Chapter 369
"Ding, the system prompts, in view of the owner's hard work to complete the task, this time, a matching solar charger, printer, and a box of A4 paper will be given away for free, and the exchange items will be sold at a [-]% discount. The system currency is being deducted..."

"Xiao Ai's reminder... the succession system is people-oriented, the master should not be too moved!"

"I...I touched your uncle!" Qin Lang couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed.


At the same time, a laptop and a bunch of things appeared in the room.

Zhuge Liang rubbed his eyes in disbelief, what's going on, it's a good trick to show something out of thin air!
"Hehe... 500 million, what a good way to buy such a little thing?"

"Open the fairy book!" Qin Lang growled.

"Ding, the fairy book is open, please select the character to transfer..."

"Choose Diao Chan, Zhen Mi!"

"Ding, preparing for teleportation, ten seconds before teleportation, ten, nine, eight... three, two, one..."


With a flash of dazzling light, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi appeared.

"This..." Zhuge Liang stood up abruptly, his hands trembling.

Qin Lang smiled slightly, this is a good trick!

Tonight, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi exchanged my heart and soul, so you can continue to draw pictures!
After collecting all the five-star couple cards, the teleportation function is enabled, and it is free, why not use it?
Qin Lang held Diao Chan in one hand and Zhen Mi in the other, and left the house.

Diao Chan had experienced teleportation before, and she was only pleasantly surprised, but did not overreact.

It was the first time for Zhen Mi to teleport. She had just gone to Huang Yueying's room and was about to teach her some skills, but before she knocked on the door, she became dazed.

When he reacted, the official appeared in front of his eyes.

It's like a dream but it's not a dream. It's not a dream, but it's so magical.

In the dream, I was also with Sister Diao Chan, it seems that I can't avoid this rascal woman in my life!
"Officer, don't go, can you change my Yueying?"

Qin Lang didn't stop, let alone look back, instead he stretched out his right hand and raised his middle finger.

Don't say I can't teleport, even if I can teleport, I won't pass it on to you!

You were asked to come to Sichuan to draw a map, not for a vacation. If you bring Huang Yueying over here, do you still have time to draw a picture at night?

Zhuge Liang has nothing to do about it!
"Forget it, the world's major affairs are the most important thing, let me see, the magic weapon that the officials have brought out, this so-called younger brother, how wonderful it is!"

Zhuge Liang picked up the instruction manual, and began to grope according to the above guidelines and pattern hints.

On the second day, Qin Lang opened the window, stretched himself, and breathed the fresh air contentedly.

The air in this era is so frankly fresh, and it smells like a fragrance.

"Officer, why do you get up so early?"

A pair of pure white arms wrapped around Qin Lang's neck.

The sound is glutinous, sweet and greasy.

"Damn girl, you are still so energetic, take it easy, the official's body is the most important thing!" Inside the room, Diao Chan said bitterly.

Zhen Mi looked indifferent, I didn't move in the middle of the night, the officials insisted, what can I do?
"There are still things to do today, don't be greedy for pleasure!" Qin Lang resisted the idea of ​​returning to the bed, and put on his coat.

Since the sky was not fully bright yet, when we arrived at the door of Zhuge Liang's room, we could vaguely see the candlelight.

"Didn't sleep all night?"

"Beat him, Middle Road Tower, don't give away the head, you are a big cheater!"

"What are you doing so fast with a crispy skin? Tactics, where are the tactics?"

"There is an ambush in the grass, are you a fool, how many times have you been shaded, and why don't you accept your lesson?"

"This is a tower pushing game. It's useless for you to kill so many heads, but the opponent is still developing. Push towers, you idiot!"

There was a burst of yelling.

Qin Lang blinked, his head seemed to be a paste.

I remember that I exchanged the notebook last night, as well as CAD drawing software and tutorial videos, in order to let you draw more accurately.

I took this opportunity to go to Soochow, the purpose is to save the uncle Sun Ce.

What's happening here?

Qin Lang pushed open the door.

Zhuge Liang stared at the screen, holding the mouse in one hand and pressing the keyboard in the other, still muttering non-stop.

"Hey, I was pushed again. What a group of pig teammates. If you don't listen to my command, you will only fail!"

"League of Legends? Why is there League of Legends on the computer?"

Qin Lang almost lost his mind when he saw the picture on the screen.

"What the hell are you playing with a man-machine, can the machine listen to your commands?"

"You played games all night without studying the graphics software?"

"I didn't teach you either, how did you learn it?"

"Officer, this thing is really a treasure. Five players can play all kinds of tactics to the fullest. I like it so much! With my ingenuity, I didn't even win a game. It's unbelievable!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes were sunken, his face was sallow, and he looked like a teenager with Internet addiction.

"Kong Ming, can we still draw the map of Sichuan?" Qin Lang asked.

"Hahaha, the officials are teasing me again. You hide the map in this magic weapon, but let me learn how to make maps. Isn't it a test for me?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and opened the computer page, which contained a 3D topographical map.

"Even if the painting saint is here, he can't draw such a map. Those who win Qin Lang win the world. This statement is true, and I admire it!"

"This is... Baidu?"

Qin Lang opened his mouth, feeling dizzy for a moment.

I'm so confused, I exchanged for computers, software, and tutorials...

Can't you just exchange for a map? !
"Xiao Ai, why are there so many things in the computer, and can you still play League of Legends online?"

"Ding, Xiao Ai reminded that this is the computer's own, the benefits provided by the system to the owner, the system currency has been deducted!"

"Currency is also deducted from benefits?"

"Of course, the welfare does not deduct money, but it can pass through the barrier of time and connect to the Internet, but it will cost money!"

"How much?!"

Qin Lang gritted his teeth and almost crushed his back molars.

Before collecting all the five-element couple cards, it costs 1 yuan to make a call for one minute.

Using a networked signal, it's not going to be cheaper by any stretch of the imagination.

Zhuge Liang played all night...

"Officer, can you control this magic weapon? Let me see your demeanor, hurry up, it's already started!"

At the same time, Zhuge Liang started another game.

"Zhuge Liang..."

Qin Lang shouted violently, "I want to kill you..."

Xinye City.

Holding the letter, Xu Shu's expression twisted and his hands trembled.

This Cao Cao actually dug the Xu family's ancestral grave in order to make him submit.

Such a matter of anger and resentment, which makes people poke people's spines, as a lord with the world's ambitions, he can do it!
As long as he still follows Liu Bei, the bones dug up from Xu's ancestral grave will be crushed and dusted.

As long as he returns to Xuchang to serve, the bones of Xu's ancestors will be buried in a place with good geomantic omen.

Liu Bei stood aside, expressionless.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had a drooping face while the other bared their teeth.

"Cao Cao is a traitor, so hateful!"

After finally finding a military advisor, and having tasted the taste of victory, he, Cao Cao, wanted to give him a drudgery.

"Military Master, I am determined to ally with Liu Biao, lobby Liu Zhang, and attack Cao Cao together!" Liu Bei took a deep breath and said sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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