Chapter 22 The Difficult Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King
Xu Jiutian turned to look at Hu Liena, and the two nodded in agreement.

Hu Liena jumped onto the top of Xu Jiutian's head, Xu Jiutian grabbed Hu Liena's ankle with his left hand and threw it towards the sky.

Hu Liena flew about 20 meters into the air, which happened to be the limit of the distance between the two ropes.

Xu Jiutian shouted upwards: "It's now, give these bats a heartbreak!"

Hu Liena took out the last pair of letters in the air, and threw them towards the center of the pile of bats.

There was a huge friction in the center of the bat, and then hundreds of steel needles and thick poisonous mist burst out.

The poison obviously had no effect on these bats, but the steel needle shot dead more than 100 bats in total.

These bats also seemed to have sensed the danger, and after being hit by such a blow, they flew to the rock behind as a whole.

Taking this opportunity, Xu Jiutian and the others quickly ran forward. When they were 2 kilometers away from escaping from the narrow bridge, they heard a loud roar from behind.

The pile of bats on the rock slowly merged into one dark gold three-headed bat king.

The dark gold three-headed Bat King was very fast, and he flew in front of Xu Jiutian and Xu Jiutian in just a few seconds.

Xu Jiutian frowned slightly, "We can only force our way through, and we still can't use soul skills on the road to hell. I'm afraid it will be a little tricky to deal with this dark gold three-headed bat king. We must end the battle as soon as possible, otherwise the narrow bridge is very likely to be destroyed soon." Collapse."

Xu Jiutian, the dark gold three-headed bat king, flew over and opened his bloody mouth.

Xu Jiutian jumped into the air and dodged, and then hit the dark gold three-headed Bat King on the back with the Dragon Claw.

The dark gold three-headed Bat King was not injured at all, then turned his head to look at Xu Jiutian contemptuously, and even laughed.

Xu Jiutian was furious: "How dare you look down on me, you bastard, wait! I almost forgot, the weak point of this bastard is in the head!"

Holding the dagger in her hand, Hu Liena said in surprise: "Are you saying that the weak point of this monster is in the head?"

"Well, Nana's leftmost head will be handed over to you in a while, I'll attract its attention, otherwise it will be difficult for this beast to fly up and try to kill it!" Xu Jiutian analyzed calmly.

The two jumped towards the head of the dark gold three-headed Bat King.

The dark gold three-headed Bat King ignored Hu Liena and stared at Xu Jiutian. It believed that as long as this dangerous man was dealt with first, that woman would not be a cause for fear.

The dark gold three-headed Bat King swooped at Xu Jiutian with its huge claws.

Xu Jiutian covered his head with both hands firmly, "Boom!" Xu Jiutian was hit on the ground, and his arms were slightly bleeding.

"You've been fooled!" Xu Jiutian smiled slightly.

The Dark Gold Three-headed Bat King's attention was always on Xu Jiutian, and he didn't notice that Hu Liena was already standing on the Tianling Cap on the left head of the Dark Gold Three-headed Bat King.

With a sound of "Shua!", Hu Liena's short sword pierced one of the dark gold three-headed Bat King's head.

The dark gold three-headed Bat King roared in pain, shaking his body violently, Hu Liena lost his footing and fell off the bridge.

Xu Jiutian looked at Hu Liena who was hanging under the bridge and said calmly: "It's okay, we are connected by a rope, I will slowly pull you up."

Hu Liena looked at the lava behind her, and watched Xu Jiutian who was standing on the bridge pulling up the rope little by little, and nodded slightly.

Just when La Huliena was about to come up, there was only a sound of "S", and the rope broke!
not good!At the critical moment Xu Jiutian grabbed Hu Liena's tail and dragged her to the bridge.

Just now Xu Jiutian suffered heavy blows from the Dark Gold Three-headed Bat King and his arms were injured, but he used too much force to save Hu Liena's left arm just now, and now the entire left arm is covered in blood.

Looking at Xu Jiutian's blood-stained arm, Hu Liena's eyes were filled with tears: "Xiao Jiu thanked you just now, in order to save me, your left arm is bleeding heavily, so you need to bandage it quickly."

Xu Jiutian got up and looked at the dark gold three-headed bat king: "I'm fine with this little injury, let's kill that big guy first, and kill him while he's sick!"

"Nana use your foxtail to send me to it!"

Hu Liena nodded in response, and then used her huge fox tail to throw Xu Jiutian to the side of the dark gold three-headed Bat King.

The dark gold three-headed bat king watched Xu Jiutian fly towards him, and bit Xu Jiutian with the remaining two heads.

"Your speed is really too slow!" Xu Jiutian took out a dagger made of armored rhinoceros horn from his wishful kit, and then kicked the tooth on the right side of the head with a flying kick. .

Immediately, he stabbed the head of the bat in the middle with the short knife in his left hand. The dark gold three-headed bat king screamed and the head in the middle was dead, and then Xu Jiutian killed the head on the far right with a dragon claw .

All three heads of the dark gold three-headed Bat King died, and then lost consciousness and fell into the bottomless lava.

And Xu Jiutian knew that the dark gold three-headed Bat King would be resurrected after a while.

"Nana, let's go!" Xu Jiutian and the two quickly ran towards the narrow bridge.

Finally ran out of the narrow bridge, a ray of sunshine on the ground brought hope to the two.

At this time, there was no road in front of the two of them, and the front was blocked by a pile of boulders. There was a gap in the opposite boulder more than 20 meters high, and the sunlight came in from that gap.

Yes, that is the outside world!
But how Xu Jiutian and the others can get over it is still a problem. There is also a 20-meter-wide lava in front of them, and it is impossible to jump over it.

Xu Jiutian pointed to the gap in the boulder and said, "Nana, I guess that's the exit of the Slaughter City. Let's find a way to get out now."

what!Hu Liena suddenly looked at the vines on the top and said happily: "Xiao Jiu has a solution!"

Xu Jiutian also looked at the vines growing on the top and understood what it meant, then took off his coat, made a rope and handed it to Hu Liena.

"Nana, after a while, you can use your strength to jump onto the vine, and then you can jump directly to the outside of the rock. When you reach the outside of the rock, hand down the rope and pull me up."

Hu Liena nodded slightly: "Okay, then let's go out now."

Just when Xu Jiutian was about to be thrown into the sky by Hu Liena, there was a roar under the lava in front of them, and then a giant snake more than 20 meters long jumped out.

The giant snake was red as a whole, with flames faintly spitting out of its mouth, and blocked in front of Xu Jiutian and the two of them.

Xu Jiutian cried inwardly that it was not good, the ten Lieyang Snakes appeared at this time!
(I wish everyone a happy life in the new day, please collect and recommend)

(End of this chapter)

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