Chapter 44
Suddenly hearing Feng Hao's old rules, Gao Wen couldn't bear it either.

Are you repairing the car or gilding it?
The fourth son's store is not as black as you.

"Your fees are too expensive."

The only eighth-level craftsman in the world who is proficient in various trades personally helps you repair the car. He didn't offer you a price of 1 million. It was because of his acquaintances.

"Is it still repaired?"

"Not repaired."

She was rich, but she wasn't stupid enough to spend so much money repairing a car, even a second-hand car.With this money, it is enough for me to buy a second-hand car for fun.

Gao Wen flatly refused, and pulled Jiang Yiyi away.

"Business is down again."

Feng Yuechan pouted, and complained to her father, "Drive customers out, how can you do business like this?"

"Don't worry, they will come back."

Feng Hao patted his daughter's little head as a promise.

After leaving the small shop, Jiang Yiyi shook off her hand and asked, "Then what car are you using to race tonight?"

"You don't think I'm racing with a Mustang, do you?" Gao Wen rubbed her forehead. "Tonight's race is of course a GTR that I spent a lot of money on modifying. The Mustang is just a toy, let's drive it out for fun."

"Okay, I don't understand your drag racing world." Jiang Yiyi said helplessly, "The car broke down, how do we go back and get the car?"

"Take a taxi or call Didi."

Suddenly, Jiang Yiyi took out the car keys with a mysterious expression: "Actually, we can drive back by ourselves."

"Whose car is this?"

"A profiteer."

"When did you steal it?"

"When he was pretending." Jiang Yiyi covered her mouth and smiled like a little fox who had succeeded in plotting.


Gao Wen is not a dutiful girl either, so naturally she would not refuse such an exciting thing, followed Jiang Yiyi, and ran to Feng Hao's car like a gust of wind.

Meanwhile, in the store.

[Sir, your car keys were stolen. 】

After coaxing his daughter home, Feng Hao lay lazily on the chair, closed his eyes, and lazily said: "I let that girl take it on purpose."

[Sir, do you want to call the police? 】

"No need." Feng Hao explained, "Let them see the power of the modified car, so that those who wish to take the bait."

The joyous two didn't know that they were being fished by Feng Hao.

"Hey, I didn't pay attention to the car key just now. This is actually a domestic car developed by my father's company."

The white SUV in front of me is Shinhwa GS4, the domestically produced SUV with the second monthly sales.

Gao Wen knows the performance of this car like the back of his hand.

"I didn't expect the profiteer to be a patriot and support domestic products."

Holding the key to unlock the car, Gao Wen sat in the driver's seat without hesitation, and Jiang Yiyi sat in the passenger seat.

Start, step on the brake, pull the handbrake, put in D gear, release the brake, and step on the accelerator.

Shinhwa GS4 drove out of the parking space with an elegant posture, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the SUV shot out like an arrow off the string, the strong push back pressure made Gao Wen a little dizzy, and Jiang Yiyi was caught off guard by the pain call out.

"What's the matter? The acceleration feeling when the accelerator is in place is not at all like a 1.5T car."

Gao Wen couldn't understand.

Due to policy mistakes in the past few decades, the gap between domestically produced cars and international first-tier car manufacturers is very large.But after catching up in the past ten years, except for the three major parts, the gap between domestic cars and imported cars has been very small.However, the most important parts of a car are the three major parts: chassis, engine, and gearbox.

In particular, the engine and transmission can be described as the heart of the car and the core source of control.Domestically-produced cars lag far behind in this respect, and it is even more difficult to catch up.Regardless of technical barriers, just bypassing layers of technical patents is a difficult obstacle.

Gao Wen knew that the chassis used by Shinhwa GS4 came from the technology of Alfa Romeo in Europe, not the two fields of Neon Country.This car uses a dual-clutch gearbox, which has many problems, and has now switched to Aisin's AT series.

But even if you switch to the AT series, Myth GS4 will still inevitably have many problems such as strong frustration, abnormal noise in the gearbox, and weak throttle.But this car has none of the above problems at all!Whether it is the sense of control or comfort, it is comparable to the world's top luxury cars.

Is this still the domestic car with less than 10 yuan?
Those who didn't know thought it was a million dollar luxury car!

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yiyi didn't understand cars, and asked when she saw her best friend looked like she saw a ghost.

"This profiteer still knows how to modify a car?" Gao Wen let go of the accelerator. Before she mastered the performance of the car, she would not drive so recklessly.

"Modified car?" Jiang Yiyi was also asked inexplicably, "He is an IT expert, how can he know how to modify car technology. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Gao Wen frowned.

Yes, no matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult to master across industries.Especially the IT industry and the automobile industry are completely different things. It is almost impossible to be proficient in both.

Maybe it's my illusion.

Although Gao Wen is a rich second generation, she has been influenced by her family environment for a long time. She is not only a skilled racing driver, but also an evaluation expert in the automobile industry.Impurities on forum websites, including Autohome, ask her for articles, and even the first-tier manufacturers will ask her to write a review article when they launch a new generation of cars.

As for why she is willing to be an evaluation expert, in her words, she can drive all kinds of cars for free, which feels very cool.

"Interesting modification, I'm going to get serious."

Gao Wen entered the evaluation state, braking, accelerating, overtaking, decelerating, drifting, driving on special roads...

"The 3.1-meter acceleration takes [-] seconds, which is almost close to Tesla."

However, Myth GS4 is an internal combustion vehicle, which has the process of converting gasoline combustion energy into electric energy, which cannot be compared with pure electric Tesla.The latter naturally reduces the time for energy conversion.

"The braking distance of 39 kilometers is [-] meters."

Although there is a gap of 718 meters with the 32 meters of the number one Porsche 7, the Shinhwa GS4 is an SUV with a high center of gravity and high quality. It is simply against the sky to achieve this result.

"When the windows are closed, there is almost no tire noise, the driving is smooth, there is no abnormal noise, the suspension is well tuned, and the bumpy road is hardly felt, the comfort level can be compared with Rolls-Royce, and the control feeling is as good as the fingers. More importantly Yes, there is no replacement of any equipment, all are produced by the original factory! But the domestic SUV with less than [-] yuan has a driving experience that is no less than that of millions of luxury cars! It’s amazing!"

Gao Wen had a great time, but Jiang Yiyi suffered.

After getting out of the car to help measure the distance, and then pinching the stopwatch with the mobile phone, she had to go through all kinds of tossing and video recording the whole process, which made her, who doesn't suffer from motion sickness, feel a little retched.

"Sister, is the assessment over? If it doesn't end, my life will be accounted for here."

Seeing her girlfriend's half-dead appearance, Gao Wen was about to stop when she suddenly found a red button: "Hey, what is this..."

Before she could express the question in her heart, her hand had already touched the red button, and the next moment, the car flew up.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The two screamed again and again.

The difference is that Jiang Yiyi screamed like the kind of roller coaster who was afraid that if she didn't shout loudly, she would be oppressed by the strong air pressure and fainted, while Gao Wen screamed like Columbus who discovered the New World.

"This profiteer even installed a nitrogen acceleration system! It's a complete lunatic!"

"Hey, why are you turning around? Are you not participating in the competition?"

"Still taking part!" Gao Wen's eyes were shining brightly, "Compared to tuning masters, drag racing is child's play!"

 For the sake of the rhythm of the story, 5 words were deleted, equivalent to 100 chapters, with internal injuries.Seeing that I am so conscientious, sincere, and striving for perfection, please come to some recommendation tickets, book lists, and rewards to support~ Also thank you lv mortals and kakuwinter for the [-] starting point rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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