Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 76 Playing with the hearts of the whole world

Chapter 76 Playing with the hearts of the whole world

In the arena, the more than 500 prisoners of war who were used as props were not bare-handed.

They held assault rifles in their hands, and many of them carried RPG rocket launchers. In their team, there were even three Type [-] main battle tanks from the Republic of Japan.

These heavily armed prisoners of war were told before entering the ring that as long as Frieza could be killed, the Big Black Cat Empire would release them.

At the moment of receiving the weapons, it is not that the prisoners of war did not have the idea of ​​rioting, but the vast majority of prisoners of war, when they were captured, were already scared by the Terminator Legion, completely lost their fighting spirit, and invaded by aliens. The big black cat empire was so fearful that it had no courage to riot at all, and the prisoners who had the idea of ​​riot did not dare to stand alone, so they had to obey the enemy's arrangement obediently.

Frieza didn't even raise his eyelids, "Hey, lowly humans, my lord allows you to make the first move."

For the human army with a main battle tank in front of him, Frieza completely regarded the opponent as a chicken and a dog, a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"This alien, its strength..."

Saeko Busujima was so shocked that she didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

With the strength of one person, do you want to defeat a regular human army soldier equipped with heavy weapons?
Is it madness and ignorance?
Or do you really have this arrogant capital?

Saeko Busujima believes it is the latter.

Because, she cast her worried eyes on Jiang Feng.

And Jiang Feng's expression also became serious, with black eyes like stars, fixedly staring at the ring.

It was the first time for Saeko Busujima to see her beloved man showing such an expression.

At this time, on the ring, the human soldiers whom Frieza despised were also furious. They greeted the mother of the dumpling-headed alien one after another, and at the same time raised the weapons in their hands and fired deadly bullets at the opponent.

The three Type [-] main battle tanks were not idle either. Cooperating with the infantry, they continuously fired high-explosive and armor-piercing projectiles at Frieza, who they regarded as extremely arrogant.

All of a sudden, above the arena, guns blared, smoke filled the air, and the flames of war raged.

Next, a scene that horrified Saeko Busujima happened.

Frieza stretched out his free hand, facing the attacking human soldiers, and continued to maintain the posture of resting his chin on one hand and crossing his legs.

Then, a miracle happened.

But for Saeko Busujima and the human soldiers in the ring, it was despair.

An abyss of despair.

All the incoming bullets and shells stopped about five meters away from Frieza.

The dense metal bullets, large and small, were set in front of Frieza by an invisible force, like a metal wall, inserting a foot between Frieza and the human soldiers.

"We can beat such a monster with a hammer!"

All the human soldiers who participated in the battle were all stunned in front of what they saw with their own eyes, and the same thoughts flashed through their minds.

Of course, it is also the last thought of their life.

Frieza waved the outstretched hand lightly, as if trying to drive away bedbugs.

Then, the wall made up of bullets and shells flew back just like when it came, beating the human soldiers on the opposite side until their limbs and arms were scattered, and the wailing sound resounded through the venue.

Three [-]-type main battle tanks were also blown up by the armor-piercing shells fired by themselves, and they exploded into three piles of burning wreckage on the spot.

More than 500 human soldiers were wiped out in one round by Frieza.

"This seemingly petite monster possesses such appalling power, as powerful as ghosts and gods. How can humans be its opponents?"

The dozens of human slaves who brought Frieza into the ring were all frightened by Frieza's strength and sat down on the ground. The pants of several of them had become wet. The ground under their buttocks, There was also a puddle of water.

Saeko Busujima also had a pale face, as pale as a female ghost, "Brother Jiang's opponent who came to fight turned out to be such a terrifying monster!"

She turned her gaze to Jiang Feng, except that he showed a dignified look of "meeting the enemy of life", but there was no trace of fear on his resolute face.

"Brother Jiang's courage is far inferior to that of Zhao Zilong from Changbanpo."

In Saeko Busujima's beautiful eyes, there are countless stars twinkling, and more hearts bubbling.



The robots in the auditorium also cheered after Frieza wiped out all humans, and their voices shook the sky.

Frieza raised his hand, made a quiet gesture, and cast evil eyes on Jiang Feng, "Hohohoho, you have seen real power, and you should also understand how ignorant you are about power. Kneel down and swear to the emperor Allegiance, I, Lord Frieza, will spare you!"

Jiang Feng was also looking at Frieza, with a firm tone, "Forgive me!"

"Then get down and die!"

Frieza sneered.

"Your qualities are not worthy of your strength."

Jiang Feng confronted each other, and walked towards the ring in a calm and unhurried pace.

"The weak do not deserve the respect of me, Frieza-sama."

Frieza said arrogantly.

"Then I'll teach you how to respect others."

Jiang Feng came to the ring, with his hands still in his trouser pockets, walking towards Frieza step by step, "If you're still alive."

"Hmph, my lord will wait and see."

In Frieza's eyes, fierce flames filled the sky.

He stretched out a hand towards Jiang Feng, palm facing Jiang Feng.

Seeing that Frieza used this big move to wipe out the human army again, Saeko Busushima sweated for the man she loved.

Jiang Feng's steps were firm and powerful, step by step, slowly approaching Frieza.

A few minutes later, Jiang Feng had already stepped over the flesh and blood of human corpses that covered an area of ​​the ring, passed over the wreckage of the Type [-] main battle tank burning like a torch, and continued walking towards Frieza.

As Jiang Feng approached, Frieza's original aggressive posture gradually disintegrated like a popsicle in the hot sun, "This man can resist [-]% of my master Frieza's skill, and he still has a little bit of ability .”

"Frieza, are you going to die if you don't brag?"

Jiang Feng mocked.

at the same time.

The robot audience next to Saeko Busujima also had a proper discussion:
"That man named Jiang Feng is so powerful. It's been many years, and it's the first time I've seen someone march forward against Lord Frieza's strength. It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

"Yes, it's no wonder our supreme emperor is willing to give him opportunities again and again, trying to persuade him to surrender. It turns out that this man named Jiang Feng is a man of great ability!"

"It's unbelievable that such a small planet on the edge of the Milky Way can have a strong man like Jiang Feng, who can fight against the strongest Lord Frieza in the universe."


Hearing the enemy soldiers' sincere admiration for his beloved man in his ears, Saeko Busushima was ecstatic.

In the final analysis, women are vain.

The difference is that vulgar women value the material level, while elegant women enjoy the spiritual level more.

As Jiang Feng walked less than five meters away from Frieza's throne, the drama that lasted for three days was about to come to an end.

Frieza was no longer calm, and jumped off the throne, "I, Mr. Frieza, have been invincible all over the universe. Jiang Feng, you are still the first opponent who can force me to fight with all my strength."

"I apologize to you for my previous rudeness, you are a strong man who deserves the respect of my Lord Frieza."

Frieza's eyes were as evil as ever, but his tone was sincere, "Submit to the Great Black Cat Empire and serve the Emperor, your future is limitless!"

"I reject."

Jiang Feng's words were resounding.

"It's a pity, for the sake of the Great Emperor, and for the Great Black Cat Empire's conquest of the universe, I will do my best to kill you!"

Frieza bowed slightly, clenched his fists, and his skills were at full strength!

In an instant, all the humans in the venue were oppressed by an invisible force, unable to move.

"The special effect of the big black cat is still done like that. It should be created by using the gravity controller on the iron-blooded spaceship."

After a little distraction, Jiang Feng turned his attention back to Frieza, that is, during his five-year retreat, the big black cat used the T888 Terminator + living cell human skin when he was bored. Technology, on one of the 1:1 dolls of the characters in the "Dragon Ball" series, "Frieza, come here, for the sake of the earth, for the sake of mankind, I will use my own hands to knock you down!"

In order to show respect for the King of the Refrigerator, Jiang Feng improvised and modified the ending of One Punch Man in the original script.

His hands finally left his trouser pockets, posing a basic fighting technique in the army.

Then, Jiang Feng and Frieza fought for fifty rounds under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of Terminator robots.

Fifty rounds later, Jiang Feng gave the King of the Refrigerator enough face (one of his favorite villain bosses in "Dragon Ball"), and knocked Frieza to the ground with a crisp palm push.

"you lose."

Jiang Feng put his hands in his trouser pockets again, facing the eyes of all the humans in the venue who worshiped deeper than the sea, and continued to pretend, "Can you follow the agreement and withdraw from the earth, everyone from the Big Black Cat Empire?"

The venue was completely silent, except for the hysterical cheers of Saeko Busujima, and the crying of human slaves such as Shizuka Marikawa and others.

"We are a majestic big black cat empire, spanning the universe and spreading our reputation far and wide. Naturally, we will not... withdraw our troops as agreed. How can we spit out the fat we ate?"

Frieza opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, supported the stand beside him, and stood up with difficulty, "The earth will definitely be occupied by the big black cat empire! Jiang Feng, surrendering to the emperor quickly is your only way out!"

"Sure enough, life-saving straws can't save lives, but I don't regret coming here."

Sighing slightly, Jiang Feng did not hide the disappointment on his face, "Frieza, don't say any more, I will not surrender to the invaders!"

"Unfortunately, then you can only die with them."

Frieza shook his head, raised his hand and made a gesture, driving more than 1000 captives of the human army into the ring.

"The Big Black Cat Empire respects warriors who would rather die than submit. After you die, we will treat your woman kindly."

The pity on Frieza's face flashed across.

He raised his right hand towards the sky.

With a "crash", the tens of thousands of Terminator robots in the auditorium stood up in unison, raised their electromagnetic rifles and plasma rifles, and aimed at Jiang Feng and others on the ring.

With a calm smile on her face, Saeko Busushima also got up and looked at Jiang Feng below, clenched the treasured sword in her hand.

She already has the will to die, and she wants to follow Jiang Feng to another world.

This will be a historical story like Yuan Yijing and Jing Yuqian, which will be praised by future generations.

If human beings are ruled by the big black cat empire, there will be history.

"Sir, it's a great honor to live and die with you!"

The thousands of soldiers who were driven into the arena were all torn and wounded. They were all iron-blooded men who were wounded and captured during the final battle against the Terminator Legion.

Among the captives, there were soldiers from every country, including dozens of Chinese soldiers, who crowded in front of Jiang Feng. The leader, a lieutenant colonel, gave Jiang Feng a solemn military salute with a "snap".

The conversations between Jiang Feng and Frieza were all in Chinese, so they believed that this powerful soldier was also a Chinese.

"I'm not your officer, I'm just a mercenary who fights for money."

Jiang Feng raised his hand and returned a standard military salute, correcting him.

"But we are willing to obey your orders, Chief Jiang Feng!"

Dozens of Chinese officers and soldiers behind the lieutenant colonel also stood at attention and saluted Jiang Feng.

The surrounding U.S. military, self-defense forces, French Republic, Greater German Republic... All foreign soldiers then saluted Jiang Feng with the military salute of their respective countries, with wild eyes.

Humans worship the strong, and even heroes!
The battle that took place in the venue, these captives were also in a corner of the venue, forced to watch the whole process under the guns of the enemy.

The hearts of these soldiers have already been subdued by Jiang Feng.

Especially the Chinese soldiers feel even more honored.

Because, the strong human being who defeated that terrifying monster named Frieza was a Chinese.

They are honored!
Looking at Jiang Feng's youthful face, the lieutenant colonel sighed inwardly, but there was a hint of indifference flashing across his face.

He led dozens of Chinese officers and soldiers to form a human wall to protect Jiang Feng inside.

The only thing the lieutenant colonel can do now is to let the hero die last.

The surrounding foreign soldiers also took action after being stunned for a moment, forming a human wall, enclosing the human wall formed by the Chinese soldiers in the middle.

At this last moment, there are no Chinese, Americans, and Japanese people in the venue...

We are all Earthlings.

In order to protect Jiang Feng, the foreign soldiers also proudly raised their chests, resolutely facing the black muzzles of the metal skeleton robots.

As for Jiang Feng, who was being protected, he lowered his head, but there was no smile on his face showing a successful trick.

Yes, only the long-lost touch, and for Jiang Feng, that rare little bit of guilt.

These military captives are actually just live propaganda props used by Jiang Feng and the big black cat in order to successfully rule the world.

The purpose is to elevate Jiang Feng's prestige to a level that no one has ever seen before and no one will come back through the "one battle" with Frieza.

Greater than the greatest heroes in human history, trample all great men underfoot.

In this way, the remaining human beings will definitely kneel down at Jiang Feng's feet obediently, and feel grateful, wishing to die for Jiang Feng immediately.

It is like the position of the savior John Connor in the hearts of mankind in the world of "Terminator".

As for the big black cat empire, which is hated as causing all the sufferings of humans on earth, it will certainly not win the support of surviving humans like the world of "Terminator 3".

However, as long as human beings are willing to serve Jiang Feng wholeheartedly, it doesn't matter if they hate the Big Black Cat Empire.

Because, human beings will never know that the so-called big black cat empire, just like the leather bag company, has only Jiang Feng and the big black cat as its real core.

What is the essential difference between being loyal to Jiang Feng and submitting to the Great Black Cat Empire?

In the final analysis, this big show directed by Jiang Feng and Big Black Cat is not just for picking up girls.

It wasn't just Saeko Busujima who was played with, Jiang Feng and the others played with the hearts and minds of the entire "School of the Dead" world!

However, Jiang Feng, who played tricks on the soldiers who didn't know the truth, was deeply moved.

Jiang Feng thinks he is not a good person, he has even done things like destroy the world.But he is always a person, and a person has feelings.

However, the turmoil in Jiang Feng's heart soon calmed down.

Because, all the human beings in the venue seem to be doomed, but in fact they are all in danger.

Originally, in the following plot, some military captives in the ring would be killed in order to pursue the authenticity and tension of the drama, and to create a full-bodied character image, but Jiang Feng no longer intends to do this.

Others treat me with sincerity, and I will live up to the sincerity of others.


"Big black cat, let's start the next game. If you didn't insist on letting that character appear, I could end the show after I finish fighting Frieza, so I don't have to be so troublesome."

"Jiang Feng, I'm sorry."

Thank you for the lovesickness without saying goodbye, and the reward from brother id20082479!
(End of this chapter)

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