Chapter 274 Vivid hands-on homework

The clouds covered the moonlight, making the night darker.

Amidst the trembling sound of the bowstring, there was the soft sound of arrows piercing the air.


The moment the astonishment sounded, the arrow flew into the range illuminated by the light and shadow of the bonfire, pierced the wine bag, and pierced through the skull with a puff.

Blood spattered in mid-air, and before it could react, the figure fell down without a word. The moment the body touched the ground, the other three stood up quickly, drew out the scimitar at their waists, put their backs on guard, and stared vigilantly at him with eagle-like eyes. Deep in the dark.

"The response is quick and sensitive, and you will not be chaotic in the face of danger. I don't care if you dare to set up camp in the boundary of Lingzhou."

The majestic voice came from the dark night, and the indescribable calmness gave people a cold feeling.

Among the three scouts who spoke earlier, the tall one with a mustache narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the darkness, there were only a few figures, and there were quite a few of them. They unconsciously clenched the handle of the knife in their hands.

Gradually, black military boots stepped into the place shrouded in light and shadow, and tall and strong figures stood quietly, surrounded by a circle of silver armor and bow soldiers in an arched shape.

Dozens of alien barbarians who had just emerged from the yurt also emerged from the tent at the same moment. They seemed not to be affected by the death of their companions, and dispersed skillfully in all directions, pulling out their scimitars to surround the three in the middle.

"Your Excellency has a good method, quietly, without leaving any trace!"

The seemingly praiseworthy words were actually full of resentment. After all, his subordinates were killed, and the leader of the barbarian team didn't have much good-looking color on his face.

Standing within the limit range of the light and shadow, Li Xian listened to the conversation between Cheng Chumo and the figure on the opposite side, but his eyes never left the figure lying beside the campfire.

With an arrow piercing the bone, the damaged wine sac gurgled out the wine, mixed with the bright red blood stains on the ground, smeared on the ground, and seeped into the soil.

Although the face was covered by a wine bag, the specific face of the deceased could not be seen, but the faint smell of blood in the air still made one's heart palpitate.

Rao had imagined such a scene countless times on the marching road before, but in the immersive scene, someone was killed on the spot in an instant, this kind of shock still made Li Xian feel quite uncomfortable.

There is a huge gap in strength, and there is basically no chance of winning if a dozen or so people face off against a hundred people.

Several people inside and outside the circle looked at each other, and suddenly let out a shout.

"Kill it out!"

Moving according to the words, they raised their scimitars in unison and rushed towards the line of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

Most of these hundred or so soldiers are fledglings on the battlefield, they have never seen blood, they have no skills, and they have been slow to kill.

A mere dozen or so people were able to fight back and forth with these soldiers.

Perhaps Cheng Chumo had known about such a place long ago, his eyes closed slightly, and his hand on the hilt of the sword suddenly tightened.


The cold blade was unsheathed, and under the light of the bonfire, the cold light flashed away.

Severed limbs and plasma sprayed in the air, and a rushing figure screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Li Xian was also intimidated by this sudden move, and couldn't help but take a half step back. In the light of the fire, he caught a glimpse of the crimson fingertips of the alien barbarian, and felt a sense of panic in his heart.

There seemed to be something warm and damp on the tip of the nose, and he brushed it away subconsciously with his fingers. There were long traces between his fingertips, and a strong bloody smell filled his nostrils, and he felt goosebumps all over his body for no reason.

"Kill them!"

Cheng Chumo stared at the three people surrounded in the middle, and spoke coldly.

"Not a single one!"

The symphony of Jin Ming kept on, but Cheng Chumo was extremely irritable when he heard it.

Obviously these soldiers are very skilled, but they seem to have an inexplicable rejection and fear of killing people in their hearts.

"After all, they are still people who have not been baptized in war."

A soft murmur sounded in his ears, and the next moment Li Xian saw Cheng Chumo shaking, he rushed out.

Originally he had the upper hand, but he took a few tricks in the hands of these well-trained figures. More than a dozen figures were already covered in bruises, and Cheng Chumo's sudden advance soon paid off.

Amidst the heart-piercing screams, the figures who had charged hard before lost their resistance in the blink of an eye, and surrounded the circle with stumped limbs and broken arms.

Leading the horse at the other end of the light and shadow, the blood-stained Cheng Chu turned onto the horse silently, looked down at the frightened faces, and his expression became serious.

"Kill them!"

The neatly lined up soldiers of the Tang Dynasty looked at each other, and at the same time, who in their teens and 20s had their hands stained with blood?

Previously, these alien scouts were still able to fight back, sprint, and keep fighting in order to save their lives.

Right now, these figures with limbs and arms are all crying and crying, and they are covered in blood.Even some twitching bodies are really hard to slap on.

A figure holding the knife hesitated, moved his steps, and swallowed, but no one dared to set this precedent.

The figure on the horse gradually frowned, raised his cloak, and shouted loudly.


Military orders are like mountains, and no one dares to follow them.

The blades were lifted up, and some soldiers in the first circle laughed ferociously, and some raised their knives with their eyes closed and chopped wildly.

The superior subconsciously raised his arm to block it, and his arm flew up in a blink of an eye, and the cries and screams of the figures gathered together.

The half-body of the frantically slashed figure was covered in blood, and he seemed to let go of those obsessions in his heart, only thinking about the implementation of the general order in his eyes.

The plasma penetrated deep into the soil, flowed to the periphery, and gradually disappeared.

Cheng Chu rode his horse up a few steps silently, looked at the gasping soldiers with blood on their faces, raised his arms and waved them.

"I know you recruits are soft-hearted, I understand!"

"But don't forget, how many people in distress have we met along the way? How many people have we seen who died of hunger and cold?"

"These foreign barbarians who invaded the border and disturbed the country, did they let these people go?"

"What is war? People kill people! This is war!"

The night wind was clear and clear, and there was a icy cold wind blowing, and the shadows of the soldiers holding the knives silently lowered their heads.

After a while, someone put the sword back into the scabbard, reached out and slapped himself across the face.

Under the blood, someone opened his lips to reveal a mouthful of white teeth, and yelled loudly.

"General Cheng is right! Let's fight a tooth for a tooth and protect every inch of land for the people of the Tang Dynasty."

Some people, with tears and blood on their faces, echoed angrily.

"That's right!"

"I was soft-hearted just now, and I forgot what we said before!"

"These are not humans, they are all hozens! They are all animals! They should be killed!"

clap clap.

There were figures around him slapping him, and some even sniffed and cried out.

Shaking raised his arm, Cheng Chu silently signaled the surroundings to quiet down.

"You have also heard before that the Tuyuhun barbarians are tyrannical in our land, and the souls hate him!"

"Look at the wolf head totems on them! They call themselves wolves, man-eating wolves!"

"If we want to stand on this land, we must be stronger than them. We must tell them loudly! There are wolves in the grassland, and we also have wolves in the cold blade! They are more ferocious than theirs!"


Amidst the uniform voice, the soldiers stood up again, clasped their hands together and clasped their fists together.

Li Xian glanced at these soldiers, subconsciously avoiding those disgusting stumps on the ground, but felt uncomfortable in his heart.

The reason is this...

Acceptable, really intolerable.

(End of this chapter)

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