gourmet restaurant

Chapter 70 Gold Cloud Cake

Chapter 70 Gold Cloud Cake

Time flies, especially for people who are busy, it is difficult for you to have a peaceful feeling of time.

In a corner of the kitchen of Liao's private kitchen, a lot of things were placed beside Liao Xiaoyue.Jiang Yang was blindfolded and sat aside.

"What is this?" Liao Xiaoyue asked, picking up a spice and handing it to Jiang Yang's nose.


"what about this?"

"star anise."

"what about this?"


"what about this?"

"Sichuan peppercorn."


"What about this?" Liao Xiaoyue asked with her empty hand raised.

"The taste is very light and mixed. Could it be Thirteen Fragrances? No, Thirteen Fragrances shouldn't smell like this." Jiang Yang muttered to himself, but couldn't figure out what it was.

Liao Xiaoyue blushed from holding back, she wanted to laugh, but she held back.

"I can't guess it." Jiang Yang said, taking off the cloth from his eyes.What catches the eye is Liao Xiaoyue's smiling face and empty hands.

"Okay, Liao Xiaoyue, are you messing with me again?" Jiang Yang called out.

"Hee hee, you can't blame me! You can't guess it yourself." Liao Xiaoyue said.

Jiang Yang is helpless, he can't talk to her, and this kind of teasing is not only once.Sometimes suddenly those thirteen spices are for you to guess, and sometimes you grab a handful of spices for you to guess.This time it was even more extreme, it was empty-handed.

This kind of teasing has always been there since Jiangyang got rid of Liao Xiaoyue's help.However, Liao Xiaoyue is still very conscientious, except for teasing Jiang Yang from time to time.

The two laughed for a while, but of course they didn't dare to make it too loud, otherwise they would be reprimanded by Liao Aiguo again.

Although the two spoke softly, it doesn't mean that everyone else is deaf.Liao Aiguo looked back at the two of them, Jiang Yang and Liao Xiaoyue shut up immediately, but there was still a back and forth exchange in their eyes.

From Li Li's point of view, this is just eye contact.He was very upset, the little junior sister he had set his eyes on was about to be snatched away by this foreign kid.Jealousy drove him crazy, and he thought about getting rid of that kid more than once.But reason stopped him. Although he didn't explode, he didn't give Jiang Yang a good face.

Liao Aiguo's attitude towards Jiang Yang has improved a lot, maybe it's the old Liao's words that made a difference.Perhaps Jiang Yang is very diligent here, and some chores are undertaken by Jiang Yang on his own initiative.

Liao Lili has always been tepid, and his attitude towards Jiang Yang is the same as before.But Jiang Yang felt that it was this Liao Lili who was the most incomprehensible.

The fierce fighting between eyes stopped, and the two fell silent.Liao Xiaoyue said, "Congratulations."

Jiang Yang smiled and nodded, showing no modesty.It is indeed worth being happy that I smelled everything right for the first time.Except for Liao Xiaoyue's teasing.

For Jiang Yang, what pleased him the most was that he could end the first stage of smelling spices.Thanks to his keen sense of smell, he can distinguish different smells.Even so, Jiang Yang spent a lot of effort to be able to distinguish different spices with his eyes blindfolded.

The next second stage of smelling spices is different from smelling individual spices before, this time smelling compound spices.This is quite simple, please Liao Xiaoyue to choose spices at random, and then mix and smash them.Jiang Yang can tell which spices are in it by smelling it.

This difficulty increases geometrically. The difficulty of compound spices is that when various spices are mixed together, it is too difficult to distinguish them by smell.

But today he couldn't do this, he promised Liao Xiaoyue, and he had to invite her to eat later.This is also the condition for her to help, otherwise Miss Liao is so easy to ask?

The two were walking on the road, Jiang Yang asked curiously: "I have been wondering, your family has a top chef, why do you still like to come out to eat?"

"I like it." Liao Xiaoyue said naturally.

"It's that simple?" Jiang Yang said in disbelief.

"Otherwise? Only delicious food can't let you down." Liao Xiaoyue said.

"Then why didn't you ask your senior brother and brother to accompany you out?" Jiang Yang said.

"They, it's not like I have time at any time. My dad is strict, let alone accompany me out, it's fine if I don't get scolded." Liao Xiaoyue said.

"Then do you have time?" Jiang Yang said.

"Of course, this girl is different from them, I am a genius." Liao Xiaoyue said.

"Tch, I believe you are the one to blame," Jiang Yang said.

"Don't believe me? You'll know when I show you my hands in the future." Liao Xiaoyue said.

After getting acquainted with Liao Xiaoyue, Jiang Yang also quarreled with her from time to time, but the relationship between the two was quite good.It's nothing more than Li Li's misunderstanding.In fact, there was no such feeling between them at all, just like a very chatty friend.

This time I went to a shop specializing in pastries. This is a very large shop with many types of pastries, both Chinese and Western.

It is said that the owner of this shop is a pastry master, who is well-known in China.Many well-known pastries have been created, which are deeply loved by the public.

It is a pity that since the introduction of Western-style pastries into China, the status of Chinese-style pastries has been threatened.This is the same reason as foreign fast food. People at that time thought that Western style was synonymous with being tall.

Later, Chinese people gradually became rational, and Chinese pastry gradually returned to its status.It's a pity that the market occupied by Western-style pastries is so large that many people can't tell the difference between Chinese-style pastries and Western-style pastries.

This master's pastry shop originally only sold Chinese pastry, but the business has been getting worse and worse.After his son took over, adding western-style pastries, the shop gradually improved.

Gradually, this pastry shop became the largest one in Rongcheng.There are even many chain stores in Sichuan Province.

Liao Xiaoyue explained all the way, and finally concluded: "My grandfather said that Uncle Wang is a very smart businessman."

Jiang Yang understood, a businessman with a lot of brains, but not a qualified chef.

Soon, the two arrived at the place.Liao Xiaoyue obviously comes here often and looks familiar.

"Grandpa Wang, is Grandpa Wang there?" Liao Xiaoyue called after entering the door.The shop assistants around didn't come to stop her, obviously they knew about Liao Xiaoyue.

"Miss Yue is here? Why do you have time to see your Grandpa Wang?" A plainly dressed old man in an apron with traces of flour on his hands came out from behind.

Liao Xiaoyue stepped forward, took Mr. Wang's arm and began to act coquettishly: "Grandpa Wang, according to what you said, I often come to see you, okay?"

Mr. Wang chatted with Liao Xiaoyue for a few words before he looked at Jiang Yang and said, "You are Jiang Yang, right?"

Jiang Yang was startled, he didn't know how this old man Wang knew about him.

"Hehe, there's nothing strange about it. Lin Yong showed us your photo, so of course I know about it." Mr. Wang said.

"That's it." Jiang Yang suddenly realized that it was so.

"Come on, don't stand outside chatting, come in." Mr. Wang said, and took the two of them to the kitchen.

There is no one in the kitchen, but the area is not small.There was still a piece of dough on the chopping board. Mr. Wang naturally walked to the dough and continued the unfinished work just now.

He chatted with Liao Xiaoyue a few more times, then suddenly changed the topic, and asked Jiangyang, "Have you ever learned Bai Case before?"

Jiang Yang shook his head and said, "I haven't learned it before."

Mr. Wang said: "It's a pity, otherwise I would have wanted you to come and learn from me."

Before Jiang Yang could answer, Mr. Wang said again: "Actually, I am very optimistic about you. Unfortunately, you are not a master of white cases, otherwise you may become a master of white cases in the future." Having said this, Mr. Wang's eyes darkened, and his tone was a little lonely Said: "There are too few masters of white cases in Sichuan Province, but there are more masters of white cases in the north and Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Mr. Wang just expressed emotion, but he didn't insist that Jiang Yang learn from him.In fact, even if Jiang Yang wanted to follow him, he would not.Human energy is limited, and there are many chefs in cities with white cases and red cases, but none of them have reached the peak.After all, he is still not good enough, so Mr. Wang will naturally not delay Jiang Yang's future.

After continuing to chat for a while, Liao Xiaoyue proposed to leave.

"This is for you, Yue girl came here thinking about this." Mr. Wang handed Jiang Yang two pieces of cake.

Liao Xiaoyue said: "I really came to see you, how can you say that about me? At most, it's casual...casual."

"Okay, I don't know you yet." Mr. Wang said with a smile.

After saying goodbye, the two left.On the way, Jiang Yang looked at the bag in his hand and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"You have a good fortune. This is the golden cloud pattern cake made by Grandpa Wang. No matter how many people want to eat it, they can't eat it." Liao Xiaoyue was very excited, and took out one to eat.

At this moment, Jiang Yang believed that she went there to eat, and he was also a little curious about how delicious the golden cloud cake was.

 Thank you Riju Yuezhu for your 100-point reward!Thank you for your votes and favorites!Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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