Chapter 70 Not ET
When Saeko Busujima was shrouded in the shadow of Warrant Officer Murata, she gave a "stab" sound, but Lieutenant Wyatt had already completed the flag-lowering ceremony, and then split her hands. Her white blouse is parted in the middle, revealing a bountiful harvest.

At this moment, Lieutenant Wyatt's eyes also passed between the two mountains, revealing an expression of obsession.

He pressed his hand down, weighed it with enjoyment, and roared impatiently, "Long live America! I'm going to charge!"

"Teacher Ju Chuan...may be beaten to death."

Looking at the majestic and ready-to-go army standing proudly between the sky and the earth after the black military officer completed the flag-lowering ceremony, Jing Haoyong and others felt inferior while worrying about Ju Chuan Shizuka.

These students are all authentic Japanese. In terms of military strength, how can they be as big as the Americans and Chinese?
Compared with the two, the Japanese's military strength is so small and insignificant because of the restrictions of the island country, it is really vulnerable.

Just when the troops under Lieutenant Wyatt had finished their oaths and were about to launch a violent attack to invade Ju Chuan Shizuka's territory, there was a slight "click" sound.

The sound was almost inaudible, and it only rang once, but it made Lieutenant Wyatt and others who were about to launch an aggressive war change their faces wildly!
That was the sound of the door opening, which meant that something had quietly entered the dwelling.

"Yes... yes... that monster! It still doesn't want to let us go!"

Lieutenant Wyatt yelled in horror. The troops that had assembled and were full of masculinity, and were about to march to the front line with great vigor, lost all fighting spirit in an instant and softened.

The rest of the self-defense team, including Warrant Officer Murata, were all ashen-faced, and the troops commanded by them were even more miserable. They had already collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Hurry up, Lieutenant Wyatt and Warrant Officer Murata immediately carried out the flag-raising ceremony, while the other two self-defense members also hurriedly picked up the assault rifles that were put aside, aiming at random in the hall with the black muzzle, looking dead Imminent decline.

What happened?
A big question mark rose on the heads of Jing Haoyong and others, while Busujima Saeko and others, who were about to be invaded, let out a sigh of relief, struggling desperately to get out of trouble.

"Leave us alone, please!"

Lieutenant Wyatt held up the trousers of the American army with both hands, and begged loudly, "We have already withdrawn, we have withdrawn, and we dare not fight against you again!"


What answered him was a sound of breaking through the air. Saeko Busujima just lifted up half of his body, and saw Lieutenant Wyatt screaming, and his body flew back suddenly, as if being hit by a large truck that caused an accident. "Bump!" He slammed into a wall, and at the same time that the wall was cracked, he himself hung on it. After his legs twitched wildly, he tilted his head and died.

Blood gushed out crazily along the pierced chest, and then dripped drop by drop from the air.

In the originally empty void, a strangely shaped long spear showed its original shape inch by inch.

It turned out that it was a spear invisible to the naked eye that pierced Lieutenant Wyatt's chest muscle and nailed him to the wall.


Saeko Busujima is a trainer, and she gasped when she saw this, "It's such a terrifying power, I have almost no chance of winning in a close combat with such an existence."

"Baga! If you don't give us a way to survive, then you should die!"

Warrant Officer Murata yelled wildly, and two self-defense members took up the assault rifles in their hands, and shot around the hall with a frenzied expression.

"Da da da!"

Flames spewed out, gunshots continued, and the furniture in the hall, as well as the walls, were struck with a series of eye-catching bullet marks.

Saeko Busujima and the others, whose hands were tied, tried their best to shrink their bodies to the ground, so as not to be shot and killed by the three self-defense members who had fallen into fear and couldn't extricate themselves.

They were trembling in the hail of bullets, but they didn't realize that the firepower of Warrant Officer Murata's three seemed crazy, but in fact they were quite organized. They avoided the position of the prisoners intentionally or unintentionally. They seemed to be dangerous, but they actually shot a feint. That's all.



As soon as the gunfire stopped, there were two screams.

It was two self-defense members. One of them had a large cut in his throat by a sharp knife. He stared at his eyes, stretched out his hands to cover his bleeding neck, swayed a few times, and then fell down to death.

Another self-defense member, the one with the lubricating oil on his body, was pierced through the chest by a pair of alloy claws almost at the same time, and his body was also lifted up.

"Uh uh!"

Blood was flowing from his mouth, and he groaned when a human being was dying, and the assault rifle in his hand fell to the ground, making a "click" impact.

From behind this self-defense member, a tall figure gradually emerged from the air.

Saeko Busujima and the others could see clearly that it was a man with a height of more than two meters, a burly and strong physique, with a braided head in the style of a barbarian, a metal mask covering his face, and a net-like plaid coat on his body. The crude alloy armor's...

"That's not human! What the hell is it?"

Takashiro Saya yelled, and she was the first to notice the opponent's arms and chest muscles, which were not the shape a human body should have at all.

Unknown humanoids capable of invisibility?
It's... aliens!

She remembered what Lieutenant Wyatt said earlier.

It turns out that there are really aliens in this world, and they single-handedly created the end of human beings on Earth.

"Click! Click!"

Warrant Officer Murata raised the large-caliber pistol in his hand, aimed at the alien who appeared, and pulled the trigger, but there were bursts of firing pins hitting the air.

He ran out of bullets.

Throwing the body of the self-defense team still hanging in his hand, he threw it out with a wave, just like humans have to dispose of the peel when eating oranges. The alien raised his right arm with alloy claws, stained with human blood, and said nothing. Talkingly, he walked towards Warrant Officer Murata who kept retreating.

Warrant Officer Murata, who looked desperate, retreated step by step in the face of the pressing aliens, and soon there was no way to retreat.

His back was already firmly against the wall.

Unless Warrant Officer Murata knows the legendary wall penetration technique, he has no way to escape.

"Plop" sound.

Warrant Officer Murata knelt down in front of the tall aliens.

He raised his hands tremblingly, holding a large-caliber pistol with no bullets in his left hand, "I surrender! Please follow the Geneva Convention..."

Cold light flashed.

Warrant Officer Murata covered his bleeding neck with both hands, his eyes widened, and he died too.

After cutting his neck with a wave, the alien turned around without looking at Warrant Officer Murata, and walked towards Saeko Busujima and others who were still bound.

"What a terrifying combat power! The four armed soldiers were dealt with by the aliens in about a minute."

Seeing the murderous alien approaching, Saeko Busujima and the others made a mess and fell to the ground, rolling their bodies indiscriminately, but they still couldn't stand up.

Their hands were tied behind their backs, effectively restricting their mobility.


The alien walked up to Saeko Busushima who had rolled off the leather couch, opened his arms towards her, and let out a savage roar.

"You... low... bipedal creatures... do you want to die... or do you want to live?"

Immediately afterwards, a hoarse voice mixed with electronic sounds came from the metal mask worn by the alien, speaking in stuttered human language.

Thank you and may God be merciful to my brother for the reward of one thousand!
(End of this chapter)

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