Chapter 281

"I'll go back and get ready. I'll go straight to Baima City tomorrow morning!"

Guan Yu said goodbye and left with a good reason. Since he wanted to go straight to Baima City to kill Yan Liang, he had to go back to the mansion and ask his wife for instructions.

Although Mrs. Sister-in-law will definitely not stop her, she still needs to have proper etiquette!

Cao Cao didn't stop him either, he wished Guan Yu could get on his horse and set off quickly, and it would be best to bring Qin Lang with him, so nothing would go wrong!

He knew that Guan Yu would definitely go to Qin Lang.

"Official boy, it's all your fault for living indiscreetly, making me unable to even say the words of rejection!"

On the way back, Guan Yu had been brewing emotions, and when he got to the gate, he thought about kicking the gate open.

But at that critical moment, Guan Yu abruptly withdrew his strength again.

If only Cao Cao's wife was inside, we wouldn't be used to them, but now, Mrs. Mi may be inside too!
Reckless, really reckless!

I will continue to look at Spring and Autumn, and I will guard your gate today. I will see when you can go out!

Guan Yu took a stool and put one in front of the door, holding Chunqiu in one hand and Qinglongyanyue knife in the other.

I will guard you overnight. If you don't come out when you leave tomorrow morning, don't blame Brother Wei for breaking in.

After the dinner, it was almost midnight, Guan Yu had already drank wine, and after the anger in his heart subsided, he became a little groggy when he was blown by the wind again.


Guan Yu sneezed violently, looked at the moon with dim eyes, it was almost four o'clock, and it would be dawn soon.

Looks like it really stayed overnight!

"Hey... I'm still too soft-hearted, officer, let me handle all your problems!"

After such a night, I also figured it out. As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. The official is the official, how can it be easily changed?
Who can't have a unique hobby?

As long as the officials still value love and righteousness, there is nothing to say!

The wife who sleeps with Cao Cao will sleep, anyway, it's not about cuckolding me, anyway... that's Cao Cao's default.

Ok?Green do I know the meaning of green hat?
I seem to have said it before, and I also said that the name of Cao Cao's green hat will be famous all over the world.

"Could it be that I read it in the book Chunqiu? Hehe, really is profound!"

Guan Yu glanced sideways, and it seemed that my elegant hat had always been green.

After dawn.

Guan Yu came to the door of the two ladies and knocked on the door.


The door opened, and Mi Zhen came out strangely, and said, "Yun Chang, what's the matter for knocking on the door so early?"

Under normal circumstances, after a woman wakes up in the morning, she has to dress up before going out to eat.

Guan Yu didn't knock on the door so early, but remembering Guan Yu's hint before going to the banquet yesterday, Mi Zhen lowered her head shyly.

This kind of thing, you as a brother, how can you hint so clearly?
If I didn't believe in your character, I'm afraid you would think that you have thoughts about Sister Gan and deliberately try to push me away!
"Sister Mi? When did you come back?"

What Guan Yu asked was so straightforward, but we are not straight men, but honest people.

Mi Zhen's face became even more rosy, "Yun Chang, why are you slandering officials for no reason? I..."

Mi Zhen spoke halfway, looked up and looked across, bit the corner of her lips lightly, and continued: "I went to the official's mansion, where are there other women, only the official is resting at home!"

"That's impossible!" Guan Yu shook his head. I saw Mrs. Huan go in with my own eyes, and I saw Mrs. Bian through the crack of the door.

Although I didn't know it at first, I knew it later.

If you want to say that you didn’t see anyone, there are only two possibilities, that is, between the time I left the door and the time I hinted at you, Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian left.

However, it is impossible to think about it!

Officials are immortals, it is impossible to be so fast!

Then there is only another explanation. There is only one truth of the matter. Sister Mi, you lied, and you deliberately concealed it from the officials. This is the truth of the matter.

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. How could you not help the officials? Come on, Mrs. Sister-in-law, let's rest, and Yun Chang will go!"

Guan Yu turned to leave, feeling a little depressed all of a sudden.

I'm afraid that in Sister Mi's heart, the position of official has surpassed everything else.

Since Sister Mi wants to hide it from the officials, then I won't go to the bottom of it!
Back in the room, put on the turquoise robe, put on the elegant green hat, and picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Knife. There was already a group of soldiers outside the door, leading a handsome horse.

Guan Yu patted the horse's neck, feeling the hot air from the horse's panting, and let out a long breath of relief.

My choice was not wrong. If I died in battle on Mount Mangdang, I would never be able to experience that magnificent war again. Even if I die, I will have to live again with regret.

The opposite door suddenly opened, and Qin Lang walked over, looking energetic.

Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian were sent back in time yesterday, no one should have seen them.

Fortunately, two came at once. I felt a little confused at the time, but after I realized it, I realized that it was a good thing.

They are both right and left, sowing dissension, protecting and flattering each other, and being sarcastic behind the scenes. In short, when all kinds of tricks are used, and all kinds of gossip are used to provoke, Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian are reluctant to stay.

It's just that some accidents happened later, and Mi Zhen suddenly came to visit again. This is the eldest brother's wife and second sister-in-law, so of course she needs to be entertained.

Fortunately, sister-in-law Mi didn't know what was going on, she just kept her head down and blushed, without saying a word, the two of them sat in the living room in silence for a long time, although it was embarrassing, it was not embarrassing.

It wasn't until it was getting late that Mi Zhen reluctantly bid farewell. Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Qin Lang obviously pretended not to know anything.

The crisis is over, and after a whole night of rest, it's hard not to feel refreshed.

Qin Lang looked at Guan Yu's majestic appearance, and secretly sighed, Guan Yunchang, the martial saint, is handsome!

Guan Yu is going to fight at this time, he must be rushing to Yan Liang!
Yan Liang must be regarded as a famous general. When he was in Liyang City, he had a good impression of him.

But now that I think about it, the meaning of Yan Liang's existence is that he was beheaded by Guan Yu?
If Guan Yu didn't have Zhan Yanliang and Zhu Wenchou in his life, it would definitely look darker.

But then again, Liu Bei and Diao Chan are both in Yuan Shao's camp, Guan Yu doesn't know about it, but Qin Lang does!
So after much deliberation and weighing the rights and disadvantages, Qin Lang still decided to go with him.

See if there is a chance to break the siege of Baima City on the premise of saving Yan Liang's life.

This is too much a test of wisdom!
Even if Guan Yu really wanted to kill Yan Liang, how could he not be there to witness such a historic moment?
"Hey, second brother, are you going to the battlefield?"

"You still have the nerve to ask, of course I rushed to Baima City to kill the leader of Yuan Shao's army!"

Guan Yu squinted his eyes as usual, if it wasn't for the killing intent and anger, these eyes would not be opened easily.

I like to eat people's soft mouth and take others' hands short, but I'm not as soft as you when you play with others.

This time, most of it is to wipe your ass!
"My second brother and I will go together, kill Yan Liang, and break the siege of Baima City!" Qin Lang said.

Regardless of whether to kill Yan Liang or not, it must be right to shout the slogan first.

It's just that I don't know, the second brother can really kill Yan Liang with one blow?

Now Qin Lang knows that although the general trend of history has not changed, many details have changed.

For example, Concubine Dong Gui is not dead, and she is about to give birth to a child.

That Yan Liang is not a fuel-efficient lamp, this battle must be worth seeing!

(End of this chapter)

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