Chapter 201
Xiahou Dun's eyes widened with anger, and even a trace of scars were torn at the corner of his eyes, and blood oozed out little by little, like a line of blood tears.

Terrifying, ferocious, and hoarse.

For this decisive battle, I, Xiahoudun, can't rest day and night, thinking day and night, trying my best...

This battle has been regarded as something more important than life.

But you, Qin Lang, don't even care about it at all. Could it be that I, Xiahou Dun, can't be called an enemy in your heart?

What a shame!
You are wearing a green shirt, like you are out on a green trip, and you have no weapons on your body, who do you look down on?
Everyone in the world thinks that you, Qin Lang, are so brave that you can assassinate Dong Zhuo, but in the end, you didn't succeed either.

You can escort Cao Cao for thousands of miles, but in fact, there is no one chasing soldiers along the way.

If you can fight Lu Bu with three heroes, then Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will be the main force. If it weren't for your participation, Lu Bu would be able to run?
You're a fame-seeker, today I'm going to show you your true colors!
"Qin Lang, take your life!" Xiahou Dun yelled violently, his legs clamped down on the horse's belly, and the long knife in his hand pointed at the sky.

The war horse suffered from pain and let out a tragic neigh.

One man and one horse exuded an aura comparable to an army.

Cao Cao quickly stood up and walked to the guardrail.

The people on the second floor couldn't sit still anymore, they came behind Cao Cao one after another, and gasped when they saw Xiahou Dun's ferocity.

There is such a fierce general in the world, with such a tragic momentum with the strength of one person.

How many battles have been fought and how much deep hatred has been experienced to achieve such a level?
Can Qin Lang's green shirt and cloth shoes really resist it?
"Hehe, General Xiahou, I'm a guest after all, even if it's going to be a decisive battle, let me make an opening statement, right?"

Qin Lang smiled, but his steps were not chaotic at all. He stretched out his right hand in front of him, holding a frustrating pen in his hand.


A white light flashed.

"Donkey donkey donkey..."

The war horse raised its front hooves suddenly, Xiahou Dun quickly reached out to protect his eyes, and almost fell off the horse's back.

witchcraft!The bastard is at work again!

Deep in my memory, Liu Bei's family members were taken away only after seeing a burst of white light.

But now, Qin Lang, you underestimated the general's hatred for you!


With a roar, Xiahoudun actually pushed down the raised front hooves of the war horse.

Waving the phoenix knife in his hand, a flash of white light flashed with a sharp cold, and it hit Qin Lang's neck directly.

Qin Lang put away the pen, instead raised his head to look at the second floor, his gaze passed Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Cao Zhi, and finally landed on Zhen Mi.

Zhen Mi was wearing a veil, only her eyes and forehead were exposed, Qin Lang could feel that Zhen Mi had recognized him, but she was still as plain as water.

This woman can be so indifferent.


In the next moment, a net-shaped steel wire rope rushed out from Qin Lang's body along the blade of the Fengdao, covering the sky and the sun.

Xiahoudun hadn't exhausted his old strength, and hadn't yet developed new strength, so he had no time to dodge, so he was tied up with the steel wire netting together with his sitting horse.

Xiahou Dun was terrified, as if his acupuncture points had been tapped, and he couldn't move at all.

It's not really that you can't move, it's just because the steel wire is too thin, sharper than a weapon, as long as you move a little, the steel wire will be embedded.

Into the meat, severe pain unbearable.

If you don't care, I'm afraid it will be cut into pieces by the steel wire.

"Hehe, the pulley hook gun can also be used as a weapon!"

Qin Lang shrugged his shoulders. I am a person with a system. Do you really think that my inheritance system will only cheat money?

"General Xiahou, can I say a few words?"

" are mean and shameless, you use black magic!"

In Xiahou Dun's one eye, a trace of fear gradually emerged.

How can I fight this?No matter how powerful I am, I can't even touch the corner of his clothes. How can I fight?
The people who watched the battle were dumbfounded. In the scene of so many people, the quiet needle drop can be heard.

Is this the legendary Fang Wai cultivator?

Is this the method of a cultivator?
He clearly didn't see what he was doing, but such a brave general stopped in place.

If he makes a move to kill someone, who can escape?
It's all too weird.

Because the white glow of the pirated pen was facing Xiahou Dun, no one else was affected.

The steel wire turned into a large net, because it was too fine and fast, everyone only had time to see a glimmer of light, and the fine steel wire net strangled Xiahou Dun and the horse.

"Sure enough, it's the trick of the immortal family!" Cao Cao gripped the guardrail hard, with a complicated look on his face.

Xiahou Dun is a well-known general in his hands, even if he is not the enemy of Lu Bu, it should not be too different.

Qin Lang had to team up with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to defeat Lu Bu, so it stands to reason that he would not be too strong against Xiahou Dun.

But what's going on now?

That being the case, if Qin Lang wants to kill someone, who can stop him?

By the way, when Qin Lang failed to assassinate Dong Zhuo, it was because I revealed the news in advance that it was Lu Bu who personally guarded Dong Zhuo, which made Qin Lang return without success.

Could it be that in this world, only Lu Bu can stop Qin Lang?
Cao Cao regretted it, regretted that he should not have listened to Liu Bei in Yecheng, and ordered Lu Bu to be executed.

Liu Bei wanted to stomp his feet happily, this is my brother, he still has to assist my brother, no... As long as he can get away from Xuchang this time, he must talk to Mi Zhen.

Officials like to come here secretly, so don't you think I don't know, you can be more presumptuous at that time, even if I see it, you can also pretend to be sleepwalking!

Yuan Xu was also dumbfounded. Are there really immortals in this world?

If this person can be used by me, he will definitely be like a tiger with wings!
After returning to Jizhou this time, I must report this matter to my cousin. This Qin official is worth using any means to win him over!
In this world, even Lu Bu couldn't defeat Xiahou Dun so easily, right?

Fairy?witchcraft?No matter what technique it is, as long as it can defeat the enemy, it is king!
Zhen Mi's eyes narrowed slightly. Although General Xiahou was ugly, he was brave in the decisive battle, and he was a man.

This man in a long gown didn't dare to fight head-on, but he could only use some low-level tricks. Even if he won, how could he be convinced?

Falling into my tub, but running away, is this a way to arouse my favor?
This person is really naive!
I will be dedicated to the emperor as a concubine soon, do you still dare to rob the emperor of a woman?

If you really dare, I still respect you as a man!
Zhen Mi sighed, thinking of Yuan Xi, the second son of the Yuan family, the man who almost became her husband.

He is also a great man who fights on the battlefield and only wants to achieve great things.

A man should be a man!

Whether ambitious, unparalleled in loyalty, or capable of killing thousands of people, he can be said to be a real man.

But being so sneaky, peeking at people taking a bath, and using sorcery to fight, is it a man's doing?
Although this person looks handsome and has a fairy temperament, but the little girl really doesn't feel much!
Zhen Mi shook her head, and only begged His Majesty the Emperor not to be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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