Showdown, I'm the God of Basketball

Chapter 200 Potion of Wisdom

Chapter 200 Potion of Wisdom
Although compared with Kobe's 6% winning percentage before his injury, the record has dropped a bit.

But it is really good to be able to achieve such a result.

And the Lakers also recovered because of the change to the Princeton system later, and now rank sixth in the West!
Among them, Zhao Hao's data has improved the most. The average data in these 12 games has directly reached 20 points, 5 rebounds and 2 assists!

This is a proper and excellent first-level data!
Of course, Zhao Hao's hit rate also dropped quite badly.

In these 12 games, because of his crazy shots, Zhao Hao's three-point shooting percentage has dropped to 37%, and the gap with the 40% excellent shooter Ozeki is getting wider and wider.

"Play the Cavaliers next game, Kobe."

Training hall, Zhao Hao reminded.

Kobe was frantically practicing mid-range shots, nodded and said: "Where you fall, you have to stand up."

Zhao Hao was stunned, this answer is really Kobe.

Of course, Kobe did deliberately plan to come back when he played the Cavaliers.

Then Zhao Hao talked about another topic.

"The next game is the last game before the All-Star weekend, and then you have to play the All-Star game."

Of course Kobe was not surprised by this, and he didn't even pay attention to the All-Star voting.

Anyway, no matter how you choose, he is the starting guard in the West. Who dares to compete with him?

If he is really left behind, you can see whether a bunch of fans behind Corvo's butt will agree.

Of course, Zhao Hao also knows that since Dayao entered the NBA, Chinese fans have swept the NBA All-Star voting wildly.

Back then, he sent the rookie Dayao to the Western Conference starting lineup, overpowering the league's No. [-] center, Shaquille O'Neal!

This also made the local NBA fans very dissatisfied at the time.

So after that, the NBA headquarters directly issued rules to prohibit NBA rookies from participating in the NBA All-Star Game voting.

In other words, this season's NBA main game does not have Zhao Hao's share.

Of course, Zhao Hao didn't think it was a big deal. With his IQ of 250, his unremitting efforts, and the assistance of the system, wouldn't he be an All-Star in the future?

"And you, you also want to participate in the Rookie Challenge and the three-point contest, are you ready?" Kobe asked instead.

As early as last week, the NBA headquarters determined the places for the rookie game and the three-point contest, and Zhao Hao was naturally among them.

After all, he ranks first in the list of three-pointers, and the rookie ranking is also No. 3 among rookies in this class, so there is no reason for him not to go.

Zhao Hao shook his head and said, "Worrying about the team record every day, how can I have time to prepare for this?"

Kobe smiled, and knew that Zhao Hao had worked very hard to make up for his absence during this time, so he directly proposed: "Come on, practice three-pointers, 1000 balls, and I will pass the ball to you."

Zhao Hao was confused, 1000?
Even if it takes 10 seconds to vote, it still takes three hours to vote!
The key is continuous shooting for three hours, who can sustain it?

Are you Kobe a devil?
However, Kobe didn't give Zhao Hao time to react, and directly vacated the venue to signal Zhao Hao to start.

Of course, Zhao Hao, who was eager to win the three-pointer award, did not refute, and directly enjoyed Corvo's feeding.

Training begins!
2 month 14 day.

In the first game after Kobe's comeback, the Lakers easily won the Cavaliers led by James at home.

There is no way, the last time the two teams met, Kobe could win even if he was injured early, but this time there is no reason to lose.

In this game, Kobe also played with the mentality of falling to stand up, so he played very actively when he came up.

The Lakers also returned to the previous game mode.

Divac, who has a treasure like an old man, was protected again and returned to the bench.

Mim's naive is naturally very happy, and the starting position is back.

Tang Shuai, who is on the coaching bench, sees it very clearly. He did not continue to let the Lakers play in the Princeton system because Divac's grade is really old.

During this period of time, he had indeed fucked Divac enough, and of course Zhao Hao was the one who got fucked the worst.

Speaking of Zhao Hao, Tang Shuai's expression changed from serious to a kind old man.

He really saw in Zhao Hao what only those great players have.

"Divac is old, he can rest, but I'm older too."

After Tang Shuai coughed slightly, he said to himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at the Lakers players on the court and on the bench, and gradually became more decisive in his heart.

Time to end.

Zhao Hao, who was sitting on the bench, had finally completed the side mission because Kobe had already played.

The system's notification sounded, and Zhao Hao was delighted to get the worn-out card draw roll +1.

Thinking about the upcoming All-Star Game and the three-point shooting contest, Zhao Hao didn't hesitate, and immediately used this draw card on the court.


After the strange sound sounded, a blue light suddenly appeared.

"Wisdom potion?"

After seeing a new medicine appearing again, Zhao Hao was confused, and quickly turned his attention to the medicine in the system.

(Smart Potion: After using it, you can actively increase an attribute by 10 points in the next game)
Obediently, this is amazing!

In other words, after using the potion of wisdom, you can directly increase the ability of any attribute by 10 points!

Although it can only last for one game, the effect is really great.

"If I improve my three-point attribute."

Zhao Hao immediately thought of the use of the wisdom potion.

You must know that when Zhao Hao shot 1000 balls during the three-point shooting training with Kobe, he only hit 863 of them!
Kobe knows too well the shooting ability of those who can enter the three-point contest.

So I said straight away, with Zhao Hao's current shooting ability, it is very difficult to win the three-pointer contest!

These words once cast a shadow over Zhao Hao.

After all, Corvo's analysis is still very accurate, otherwise he will not analyze which team's weaknesses when participating in a program in the future, and which team will lose.

"My three-pointer attribute is only 70 points, and I can trigger Korver's medal when I make a spot-up shot, which is only 80 points.

If I use the potion of toughness and the potion of wisdom I drew at the same time, it will add 5+10, a total of 15 points of three-point attributes!
In other words, my three-point shooting ability has directly come to a terrifying 95! "

Thinking of this, Zhao Hao became excited.

That's a 95-point three-pointer attribute, even Curry, a primary school student of later generations, is not at this level at his peak!
With this ability, can't you win the three-pointer contest in this era?

What a joke!
Having made up his mind, Zhao Hao no longer hesitated, and decided to use two bottles of medicine in the three-point contest!
on the field.

In this game, the Lakers finally defeated the Cavaliers 110:101.

Kobe scored 35 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, enjoying the cheers of the fans directly at the scene.

He is still the invincible Peter Pan on the court!
And Zhao Hao, who returned to the bench, finally played a game easily, scoring 28 points, 16 rebounds and 6 assists in 2 minutes.

After the game, the Lakers' locker room was in chaos.

 Thank you lceMark for your reward, and thank you for your recommendation tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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