Chapter 615 An Unhappy Conversation

Since Jiang Yang promised to teach Yin Li things, he would not break his promise.During the evening cooking, Jiang Yang taught Yin Li something in his free time.

This kind of treatment directly made other chefs jealous, and even those chefs had the urge to worship Jiang Yang as their teacher.But they couldn't save their faces, so they didn't take action.

Just because they can't wipe their face off doesn't mean that other people can't wipe their face off.

In the following time, when it was Jiangyang's break time, some people came to worship Jiangyang as their teacher.Jiang Yang naturally refused one by one, but promised them that he would teach them something.

In this way, almost all the younger chefs in the back kitchen of Xiangdongliu Restaurant came to worship Jiang Yang as their teachers, although Jiang Yang confiscated all of them.

Simply, Jiang Yang organized everyone to give lectures in his free time, and the content of the lectures was naturally about cooking.

Jiang Yang's status has also gradually risen. In the back kitchen, Jiang Yang's words are more useful than Meng Wanqiu's words.

Everyone no longer called Master Jiang Master Jiang, but changed their names to Teacher Jiang one after another. In their view, Jiang Yang was their teacher.Some of them were older than Jiang Yang, but they also called Teacher Jiang fluently.

There is no precedence in learning, and the master is the teacher.

Jiang Yang's idea is very simple, they want to learn, and Jiang Yang doesn't have any private thoughts, anyway, just teach.Moreover, this is the restaurant opened by Meng Wanqiu after all, so it would be good to improve the culinary skills of Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

While Jiang Yang was trying to teach the chefs of Xiangdongliu Restaurant, Ren Pengcheng made another move on the other side.

He was holding the so-called paper left by the first generation, but he hadn't realized it for so long, and naturally he couldn't see the road ahead.

Ren Pengcheng took the paper and asked the former chairman Yang Kaizhong to come out.

Yang Kaizhong came in a wheelchair, looking weak.

Seeing Ren Pengcheng, Yang Kai's loyal body trembled.

It took a long time for Yang Kaizhong to calm down. He looked at Ren Pengcheng with a bad expression and said, "Why are you looking for me? To see my jokes or to show off to me?"

Ren Pengcheng stared at Yang Kaizhong, staring into his eyes.After a while, Ren Pengcheng took out the piece of paper and said, "This it real or not?"

Yang Kaizhong said disdainfully: "Haven't you checked whether it's true or not? Why bother to ask me."

Ren Pengcheng sighed and said: "I have indeed tested it. The paper is from that era, and the handwriting is indeed from the first president. But, does this paper really contain the secret leading to the master?"

Yang Kaizhong said: "I have said from the beginning that there is no master above all, but you all don't believe it. You should believe my words now?"

However, Ren Pengcheng shook his head and said, "Senior Yang, do you believe this? Ming people don't say secret words, so I came here to ask you, where is the real secret chef association?"

Suddenly, Yang Kaizhong laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you are the president of the Chefs Association now, and you actually came to ask me? Don't forget, I am no longer the president of the Chefs Association."

Ren Pengcheng looked at the old man in front of him, and sighed: "Senior Yang, for so many years, no chef has surpassed the realm of a culinary master. How many talented chefs are trapped in this realm. Isn't this a kind of sadness? Is it? Since the Chefs Association has mastered the road to the master, why not announce it? This way the culinary art world will not decline."

Ren Pengcheng said it earnestly, but Yang Kaizhong was not moved at all.

He sneered and said, "Don't say that, as if I'm a sinner."

"Senior Yang, so many culinary masters support me, which actually explains everything." Ren Pengcheng said.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to tell you. I've said that there is no master above me. Believe it or not. I have something to do, so I won't accompany you." After Yang Kaizhong finished speaking, he left in a wheelchair.

Ren Pengcheng looked at Yang Kaizhong's leaving back, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Is there really no master?"

Immediately, Ren Pengcheng seemed to have thought of something, and said firmly: "There must be! It's just that Yang Kaizhong didn't want to say it."

In fact, Ren Pengcheng couldn't figure it out. He couldn't figure out what the past presidents of the Chefs Association were hiding, and why they were hiding it?Since there is a way above the master, why not announce it?

Ren Pengcheng is the current president of the Chefs Association, but his position as president is not formal, so he knows nothing about the secrets that the president has passed down from generation to generation.

After standing for a long time, Ren Pengcheng turned and left.

He wanted to go back and continue to study this piece of paper. Regardless of whether it was true or not, his current hopes were pinned on this piece of paper.


On Jiang Yang's way to get off work, a red sports car appeared beside him and kept honking its horn.

Jiang Yang stopped and looked over, it was indeed Ning Ning!

"It's you?" Jiang Yang frowned.

"What? Master Jiang is a little disappointed?" Ning Ning said with a smile.

"It's not disappointment, it's just a little strange." Jiang Yang said.

"It's strange why I appear?" Ning Ning said.

"That's right." Jiang Yang nodded.

"Master Jiang is really rude." Ning Ning said.

Jiang Yang shrugged and said, "If it's okay, my girlfriend is coming to pick me up."

Ning Ning was unmoved, and said: "Master Jiang, I know that Meng Wanqiu has something to do today, so I can't come to pick you up."

Jiang Yang frowned and said, "How do you know?"

Ning Ning smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, why don't you get in the car and I'll take you back?"

"Okay, there are exactly two yuan left for the bus fare." Jiang Yang said, and sat in Ning Ning's car generously.

His mentality is a little different now. As a master chef, he doesn't have as many scruples as before.

Ning Ning smiled at Jiang Yang, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Jiang Yang asked.

Ning Ning smiled and said, "I'm really fine this time, I just came here to congratulate you."

Jiang Yang looked at Ning Ning suspiciously, feeling tired that her words were somewhat true or false.

Ning Ning didn't care about Jiang Yang's gaze, and said: "I admit that I had the idea of ​​pulling you into my restaurant before, but that was also before. Now that I know it's impossible, I naturally won't force it."

Jiang Yang nodded in disbelief.

Ning Ning chuckled, and then said in a low tone: "It's just that I didn't expect you to become a master chef so early. If I knew this earlier, I should have tied you to my car by all means."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang looked at Ning Ning warily.

"Don't worry, it won't work now, you are a master chef, I have to consider the consequences if I do anything to you." Ning Ning said.

Next, Ning Ning didn't mention this matter again, as if she really just came to congratulate Jiang Yang on becoming a culinary master.

Along the way, Ning Ning chatted with Jiang Yang like an old friend.

(End of this chapter)

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