Three Kingdoms: The opening system forced me to marry Diaochan

Chapter 208 Whoever Wins Qin Lang Wins the World

Chapter 208 Whoever Wins Qin Lang Wins the World
The spread of this matter was faster than everyone thought. I don't know how many fast horses galloped towards the cities of the princes from all over the world.

And the wider the spread, the more exaggerated it becomes.

With Qin Lang's snap of his fingers, all the generals under Cao Cao's command were wiped out.

What Qin Lang said casually is a shocking chapter.

What Cao Chong calls an elephant is because Qin Lang taught the secret method, and the immortals lifted up the weight as big as the room together.

All the princes in the world who are qualified to influence the pattern of the world have taken action and sent people to Xuchang to inquire.

At this point, those who win Qin Lang win the world, and this sentence has been spread.

At the same time, Qin officials liked married women, and this matter was also dug out.

After all, there are lessons learned from the past, the Tao family in Xuzhou City, because of the wives of Tao Qian's two sons, the Tao family can still gain a foothold in Xuzhou City, and can still be rich.

Whether it is Liu Bei, Lu Bu or Cao Cao, they all treated the Tao family with a lot of tolerance.

Tao Qian sent his daughter-in-law to Qin Guanren's bed in the name of his wife. This incident was praised by the world as the most shrewd thing Tao Qian did.

For example, Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Liu Zhang in Yizhou, Yuan Shao in the north, and even Gongsun Zan who was still confronting Yuan Shao, all began to frantically look for women and marry their sons in large numbers.

They called their sons back and arranged marriages every day, in order to win the number, there will always be one that Qin Lang likes.

Recently, families with married women have all become popular.

All of a sudden, paper was expensive in Luoyang.

Although at the end of the Han Dynasty, there was no such thing as Luoyang Zhigui.

In Xuchang City, Cao Cao was also worried about this matter.

He has sincerity, for this reason he robbed Zhen Mi to marry Qin Lang, and now he has some regrets, why not wait for Zhen Mi to marry Liu Xie, and then snatch Zhen Mi out?
I regret it, I regret it!

How did you forget this stubble?

It's all the fault of Cao Zhi, a rebellious son, a rebellious son!
Cao Cao walked around the room, the better Qin Lang performed, the higher the price to subdue him.

It is definitely not empty talk to say that those who win Qin Lang win the world. Who has Cao Cao suffered from since his debut?
Even the assassination of Dong Zhuo failed on purpose, just for the reputation of assassinating Dong Zhuo, and to keep Dong Zhuo in trouble.

If not, when Dong Zhuo opened his eyes and shouted "What is Meng De?", the Seven Star Knife would have pierced his throat.

But in front of Qin Lang, he has never taken advantage of it, if it is said that this person is not talented, who would believe it?

"Liu Bei..."

Cao Cao suddenly looked in the direction of the outskirts of Xuchang, "What method did you use to get the officials to recognize you as a brother? Could it be that you gave up the real wife? I... will definitely check it out!"

"Come on!"

"Prime Minister..." Two soldiers walked in,
"Take the army stick and punish Cao Zhi with eighty battles, and then let him carry the thorns on his back, and go to the officials to bear the thorns and plead guilty!"


The two soldiers looked at each other, half of their lives would be lost after eighty battles, how could they go to plead guilty?
But this is Boss Cao's order. Now Boss Cao is obviously in a bad mood, so we don't dare to talk too much. What if we are beheaded?
When executing the sentence, it should be lighter, and it can be a formality.

Where in the world is an old man who wants to beat a boy to death, if he really wants to beat him up, we two brothers can't even think about living.

post office.

Zhen Mi looked out of the window calmly, she was a woman, unable to control her own destiny, but no matter who she married in this life, she would marry a chicken and follow the chicken and marry a dog and follow the dog.

If she marries Yuan Xi, she can enjoy glory and wealth, but no one knows what will happen in the future?
If she is married to the emperor, even if she dies, she will not let others touch her, whether it is Dong Zhuo in the past, or Cao Cao who likes people and wives.

However, she never thought that she would marry an immortal, maybe not an immortal, but Fang Wai's identity as a cultivator is true.

This cultivator fell into her bathtub on the roof.

How could this person be on the roof?

This person is very brave and has a really brilliant literary talent. He can really protect her in troubled times.

But Zhen Mi felt a little pissed. Is this person a gloomy person?
Since ancient times, the confidante has been so unlucky, but Qin Guanren has the strength to protect himself. Is he a good match?

Is it better than Yuan Xi?

Zhen Mi is also a little at a loss, sometimes she even thinks that she is too rational, if she falls in love with someone without reservation, she probably won't think so much, right?

Now, it seems useless to think so much, because Yuan Xu has made up his mind.

"Daughter, Qin officials are more valuable than the emperor, and they are more worthy of your marriage!"

Yuan Xu sighed, all these years he really regarded Zhen Mi as his daughter, the key is that this girl is really sensible.

If you marry the emperor, you will become a bird in a cage, and you will be in danger of being molested by Cao Cao at any time.

I don't even know when, if the Son of Heaven is finished, your results will definitely not be much better.

But this Qin official has the talents of the world, and he is a favorite wherever he goes. It is more than enough to protect you, a woman.

"As a father, I didn't want to marry you into Xuchang. On this occasion, when I met Qin Lang, I made the decision without authorization!"

"Father..." Zhen Mi's eyes became rosy, and tears rolled in them.

Although Yuan Xu had an excuse for not granting military orders abroad, it violated Yuan Shao's original intention after all, and he was under a lot of pressure.

"If you were born in the prosperous age, what a colorful life you would have. Why are you in this troubled world? If you can go to the prosperous age..."

Yuan Xu touched Zhen Mi's beautiful hair and shook his head regretfully.

In this troubled world, when will he be tall!
On the outskirts of Xuchang, in the vegetable garden.

Liu Bei and Qin Lang sat opposite each other, Liu Bei had a serious expression, and he still held the head of a hoe in his hand.

Without this hoe, I really feel insecure.

"Officer, you have hidden deep enough, you are really talented!"

Liu Bei couldn't tell if he was envious or a little angry, but he always felt that he couldn't see through Qin Lang until now, but he was a little worried.

It's really not as reassuring as being with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

The point is, I'm so low, why do you have to help me?
I really have no confidence!

Brother, please praise me quickly, can you make me more confident as a brother?
"Which one of us is hiding the deepest?" Qin Lang was also a little impatient. When I taught you how to ride horses in Xuzhou, you dared to hide the bottle of Erguotou in your sleeves in front of me.

To say you have a thick skin is to praise you!

"Brother, I have been practicing and growing. As for the literary talent, you have never asked before!"

Qin Lang is absolutely righteous, you guys are all big bosses, do you know what is literary talent?

It is the second brother Guan Yu, who holds Chunqiu every day, and has more concave shapes.

Otherwise, let him recite it to see if he can recite Chunqiu?
(End of this chapter)

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