Three Kingdoms: The opening system forced me to marry Diaochan

Chapter 329 Please close your eyes when it's dark

Chapter 329 Please close your eyes when it's dark

"Squeak..." Liu Xie opened the door, "Officer, hurry in... No, let's go out and talk!"

Liu Xie wanted to let Qin Lang into the house, but he also thought about Qin Lang's hobbies, what if he fell in love with my queen again?
My queen is still pregnant, and Cao Cao will definitely not stop her...

In other words, Cao Cao grew up to be such an ugly person, but gave birth to such a beautiful daughter, could it not be his own?
It's really hard to say about this matter, I guess I can see it, it's as witty as I am!

Qin Lang didn't care, there was obviously someone else in the room, even if Liu Xie let him in, he wouldn't go in.

What if it was a woman again and threw herself on him again?
There is no way!
"Liu Xie, I came to you tonight because of Concubine Dong Gui!"

"Stop, stop!" Liu Xie immediately stretched out his hand, I don't care about this matter anymore, but you can't always mention it in front of me, right? !

This is clearly tearing open the wound that has already healed, and then sprinkled with salt...

If you do this, we will have no friends, and we will turn against each other!
"Since Concubine Dong gave birth to your child, you should take care of it, so don't talk too much to me!"

"What the hell..." Qin Lang opened his mouth, squeezed his fist, and tried not to punch this guy in the face.

Liu Xie has completely fallen into his own imagination, even if Concubine Dong Gui explained it herself, I am afraid she would not believe it.

"Liu Xie, I'm leaving Xuchang today to join my elder brother. Take care!"

Pull it down, if you misunderstand, just misunderstand, anyway, there is no possibility of meeting in the future.

Even if goodbye... I don't feel embarrassed, so it won't be awkward!

"Are you going to join the emperor's uncle? The emperor's uncle is still fighting to help the Han family?" Liu Xie was so excited that he was at a loss.

I have become a little house sparrow in a cage, and I don't hear any news from outside.

I thought that the emperor's uncle had been killed by Cao Cao long ago, but he didn't expect that he was still running around for me.

I... so moved...

"My trip was in vain!" Qin Lang sighed, after this farewell, there will be no future.

"Liu Xie, take care!"

Qin Lang clasped his fists solemnly, then turned and left, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Liu Xie stared blankly at the direction Qin Lang left, and felt no pain of parting, because he had separated from Qin Lang too many times.

But for some reason, tears slowly flowed down his eyes.

I'm not sad, but somewhere, I seem to feel something.

"Your Majesty, why are you crying here late at night?" A soft voice sounded.

A small white and warm hand gently wiped Liu Xie's tears.

Liu Xie shook his head quickly, looking at the gentle face in front of him, he felt depressed, but no one could tell.

You are my wife and pregnant with my child, but you are still Cao Cao's daughter.

The sky is big and the earth is big, there are countless people in the world, why am I the only one staying in this palace alone?
At the same time, Qin Lang slid down the city wall with a pulley hook gun and patted the dust on his body.

"There's one more thing, I've always been uneasy, and I still have to ask for something before I leave!"

The mansion where Mrs. Huan lives.

Mrs. Huan was still awake, lying lazily on the bed, her eyes full of confusion.

It was the last night banquet. I, Mrs. Bian, and an extra woman, Xun You, followed Qin Lang to his residence.

But what happened that night, but my memory is fuzzy, and I can't remember it.

A few days ago, Mrs. Bian came to visit, and she wanted to join hands with her inside and out to push Xun You's wife away from Qin Lang's side.

Presumably Mrs. Bian has a sense of crisis.

That Xun You's wife is really young and beautiful, and her speech and behavior are quite comfortable, but she is a strong opponent.

But I'm not worried, because I still have Chong'er, so Qin Lang is still Chong'er's master.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Huan's sense of superiority was immediately reflected.

But the more I think about it, the more lonely and unbearable this night will be.

Cao Cao is no longer in my mind, that face with a big beard is too ugly!
Just thinking of Qin Lang's handsomeness and that extremely unique temperament.

"Officer, uh-huh~"

"Ahem, how did Madam know I'm here?"

Qin Lang was very surprised. He just walked to the door, and before he knocked on the door, he heard Mrs. Huan's voice from inside the room.

This was the first time when he acted at night after he came to the end of the Han Dynasty, he was spotted by others.

She is still a beautiful woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

How did she know that I was outside the door? This is impossible?


The next moment, there was an exclamation, the wooden door was pushed open, and a figure with a strong aura flew up.

This figure actually carried a violent aura like a wolf and a tiger.

"You...what are you doing?"

Qin Lang is like facing a great enemy. He has been around in this era so far. From Lu Bu to Xing Daorong, what kind of powerful people have he never seen?
But never before has he been so intimidated that he can't move.

"System...system, Xiao Ai, what's going on, help..."

"Ding...Xiao Ai reminded..."

"Please turn off the system, please close your eyes when it gets dark..."

"Depend on!"

Qin Lang only left a shocking exclamation.

Could it be that Mrs. Huan is really an expert who hides her identity and hides her secrets?
Otherwise, with my strength, I can't resist it?
"Xiao Ai, activate the inheritance system and inherit Lu Bu's abilities!"

Only with the strength of Lu Bu can he rush out of this room.

The strength of Guan Yu and Zhao Yun is probably beyond their reach.

"Hey? System, Xiao Ai, why don't you pretend to be dead!"


As a white light suddenly lit up in the room, it was as fleeting as lightning.

Qin Lang pushed open the window, stretched out his head and breathed heavily.


"No, come again?"

A snow-white plump arm grabbed Qin Lang's arm.

Even the pirated hypnosis pen couldn't hypnotize him. This was also the first time he missed it. Qin Lang was desperate.

This woman's willpower is so strong...

I shouldn't have come, I shouldn't have come!
"Cao Mengde, I underestimated you!"

In the end, Qin Lang blamed all this on Cao Cao.

This must be Cao Cao's trick. He deliberately let Mrs. Huan hide it until now, and it was finally exposed.

The next day, at dawn.

Mrs. Huan was half lying on the bed, with some grievances in her eyes, and a kit in her hand.

Last night, Qin Lang was about to be taken down, but Qin Lang yelled, "I'm here for Cao Chong's safety, will you listen or not?"

With just this one sentence, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.Cao Chong is her life, nothing compares to it.

Chong'er's life is in danger?

It was like falling into an ice cave for a moment, which gave Qin Lang a chance to leave.

Qin Lang returned to the place where Concubine Dong Gui lived, leaning on the wall, until now he was still panting with fear.

In order to get away, he explained in detail the dangers Cao Chong might encounter, and told Mrs. Huan that the house must have plenty of realgars, so that even if someone releases snakes, they can still be prepared.

As for the kit he left behind, it was a prescription for snake venom, which was developed by Hua Tuo.

Mrs. Huan naturally believed in Qin Lang, so she hurriedly got up to find the kit, and when she found it, Qin Lang had disappeared.

"Hehe, Qin officials are really busy. They ran to three places in one night, no wonder you walk away while supporting the wall!"

Qin Lang turned his head to look, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Xiahoudun, why are you here, you have been watching me last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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