Douluo: Lingtian peerless

Chapter 211 Changes in the God Realm (6)

Chapter 211 Changes in the God Realm ([-])

Chapter 57 Changes in the God Realm ([-])
This change undoubtedly surprised the gods who could see all this.

Originally they thought that this young God King of Destruction would definitely not be able to persevere in the balance of trial of the Evil God King. After all, compared to the Evil God King, their knowledge of Ling Tian was only a talent and evildoer, and the time to become a god was extremely short. As for his powerful strength, it comes from the amplitude brought to him by the unity of the two gods, kings and gods of destruction and life.

It is precisely because of this that, in their cognition, whether it is the divine power accumulated by Ling Tian after becoming a god, or the degree of comprehension of the two major laws of destruction and life, and even weapons, they are far weaker than Ling Tian. Evil God King.

But the facts have broken their cognition time and time again.

First, a super artifact that can barely resist the existence of the trial rules in the trial space of the super artifact appeared, so that Ling Tian, ​​the young King of Destruction God, was protected from the negative influence of the trial rules.

Furthermore, after the appearance of the law of life, it merged under the pressure of ten times the amplitude of the evil law, and became a brand new law, which could even compete with the ten times the amplitude of the evil law, which seemed unimaginable to them of.

Only some gods who survived the battle of the dragon god can feel a familiar feeling from it, but because of the age, they have never been able to imagine the law of creation controlled by the dragon god.

On the other side, the Golden Dragon King, who was healing under the protection of Gu Yuena, showed excitement in his eyes. He thought that after the fall of the Dragon God, the law of creation would never appear again, but he did not expect that he would see it one day.

After all, the Golden Dragon King is a creature formed by splitting the Dragon God into two. In a sense, the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King can be regarded as the continuation of the Dragon God, just like the sons of the Dragon God.

Now seeing the reappearance of the power of law that their father once controlled, how could this not make them excited.

However, before they had any reaction, the power of countless laws of various colors emanated from Ling Tian's divine body, and converged towards the law of creation formed by the fusion of the law of destruction and the law of life.

"Unbelievable, this is the law of fire!"

"This is the law of the thunder system!"

"How can the God King of Destruction control so many laws?"

"Isn't this the dark law that I control? How could he?"


"No, the power of these laws is only similar, and it is different from the laws we control, but the source is the same!"

Except for Bibidong and Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena who have been with Ling Tian for a long time and know something about the small world, even Qian Renxue and the Golden Dragon King are among the many gods who feel unbelievable about what they see now .

What did they see?
They actually saw the power of other laws from this newly promoted God King of Destruction except the two laws of destruction and life they knew. Although they are different from the laws they are familiar with, the essence is the same.

Among them is the power of the metallic law that represents gold.

There is the power of the wood attribute law that represents green.

There is the law power of water attribute representing blue.


There is the law power of thunder attribute representing purple.

There are even several law powers that they are not familiar with.

Could it be that a god can really comprehend the power of so many laws?
Could it be that the young God King of Destruction has found a new path of cultivation?
Gradually, the shock in their eyes turned to horror, and then to longing.

Some of the gods who were already hostile to the destruction of the gods even had a look of ambiguity in their eyes, obviously they had some bad intentions.

However, Ling Tian didn't know all this at this time, and his spirit appeared in the small world again.

The only difference from when he came to the small world was that this time he was actively summoned by the small world, and it was only a soul.

It is similar to the phenomenon around his body in the outside world, except that now in the midair of the small world, Ling Tian's soul is surrounded by various powers of laws, which are constantly merging into his soul.

From the power of these laws, Ling Tian saw the complete process of the origin of each law.

With the continuous incorporation of the power of these laws, his mind and soul have become more deeply aware of various laws, and many things that he did not understand before are also quickly comprehended, just like reading books and then transforming them into his own understanding. know the same.

The law of the golden element represents toughness and sharpness.

The law of the wood element represents nature and endless life.

The law of the water element represents roundness, softness and endlessness.

The law of the element of fire represents fiery madness and rage.


The comprehension of various laws is continuously deepened, until it reaches a limit, the limit of the laws contained in the small world.


Suddenly, a huge bang sounded in the entire small world, as if a certain dam had been breached by a flood.

What followed was that the entire small world seemed to have grown through countless years, and the speed at which the world's origins produced world energy was directly increased by tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of times.

The world energy in the small world became thicker at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, until it even formed a mist, which became thicker and thicker, and turned into drops of water falling from the sky towards the entire earth.

At the same time, various laws in the small world became very active.

In the energy rain caused by the energy of the world, volcanoes on the earth erupted one after another, trees continued to grow, seas and tsunamis continued to rise, and lightning and thunder thundered in the sky...

Even countless small lives are born, grow, and die at an extremely fast speed.

The development of the entire small world seems to be accelerated countless times by time.

At this time, all kinds of law power around Ling Tian's soul have been absorbed by his soul, and there is no energy fluctuation around the soul.

It's just that the spirit at this time is very different from before. If there are gods who use their consciousness to investigate now, they will find that Ling Tian's spirit at this time has become illusory and can't be perceived at all, but the strange thing is, It can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

In fact, at this time Ling Tian has reached the final bottleneck and reached the final step.

His current spirit has undergone great changes. He can feel that his real body is constantly condensing, but the difference from the transformation process of ordinary protoss is that the body he is condensing now is composed of various small worlds. Such laws and sources are fused and slowly formed.

Everything is ready, all that is left is to wait.

In this way, day by day...

Under the extremely rapid development in the small world, the creatures in it have gone through countless reincarnations, and have even given birth to intelligent creatures.

It was at this time that Ling Tian's body was truly condensed.

He slowly opened his eyes, as if exhaling a foul breath, and said to himself: "So, this is the law of creation!"

(End of this chapter)

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