Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 84 The Death of the Dangerous Wanderer

Chapter 84 The Death of the Dangerous Wanderer

The big black cat controlled the alien-tailed mouse, and after blowing up all the defense facilities of the Broken Dome base, it landed on a messy ground, and found the hangar of the dangerous homeless with ease.

At this time, the hero and heroine just ran to the hangar, and with the help of the staff, they were about to board the cockpit of the dangerous homeless.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The Alien-tailed Rat shot a highly toxic and high-strength corrosive liquid from the poison sac located in the chin, burning a big hole through the reinforced concrete outer wall of the hangar, and then forcibly drilled through the big hole. hangar.

Walking in front of the dangerous wanderer, the Alien-tailed Mouse sprayed another mouthful of high-strength corrosive liquid on the cockpit of the mecha.


Raleigh and Mako Mori watched their car helplessly, howling in despair!
I saw the originally huge steel giant, like an ice cream under the scorching sun, starting from the upper body, and quickly began to melt. In less than a minute, the dangerous homeless man was melted into a piece of ice cream in the eyes of the hero and heroine. The molten steel in Datan burned through the ground of the base.

Dangerous homeless, no bones left!

Gipsy Danger

Height: 79 meters

Weight: 1980 tons

The hunter mecha made in the United States mainly emphasizes speed and fighting ability, and pays attention to the protection of the head, chest, back, shoulders and other key positions, and uses nuclear power to drive. Although the cost is high, conventional power is eliminated Mech warriors go through a tedious process of resupply and repair.And has a certain seawater utilization technology, power and stability of the chassis, mainly emphasizing hand-to-hand combat.After being repaired, the attack, protection, electric weapon, and nuclear weapon have been improved.

Of course, the most awesome attribute is because this is the protagonist machine, which successfully saved the world in the film, and is the only surviving mecha.

However, because Jiang Feng and the big black cat came to the world of "Pacific Rim", the dangerous wanderer, a legendary mecha that was destined to wear the halo of the savior, just died in the hangar without firing a single shot. inside.

"It's not safe here anymore, let's leave soon."

Raleigh took Mori Mako's little hand, and was about to leave the hangar along the dedicated passage.

Seeing a man and a woman, two little people wearing special protective clothing for mecha pilots, they were about to slip away from under their feet.The big black cat that shared the field of vision with the alien-tailed mouse, without even thinking about it, controlled his little brother, aimed at the hero and heroine, and stepped on it, just like a bear kid stomping on an ant.

With this kick, Raleigh and Mori Mako didn't even have time to let out a scream, and they were trampled into a bloody pile without any suspense.

Blood flowed out from under the strange-shaped feet of the standing mouse.

The hero and heroine of "Pacific Rim" are integrated into one in the above-mentioned way.

After eliminating the dangerous wanderers, the big black cat followed Jiang Feng's instructions to control the Alien Mouse and continue to wreak havoc in the Broken Dome Base, which had lost its ability to resist, until it completely turned the base into ruins.

And Jiang Feng, also chasing after the Eureka Raider's ass, came to kill him with arrogance.

Marshal Pancourt, who had followed the survivors out of the base, stood on a jeep, looking at the alien-tailed rat who was wreaking havoc in the base in the distance, with a pale face.


The black man suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his tall and strong body also fell weakly on the seat of the jeep.

It's over, everything is over, the human's plan to destroy the breakthrough point has come to an end before it even started.

The three mechas including Storm Crimson were all destroyed, and the Shattered Dome base was also destroyed by monsters, causing heavy casualties.The Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force has lost almost all of its capital.

Such a cruel reality, even a tough man like Marshal Pancourt, cannot bear it.

"The Eureka Raiders called the headquarters. We are retreating to the base, but the leatherback turtle is hot on our heels. What is the current situation of the base?"

"The base has been destroyed, repeat, the base has been destroyed! Eureka Raiders, immediately retreat to the area outside Hong Kong. Two monsters are beyond your ability to deal with!"

"Then let's get rid of the leatherback turtle first, and then deal with the standing mouse!"

The reason why the Eureka Raiders retreated was to rescue their hometown under attack.Now, since the base has been destroyed, there is no need for them to continue retreating.

The call channel with the headquarters was closed, and the distance between Jiang Feng and the Eureka Raider, who had been about 500 meters away, suddenly stopped. The huge steel body turned around, and the armor on the chest Open it, revealing the heavy missiles inside.

Striker Eureka

Height: 76 meters

Weight: 1850 tons

The hunter mecha built by the Australian Federation belongs to the fifth generation of mecha.It is a perfect mecha carefully designed by the Australian Federation. Its height and weight are above the average data.The highlight of this mech is the missile on the chest. During the Battle of Sydney, the Eureka Raiders opened the chest and fired the missile in just 6 seconds, which directly caused the monster to die with one move.

Because the Commonwealth of Australia was the last Pacific Rim region to be attacked by monsters, the Eureka Raider became the last mech to be released.The data is almost against the sky, almost perfect. The wrist blade on the arm, the heavy copper fist, and the missile on the chest make this mecha capable of long-range and hand-to-hand combat, with a fast response speed, and it is also designed with an escape pod. It is a comprehensive mecha that combines the essence of multinational mecha technology.

The record is also very brilliant, the number of monsters killed reached the highest 11.Had it not been for the Commonwealth of Australia to decommission it a day earlier, Sydney would not have been destroyed by monsters.

In the movie, Marshal Pancourt is driving the Eureka Raider. With the cooperation of the dangerous homeless, he succeeded in breaking through the nuclear explosion in one fell swoop, eliminating the space-time wormhole located deep in the ocean.

Fire it up and launch!
In the chest of the Eureka Raider, no less than a hundred powerful heavy-duty missiles were fired at Jiang Feng all at once.

"See how you hide, you bloody monster!"

The father and son driving the Eureka Raider had triumphant expressions on their faces at the same time.

The monster leatherback turtle has the ability to paralyze human mechas, and it is purely courting death to fight with it.

Baofeng Chihong, because he didn't know the ability of the leatherback turtle, was unfortunately recruited and paid the price in blood.

The Eureka Raiders had no other way to defeat the Ridgeback than long-range strikes.

"This monster... how can it be so smart?"

But a few seconds later, both father and son were dumbfounded.

All the missiles, after flying to a distance of 100 meters from Jiang Feng, seemed like a drunk drunk, drifted forward for a while, and then fell into the sea water one after another.

Chuck Hansen, with an aggrieved face, "Damn it! It uses electromagnetic pulses to paralyze all the missiles we launch!"

"This battle is impossible to fight. Our missiles have been launched, so we can only retreat."

Heck Hansen said with a bitter face.

Looking at the Eureka Raiders who continued to take advantage of their speed and flee in the opposite direction to Hong Kong, Jiang Feng smiled coldly, showing his fangs, "A wave of missiles was launched, and you still want to run after pretending to be forced? Dreaming! Big black cat, when will your little brother come over?"

"Ten seconds more."

Jiang Feng subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his mouth, "We'll go find that Mr. Newt after the Eureka Raiders are wiped out. Anyway, he's hiding in an underground shelter above Hong Kong. It’s like jerky in a can, it’s not going anywhere.”

Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!
(End of this chapter)

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