Chapter 311 Luck Is Excellent

Qin Lang opened his mouth, did this again?
What the hell did I say?Didn't I just say something, how can you have food?
You just figured it out so much?

In this way, Cao Chong is really your own son, just like you!

It's just that Cao Chong is much more sensible than you. He thought of a way under my "inspiration", and he will only thank me respectfully!

I really don't believe it, after Cao Chong got married, he had to push his wife on me!

Unlike you, Cao Mengde, who is a pervert. Not only does he like other people's wives, but he is also a fucking green wife addict!
Cao Cao was in a good mood, and now he just thought of how to implement this strategy at the roughest time, and it needs to be further refined.

For example, how can Yuan Shao know this information without any doubt?

Where should the ambush be placed?

How many soldiers should be sent to ambush?
It is not good to send too much, the rear will be empty, and it is not good to send less, and it is easy to be counter-killed!

Cao Cao didn't care about Qin Lang anymore, he lowered his head and walked out in deep thought.

As soon as he walked to the door, Cao Cao woke up suddenly, and said to the left and right: "Go and inform Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian that there will be a dinner party at the official's mansion tonight, and then go to Xunyou's mansion. By the way, Concubine Dong Gui Send a few more stable women..."

Cao Cao said halfway, but shook his head again, turned around and came back, "Officer, officer, do you want to take Concubine Dong Gui back to live in the mansion, your child is about to be born, don't worry, no one will Get the word out!"

"Get out!" Qin Lang said angrily.

"Hey, good!"

Cao Cao left with a smile on his face.

It's you who value your reputation too much, not that I didn't think of it for you. This is another kindness!
You don't want it to be your business, I gave it to you, and you have to accept this favor!

After Cao Cao left, Qin Lang felt a little unattractive, and his heart was even more irritated.

The Battle of Guandu was won by Cao Cao. As long as he doesn't participate too much, the possibility of accidents is very small.


It is said that they are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.Besides, Yuan Shao, a pig-like teammate, even killed all the god-like teammates.

What Qin Lang wants most now is to witness the demeanor of Guan Yu riding thousands of miles alone, passing five stages and beheading six generals.

Zhan Yanliang and Wen Chou were all recorded, how could they let go after passing five levels and beheading six generals?
How to do?
What kind of excuse did he use to leave Xuchang so that the suspicious Cao Cao would not be suspicious?
You can't tell him face to face, I will wait until Concubine Dong Gui gives birth to a child and settle it down, I will wait until you defeat Yuan Shao, and after Liu Bei goes to Jingzhou, I will leave Xuchang!

It is estimated that Cao Cao will go crazy, when the time comes, it is better to leave without saying goodbye!


Qin Lang raised his head, why did he get to someone else, I said something, and his solution came out immediately.

Why can't you figure it out when you come to me?
I don't have the qualifications to be a counselor?

impossible? !
How can I, who knows the direction of history, not take the lead? !

"Da da da……"

At the same time, there was another knock on the door.

"No, it's coming so soon?"

Qin Lang patted his head, Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian are too active, isn't Cao Cao talking about the dinner party?
What are you doing here in broad daylight?
Let's not say that we have nothing to do, even if we really do, you come here during the day, and there is still a dinner party at night?
The knock on the door keeps ringing, so it's not a problem to avoid it, otherwise, after a long time, I don't know what rumors will spread?

For example, Qin Lang was tired of Cao Cao's two wives, and they abandoned him in chaos. Another example is Qin Lang's indulgence. Desires. Too much waist can't do it. Another example...cough cough...

Anyway, it's not a good thing to think about!

Qin Lang came to the gate, and opened the door while talking, "Madam, don't be in such a hurry. In broad daylight, Lang Lang is doing... huh? Zhang Liao?"

"Cough cough..."

Zhang Liao hurriedly clasped his fists in salute and lowered his head.

"Fuck, I seem to have heard something I shouldn't have heard again!"

Although this matter is already an open secret, but a secret is a secret, and I heard that this official Qin likes to be sneaky...

In case... the official Qin took revenge for this, wouldn't I be too wronged!
Qin Lang did not expect that Zhang Liao would have so many thoughts at this moment, if he knew, he would really have to take revenge on this kid.

"I don't know if Brother Wenyuan's visit is something urgent?"

Qin Lang and Zhang Liao don't have a deep friendship, if it is really calculated, it will be a bit of a holiday.

When he fought Xiahou Dun in the decisive battle, Zhang Liao was still attacking from behind. For a general, this is very unethical!
But the relationship between Zhang Liao and Guan Yu is very close!

"Officer, I took the liberty to visit because of Yun Chang's safety!"

"Oh? How do you say that?"

My second brother rides solo for thousands of miles, and the demeanor of passing five stages and killing six generals is about to show. Do you think he will be in danger?

"Although the prime minister wanted to let him go, Yun Chang left too hastily, and didn't ask the prime minister for guidance. You know, those generals under the prime minister hate Yun Chang's teeth!"

"You said customs clearance guide?"

Qin Lang had some ideas in his mind, but he still couldn't grasp the inspiration.

Although Guan Yu can travel thousands of miles a day on a red rabbit horse, but with Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi dragging him down, and Xu Shu's old lady in the carriage, he is destined to not go fast.

If you catch up now, you will definitely be able to catch up.

However, it would be a pity if Lu Yin was really handed over to Guan Yu!
This guide can't be delivered, at least not in time.

"Brother Guanren, you know how to fly into the sky, can you ask the prime minister for a guide and send it to Yun Chang?"

This is what Zhang Liao came here for. First, he didn't dare to open his mouth to Cao Cao. Second, he thought that Qin Lang could fly, so he could deliver it in time.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?!"

I'm going to ask Cao Cao for guidance, so he shouldn't doubt me, right?

I went to deliver Luyin, and followed from a distance, deliberately not delivering, wouldn't I be able to see the demeanor of the second brother? !

If something happens in the middle, I can still rescue it in time, which is killing three birds with one stone.

"Okay, brother Wenyuan, you have helped me a lot!"

"I just wish Yun Chang a safe journey, and don't make enemies with him in the future!"

Zhang Liao sighed, beheaded Yan Liang with one knife, and Wen Chou with two swords. Anyone who dares to be an enemy of Guan Yu is a fool!

Qin Lang shook his head, and when we meet in the future, everyone should rely on their own abilities, and just don't blame anyone when they die.

"Brother Wen Yuan, I'm going to find Meng De now, and I won't keep you!"

Qin Lang closed the gate and walked towards Cao Cao's mansion.

Not only was he able to witness all of this, but he was also able to escape those two... no, those three ladies were also very lucky!

At the same time, Guan Yu rode a red rabbit horse, held the Qinglong Yanyue knife, and led the carriage of the two wives, after a long journey, they came to a city.

On the city wall, there are three big characters written, "Dongling Pass".

(End of this chapter)

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