Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 49 Incorporating Governors

Chapter 49 Incorporating Governors
Parking the car on the side of the road, TX walked up to the big black cat and stood still in front of the big black cat with elegant and charming steps, "Master big black cat, the main system of Skynet has given me an order to obey you, what are your orders? "

"You and Ben Mao lay in ambush first, wait until the governor passes by, catch him by surprise, and take him down in one fell swoop!"

The big black cat turned into a Predator, and said happily.

Last time in the world of "Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter", it just called itself an adult, how can it be refreshing to be called an adult now?
TX tilted his head, "Governor? Who is he?"

"It's T850."

Big Black Cat explained.

TX showed a cold smile, "I will capture T850 and complete the mission entrusted to me by the main system of Skynet."

"Come with this cat."

The big black cat hides beside the road with TX, and occasionally, nocturnal vehicles will pass in front of them.

Not long after, the big black cat received the information from Jiang Feng, "Big black cat, the governor's pickup truck is already driving towards you."

The governor snatched a set of black leather jacket and pants from a cowherd in a women's club, drove the snatched pickup truck, and was spotted by a surveillance probe controlled by Jiang Feng when he passed an intersection.

His every move fell into Jiang Feng's control.


Looking at the two dazzling lights from far and near, the big black cat turned his head and told the TX beside him, "Get ready for battle, the target has appeared, this cat will destroy his vehicle, and then you can subdue him." he."

TX's gaze followed the approaching pickup truck, "Yes, Mr. Big Black Cat."

When the governor drove a pickup truck and passed the big black cat in front of them, the big black cat jumped out and threw an iron-blooded boomerang, cutting off a rear wheel of the pickup truck.


The small truck with only three wheels left immediately lost control, and after rushing forward for a distance of more than ten meters, it turned upside down.

The big black cat reached out to catch the iron-blooded boomerang handsomely, and at this time TX also stood up and walked towards the overturned pickup truck on the other side of the road.

"Being attacked, turn on the defense mechanism."

The governor knocked the car door flying with one punch, then climbed out of the cab, reached inside and dragged a shotgun out of it, holding it in his hand.



Finding that it was TX who was coming, the governor stepped back and fired at TX with a shotgun.

TX's body was covered with dense silver-white bullet marks, but recovered quickly.

While taking an elegant catwalk, she stretched out her right arm, and receded the liquid metal wrapped on it, revealing a slender and smooth mechanical arm.


After a brief sound of mechanical operation, the mechanical arm combined into a plasma cannon with three metal guide rails at the front, aiming at the governor who was still resisting with a gun.

A blue plasma energy cannonball instantly crossed the distance of space, and the governor who had turned around and was about to escape was shot flying a distance of more than ten meters. After falling on the ground and rolling several times, he was covered with steam. Lie motionless on the ground.

The governor's body was damaged by the plasma cannon, the main battery was damaged, and it entered a shutdown state.

"Take T850 and we retreat."

The big black cat summoned the iron-blooded spaceship, ordered TX to move the governor into it, and flew to an altitude of [-] meters in an instant.

In the iron-blooded spaceship, Jiang Feng rewrote the governor's core program in less than five seconds with the help of the TX's nano input needle.

The Governor became Jiang Feng's younger brother.

It didn't take long before the Governor's backup battery kicked in, and it was back on, "I need a cutting tool."

The big black cat handed him an iron-blooded saber.

The governor used this iron-blooded saber to cut open the human skin on the abdomen, reached out from the abdomen of the body, and took out a damaged hydrogen energy battery, "I need to dispose of this unstable battery as soon as possible."

"To Ben the cat."

The big black cat took the broken battery from the governor, and casually threw it down the garbage disposal channel on the iron-blooded spaceship.

The battery fell to the ground and exploded instantly, raising a small mushroom cloud.

A large truck happened to pass by nearby, unfortunately it was hit, and there were no bones left on the spot.

After successfully recruiting the governor, the big black cat drove the iron-blooded spaceship over the Emerin Pet Hospital according to Jiang Feng's instructions.


John Connor is a decadent youth, he has no stable job, nor has he left any official identity records.

In layman's terms, he is a black household.

Now, he is riding a stolen motorcycle in the dark, and when he passes near the Emerin Pet Hospital, under the guidance of fate (plot), unfortunately, the car overturns.

The motorcycle was broken, and he was in severe pain, so he wanted to take some painkillers to relieve the pain.

John Connor, his thief eyes stared at a pet hospital under the night sky.

Dragging his slightly injured body, he walked into the Emerin Pet Hospital nimbly, and he was a veteran at a glance.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he was about to steal medicine from the pharmacy when he was stopped by five people.

Among them, the two leaders are even more different from ordinary people.

"John Connor, we are fighters of the future human resistance army, and we are ordered to protect you."

The ninja stepped forward, opened his mouth and arranged for himself and others an identity that the other party could accept.

As a reincarnation team, being able to make up stories is also one of the basic survival skills.

It took only half an hour for the infinite team to arrive at Emerin Pet Hospital, waiting for the arrival of John Connor and Kate Brewster.

Looking at the five people in front of him, John Connor turned around and ran with trembling lips, but was blocked by the most agile ninja.

The decadent young man held his head in his hands, speaking incoherently, "NO, NO! The nightmare is over, fate has been changed, Skynet does not exist, and the Human Resistance Army should not exist."

"Please face the harsh reality, John Connor."

Ninja said, "The nightmare doesn't end, it's always there."

After John Connor calmed down, he immediately believed the other party. After all, the term Human Resistance Army was the best proof of identity for these five people.

"It's that bastard from Skynet coming over from the futuristic terminator again, trying to kill me, right?"

John Connor said with experience, "Guys, what are you waiting for? Let's get out of here quickly."

"NO! We have to wait for one more person."

The ninja shook his head slightly.


John Connor was surprised this time. He is the leader of the future human resistance army, the savior of all mankind, and the thorn in the side of the big devil "Skynet".

All the future fighters who went back to the past fought for his life.

Now, a person who is not less important than him will appear, how can John Connor not be curious?

"your wife."

The ninja smiled narrowly.

John Connor: ...

(End of this chapter)

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