Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 19 Face Hugger, T Virus

Chapter 19 Face Hugger, T Virus
In the odd-shaped eggs that were split into several parts, there was a sound of goosebumps, as if some animal was crawling, and soon, the face-hugging insects flew out of the eggs like arrows leaving the string, towards the He jumped at the faces of the humans in the room.



"Da da da!"


Fierce gunshots, as well as the terrified screams of humans, mixed into a song called death.After a burst of uproar, the room fell into a dead silence.


The cell of the Alien Queen.

With a sound of "swipe", the big black cat took up the posture of Wolverine, stretched out its front legs, and popped out five sharp claws from the pads handsomely, and swung it vigorously towards a strange-shaped egg according to Jiang Feng's instructions. .

After the ear-piercing sound of rubbing, there was not even a single scratch on the rough surface of the alien egg.

The big black cat tried a few more times before shaking its head slightly, "This egg is very strong, I can't cut it open, and I can't inject the T-virus."

"That's it..."

Jiang Feng hadn't finished speaking when suddenly, he received some wonderful information in his mind.

Translated into human language, these messages mean the following:
"Alien egg detects living life, is it activated?"

"Alien eggs have been activated, and the facehuggers are ready. Do you want to start breeding?"

"The host has been successfully parasitized, and the alien larvae are developing, please wait."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Feng knew that the group of human expeditions who entered the pyramid had been recruited.Although the task does not require killing humans, Jiang Feng will not let these people go, because he needs his younger brothers to help him out of trouble, and humans are an indispensable material for the birth of aliens.

Jiang Feng now has a heart as hard as a stone. He has no mercy in his heart, only interests.

Only the big black cat is the one he is willing to give his true feelings to.

Humanity?or die!

"Jiang Feng, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Jiang Feng was stunned halfway through what he had said, the big black cat hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing, I received some information, it seems to be a telepathy between my alien queen and the alien egg."

After digesting the received information, Jiang Feng smiled, although he couldn't tell from his ferocious face that he was smiling, "Some humans have already been parasitized by face huggers, and soon, there will be a group of people who will follow my instructions My younger brother was born, and I can break free from the bondage."

Hearing the news, the big black cat grinned, very happy.

"Now, hurry up and continue to verify my ideas."

Focusing his eyes on the strange-shaped egg that was cut by the claws of the big black cat, Jiang Feng thought in his heart that the face hugger crawled out, and then the top of the egg split into several petals, one with a long tail, as long as Just like a big scorpion-like face-hugger, it crawled out and stood motionless in front of Jiang Feng.

"Ready, please instruct."

Jiang Feng felt another message from the face hugger in front of him.

The big black cat circled around the bigger face hugger, smacking its lips, "This thing doesn't look suitable for boiling, it doesn't have meat, so it can only be deep-fried."

He ran to the opened alien egg to look inside, stretched out his paws to feel inside, took out some mucus, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then frowned, "It stinks, just like rotten eggs, can not eat."

Looking at the other two odd-shaped eggs, the big black cat looked disgusted and didn't want to eat them anymore.

"Big black cat, stop making trouble, let's continue."


The big black cat popped its claws out of the meat pad again, and according to Jiang Feng's instructions, cut from the weakest part of the facehugger, creating a wound on its body.

The wound was shallow, revealing green blood.

Aliens, as well as the green blood of the facehugger, have terrifying corrosive properties. Even the predator's cold weapon will be corroded and smoke in a very short period of time if it is stained with green blood.

But the paw of the big black cat is safe and sound, because it has opened an invincible cheat in the mission world.

The big black cat wiped the green blood on its paws carefully according to Jiang Feng's instructions, "Jiang Feng, this cat has already injected T-virus into this reptile's body."

"Continue, you want to control the T-virus to fuse with the gene of this facehugger, and see what happens?"

With anticipation, Jiang Feng ordered.

Alien is a special creature that can fuse the host's genes and absorb the advantages of the host to perfect itself.

The T virus is also a special virus that can change the host at the genetic level, and even allow the host to change its shape.

What would happen if the T-virus incorporated alien genes?

After a while, the big black cat reported, "Jiang Feng, the T-virus is rapidly mutating, and your reptile is about to be killed!"

"If you die, you die, big black cat, continue."

Jiang Feng didn't care about the life and death of the face-hugger. Soon, the face-hugger roared, his body corroded into a pool of dark green blood, and burned a big hole through the floor of the cell.

Amid the light smoke, the big black cat cheered in surprise, "Jiang Feng, your T-Virus character card has become stronger. This cat can feel that the original difficulty in transforming the brain has disappeared."

"Haha, I was right as I thought."

Jiang Feng also laughed out loud, but he is really sharp-tongued and can scare children to death when he laughs.

You must know that the horror of the T virus, although the movie did not explain how it was developed, but the origin of the T virus was explained in the game.

The T-virus is a brand-new virus that Umbrella extracted from the flowers of a plant called "Sun Ladder" called the "Ancestral Virus" and then fused it with the leech gene. Virus.

Anyone who has played the "Resident Evil" game knows that all the terrifying biochemical viruses with different names in the game, whether it is the G virus, Veronica virus, Abyss virus, or the most successful C virus, are essentially in the T Based on the virus, it is obtained by fusing the genes of different organisms and performing benign mutations.

And Jiang Feng was inspired by the game, so he wanted to see if he could fuse the T-virus with the alien gene to get a new chemical virus that was more powerful than the T-virus.

In the end, it was a fucking success!

Although according to the big black cat, it is still a T virus character card, but according to the settings of the "Resident Evil" game, the upgraded T virus is actually a brand new biochemical virus.

However, only Jiang Feng and the big black cat could easily accomplish this kind of achievement. After all, one of them controlled the alien, and the other controlled the T-virus.

If Umbrella were to study it, it would be a big question mark whether he could analyze the genes of aliens, let alone fuse with the T-virus.

"Big black cat, now I will trouble you to transform me."

Jiang Feng revealed his real purpose.After all, making the T virus stronger is not to create powerful zombies and other monsters, but to make himself and the big black cat stronger and stronger. This is the fundamental.

The big black cat "chucked" and ran to Jiang Feng's body along the huge ovipositor. It popped out the cat's claws, and wiped out a streak of sparks on the carapace of his body. There was no way to inject Jiang Feng with the T virus.

In the end, it was Jiang Feng who was smart enough to let the big black cat lick his eyeball, which was like a big ball, and then injected the T-virus into Jiang Feng's body.

Then, the big black cat rode on Jiang Feng's head and began to concentrate on transforming him.

Ten minutes later...

"I feel my thoughts have power."

After completing the transformation, Jiang Feng opened his mouth and roared.

"The power of thought is powerful, and I understand this truth."

The big black cat replied.

"Hehe, that's what I want to express, big black cat."

As soon as the voice fell, the big black cat seemed to be in the universe, as if it was picked up by an invisible big hand, floating in midair, up and down.

The big black cat is also knowledgeable, "Spiritual power!"

Jiang Feng carefully placed the big black cat on the ground, "Aliens are originally creatures with telepathy, and the T-virus has evolved through the genes of the aliens, and has the characteristics of developing spiritual power. Although it is beyond my expectation, but It also makes sense."

"Jiang Feng, I still want to play."

Falling to the ground, the big black cat yelled.

"No, it's not time to play yet, my little brothers have already been born."

Jiang Feng moved his tightly bound body, and grinned, "Get ready, big black cat, the killing game is about to begin."

"And we are the hunters in the game!"

The big black cat raised its tail, entered the state of catching mice in the past, and said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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