Chapter 340 Why Are You So Stupid?

"Fly? How dare I let you fly! Can you still fly?" Qin Lang rushed up and was beaten again.

This Xu Shu deserves more beating than Liu Xie.

Fei of your uncle, I returned to the end of the Han Dynasty, did I come to perform acrobatics for you?

"Are you going to get out of the mountain, or follow Liu Bei?!"

"Qin...Official Qin, is this how you invite people?"

"Stop talking nonsense, last chance!" Qin Lang raised his fist again.

If you refuse again, I will continue to punch you in the face!

"Stop, I agree!" Xu Shu stretched out his hand, stopped the punch in the face, and laid his back on the bed.

It lasted so long, it's almost over.

Official Qin invited him personally, and he gained face. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?
"When are we going to meet the lord, and go directly to Xinye?" Xu Shu asked.

"Are you stupid, go directly to your elder brother, for a door-to-door deal, can he value you?"

"Ah? What kind of door-to-door business? Didn't you come to me at the behest of the lord?"

"Hurry up, Liu Bei hasn't even heard of Zhuge Liang, so how did he know you, Xu Yuanzhi? But brother Yuanzhi, you changed your words very quickly, and you called the lord very slyly!"

At this moment, Xu Shu felt that his future was bleak.

"You want to do this... you first pretend to be a fortune teller, have a chance encounter with him, and then find a celebrity to brag about you..."

Xu Shu was taken aback by what Qin Lang said, but it sounds like this method is really good.

"Officer Qin, your plan is really unconstrained, what can you say about this plan?"

"It's nothing more than the simplest self-marketing. There is nothing to explain. Do you understand what I told you?"

"Don't worry, officials, I will remember everything!"

"That's good, brother Yuan Zhi, farewell!"

"Hey? You're leaving now, your beauty... ahem, is my mother really in your hands?"

Xu Shu also needs to confirm one thing, if you really plan to use my mother to threaten me into submitting, even if I follow Liu Bei, I will not say a word and do nothing.

I, Xu Shu, have such a personality, and I do what I say.

"Yuanzhi, why are you so stupid? If you follow Liu Bei, then Cao Cao will let your mother go? Your mother is now in Xinye, with my second elder brother Guan Yunchang and two wives serving by her side!"

"But that Guan Yunchang who is unparalleled in loyalty, rides alone for thousands of miles, passes five passes and stares at six generals?"

Hearing that Guan Yu was taking care of his mother, Xu Shu finally felt relieved.

"It's me who is more of a villain, please don't blame the officials!"

Qin Lang would not blame Xu Shu, as the saying goes that a wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it, Xu Shu forgot that Cao Cao can use his mother as a threat, and he can't prove that he really can't.

It's just that my second brother clearly passed five levels and killed six generals, even if he didn't kill the six generals guarding the level, what the hell is staring at six generals?

Xu Shu shrugged, expressing his ignorance.

That’s what everyone says, so let’s follow suit.

If you really want to know the details, then go to the city and find a storyteller. This passage has become a classic, and the storyteller must know.

"Officer, it's getting late, we have to go down the mountain, it's time to go back!"

Diao Chan stepped forward and grabbed Qin Lang's clothes.

The matter has been done, so you don't need to chat with this old man.

There are two beauties waiting here!
At night... Diao Chan bit the corner of her lips, "I sleep with sister Zhen Mi, come or not, it's up to you!"

After all, a woman's heart is much thinner.

If sister Zhen Mi and I sleep separately, whose room do you go to first at night?
If you go to Zhen Mi's room first, I won't be able to bear it in my heart!
No matter how many women you have in the future, you cannot fail me, officer.

If you come to my room, what will Sister Zhen Mi do?
She gave up everything and came to Jingzhou with me. When she didn't get your real approval, her heart must be sensitive.

Even if you get your true approval, you will be the only one left to rely on in the future.

Will she suffer?
So, I will sleep with sister Zhen Mi, but if you don't come, be careful of this girl's silver needle!
But you are here, if you don't take me down first, you have to be careful with this girl's silver needle!

Qin Lang keenly sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and immediately said goodbye to Xu Shu, and took Diao Chan and Zhen Mi back to the village.

After the three left, Xu Shu slapped himself across the face.

Hmm... the sound was loud, crisp, and painful, so it wasn't a dream.

That being the case, then act according to plan!



Jingzhou City.

Mrs. Cai's maid came back with a disappointed expression.

Mrs. Cai also forgot about this matter, since Qin Lang is likely to come to Jingzhou, who cares about a few tall and handsome men?

Soak her most beautiful feet in warm water every day, just waiting for that man to enjoy the intoxicating scenery.

Cai Mao has already gone to Liu Biao to talk about how to recruit Qin Lang, hoping that Liu Biao has the same idea.

The most worrying thing is that Liu Biao no longer has the ambition to compete for the world, so he may have to do it privately in the end.

I don't know, would Qin officials like the feeling of being sneaky?

I...but I really like it!
Thinking about it this way, I feel a little hot all over, Qin Guanren, why don't you come and take my pair of jade feet into your arms and knead them vigorously? !

At this moment, Mrs. Cai's eyes were hazy...

But this little girl was depressed.

I desperately want to hide the next one among the two of you, and treat the next one as my wishful husband, but you are all women.

I lost my love, so sad!
Since Madam doesn't ask, I'll go find the general!
There is no man who is not good at a woman, such a beautiful woman, a man can't hold it.

I will let the general snatch you, and let you be crushed by the general's ugliness, so that the hatred in my heart can be relieved.

On the other hand, when Cai Mao came back, his face was somber, it must have been not going well.

Liu Biao is such a bad old man, he is so affectionate and righteous, he said that except for his sister, any woman is fine!
But apart from my younger sister, who else could fall into the eyes of officials Qin?
The identity of the wife of the lord of Jingzhou alone makes all the women in Jingzhou pale.

I heard that Cao Cao rewarded Qin Lang with his wife.


Cai Mao drank too much wine, because of Liu Bei's arrival, the situation got out of control, which put too much pressure on his shoulders.

Then Liu Bei, but wherever he goes, he can take it away.

This is not the most irritating thing, the most irritating thing is that others have to be grateful and say that he is righteous!

We must take precautions against Liu Bei to prevent the family business from falling apart, and let Liu Biao determine the position of the son as soon as possible, sooner rather than later!

As for Qin Guanren... Sister, it's all up to you!
As a younger brother, I am so powerless!

Alas...then why don't Qin officials like men?
"General, general..."

The maid came in with a jar of wine.

"Huh? You're not serving my sister, why are you here late at night?"

Cai Mao wasn't completely drunk yet, and seeing that she was her sister's personal servant girl, there was nothing to be on guard against.

They are all caring people in the family, at least, some of the younger sister's private matters are handled by this girl.

"General, I met two women outside the city. They look like celestial beings. They seem to have appeared out of thin air. They may be the people in heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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