Chapter 316
Sishui Pass, the guard Bian Xi.

Because there is a word "Xi" in his name, he would tell people that he was the reincarnation of Yixi, the guard of Hangu Pass in the legend, when Lao Tzu rode a bull out of Hangu Pass and Ziqi came a hundred thousand miles east.

Bian Xi was a resolute person, his eyes could not be rubbed with sand. Hearing the news from his subordinates, his brows frowned into a knot.

Kong Xiu let Guan Yu pass the pass. As a scholar, he is useless, so we are not surprised!
What happened to Han Fu and Meng Tan?Shocked by Guan Yu's domineering aura, he passed out?
Isn't this bullshit!

No matter how powerful Guan Yu is, he is still a mortal, and he is not a god, so how could he make people pass out without moving?

It was clear that Han Fu and Meng Tan were afraid of death and deliberately let Guan Yu pass!
"General, Guan Yu beheaded Yan Liang and Zhu Wenchou. They are really powerful. If he reaches the pass, let's fight together and kill him!"

"Hehe...why is that so?"

The truth is still the same, it is impossible to attack them in groups, only one person can risk his life to kill them alone!
"How about we lead him to Xiangguo Temple, hold a banquet for him first, and kill him when he is unprepared?"

There is a temple in Sishuiguan, which is well-known far and wide, and there are also eminent monks in the temple to solve doubts for the world.

Banqueting Guan Yu at the Xiangguo Temple should reduce his vigilance.

Bian Xi thought about it for a moment, this idea is quite good, but in the end it came to nothing.

I will kill Guan Yu with a banquet, and the reputation will not be good if it gets out, but if I kill Guan Yu before the battle, not only will I be loyal to the prime minister, but I will also be famous all over the world!
I can get all the preferential treatment that the Prime Minister gave to Guan Yu!

I may even get all the preferential treatment from that Qin Lang Qin official!
"Report...General, Guan Yu called Guan at the door!"

"Finally here, take my weapon!"

Bian Xi stood up suddenly, his weapon was the double meteor hammer, and his huge figure carried an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Before closing...

Guan Yu looked up at Bian Xi, but his attention was all behind him.

"Guan Yunchang, you have no way to guide you, go back and forth wherever you go, you can't pass this Sishui Pass!"

"Bian Xi, the first battle is over!" Guan Yu said in a deep voice.

Aren't you waiting for a fight with me?

You are also a loyal person, I will fulfill you!


The gate of the city was opened, and Bian Xi was riding a war horse, carrying a pair of hammers.


A thin needle shot out.


When Bian Xi fell to the ground, his eyes were dazed. Could it be... Could it be that all the previous information was true?

But I'm not afraid either, why would Mao go into a coma?

I just felt a tingling pain in my neck for a moment, and then I felt nothing.

This time Guan Yu didn't even bother to turn his head.

Xingyang City.

When they arrived in Xingyang, the prefect Wang Zhi and the Luoyang city guard Han Fu were in-laws of their daughter, and the news that Han Fu had been punished also spread.

Guan Yu also took Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi along the way, as well as Xu Shu's old lady. After all, his speed was much slower.

It is now rumored that Guan Yu's martial arts has reached the stage of transformation, and even opening his phoenix eyes can stare people to death with a single glance!

Kong Xiu is so...

Han Fu and Meng Tan are like this...

Even Bian Xi, the strongest and most robust old man, was stunned by a single glance.

Although I, Wang Zhi, is also loyal and brave, I am not a fool. I have to fight him one-on-one?That's impossible!
I decided to welcome him into the city and attack him with fire in the middle of the night!

But I will not kill Guan Yu, but I will capture this man and send him back to Xuchang to be handed over to the prime minister.

Guan Yu arrived in Xingyang.

Wang Zhi personally went out of the city to meet him.

"Hahaha, I have been waiting for Yunchang to arrive, and I have already prepared wine in the pass..."



Wang Zhi fell headfirst to the ground.

At the moment when he passed out from a coma, Wang Zhi almost died of grievances. I didn't say that I wouldn't let you pass the test, but I also invited you to eat and drink, and you also stared at me to death?
Guan Yunchang, you are such a small-minded person!
Guan Yu lowered his head and pondered for a moment, seeing the panicked soldiers behind Wang Zhi, he couldn't help showing a sneer.

It seems that Wang Zhi's banquet is fake, and there may be some shady intentions in it. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and leaving as soon as possible is the kingly way.

A group of soldiers didn't dare to stop them, they could stare Wang Zhi to death at a glance, who the hell would dare to step forward and don't want to live anymore?

Yellow River Ferry.

The guard Qin Qi was walking back and forth anxiously...

This Guan Yu is too evil, what should I do?What should I do?
If you don't stop it, he hasn't cleared the customs and led the way, so it's his responsibility to not stop him!

If you stop it, you may have to appreciate Guan Yu's power. If you are hacked to death with a knife, we will not frown at all.

But if someone stares at him to death, we can't afford to lose this person!
Otherwise, just close the gate, and see if Guan Yu can go to the sky and enter the earth, and can cross the ferry and cross the Yellow River with only his body?

However, in this way, I, Qin Qi, led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and was blocked by one person in the pass and dared not go out to fight. If such a reputation spreads, I will be infamous for thousands of years.

At that time, a cowardly name will definitely not be able to escape.

"General, Guan Yu is here!"

"Ah? So fast?" Qin Qi broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. If he really said Guan Yu, Guan Yu would come!
No matter, let's go out of the city to see...

This is so fucking Guan Yu, you can go as soon as you go, can't you bring the customs clearance guide?Isn't this causing trouble for us? !

If I don't do anything, I'll let you out, my immediate boss Xiahou Dun can kill me!

Wait, if Guan Yu can stare at people with his eyes, we can do that...

After opening the gate of the pass, Qin Qi came on horseback.

"But Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang?"

Guan Yu cupped his fists and said, "This is Guan Yu, but General Qin Qi?"

Qin Qi took a deep look at Guan Yu, and when Guan Yu spoke, his slightly narrowed eyes opened a little.

"Guan Yu, you really can kill with your eyes, ah... I'm done!"

At this moment, Qin Qi let out a scream and fell down on the horse's back.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Guan Yu was dumbfounded.

Could it be that everything before was my illusion?

It's clear that no one followed me to help, these people were all intimidated by my aura, that's why they passed out?
When did I gain such a powerful skill?
If you say that, I will stare... I will stare again... I will continue to stare... I will still stare...

Guan Yu started to stare at the soldiers.

All the generals of the family have fallen, and these soldiers are all soldiers, and each one is smarter than the other.

The chief general pretended to be dead and refused to fight desperately. Why should we small soldiers fight Guan Yu desperately?
We are dizzy too...

Who is he staring at, who is dizzy...

After a while, a group of soldiers fell on the ground.

In the distance, Qin Lang who was holding a telescope was also stunned.

He still opened his mouth, ready to continue blowing darts to knock Qin Qi unconscious, and Guan Yu crossed the Yellow River, and the journey went smoothly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Qi fell down before blowing it.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers fell down row by row as if they had been cut leeks.

What the hell is this?

(End of this chapter)

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