Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 11 Jiang Feng's Sincerity

Chapter 11 Jiang Feng's Sincerity

Hive base.

Beside a small wooden table, the Red Queen knelt quietly aside, put her hands on the table, and looked at the void with her beautiful eyes.

Through the reconnaissance satellite in space, she is observing the desperate struggle between Claire and others and the clone of Dr. Isaacs.

"Hey, that zombie really only knows how to brag, Claire and the others are finished!"

The Red Queen shook her head and sighed.

She watched helplessly as the sea of ​​corpses was higher than the other, submerging Claire and the others with an unstoppable force.

Alice's little friend must have been eaten away by the zombies in a very short time, right?

The Red Queen thought to herself.

"No! Claire and the others are still alive, and their bodies are still mutating's evolution! They...each of them has perfectly integrated the T-virus and become a powerful T-virus evolutionary like Alice!"

A few minutes later, the red queen's beautiful eyes were wide open, and her little hand was gently covering her mouth. She was shocked, "There are one hundred and eight more fighters as powerful as Alice!"

Through the eyes of the reconnaissance satellite, the Red Queen also saw tens of millions of zombies, and even all kinds of powerful T-virus mutant creatures, which seemed to be summoned by a certain will, rushing from all directions, swallowing mountains and rivers , launched an attack towards the armored convoy of Dr. Isaacs clone.

The armored convoy is like a flat boat in the endless sea of ​​corpses, and its destruction is only a matter of time.

At this time, the Red Queen received another communication request.

"It must be that zombie with a high IQ!"

As soon as the Red Queen got connected, there was a message from Jiang Feng, "Sister Red Queen, have you seen my sincerity now? I don't want to talk nonsense, you should quickly contact Claire and the others and ask them to go to the hive base immediately Get rid of Wesker and Dr. Isaacs, before Dr. Isaacs uses the T-virus antibody, otherwise the humans on the surface will definitely die, and none of them will survive."

The Red Queen saw that almost at the same time as Jiang Feng was speaking, human survivor camps all over the world were attacked by the sea of ​​corpses, and the camps were quickly breached, turning all the humans inside into T-virus evolvers.

While the humans on the surface became powerful humans like Alice, they were also kidnapped by Jiang Feng, and they became grasshoppers on a rope with him.

If Dr. Isaacs or the Red Queen turned their backs and used the T-virus antibody, Jiang Feng would drag all human beings to their deaths at worst.

This is Jiang Feng's courage as a great villain. If he fails, he will be benevolent. Even if he dies, he will drag the whole world to be buried with him.

The red queen's little face collapsed in an instant, "Mr. Zombie, you are so cunning! This kind of feeling that all the cards in the hole are seen by others, people hate it the most!"

Would you believe it if you say that this little lolita of the Red Empress didn't think about killing Jiang Feng with the T-virus antibody afterwards?
Anyway, Jiang Feng didn't believe it.

"I'm just adding a guarantee to the deal between us. Little sister of the Red Queen, as long as you don't use your brain, I will keep my promise!"

Jiang Feng laughed loudly and ended the communication.

"As of now, that's the only way to go."

The Red Queen sighed unhappily, and began to contact Claire.


In front of the human survivor camp in Raccoon City, a powerful army consisting of more than 20 large armored vehicles was being attacked by zombies and mutant creatures.

"What? Why did these monsters unite to attack my convoy?"

Inside a large armored vehicle, the clone of Dr. Isaacs is like a little mouse trapped in a cage, running around in a hurry.

In his opinion, things shouldn't be like this.

After driving the zombies to break through the camp of survivors, he only needs to order the convoy to keep quiet. After a while, these mindless zombies will disperse because there are no living people to eat.

But somehow, he played it off.After the zombies broke through the survivors' camp, they immediately began to besiege his convoy.

Not long after, even some powerful mutants appeared on the battlefield inexplicably, cooperating with the corpses, and storming his convoy.

Within a few minutes of the start of the battle, three large armored vehicles were grabbed by the flying mutants together, and dropped from a height of several hundred meters, they fell to pieces like a can, and human beings were painted on the tattered steel. flesh and blood.

Dr. Isaacs' clones couldn't figure it out even if they wanted to break their heads. When did these T-virus monsters with only instinct have the intelligence to cooperate with each other?

It's as if... there is an intelligence in the dark, directing them?
"Dr. Isaacs, uh... I don't know why. But now, seven of our vehicles have been destroyed. No matter what we do, we will all die here!"

A stick who was able to live a few tricks with Alice in the movie immediately answered tremblingly.

He already had a premonition that people like himself might not see the sun the next day.

This stick's premonition was completely correct, because Jiang Feng was determined to destroy them.

After all, there is also a Dr. Isaacs in this convoy. Although he is a clone, there is a famous saying in our country: It is better to kill three thousand by mistake than let one go!
Jiang Feng is a great villain, and it is his job to kill and never let go.

What's more, this convoy is still the force of Dr. Isaacs. Even if there is no clone in it, killing them is equivalent to weakening the power of Dr. Isaacs.

In short, Jiang Feng has no reason to let this group of people go.

"Wesker, hurry up and find a way to save me!"

A clone of Dr. Isaacs yelled at a man in sunglasses on the screen, angrily.

"Doctor, hold on first, I will come to save you."

After saying this in a casual manner, Wesker hung up the communication directly.

"You son of a bitch! Hold on? Hold on to your mother's next door! What am I going to hold on to?"

Dr. Isaacs' clone hammered the console heavily, but at this time his armored vehicle had run out of ammunition and was overturned by the swarming zombies.

Countless zombies rushed in through the weakest emergency escape door at the bottom of the car...

Soon, this large armored vehicle became a canteen for the zombies, eating happily until their mouths were bleeding.

The clone of Dr. Isaacs, the villain who stabbed Dr. Isaacs to death in the movie and saved Alice's life in disguise, received his own box lunch in this way.

But in the movie, he also received his lunch box in the same way.


Hive base.

After Wesker hung up the communication with Dr. Isaacs' clone, he snorted disdainfully.

But it's just a clone of a boss, just produce another one after death, why should he, Wesker, save a product?
What's more, Wesker himself was terrified when he saw the scene of Jiang Feng commanding the zombies to besiege the clone through the satellite.

"Looks like it's time for the boss to wake up from his deep sleep!"

A cold light flashed through Wesker's sunglasses.

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(End of this chapter)

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