gourmet restaurant

Chapter 644 The Reason for Becoming a Teacher

Chapter 644 The Reason for Becoming a Teacher

"There is nothing wrong with taking apprentices, but no matter how many apprentices you take, only those people can learn. But being a teacher is different, students come and go. I have learned so much from all the teachers, so I should Pass these things on." Jiang Yang said.

Hearing Jiang Yang's words, Lin Yong felt a little shocked and relieved.Jiang Yang's thinking, on the one hand, proved Jiang Yang's heart, and on the other hand, it also proved that his own efforts were not in vain.

Jiang Yang, besides him, may be the second master chef who is willing to be a teacher.

And even he, because of his teacher's inheritance, dare not teach him everything.

Jiangyang is different, Jiangyang has no teacher, no oath.His culinary skills come from many master chefs, and he has the right to arrange his own cooking skills at will.

This is the difference between Jiang Yang and Lin Yong.

Jiang Yang is just a cluster of sparks, but Lin Yong believes that sooner or later, this cluster of sparks will become a prairie fire.

Lin Yong looked forward to the arrival of that era, but knew that he might not be able to wait for that era.

"Good, good, good!" Lin Yong said a few good words, which were enough to prove his inner feelings.

"I'll help you arrange the matter of being a teacher. The curriculum will not be too tight. After all, there are people in the school who teach the basics. You can teach what you want to teach when the time comes." Lin Yong said.

Jiang Yang nodded, actually it doesn't matter, he just wants to leave something behind, so that when he dies one day, he won't find any trace in this world.

The last cruise trip gave Jiang Yang a lot of insights.Between life and death, Jiang Yang thought about many things at that moment.The mentality is different, and some things are handled differently.

"Old Lin, I'm leaving first." Jiang Yang got up and said.

"Xiaojiang...I'm sorry for you about the last World Cuisine Exchange Conference." Lin Yong said.

He wanted to say this to Jiang Yang a long time ago, but he never had the chance. Finally, today, Lin Yong said it.

Jiang Yang smiled, and said seriously: "Old Lin, it's not your fault, who knows that there will be an accident at sea. And... I am very grateful for this accident."

"As long as you don't blame me." Lin Yong said.

Jiang Yang shook his head and said, "No wonder, Jiang Yang is still clear about these things."


Jiang Yang drove to Meng Wanqiu's company, and he was going to pick her up from get off work.

Ever since he picked up the new car, Meng Wanqiu pretended to want to ride in his new car and asked Jiang Yang to pick her up after get off work.

Jiang Yang knew that this was actually just an excuse for Meng Wanqiu to spend more time with him.My own car is not a good car, not a luxury car, Meng Wanqiu has no reason to just ride in his new car.

Following Meng Wanqiu, Jiang Yang naturally attracted a lot of envious and jealous eyes along the way.Especially when they saw the car driven by Jiang Yang, some people who drove BB cars felt even more unbalanced.

After sending Meng Wanqiu home, Jiang Yang drove back to the shop.

He thought the store would be closed, but at the moment it was brightly lit.

Could it be that Yu Zhiyu hasn't left yet?

A trace of doubt rose in Jiang Yang's heart.

If Yu Zhiyu had really practiced for so long, Jiang Yang might not be moved to accept Yu Zhiyu as a disciple.

Jiang Yang stepped in and frowned suddenly, he smelled a strange smell.

Yu Zhiyu was lying on the table with his stomach in his arms, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

Jiang Yang wondered, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Zhiyu said weakly: "Master, I'm so uncomfortable, I've had diarrhea all afternoon."

Hearing the words, Jiang Yang asked anxiously, "What's going on? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Yu Zhiyu thought for a while and said, "Go, if you don't go, I'll die."

Jiang Yang helped Yu Zhiyu up and drove to the hospital.

On the way, Jiang Yang also learned why Yu Zhiyu became like this.

It turned out that Yu Zhiyu was hesitant after Jiang Yang left.

He wanted to practice cooking, but he couldn't waste it; he was unwilling to leave like this.

Yu Zhiyu stood for a long time, but decided to practice after gritting his teeth.Don't waste it, just eat it!He followed Jiang Yang's cooking steps, would he die after eating it?
Yu Zhiyu never thought that he didn't die, but he started to have diarrhea shortly after eating, and he couldn't stop the diarrhea.

With that kind of feeling, Yu Zhiyu felt that it would be better to die.He wanted to go to the hospital, but he couldn't go because of diarrhea. He had to wait for Jiang Yang to come back.

After Jiang Yang heard it, he was angry and funny.It's the first time Jiang Yang has seen him having diarrhea from cooking by himself and eating it so fiercely.

After receiving an infusion in the hospital and taking some antidiarrheal medicine, Yu Zhiyu walked out of the hospital with Jiang Yang with a sluggish face.

"Master, I will never cook alone again." Yu Zhiyu said seriously.

"It's good to eat a pad and gain a wisdom." Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu didn't expect cooking to be so difficult. He watched Jiang Yang cook very easily!Just put the oil down, then put the vegetables, then add various seasonings, stir-fry and stir-fry is OK!Why does it seem like a waste of learning as soon as you get started?
Yu Zhiyu didn't give up being a chef after the first time he failed in cooking. This failure actually aroused Yu Zhiyu's competitive spirit even more.

He has always felt that life is not challenging, but now he finds cooking quite a challenge.

Jiang Yang sent Yu Zhiyu home.

What left Jiang Yang speechless was that this guy actually bought a house in Rongcheng.The kind of bag check-in.


The news that Jiangyang's store opened again cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

But to the pity of all the customers, Jiang Yang opened the store a little casually this time.

Basically, turn it on when you want to, and turn it off when you want to.No matter how many people there are.

For this reason, Yu Zhiyu kept complaining about Jiang Yang's inability to make money, and if he went into business, he would definitely lose all his money.

Jiang Yang didn't care too much, he opened the store more and more casually, sometimes he didn't even open the meal, and the door opened after the meal.

Although countless people accused Jiangyang of hunger marketing, he changed after becoming a master chef.But Jiang Yang didn't care at all, he still did whatever he wanted.

But the strange thing is that Jiangyang's small shop did not lose popularity because of this, but became more and more popular.There are often diners who come to try their luck outside the store.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Yong also took care of Jiang Yang's appointment as a teacher.

It's just that Jiang Yang didn't go to class right away. The qualifications are obtained, but the class still needs to be prepared.

After all, it is a school, if you want to go to class directly, you will disrupt the normal class order.

But Lin Yong didn't make Jiang Yang wait for too long, and news came soon, telling Jiang Yang to prepare, tomorrow is the first class.

Jiang Yang waited. To be honest, he was really nervous about going to class tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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