Chapter 374
Early the next morning.

Qin Lang and Sun Shangxiang came out of the room together, and saw Wu Guotai guarding the door with a frosty expression on his face.

This frosty face was made on purpose, just to force marriage, this is the ultimate goal.

Sun Shangxiang was shy, and hurried to Wu Guotai's back. Because she was too nervous, the dagger in her sleeve fell to the ground with a "clang".

Qin Lang swallowed, what's going on?
I want to say that nothing happened yesterday, believe it or not?
Anyway, I believed it!

Wu Guotai rubbed her eyes, girl, I asked you to come to Qin Lang's room yesterday to make people, not to kill people.

If you do this, how can I force you to marry me?

He wants to say that you are here to assassinate, how can I explain it?

But well...

Wu Guotai sneered, I'm just a woman, so I depend on you, what's the matter?
"Qin Lang, Qin Guanren, although you have a marriage contract with my daughter, but you are not married, is it wrong?"

"Not right, very wrong!" Qin Lang nodded quickly.

Last night Sun Shangxiang also said that Wu Guotai ordered her to come here, and she blocked the door early this morning. Qin Lang knew that there must be a conspiracy.

"For the sake of my grandson's family's reputation, when will you get married?"

"This one……"

"One month later, there will be an auspicious day, and sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao can also marry you together. What do you think?"

After Wu Guotai finished speaking, she stared at Qin Lang firmly.This is my biggest concession, but my daughter must make it bigger.

"Old madam, since I have a marriage contract with this girl, I will naturally not regret it, but when we get married, there must be family members present!"

Where did Qin Lang's family come from? Even in modern times, they are wandering and lonely.

But in the last years of the Han Dynasty, there were sworn brothers.

Cao Cao is about to attack Xinye. With Liu Bei's current strength, even with Zhuge Liang's assistance, he cannot be an opponent.

Zhuge Liang crossed the river, sought an alliance, fought against the Confucian scholars, and fought Cao Cao on the Yangtze River.

A fire burned Chibi, and Cao Cao fled in embarrassment.

Since then, the Three Kingdoms have stood together!
How could my marriage be wasted?
"As long as the old lady allows my brother to cross the river, I will hold a wedding with this girl!"

"Of course!" Wu Guotai said.

Logically speaking, this marriage needs to be arranged at the man's house, and it was already a compromise for Qin Lang to let his relatives come to Jiangdong.

How could she know what would happen in the future.

"When will your brother come to Jiangdong?"

"It's coming soon..." Qin Lang looked in the direction of Jingzhou.

Is it worthwhile to use Jingzhou as a dowry?

Don't say anything else, just save Sun Ce's life, and Jingzhou is worth it as a dowry!

Sun Ce's life is really valuable.


Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei returned home in defeat...

Zhang Fei was full of complaints, what, he had to guess riddles when he went up the mountain.

If you can't guess the riddle, it means that your IQ is not good, and if your IQ is not good, you are not qualified to talk to Mr. Zhuge.

This is too much!

Are we the kind of people who can guess riddles?
If it wasn't for you, big brother, I would have smashed his head with a loud roar.

"Third brother, don't lie. Didn't you hear that the old farmers in the field can recite poems? From this, it can be seen that Zhuge Kongming is definitely a real talent and practical learning. Second brother, don't you think so?"

"Cough cough..."

Guan Yu covered his mouth and coughed twice in embarrassment.

Don't talk to me, I'm still ashamed now.

I am familiar with Chunqiu, but I can't even guess a few crossword puzzles. How is this possible?It must be because I haven't learned enough.

Don't talk to me, I'm going to keep reading Chunqiu until I figure out the crossword puzzle!
After returning to Xinye City, Xu Shu came to report that the grain and supplies given by Liu Biao were stopped by Cai Mao again.

And this time, Cai Mao also said that if he wanted the grain and grass in Jingzhou City, Qin Lang had to come to pick it up in person.

Liu Bei thought for a moment, but couldn't figure out why Cai Mao made such an incomprehensible request.

Asking the officials to collect food and grass, is he trying to recruit the officials?
How can this be? !
Even Cao Cao can't recruit officials, why are you Cai Mao?
What do you rely on?
In other words, this is what Liu Biao meant. Liu Biao wants to recruit Qin officials?
But Liu Biao only had one wife who could do it. Cao Cao used two wives, but it didn't work!
It would be great if the official was here, let him go to collect the grain and grass, and let Cai Mao know the loyalty of the official.

This Xinye City is not a place to stay for a long time after all!
"Brother, let's start our own business!" Zhang Fei couldn't bear such a useless attitude.

It's only me, Zhang Fei, who bullies others, how can anyone else make me angry?
"I don't care, anyway, wherever I go, I can't delay my reading!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard with one hand and held Chunqiu in the other, without blinking his eyes.

If you can charge on the battlefield while holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber while reading the Spring and Autumn Annals on the horse, this will be the greatest joy!

"No, I can't leave without inviting Mr. Kong Ming!" Liu Bei said.

Xu Shu smiled, his master is really a corporal.

The two brothers, the lord, also have their own personalities. If I, Xu Shu, can stay, what if I give up my position as the chief military adviser?

What's more, with Zhuge Liang's assistance, Liu Bei will only grow stronger and have too many opportunities to display his talents.

"My lord, how about I go with you?"

"Okay, Yuan Zhi is willing to go, at least you don't have to worry about the puzzles on the way!"

Liu Bei was full of anticipation.

Zhuge Liang, whose name is Kongming, and whose name is Wolong, is so difficult to meet. One can imagine what a talent this person is!

Cao Cao, just wait, if I can beat you once, I can beat you a second time!

After a while, the situation in Xinye City was stable.

Liu Bei took Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Xu Shu to Longzhong Caolu for the second time.

This time, with Xu Shu following him, he was like a broken bamboo along the way.

After all, Xu Shu's talent wasn't something to brag about.

When I arrived at Caolu, I realized that Zhuge Liang was not there.

Huang Yueying, as a woman and Taoist family, couldn't come out to welcome guests, so she only sent a book boy to entertain her, and told Zhuge Liang that she had traveled to Sichuan, and she didn't know when she would return.

The group of four had no choice but to return to Xinye City.

Liu Bei didn't see Zhuge Liang for the second time, and he believed in his heart that this person's talent was enough to shock the world and weep ghosts and gods.

After returning this time, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi came to Xinye.

Because Mrs. Cai couldn't wait for Qin Lang for a long time, it didn't work to threaten Liu Bei with food and grass, so she thought about doing something to Diao Chan.

Diao Chan simply brought Zhen Mi to Xinye City to join her eldest brother.

Liu Bei learned through Diao Chan that Qin Lang had gone to see Zhuge Liang, and even planned a marriage for Zhuge Liang, and he was overjoyed.

It was not enough for the officials to find Xu Shu for me, but they went to find Zhuge Liang for me. He is really my good brother.

It's just that I don't know how Zhuge Liang's wife looks like, and whether the officials have other ideas.

But don't make Zhuge Liang dissatisfied because of such things.

There is still your sister-in-law Mi at home, and the marriage between your second brother Guan and third brother Zhang is also on the agenda.

At the same time, Mrs. Gan received good news that she was pregnant.

This is a great joy, Liu Bei has successors.

With Diao Chan taking care of her, Liu Bei felt relieved.

Until winter, it snowed heavily.

Liu Beifu's heart is full, and he wants to go to Caolu and his party.

"Zhuge Liang, what kind of person are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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