I'm crazy

Chapter 200 Duckweed

Chapter 200 Duckweed
Yan Zhou is indeed a student who has studied, but his knowledge is not very good. It is conceivable that he has gone through the imperial examination several times but failed.

He has no money, even if he wants to buy a small official to do it, there is no way out.

But thanks to his good skin and the mouth that can tell white is black, even if Yanzhou can't be a high-ranking official, he still won't starve to death.

But Yan Zhou, who has nothing to do all day long, quickly enters and exits casinos to gamble on this thing. Once he gets infected, he will not be able to quit. rich man.

Soon, he owed a gambling debt of several thousand taels of silver.

Not knowing how to pay off his gambling debts, Yan Zhou was almost killed by the people in the casino. At the critical moment, Yan Zhou thought of a way to pay off his gambling debts.

It is to coax those whores who are lonely and do not rely on their bodies to make money.

Relying on his passable skin and clever words, he has deceived too many women and made them fall in love.

I have to say that Yan Zhou's acting skills are really good. Although he deceives young women, it is precisely because he is young and does not know the taste of love that it is easier to fall into it.

After letting these women fall into it wholeheartedly, Yanzhou began to ask them for money with various reasons. If the lover needs it, how could the women who love Yanzhou refuse?

In this way, Yanzhou coaxed these women to pay off their gambling debts with blood and tears earned by their bodies.

It's easy to make money this way, and Yan Zhou fell in love with this process. Watching women go crazy for him and fall into his false love, Yan Zhou got a strange sense of satisfaction.

Even after the gambling debts were paid off, Yan Zhou didn't stop, wandering around, fabricating various identities, and deceiving more people with more and more mature experience.

After all the money from these women is gone, Yan Zhou will disappear.

In the beginning, Yanzhou was just cheating money, but later, the evil desire in his heart was released.

Yanzhou began to trick these women to go with him, and those who had money to redeem themselves redeemed themselves, and the women who did not have enough money took the money they earned and tried their best to elope with Yanzhou.

Yan Zhou brought these women to the capital and reached a long-term deal with this store. When the store was resting, he stunned these women and sent them to various brothels in the capital.

The women selected by Yanzhou are all outstanding in appearance, and most of them are young, so they can be sold for a good price.

Not to mention that they are still specially sent to serve those high-ranking officials and rich people with special hobbies.

And these women who are sent to play with often don't live for a year or two, and when they die, they are already inhuman, with injuries all over their bodies, and they can't die with peace.

Yanzhou lived a good life relying on this huge benefit.

The secret guard reported the information he had found to Lin Yuan without any emotion.

Although the master only asked him to follow Yanzhou and Ruyun, and didn't ask him to investigate these things, but as an excellent secret guard, how could he need to be ordered by the master before doing it.

If the master wants to ask on a whim, is it rare for him to tell the master that he doesn't know?
It's too dereliction of duty, and it doesn't deserve to stay by the master's side at all.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan didn't express anything, lying on the recliner as if about to fall asleep.

The dark guard hides his figure, hardly has any breath, quietly protects the master, and is an excellent dark guard.

I don't know how long it took before the dark guard heard his master's lazy voice and said slowly: "Take a few people and deal with it."

What Lin Yuan said was endless, but the excellent hidden guard obviously understood what his master meant, he replied respectfully: "Yes."

Although he felt that he could handle the matter assigned by the master by himself, it might be that the master was afraid that he would be tired, and the dark guard felt very happy thinking about it.

Today is also a wonderful day that I think too much!

In an unknown room in the capital, after selling Ruyun to Xianglanyuan, Yanzhou got his reward, but this reward had to be divided into one-fifth of the reward by the shop owner.

Yan Zhou didn't move, but he was thinking about how to kill the shop owner and find another suitable one.

You can't get rid of it. The shop owner knows all his secrets. Even if he doesn't want to continue working with Yan Zhou, Yan Zhou will not let him go. Only the dead can keep secrets forever.

Obviously, he was the one who worked hard to find the target, spent time coaxing the target, and finally had someone to share the pie. The more Yan Zhou thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. It seems that he should find a way to kill him someday. up.

Yanzhou slowly planned how to get rid of the shop owner, the unsatisfactory partner, without any effort. Thinking of the more and more money in the future, he felt a burning sensation in his heart. When he saved enough money, he had to buy an official , become a master.

While dreaming a sweet dream, Yanzhou suddenly felt that his death was in danger, he dared not ignore this feeling, it was this intuition that had saved him too many times.

"Who?" Yan Zhou panicked.

As autumn is approaching, a gust of wind blows and blows off the leaves, and the leaves flutter and fall. The simple scene is full of chilling meaning.

Yan Zhou was not disappointed, someone came out soon.

"Who are you?" Yan Zhou looked nervous at the two men in black who suddenly appeared in front of him, and immediately thought of the enemy seeking revenge.

But he has been cautious all these years, and he has never offended anyone, the prostitutes he cheated, but how could they find someone to take revenge, Yan Zhou didn't believe they would do so.

In the end, Yan Zhou was very confident in the affectionate persona he created, and he felt that even if those women finally found out that he had lied to them, they would not be willing to do anything to him.

Not to mention sending people to take revenge, they don't have that ability either.

The dark guard cast a glance at Yan Zhou's body like a chicken, and said with disdain, "Is that all that?"

The hidden guard standing next to him slapped and shouted: "I said that no enemy should be underestimated, no enemy should be underestimated, if it is so far-fetched, I will replace you when I go back."

The dark guard was anxious: "Boss, I was wrong, I was just wondering, who knew that what the master wanted us to deal with was such a waste, and the two of us came here."

As the top secret guards among the secret guards who wait beside the master, they alone are enough to deal with Yan Zhou, of course he is not questioning the master's request.

It's just a little puzzled, of course, I only dare to say this to the boss, he would never dare to say this in front of the master.

The boss of the hidden guard slapped him again, and his attitude of acting as if no one else was there undoubtedly showed that he didn't take Yan Zhou seriously at all.

He was lecturing his subordinates like that, but obviously, the boss of the hidden guard didn't like Yan Zhou as a waste.

But that doesn't mean he's taking it lightly.

The experience gained from the field of life and death made him not let his guard down on anyone.

"Yanzhou?" the dark guard boss said in a deep voice.

Yan Zhou, who heard their conversation just now, was even more frightened: "Who the hell are you and what are you going to do?"

 Thanks for the votes of little angels and little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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