super medical system

Chapter 113 Vitamin C and Scurvy

Chapter 113 Vitamin C and Scurvy

The little fat man and the three listened attentively like obedient babies, while Yang Tian spoke slowly.

"First of all, we must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. We must respect the facts and not make wild guesses. Just now you just saw the one-sided symptoms of the fourth child and started to speculate. This is not advisable."

"The diagnosis of the disease is directly related to the subsequent treatment of the patient. Whether the diagnosis is accurate and the treatment is appropriate directly determines the fate of the patient. You should have heard of the serious consequences caused by large and small misdiagnoses every year, right? "

"It's not a big deal for us, but I want to give you a warning, lest we really become doctors in the future, and treat people's lives indiscriminately."

Yang Tian's tone was a bit heavy, he thought of his father.

If it wasn't for a misdiagnosis, my father now...

Forget it, Yang Tian shook his head, looked at the three people in front of him, they all lowered their heads.

Huang Huawen, who taught biochemistry, told them about this a few days ago, and this time he was criticized by Yang Tian again, jumping into the same pit twice, which is really embarrassing.

"Secondly, we must adhere to the principle of common and rare diseases first. When several diagnostic possibilities exist at the same time, common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases should be considered first, and rare diseases should be considered last."

Yang Tian glanced at the three of them.

"Everyone has learned mathematics, so I don't need to say more about this probability problem? The fourth child can be regarded as an example. Let me give a more common one. When you have a fever and sneeze, what is the first thing you think about?"

"It's influenza."

The fourth child replied weakly.

Yang Tian patted his thigh, "That's right! It's influenza, and common diseases such as upper respiratory tract infection or tonsillitis. No one would subconsciously associate it with HIV, right?"

The three of them nodded repeatedly. Although the initial symptoms of HIV infection also include symptoms of cold and fever, if there is nothing wrong with it, who would think about it?

Hey, it seems to be getting too far, ahem, it's all Yang Tian's fault!
The little fat man and the boss have weird faces, but the fourth child listens seriously. As a good student who loves to learn, he will not let go of any opportunity to learn, not to mention that what Yang Tian is talking about now is just in line with his preview goal. within range.

The fourth child will not know now, because of Yang Tian's words, he directly made the right choice in the rematch of the Baili medical pick in the near future, and successfully entered the sight of his future mentor.

All efforts will pay off, this is not just words.

Yang Tian continued to carry out his education work in an orderly manner.

"Then there is monism. When a patient comes to you, there will be many manifestations. For example, the fourth child, his gums are bleeding, his body is bruised, his wounds heal slowly, his face is not good-looking, and he just had a cold some time ago. There are only five manifestations, and if we look for them separately, there will be more diseases that can be dealt with.”

"But we give priority to the possibility that all the symptoms are caused by the same disease, and put it on the fourth child. We have to consider it this way."

Yang Tian paused, while the three little fat guys waited with wide-eyed eyes.

The previous ones were all about diagnostic theories, and now we’re going to talk about dry goods. To be honest, they also wanted to know how Yang Tian made the diagnosis.

"Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a strong antioxidant that can directly participate in redox reactions in the body, which is beneficial to the absorption of iron in food and can enhance the body's immunity."

"Vitamin C is a necessary substance for the formation of collagen, which is what those girls want to get by applying face to face every day. In fact, it would be better to eat more vitamin C."

"Severe vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy. The main manifestation is that the capillaries are more fragile and easy to rupture. The fourth is that if you touch your body casually, the capillaries inside will break, and then lead to congestion."

The three of them nodded suddenly.

"Then there is gum decay, loose teeth, fractures and wounds that are not easy to heal, and the performance of the fourth child is bleeding gums and wounds that do not heal. Combined with his recent recovery from illness, resistance is also a problem, so after a comprehensive judgment, it is vitamin C deficiency. disease."

"So it is!"

The three of them nodded one after another, they really raised their postures!
"Speaking of vitamin C deficiency and scurvy, I have a little story here. You have all heard of the voyages of Columbus and Magellan, right?"

The three nodded, this is something that was mentioned in the history textbook.

"Their journey was far from smooth as expected. Many crew members suffered from a disease called scurvy. Their gums swelled, bled, their teeth became loose, and finally died in pain."

"Effectively, they're just deficient in vitamin C."

Yang Tian glanced at the three of them and began to popularize knowledge.

"Humans and other primates cannot synthesize vitamin C, so it must be obtained through food."

"Fresh vegetables, fruits, and bean sprouts are rich in vitamin C, but ascorbic acid oxidase in plants can grow vitamin C and make it useless, so the content of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables that have been stored for a long time will be greatly reduced. "

"The conditions in ancient times were harsh, and it was impossible to eat fresh food on board. Naturally, there was no source of vitamin C."

"Later, after figuring out the situation, ships began to equip a large amount of rum, because these fruit wines can supplement part of vitamin C, and are easier to preserve than fresh vegetables."

"Therefore, the sailors in film and television works are all alcoholics. There is a reason for that. In that case, if you don't become an alcoholic, you will become a dead ghost."

"So that's the case." The boss nodded, the teacher really didn't talk about this thing in class.

"So, you just need to eat more vegetables and fruits?" The little fat man leaned forward, he was more concerned about the result than the principle and process.

"It's right to eat more vegetables and fruits," Yang Tian nodded, "Vitamin C is unstable to alkali and heat. If vegetables are cooked for too long, a large amount of vitamin C in them will be lost, like those in the cafeteria that are cooked until they turn black." The green vegetables are basically useless."

Yang Tian turned to look at the little fat man, "Didn't you take vitamin C orally, just take two pills if you have nothing to do, and those medicines in your cabinet, read the instructions when you have time some other day, don't waste the money on medicines, How many people are poor and have no money to buy medicines!"

"Oh." The little fat man shrank his head and hid aside, pretending to lower his head to study the vitamin C he snatched from the fourth child.

"You know a lot." The fourth child finally broke free from one kind of excitement, and then plunged into another kind of excitement, looking at Yang Tian, ​​his eyes almost twinkled with little stars.

Good students who are dedicated to learning have the admiration for Xueba from the bottom of their hearts. For them, being crushed by Xueba from the knowledge level is a painful and joyful feeling!
"That's right, Yang Tian, ​​how do you know these things? Not only are you professional, but you can also extend your lectures. I think what you teach is better than what those teachers teach in class!"

The boss is not stingy with his praise, if he is the most admired in this major, it must be Tian Ge who didn't run away!
"That's right!" The little fat man leaned over again, "I see you are busy sleeping every day, when did you learn it?"

"Hey, do you want to know the answer?"

Yang Tian smiled, looked at the three of them nodding, wiped their hair with their hands, and raised his head, "Because I'm a genius, brother!"

"Go, go! I think you are a narcissist!"

The little fat man twitched back mercilessly.


The boss wiped his sweat silently.

The fourth child pushed his glasses, and for a moment just now, Yang Tian's tall and stalwart image in his heart collapsed.

"Oh, that's right." Yang Tian suddenly thought of something, turned around and began to look through the little fat man's cabinet, "The fourth child needs to take medicine, you two should take some too."

"No, these two bottles."

Yang Tian handed the two medicine bottles just dug out to the boss and the little fat man respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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