The strongest combat system

Chapter 18 Comeback

Chapter 18 Comeback
"You go downstairs and call all the brothers up, and I will come down later."

Zhu Minghui gave orders, and then Cheng Mingjie led his people downstairs, preparing to gather people to do a big job.

After seeing the person leaving, Zhu Minghui opened the drawer. Inside was a black pistol with a dozen or so golden bullets scattered beside it.Even in the interstellar era, live ammunition weapons have not been eliminated, but have been well developed.Although beam weapons are powerful, they are not suitable for all situations. If the power of beam weapons is used in water, the power of beam weapons will be greatly reduced, and it will become far inferior to live weapons.But water is only an environment that restricts beam weapons. The Milky Way is so vast, and the combat environment is also full of strange things.There are always places where beam weapons are not applicable, and the advantages of live ammunition weapons are highlighted at this time.

Zhu Minghui slowly put the bullets into the magazine one by one, then put the whole magazine into the pistol, and put the gun in the clothes around his waist.This is his means of guarding against unexpected events. Although there are 50 brothers participating in this operation, with this number of advantages, it should be no problem to bring down a person who has practiced martial arts. He also has full confidence in this.But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.If Zhao Hao is so strong that he can't control it, then this pistol is the last resort.

"Boy, I'm really going to shoot. Don't blame me if you die. Who told you to block my way of making money!"

Zhu Minghui smiled coldly and walked downstairs slowly.

Ten minutes later, in the underground parking lot of the building, 10 people in black suits were standing in front of Zhu Minghui, all holding a shining machete with solemn expressions.Even Cheng Mingjie, who had a swollen face, looked serious and full of energy.

"Brothers, we are going to gnaw a hard bone this time, I only have one request, hit the other party until they kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Zhu Minghui looked at the group of people in front of him, and his confidence increased greatly. 50 people beat 1 person, and there was almost no suspense.Even if he is holding a gun, he has to kneel in front of 50 people holding machetes.


All the men in black suits waved the machetes in their hands violently, and some even licked their tongues.

"set off!"

With an order, everyone quickly got into the vans next to them, a total of 20 vans.

Not long after, the roar sounded, and 20 vans lined up and set off like a long queue.

At this time, Zhao Hao was still chatting and eating at Lin Qian'er's house, not knowing the danger was approaching.

Half an hour later, with the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, 20 vans stopped at the gate of Lin Qian's villa, and a group of people in black suits got out of the car and rushed to the gate of the villa.

Hearing the sound, Zhao Hao, Lin Qian'er and others who had just finished eating hurriedly went out to have a look.I saw Cheng Mingjie leading Zhu Minghui walking forward slowly, behind him stood a full 50 men in black suits, all holding machetes.


Seeing Cheng Mingjie, Lin Qian'er couldn't help turning pale. She knew that the other party was coming to seek revenge, but why so many people came.

Seeing so many people, Fang Min couldn't help holding Lin Qianer's little hand, feeling very worried.

"Boss Zhu, what do you mean? If you can't cheat, do you have to use force? When you signed the contract that day, you were so clever. You actually drugged me in the tea."

Lin Wenshan took a step forward and faced Zhu Minghui directly, with some warning in his words.He already knew about the scam, and if Zhu Minghui got entangled again, he wouldn't mind going to court.Anyway, he is also an old businessman, and he really wants to tear his face to see who is unlucky.After all, this is a fraud. After the facts are confirmed, and Zhu Minghui has done it over the years, he will basically go to jail.

"Fuck you! Lin Wenshan, you are so bloody and spitting, there is no such thing as drugging, and the contract was signed by you yourself on the same day, so how can you cheat. If I had known today, I should not have borrowed the 500 million in the first place. Things, if it weren't for my 500 million, your company would have died a long time ago."

When Zhu Minghui heard about the drug administration, he refused to admit it. For him now, he can compromise on everything, except this.

"Hmph! Back then you promised 20% interest, but now you pay me 50% out of the blue. You are very clear about the dirty things you did. And I have already paid you back 600 million, but today your people have paid [-]% interest. My family made a big fuss and injured their mother and daughter. Talk to me about being a human being, you are not worthy, such a scumbag, you have the guts to do it or not!"

Hearing what Zhu Minghui said, Lin Wenshan almost died of anger.This is simply like the villain complaining first, and saying that he is a wolf.But whoever was unrighteous first, and whose people made trouble in their house, the key is that he paid off the 600 million.

"Why is the dog talking to our boss, be careful, I will kill you with a knife!"

Cheng Mingjie stood up and pointed the machete at Lin Wenshan.

"Hmph! You signed the contract. If you don't confirm it now, it's really a good way. Why don't you coax the children? Think I'm stupid! And my people don't want to make trouble at first, who told you I don’t want to pay back the remaining 150 million. And let me tell you, you have to pay me back the 150 million today no matter what, otherwise your family will suffer.”

Zhu Minghui pointed at Lin Wenshan almost to the bridge of his nose, and threatened loudly.

"And you kid, you dare to hurt my people, and you dare to slander me. After Lin Wenshan pays back the money, you can lie down with us honestly. I will teach you how to behave and how to speak Put it clean."

Zhu Minghui turned around again, pointed at Zhao Hao, and said viciously.His main purpose this time is Zhao Hao, and Lin Wenshan's repayment of the money is the second. He needs to know how Zhao Hao learned this secret, and whether there is an inner ghost around him.

"You are shameless!"

Lin Qian'er was really overwhelmed by the popularity in front of her. He obviously made a mistake first, not only did he not admit it.And conversely say their faults, as if they were the victims.How can people be so shameless.

"Little girl, if you dare to talk to our boss like that, be careful that I will strip you naked later."

Cheng Mingjie scolded, with a wolf-like look in his eyes.

Listening to the words, Lin Qian'er's eyes showed fear, and she quickly shrank back.

"Lin Wenshan hurry up and pay back the money, the brothers are still waiting!"

Zhu Minghui smiled, took out a big cigarette from his pocket, and smoked it slowly.

"Pay back, pay back."

A group of people in black suits behind booed, waving machetes upwards.

At this time, Zhao Hao stepped forward, sneered at Cheng Mingjie and said, "It seems that you haven't slapped your face enough!"

"Hmph, I'll let you know what's going on, kid, and I'll let you know what it means to be tall and thick!"

Cheng Mingjie raised his machete and pointed it at Zhao Hao, but he didn't attack.Before the boss gave the order, if he went up alone, he would not be able to beat Zhao Hao, but he would be humiliating himself, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't have that ability!"

After Zhao Hao rolled his eyes, he focused his gaze on Zhu Minghui, and said softly, "You are really shameless. You obviously cheated by using hallucinogenic drugs yourself. It's fine if you don't admit it. You can blame others for being immoral!"

(End of this chapter)

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