked at Feng Hao, who looked in his early 20s from the outside, probably a relative like an elder brother, weighed a suitcase that weighed about twenty catties, and said, "It's okay, the dormitory building There is no elevator, and the school girl lives on the sixth floor. You have three big boxes, and you can't move them by yourself..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Feng Hao lifted two suitcases with ease, and still had the strength to take the third one from Gao Lan's hand, and then went up to the 6th floor in one breath.At this speed, even if I go upstairs empty-handed, I can't beat it.

"Sister, is he your brother?"

"No, he's my father." After speaking, Feng Yuechan went straight upstairs.


Gao Lan swallowed, then patted her chest in fear. "It's a good thing she didn't do anything too much, otherwise, with her father's strength, she wouldn't have torn me apart. Hey, it's too embarrassing to find anti-virus software to kill the virus in the phone. Hey, wait, the phone Why can't it turn on?!"

After Feng Hao put his luggage into the dormitory, he was kicked out by his daughter on the grounds that he packed things by himself.

After a while, another middle-aged man with glasses came over, handed him a cigarette politely, and asked, "Dude, are you also the parent of a student in dormitory 606? Seeing how young you are, you should be a brother or something." .”

"Yeah." Feng Hao waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't smoke.

The middle-aged man was also embarrassed to smoke, so he stood in the aisle and chatted: "My name is Zhao Ziyi, the technical director of the Imperial Capital Branch of the Green Tiger Group. What about you?"

"Feng Hao, self-employed."

"With courage, like me, I dare not quit my job and start a business. I still have a large family to support." Zhao Ziyi asked, "What is the direction of franchise?"

"Fix everything."

"Uh..." Zhao Ziyi immediately thought of the shabby electrical appliance repair shop on the street, smiled indistinctly, and sighed, "College students today are completely different from me at that time. A three-piece suit is a must for admission. Well, you know A three-piece set. It’s a fruit phone, a fruit tablet, and a fruit computer. My daughter said she must buy it, so what can I do, I can only be satisfied.”


"have you bought it?"


"It's still your child who is sensible." Zhao Ziyi smiled.

"Fruit three-piece set? Those are outdated things, and now it's popular to send remote-controlled robots." A middle-aged man with a big head and thick neck walked over with a briefcase under his arm, "Let me tell you, since you have chosen The Department of Mechanical Engineering should buy a remote-controlled robot for their children to make them interested in the major, so as not to feel sorry for themselves, regret choosing the wrong major, and waste their college career.”

"You are?" Zhao Ziyi frowned.

"Parents of students in dormitory 606." Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, a young man who seemed to be a follower walked over after unloading his luggage and added, "This is our boss, Zhang Qiang, one of the top company bosses in the domestic auto parts industry."

Zhang Qiang looked unhappy, and shook his face to teach: "We are all the parents of students now, what boss is not the boss."

"The boss is right."

Zhang Qiang looked at Feng Hao and the two again, "modestly" said: "What's your surname?"

"Miangui's surname is Zhao, Zhao Ziyi, technical director of Green Tiger Group." Zhao Ziyi pointed to Feng Hao and introduced, "This is Feng Hao's little brother, self-employed, repairing everything."

Zhang Qiang asked nonchalantly, "Then repair the car?"


"It seems that we are still in the same business." Zhang Qiang said familiarly, "There is a theory that the relationship between me and the President of the United States can only be established through six people. Who do you know in the auto industry? Maybe you can expand your network. .”

"This is a conjecture in the field of mathematics, called Six_Degrees_of_Separation, Chinese translation, Six Degrees of Separation Theory, Six Degrees of Space Theory, Small World Theory, etc." Zhao Ziyi couldn't understand Zhang Qiang's virtue, so he took the lead and said, "You and anyone There will be no more than six people between strangers, that is to say, you can get to know any stranger through at most six people."

"As expected of a technical talent in the IT industry, he even knows proper nouns, unlike me." Zhang Qiang confronted, "Since you are engaged in the IT industry, can you make a remote-controlled robot?"

"I am engaged in software, not hardware." Not every IT professional can repair computers.

"Then you should buy a remote-controlled robot for your child."

Zhang Qiang preached, "Let me tell you that the remote control robots on the market are uneven, and there are many fake and shoddy products. If you want to buy them, you can buy RB's hard-core products. They are remote control robots that represent RB's craftsman spirit. They have comprehensive functions and excellent quality. Of course Yes, the price is also very expensive, 10,000+ one, you can almost buy a domestic car. Let’s go, let you see.”

 The book has 16 words, and the results are very good thanks to your support.But it's still at least three weeks away from hitting shelves.Even if more than 2 words are updated twice a day, it reached 4 words after three weeks.Moreover, it is too scary not to save the manuscript. Watching the time go by, I feel anxious and my head is muddled.Therefore, in the future, two updates will be guaranteed every day, and the reward will be added, and then the manuscript will be saved.But I guarantee that it will definitely explode after it is put on the shelves. Thank you for your understanding and support.In addition, thanks to [Shushu Tree] 25 starting coins, [I don’t believe that there are existing ones] and [Qingtiaodianchunhuacanman] and [kakuwinter] and [Dream Flower Edge] and [Book Friends 1000] 20180130225949042 starting coins reward.

(End of this chapter)

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