Chapter 381 Kaesong Surrenders

Qin Lang stepped aside and let Cai Mao go in, but Cai Mao didn't dare.

Even though she is my own sister, she should not be disrespectful. Every time I discuss things with my sister, there is a layer of veil.

"Brother-in-law, I'm here to look for you, we are a family now!"

"Fuck, if you're talking like that, I'm leaving!"

"Don't tell me, brother-in-law, do you still hold grudges? The last time I was out of the city, I was the one who suffered!"

Inside the house, Mrs. Cai woke up, only feeling sore all over. After tossing all night, she didn't feel anything under hypnosis. Now she must be unbearable.

There are also some memories from last night, because of deep-rooted obsession, in the memory, it really got what I wanted.

Qin officials are indeed powerful, not comparable to Liu Biao, a bad old man.

It's just that the little feet of others didn't make room to use them, how could this work?

At this moment, Cai Mao's voice came from outside,

Mrs. Cai's temper suddenly came up. I haven't completely got what I wanted, and I haven't completely conquered this man. Why are you here to make trouble?
"Hmm, who's out there?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the reprimand became Jiao Pan, and his body really hurt.

This official is so rude, I like it!

"Wait, why don't you retreat quickly!" Cai Mao's face drooped, and he led the soldiers away.

Come on, I understand, don't you just think I'm in the way, I'll leave immediately!
I still don't believe it, how can you do nothing for a day?
These are soldiers, so they don't care about things, have you listened to the windows all night?

Qin Lang was dumbfounded, what kind of brain circuits are these?

Liu Biao was actually occupied by this person in Jingzhou, which is useless enough.

Mrs. Cai got up and found that although the clothes on her body were a little messed up, they were basically in good condition, so she was a little suspicious.

Could it be that Qin Lang put on clothes again?Is it so considerate?

"Officer, were you satisfied last night? I still have moves that I haven't used yet!"

"Mrs. Cai, I appreciate your kindness!"

"That won't work!" Seeing Qin Lang's attitude, Mrs. Cai is still trying to shirk, she must be dissatisfied last night!
But the memory of last night is very vague, it feels like I did everything, but I feel like I didn't do anything.

Simply, do one thing and keep doing it...

Madam Cai simply raised her leg, showing her extremely soft body, and put her foot directly on Qin Lang's shoulder.

"What do you want to do?"

Qin Lang leaned his back against the door, this posture... Diao Chan must be able to do it too!
Diao Chan was born as a dancer, and she is definitely better than Mrs. Cai, so I still have a firm heart and remain unmoved.

"Officer, do you really not know my concubine's intentions, or are you just pretending not to? hurts..."

The sore pain in his body must have been caused by too much tossing last night.

"Since you have already occupied me, it's good to stay in Jingzhou. I guarantee that even Liu Cong will listen to you, and the concubine is free to do whatever you want!"

"Madam, I will not stay in Jingzhou!"

"You... official, you are so cruel, why can't you help Jingzhou get through this disaster for the sake of the one-night husband and wife?"

"This can help you."

Qin Lang nodded. His purpose of coming to Jingzhou this time was to delay Cao Cao's progress. On this point, he and Mrs. Cai were on the same front.

Mrs. Cai's eyes showed a hint of joy, Qin Lang is a fairy from the world, many people are eager for talents but cannot get them.

She didn't expect to be able to conquer Qin Lang in one night, not to mention that she was so dazed last night that her little feet were useless.

As long as Qin Lang is willing to stay, there will be many opportunities. I come every night, and occasionally I don't come.

Waiting for you to taste the kung fu of my jade feet, heh... Qin Guanren, you are my ambition, you are my everything!
Mrs. Cai dragged her tired body away.

Qin Lang finally heaved a sigh of relief. This Mrs. Cai was the most difficult woman he met after he came to the end of the Han Dynasty.

This woman's willpower, even a pirated hypnotic pen, can't do anything about it, but it only deepens her obsession.


Qin Lang lowered his head, touched his shoulder, and rubbed his nose.

This Mrs. Cai's jade feet are very beautiful, in modern times, it is more than enough to be a foot model.

When Qin Lang left the mansion, Cai Mao was squatting at the gate.


"If you call me brother-in-law again, I'll beat you!"

"Cough... that, Brother Guan, do you have time to talk about it?"

"What's the matter, tell me!"

"Cao Cao's army is about to arrive. Most people in the city now think that Cao Cao can win the world. They all want to open the city and surrender to keep the current glory and wealth. What do the officials think?"

Of the nine continents in the world, Cao Cao has already obtained five of them, but these five continents were all taken by force.

The surrender of Jingzhou Qunkai City is of great significance to Cao Cao. Not only will Cao Cao not move the gentry in Jingzhou, but he will focus on appeasement and canonization.

Even if it is for the world to see, it has to be like this.

If not, who will surrender in the future?
If you fight to the death, you will be killed, and if you surrender, you will be killed. Who wouldn't be desperate?
But Cai Mao was not reconciled, he finally boiled Liu Biao to death, and he was about to get Jingzhou, who knew that Cao Cao would appear.

This Cao Cao is different from Liu Biao, he is really a murderous guy, so ruthless!
He still has millions of troops in his hands, and I can't restrain him.

Even if I surrender, I'm just a general at best, and I have to guard against being purged at any time.

Qin Lang looked at Cai Mao. Based on the situation in Jingzhou City, Liu Biao had just died and Liu Cong succeeded him.

Even occupying this majestic city, it is impossible to be Cao Cao's opponent.

Unless Liu Bei is welcomed into the city, as a member of the royal family, the situation is stabilized, everyone works together, and Zhuge Liang assists, it is possible to fight Cao Cao.

But is it possible?Just think about it.

Therefore, Kaesong's surrender is really the best choice.

Not only can all the gentry keep their property, but how can the common people avoid the suffering of the war, and don't have to be murdered by soldiers casually.

After all, after Kaesong surrendered, the rule of burning, killing and looting for three days no longer applies.

Qin Lang will not let Cai Mao and Cao Cao die. His purpose is only to delay Cao Cao's footsteps, and he will not pay the price for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the city.

"General Cai, Jingzhou cannot be defended no matter what. You have been operating here for many years and know the current situation best. In my opinion, it is better to surrender first and then plan!"

"Huh? Officer Qin, even with your talent, you can't keep Jingzhou. My sister is serving you for nothing?"

"Cai Mao, think about it with your stupid brain. How did Cao Cao's eldest son and bodyguard Dianwei die? If you surrender, you will really lose everything? If you don't surrender now, you will be slaughtered!"

(End of this chapter)

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