I'm crazy

Chapter 448

Chapter 448
After this decisive battle, which was not a decisive battle, was over, Lin Yuan left Hang Jiexun's residence.

In this duel, too much news was revealed, and the entire world was in turmoil.

The great master who has not yet arrived in his twenties!

Not to mention that there will be no one in the future, but it is definitely unprecedented.

Anyone who heard the news was shocked to the point of being speechless.

I think they are nearly a dozen years old, but most of them feel sad that they have not even reached the realm of masters.

But I dare not say this again.

If it was said that when Lu Ling was in the realm of the master, they could still talk about her in private carefully but not too much.

Now that she has become a great master, a true peak that no one can match, then she is asking for a dead end, even if they don't dare to say too much.

People in Jianghu who heard the news looked at each other, and changed the subject in a tacit understanding.

In recent days, apart from the shocking news about Linyuan, the rest is that Lan Junzi Hang Jiexun's appearance in the arena and the breakthroughs of other people in the arena can be discussed.

Some masters who watched the decisive battle between the two that day had some insights and broke through the realm of martial arts that day.

Some people also broke through after a few days. Even if some people didn't break through the realm, they still had a lot of insights and experiences. After all, it was all a good thing.

It made the rest of the people in Jiang Hu who didn't go to the scene to watch the game envious and jealous.

"If I had known this, I would have gone too. I really regretted it to death!"

People in the restaurant talked about the decisive battle that day, and those who saw it kept nodding in praise, while those who didn't go naturally looked regretful.

"Then why didn't you go?"

The people next to him said like watching.

The person who opened the mouth took a sip of wine and said angrily: "Don't talk about it, there happened to be something that I couldn't leave that day, otherwise I would have to climb over even if I crawled."

Someone nodded and gloated: "You might regret this for the rest of your life! Don't talk about that duel, just the people who saw Lu Ling's world-class demeanor are lucky!"

Someone sighed.

He was one of the people present that day. When he saw the unparalleled demeanor of Senior Lu Ling, he admired him and was glad that he came.

His tone was full of admiration, without any blasphemy, and the people around him didn't say anything.

Otherwise, if someone doesn't talk nonsense, the others will definitely tell him to shut up.

Now all the deeds about Linyuan have been spread throughout the Jianghu, naturally including the fact that she killed someone in an inn because of her rude words.

So much so that people in the Jianghu don't know anything else, and they know very clearly about the things that this great master and strong man is not easy to mess with.

The rest of the people were still talking about it, but Cang Yunzhou, who was sitting not far away, couldn't listen to a single word.

He got up directly and took the sword and walked away.

It never occurred to him that Lu Ling, who was so weak back then, would turn into a great master and strong man today.

Just kidding!

However, within three short years, she has become a great master and strong man. What does he, the young master of the Wanshan sect, the entire Wanshan sect and his dead father take?

Stepping stone?

Cang Yunzhou is in an extremely bad mood now, and has the intention of killing people.

Originally, they were just ants who thought they would be trampled under their feet at will, but now they have turned into people who need to be humbled and humbled. I am afraid that very few people can hold back this anger.

But Cang Yunzhou didn't feel angry, and he didn't dare to fart any more.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows what a grand master means.

Besides, he's not that stupid.

If it is said that a strong person in the guru realm still has the possibility of being killed, then for the grand master, this is simply wishful thinking.

This is not just as simple as a martial arts realm, the natural moat in it will not be understood by anyone who is not in it.

To take the simplest example, if fifty first-class masters go to besiege a grandmaster, it is possible to cause harm to the grandmaster, or even take his life.

But if fifty grandmasters go to watch a great grandmaster, they are courting their own death.

Cang Yunzhou is not an idiot, and he can't see clearly what the situation is, but it's too late for him to revoke the killing order now.


After Lin Yuan left from Hang Jiexun, he and An Yun drove around in a carriage. The rivers and lakes are so big that it is an elegant thing to go through them one by one.

If only there wasn't so much mess.

Lin Yuan's reputation in this arena is too great now, and she doesn't want others to treat her like a monkey, of course, they dare not.

But it's troublesome, she always goes to some places where there are few people, or there are no disputes between Jianghu forces and few people recognize her.

After leaving Lancheng, Linyuan originally planned to go to Mobei. The vast grassland style can always make people feel better.

But seeing a killing order interrupted her plan.

That's right, it's the one released by Cang Yunzhou.

Back then, because Cang Yunzhou was not in the Wanshan Sect, he fell through the net. Because of such a person, Lin Yuan naturally didn't bother to take the initiative to find him.

It's a pity that he himself didn't know how to cherish this hard-won opportunity, so he insisted on dying.

After Lin Yuan thought of this person, he didn't want to put it in the future.

The death of the original soul, Lu Ling, was not only caused by Cang Yueyue's deliberate harm, but also by Cang Yunzhou.

Cang Yunzhou didn't like Lu Ling and didn't want to fulfill his engagement with her. The way he thought of was not to divorce her in a reasonable way, but to kill her.

This mental retardation is really sick.

Lin Yuan has also seen such plots in some novels.

Because the male protagonist doesn't like the female partner who is engaged to him, he uses cold violence or publicly humiliates the female partner, and even tries to make the female partner lose her life, so he can naturally withdraw the engagement.

This kind of disgusting thing can also be the hero, I really don't know what the author thinks.

After seeing the existence of such a person, Lin Yuan thought about the reason for a while.

But it's just a dirty thing that stands up and down again.

Wanting to enjoy the benefits brought by marriage with a female partner, but also not wanting to get a bad reputation for retiring the marriage, it is natural to spend time trying to find a way for the woman to voluntarily withdraw the marriage, even at the expense of creating artificial accidents.

What is the difference between this and many marriages between men and women today.

Those who say that most divorces are initiated by women who never think about the truth are disgusting.

When a man cheats, he wants colorful flags to flutter outside and not to see red flags at home. He wants his "yellow-faced woman" to serve him and his family, but he also wants to flirt with the mistress.

Naturally, she would not take the initiative to propose a divorce.

Even if the woman proposes a divorce, she will not agree.

After all, where can I find such a good "nanny" after leaving, right?

And some men just want to divorce themselves.

He won't bring it up on his own initiative, so he will drag you along, practice cold violence against you, make picky faces all day long, and make you wonder whether you are doing something wrong on your own, or make excuses for him. He was in a bad mood and stressed.

When the woman couldn't take it anymore and filed for divorce, he turned around and accused you like he had suffered a lot and suffered a great grievance. It was all your fault, obviously he just said a few words, and you actually want to talk to me? divorce?
However, the so-called public opinion also said that the divorce was initiated by the woman, and it was all the woman's fault, because women are becoming more and more hypocritical and ignorant of good and bad.

Don't be a disgusting person who rides a horse!
What Cang Yunzhou did was not like this.

Since he didn't like Lu Ling, why didn't he simply break off the engagement with Lu Ling?

There are so many men in the world, no one has to die on one person.

But Cang Yunzhou won't, he won't let go.

He didn't want outsiders to see him as heartless and ungrateful. As soon as Lu Lijin died, he couldn't wait to come out and break off the engagement, so how should outsiders see him?

Just because he didn't want to damage his reputation, he kept procrastinating like this.

Come to stimulate Lu Ling from time to time.

Lu Ling didn't like Cang Yunzhou, but he was very disgusted by his behavior, not to mention her health was already very bad at that time.

Cang Yunzhou finally said in front of her that her father's death had something to do with Cang Yueyue. Under the fluctuating mood, Lu Ling naturally didn't survive for long.

After thinking about these things, Lin Yuan ordered An Yun to drive directly in the direction of Wanshanzong.

Naturally, I heard things about her from time to time along the way.

Where she appeared, what she did, and some things that are not secrets are known to everyone in the world.

Naturally, Lin Yuan knew her whereabouts and there were people following her all the time, but these people just followed her, they didn't do anything beyond their means, and they didn't disturb her, and she didn't bother to care.

But now she suddenly thought of it again.

People of this power sold her news to the whole Jianghu, did they give her money?
This is a question worth exploring.

Cang Yunzhou is busy revoking the killing order, this matter is simple and simple, it is not simple but complicated.

After all, ever since the news of Linyuan's advanced Grand Master spread, those who knew the severity with a wink naturally withdrew the killing order issued by Wanshanzong early.

Anyone who is not mentally handicapped will not offend a great grand master.

And some places have not received the news because of the slow flow of news, or think that this has nothing to do with them, and it is not a hunting order issued by them, so it doesn't matter whether they withdraw or not.

Fortunately for the former, as long as the news is notified that Cang Yunzhou does not need to work hard, the hunting order will be withdrawn.

And the latter is a bit troublesome, and Cang Yunzhou really can't cancel it without paying a little price.

This made Cang Yunzhou even more frustrated. Instead of killing Lu Ling, he even slapped himself in the face.

He believed that he and Wanshanzong had now become the talk of the rivers and lakes.

Ever since Lu Ling escaped from the Lu family, things started to go out of control.

Cang Yunzhou regretted it very much now, why did he wait at the beginning, thinking that his father would do it himself so as not to leave any stain on himself.

If he had known today, he should have killed Lu Ling directly by any means. Why did he push himself to this point now.

Once this kind of person who has never experienced any blows and has been going smoothly encounters setbacks, he will either step through the setbacks to a higher level, or be directly hit into the dust.

Obviously Cang Yunzhou is not the former.

No matter how hard he tried to restrain himself, his face couldn't help but be filled with anger and depression.

Lian Man naturally noticed the change in Cang Yunzhou's mood.

Thinking of the recent news, Lian Man couldn't help showing contempt on his face.

Tell her that Wanshanzong is purely self-inflicted.

Especially Cang Yue and Cang Yunzhou.

That is to say, those outsiders who don't know the truth of the matter, as long as they have eyes, they can't see the plans and plans of the two of them.

Now I know I regret it.

Based on Lianman's understanding of Cang Yunzhou's character, I'm afraid he regretted not doing those things at the beginning, but regretting why he didn't kill Lu Ling earlier to avoid future troubles.

Lian Man really didn't like Cang Yunzhou, and he also hated his temperament extremely.

It's a pity that there is no other way, the task assigned to her by the palace lord is to take Wanshanzong into her hands.

Although the head of Cangyue is dead, the lean camel is bigger than a horse. The foundation of Wanshan sect for so many years is there. If there is a reliable young lord, even if it is a little difficult, he can get up.

It's a pity that the next generation is someone like Cang Yunzhou who seeks death on his own.

"Young Sect Master, it's not good!"

When Lian Man was thinking about what she should do next, she saw a disciple running over in a hurry.

She could feel the horror on her face from such a distance.

Lian Man quickly restrained his expression, and said, "Don't worry, what's wrong?"

Seeing her outside, the disciple stopped and said, "Go back to Miss Lianman, it's Lu... Lu Ling is here!"

Even this disciple stuttered and panicked when he said this name, which shows how scared he is.

Lian Man was taken aback, and said in surprise, "What?"

The disciple didn't speak any more, and hurried in to find Cang Yunzhou.

Lian Man stood there at a loss, then thought that Cang Yunzhou might be coming out soon, so he left quickly.

Naturally, Lu Ling did not come to Wanshan Sect to see the scenery, but definitely to kill people.

Of course she didn't choose who to kill, and now her plan was completely shattered.

If she continued to stay here, there was no guarantee that Lu Ling would not kill Cang Yunzhou along the way.

In the rivers and lakes, there is often no and no reason to kill people.

Not to mention that she is still the so-called Cang Yunzhou's favorite person.

Although she felt that a peerless powerhouse like Lu Ling would never fall in love with an idiot like Cang Yunzhou, it didn't mean that Lu Ling would spare her.

But her mission cannot be easily given up. If Lu Ling came to kill Cang Yunzhou this time, wouldn't that mean that the Wanshan sect would have no owner?

This is her chance.

Lianman is in a tangle.

When Cang Yunzhou in the room heard the news reported by his disciples, his first thought was to run away.

He is not Lu Ling's opponent, and there is no one in the Wanshan sect who can keep him under the killing intent of a great master.

He didn't want to die in vain.

So he quickly calmed down a little, and said to his disciple: "I see, you go down first and tell others to be careful to fight, and I will go down right away."

The disciple looked at Cang Yunzhou suspiciously, but didn't see anything.

It's just that he is very dissatisfied with his decision. Originally, the people left by Wanshanzong are dissatisfied with Cang Yunzhou, the young suzerain.

Now he actually tells them to let them fight first, and he will come later?

This is a great master!

He is a great master with no more than one hand in the rivers and lakes!
Did he think this was a third-rate expert?

Although he was dissatisfied, the disciple still left. Seeing that Cang Yunzhou was unreliable, he wanted to tell others not to let them die in vain.

No one has the courage to face a great master.

 Thanks to the enchanting little angel for the reward! (Hey, I have typed too many names of the evil little angel, I don’t need to type them all, the input method will come out automatically)

  Thank you little angels for voting every day! (Bow, send you a meme, have a good dream ())

(End of this chapter)

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