Chapter 353 Give You a Marriage

Qin Lang thought hard, but still felt something was wrong.

Huang Yueying should marry Zhuge Liang, and according to the time calculation, it is time to marry Zhuge Liang now.

Could it be that something happened, so it was delayed?
This matter has to be clarified!

"Mr. Huang, your daughter is not too young, why haven't you found a husband?"

Sure enough, just after Qin Lang finished asking, Huang Yueying's heartbeat became violent.

Huang Chengyan lowered his head and let out a long sigh, "Do you know that there was a frenzy of marrying wives in the past two years?"

Qin Lang was clear about this matter, and it was because of him.

Because of all kinds of misunderstandings, or someone fueled the flames, the world thought that he, like Cao Cao, liked married women.

But who in the world knows, I, Qin Lang, don't like it!
I was wronged, but the wrong was too deep, and I couldn't wash it off even if I jumped into the Yellow River!

I can't even justify it, even Diao Chan, who is closest to me, thinks so deeply, what can I do?
In Xuchang City, in order to save Concubine Dong Gui, this name was even more confirmed!
"At that time, many people came to propose marriage, but the appearance of the little girl is... oh..."

Huang Chengyan let out a long sigh.

It's not that I don't want to marry my daughter, and it's too difficult.

Marrying those ordinary people is not the right family, and the talent of the daughter is humiliated for nothing.

We are in the right family, and I also dislike my daughter's unattractive appearance, so this marriage has been put on hold.

I was also very angry about this matter, so I simply raised my daughter at home and never went to find my husband's family.

Until a few days ago, my daughter went out for an outing and came back like this!
Although I am a bit perverted as a father, it is very distressing to my wife and my daughter.

"That..." Qin Lang was quite embarrassed. After all, it was my fault and was influenced by me.

"Forgive me for asking, but who did the girl meet when she was outing, so she can't sleep at night, and put all her thoughts into it?"

"Dong dong dong..."

Huang Yueying bit the corner of her lips, her face turned even redder, her heartbeat could be heard.

"Is this person that Zhuge Kongming?"

"Father..." Finally, Huang Yueying couldn't bear it any longer, and let out a mournful cry.

I am a woman who does not obey women's morals. I have never left the cabinet, but I can't forget a man who only sees one side!
That side is still a glimpse at the foot of the mountain...

"Daughter, does this mean she wants to get married?" At this point, Huang Chengyan understood.

The daughter is sick, but she is not sick!
"Daughter, who do you have a crush on, but Zhuge Kongming, who has a great reputation and is even more handsome, how could he fall in love with you?"

"Father, my daughter doesn't want to be valued by him, she just wants to have it in her heart, and she can live this life without any regrets!"

When Diao Chan heard it, she felt the same, with tears in her eyes, but her hand was pinching Qin Lang's arm.

"What a loving woman, what a loyal relationship, officer, can you help her?"

"What my sister said is that the officials must have a way!"

Qin Lang smiled and said: "I never thought that I would find a marriage for Zhuge Liang before I met the famous Zhuge Liang. I will make a deal for this favor!"

"Oh? Sir, would you like to come forward and propose marriage for the little girl?" Huang Chengyan asked in surprise.

The point is, who are you?

Or, are you and Zhuge Liang irreversible?
It's just that Huang Chengyan didn't dare to underestimate Qin Lang, so he said that with his skill of diagnosing the pulse with a silk thread, he can still see lovesick people, can it be simple?

"Of course! I admire the girl's sincere feelings, and I am willing to lead the way for the girl and give advice!"

Qin Lang still admired Huang Yueying, an ugly girl. With her talent, Zhuge Liang respected her all her life. How many women in history have such abilities?

Such an amazing talent?
Such sincere love?
Based on these alone, it cannot be ignored.

If it is really because of me, Qin Lang, that history has changed and Zhuge Liang missed Huang Yueying, or Huang Yueying missed Zhuge Liang, I... will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Huang Chengyan thought about it for a long time, and it would be beneficial to do so. If this person has the ability to make Zhuge Liang my son-in-law, then everyone will be happy, and I have made a profit.

If this person doesn't have this ability, and I don't know him, then it will have nothing to do with me, and there will be no loss!
Also, who the hell are you?

Apart from knowing that you are a doctor, I don't even know your last name!

You are an outsider, in what name do you mention this matter?
"If the girl doesn't give up, you and I can form brothers and sisters of the opposite sex, go to the mountains for you, and go through this experience!"

"Huh... Brother and sister are good, brother and sister are good!" Diao Chan breathed a sigh of relief.

She has never seen Qin Lang value a woman so much, so it is best to be a brother and sister.

Zhen Mi blinked in confusion, but didn't see anything.

However, the matter of becoming brothers and sisters with different surnames sounds reckless and heroic.

Traveling with officials is simply the luckiest thing in life.

"Father..." Huang Yueying looked at Huang Chengyan expectantly, this matter has to be decided by her father.

But it was obvious that Huang Yueying was moved.

"Forget it, since you met a chivalrous man, it's likely that you, a girl, met a nobleman by chance. My Huang's mansion will be promoted, and so will I, Huang!"

Huang Chengyan sighed, these are polite words, and what should be said has to be said.

As for Gao Pan, Huang Chengyan really didn't think so.

I am a celebrity who is famous all over the world, and my relative is Liu Biao. What kind of person can I be regarded as a high profile?

It's the traitor Cao Cao... Bah, he is the usurper!

Or Liu Bei, who spread the name of benevolence and righteousness to the world?I'm almost 40 years old, and I don't care too much!
Zhuge Liang is very talented, but he hasn't come out yet, and I only value his talent and potential!
No matter how capable a person is, before he grows up, he will always be in danger of dying!

I don't know how many talented people in the world have disappeared into the trend of history and disappeared without a trace.

"Hehe, do you think you are the legendary Qin official?"

Of course, these words are spoken in the heart, and it is impossible to say them in front of others.

As for the identity of this person, if you don't tell me, can't I send someone to investigate?

The Huang family entertained guests and invited dignitaries from all walks of life to participate in the brother-sister sworn ceremony.

Huang Chengyan is very serious about this matter, and it is also to make Qin Langcao more justified.

Qin Lang was arranged to rest in the guest room, looking at the scenery outside the window, he kept shaking his head and sighing.

The reason why he didn't want to reveal his identity was because he was worried that Huang Chengyan would be like Tao Qian, Chen Deng, Cheng Yu, etc. after knowing that he was Qin Lang.

What should I do when I bring my wife here?
I really don't like women, I was really wronged!
As for aliases, disguises...

Hehe... I, Qin Lang, want to see Zhuge Liang.

Everyone in the world says that the one who wins the crouching dragon and phoenix will be safe in the world!
It is also said that Qin Lang wins the world!

Before meeting Zhuge Liang, how could I change into another name?
(End of this chapter)

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