gourmet restaurant

Chapter 60 Movies

Chapter 60 Movies
Jiang Yang planned to study, and the study last month gave him a lot of help.Even with him starting to look forward to what this month's study can bring him, will he learn another stunt?

When Zhu Miaomiao came, Jiang Yang was still in the kitchen thinking about Pao Ding's knife.

"Jiangyang! Jiangyang!" Zhu Miaomiao shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Jiang Yang didn't even need to think about it. With this tone and voice, it was definitely Zhu Miaomiao who hadn't run away.He walked out of the kitchen and said, "What are you shouting for? It's not big or small!"

Zhu Miaomiao was immediately unhappy, why didn't they become big or small?She rolled her eyes and said, "Jiang Yang, are you busy?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yang asked.

"Someone bullied me." Zhu Miaomiao said angrily.

"Who is it? I'm going to thank him!" Jiang Yang said happily.

When Zhu Miaomiao heard what Jiang Yang said, his face was full of disbelief: "I was bullied by others? Is this how you react?"

Jiang Yang said with a serious face: "It's still possible for you to bully others. Others bully you? I don't believe it!"

"Damn Jiangyang! You think of me like this?" Zhu Miaomiao scratched at Jiangyang as he spoke.The two went crazy for a while before stopping.

"Tell me, why did you come to see me?" Jiang Yang asked while sitting on a chair.

Zhu Miaomiao turned her face away and snorted, "I told you, someone really bullied me."

Jiang Yang's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Who is it?" He only thought it was Zhu Miaomiao's joke before, so he didn't care at all, but if someone really bullied her, he would let that person know why Hua'er So red!

"It's not my dad, he wants to deduct my pocket money!" Zhu Miaomiao said angrily.

The corner of Jiang Yang's mouth twitched, is this what you said someone bullied you?I shouldn't have believed you!
"What's going on?" Jiang Yang asked, resisting the urge to throw Zhu Miaomiao out.

"Hmph! What else can I do? It's just that I discovered the hidden money and told my mother. She even said that I wasted money all day long and wanted to deduct my pocket money! It's so annoying!" Zhu Miaomiao complained.

Jiang Yang's face darkened, so he would have to deduct the money instead, okay?
"Then why are you here?" Jiang Yang asked expressionlessly.

"I just want to borrow some money..." Zhu Miaomiao said more and more quietly.

"Tell me, how much?" Jiang Yang asked, but he had already guessed it.

"One thousand." Zhu Miaomiao whispered.

Jiang Yang exploded in an instant: "What! One thousand!"

"Oh, don't be so loud. Just ask if you want to borrow it?" Zhu Miaomiao said hastily.

"Why did you borrow it?" Jiang Yang stared at Zhu Miaomiao and asked.

Zhu Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed being stared at by Jiang Yang, so she couldn't help lowering her head and said, "Buy a ticket."

Jiang Yang frowned and said, "Why are tickets so expensive?"

"Bai Mengya's concert tickets..." Zhu Miaomiao said.

Jiang Yang knew that Bai Mengya seemed to be a very popular star, probably a singer.Jiang Yang didn't know too well, anyway, he didn't care about these things.

"A concert ticket is so expensive?" Jiang Yang asked suspiciously.

"It's so expensive, you don't even know that tickets are hard to come by now," Zhu Miaomiao said.

Jiang Yang didn't doubt it either. He heard that it was hard to get a ticket, so he thought of the all-you-can-eat food festival ticket.Maybe... it's really that expensive.In fact, what he didn't know was that ordinary tickets were not so expensive, and there were some special seats.

After all, Jiang Yang was still soft-hearted, and gave Zhu Miaomiao a thousand, and didn't take it to heart at all when she said that she would pay back the pocket money after it came down.In his heart, Zhu Miaomiao is similar to his younger sister, and he doesn't care about the 1000 yuan.

After dismissing Zhu Miaomiao, Jiang Yang didn't have the heart to continue thinking about Pao Ding's solution.Recently, he has been pondering a lot, but with little success, so he simply went out for a walk, combining work and rest.

It's still hot in July.There are not many pedestrians on the street, they are all coming and going in a hurry, and it seems that they dare not stay outside here.

Occasionally, a stylishly dressed girl, holding a parasol, walks on this street with thousands of gaits.

Jiang Yang is also a young boy in his youth. Looking at the cool and fashionable girl, his heart inevitably throbs.He thought more than once that it would be nice to have a girlfriend.But as soon as he thought of his own situation, he immediately dispersed the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

In fact, there is not much shopping outside, and the sun is not interesting.

Jiang Yang thought for a while, and decided to go to the shopping mall to sit around, mainly to enjoy the air conditioner.

There were many more people in the mall than outside, and Jiang Yang had nothing to do, so he found a place to sit down and play with his mobile phone.

Jiang Yang is playing King Pesticide. This game has been out for a few years, but its vitality is very strong.As early as one or two years ago, some people said that it was going to be cold, but the result is still very strong.

When the game first became popular, Jiang Yang was also obsessed with it for a while.At that time, he was still in college, and when he had nothing to do, the people in the dormitory started hacking together.

It's a pity that everyone graduated and went their separate ways, so we rarely played black games together.Not to mention playing games, even in their group, they seldom chat together.

After sighing for a while, the game entered the interface.This game hasn't been logged in for several months, right?Haven't played since it opened.

After the new season was settled, Jiang Yang entered the game.He chose a top lane hero—Kay!As long as this hero develops well, he is the father of the audience.Even if the development is not good, as long as it is delayed to the later stage, it will be a crispy skin with one knife.

Jiangyang's Kai plays very slickly, eats the thread to develop, and counter-wild harassment.Soon Jiangyang's Kai economy led the opponent by more than 1000. At this time, Jiangyang turned on the massacre mode.

As long as there are not more than three people on the opposite side, Jiang Yang is always positive.

In the last round of team battles, Jiang Yang performed exceptionally well and won the ranking with a pentakill.Satisfied and ready to quit the game.

"That's amazing!" A soft voice sounded from behind.Jiang Yang turned his head and saw a pretty girl with a lesser girl beside her.

Perhaps he watched him play games just now, Jiang Yang thought.He smiled at the two girls and said nothing.Turn off the phone, get up and leave.

The girl who spoke watched Jiang Yang leave with bright eyes.But there was no performance, and I took my girlfriends to continue shopping together.

Jiang Yang, who felt a little bored, was about to go back. It was really not interesting to go shopping alone.

Suddenly, he thought, why not go to a movie.Turning on the phone, Jiang Yang looked at the movies on it, and chose the ones he was interested in to buy tickets!
After waiting for a while, the movie was about to start. Jiang Yang went to get the tickets and waited aside.He didn't buy popcorn, coke or anything like that.

After checking the ticket and entering the arena, Jiang Yang found his seat and sat down. Xu came in early, and there was no one on both sides.

After a while, people came in one after another.A couple sat on Jiang Yang's left hand. The boy was holding popcorn, and the girl was snuggling up to him. Jiang Yang looked a little tired.Watching a movie and being forced to eat dog food?Jiang Yang felt sad and angry in his heart, but he couldn't change his position.

After a while, the person sitting on the right also came. Coincidentally, Jiang Yang knew him.It was the girl and her best friend who watched him play games just now.

Jiang Yang suddenly felt that the world was so small, and they were watching the same movie.He smiled and nodded at the two of them, and had no intention of striking up a conversation.

The two girls didn't expect such a coincidence to meet Jiang Yang, who were still next to each other.They didn't think about Jiang Yang's stalking or something, because they also decided to watch the movie on the spur of the moment.I can only feel that the world is so small.

At the beginning of the movie, Jiang Yang watched it with gusto, and some plots were quite funny.But the girl next to her was crying like rain.This made Jiang Yang wonder, are we watching the same movie?
The couple on the left, the girl was crying too hard, leaning in her boyfriend's arms, her clothes were all wet by the boy.

Jiang Yang looked over, and it happened that the boy also looked over, and both of them noticed the helplessness and bewilderment in each other's eyes.Can't help but smile at each other.

At the end of the movie, many girls were shed tears, and almost every girl's eyes were red when they went out.

Jiang Yang is different. He doesn't feel sad, but just thinks the plot is quite interesting.The reason why he is not sad is because he has experienced more sad times, and the sadness in the movie has not affected him.

After watching the movie, Jiang Yang went to a supermarket in the mall to do some shopping.

(End of this chapter)

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