Templar Sun King

Chapter 89 Great Devil VS Cardinal Archbishop (1)

Chapter 89 Great Devil VS Cardinal Archbishop (1)

Balrog's huge palm aimed at the three crocodile mages, and as he roared, the flames burning on his body re-emerged, and thick smoke rushed out along with a pillar of fire.

After jointly releasing the beneficial spell of the elemental domain, facing the attack of the Balrog, the three crocodile mages prepared their own spells at the same time.

A huge column of water rolled out of the sea, collided with the column of fire emitted by the Balrog, and made a crackling sound.The air was full of steam from the collision of sea water and flames, and soon the entire field was foggy.

Circle after circle of ripples spread out, and a leader of water elements that Adam had seen before jumped out from the middle of the ripples.The leader of the water element dragged a long column of water flying over the sea, approaching the volcano.

A few snowflakes suddenly appeared around the Balrog attacking the three crocodile mages, and then about six or seven ice prisms emerged from the void and fell on him.bang bang bang!After several consecutive sounds, the ice prism quickly frozen him in the middle, and the Balrog still maintained the astonishment when facing the attack of the ice prism on his face.

A stream of crystal clear water spewed out from the mouth of the water elemental leader who quickly approached the Balrog.

They are both in the silver class, but facing the spell of element transformation, Balrog's eyes also show panic.

Just when the bright water was about to fall on the Balrog, the altar of the volcano shook violently again, and a huge snake head protruded from the portal.

Soon a ten-meter-long, extremely thick python crawled out from the portal. He opened his mouth wide and spit out a stream of yellow-brown liquid at the attacking water elemental commander.This is his venom, as long as it is stained with a little bit, the body will fester, leaving only a white bone.

The seventh descended demon, the Lava Serpent.

The water flow collided with the liquid and scattered all over the place, buying time for the frozen Balrog.Both sides found suitable opponents, and the leader of the water element dragged a long spray to fight with the lava snake demon, and the spray and flames continued to splash out from where they fought.

The last vulture demon walked up to the frozen Balrog, knocked on the ice prism, burst out a bunch of flames from the crack, and immediately grew into a dancing flame, and then the ice prism disappeared, and came out of it roaring angrily Balrog.

A vulture demon, a balrog, and a lava snake demon jointly deal with the three crocodile mages.

On the other side, Adam, Martin, and Pepin stood on the roof watching the fierce battle on the field.

The silver ranks are all high-ranking figures in Celtic, but on the third day after Adam came to Frans, he saw a wonderful battle between the silver ranks.Whether it is the crocodile sea tribe, Samuel or the devil, they are all silver powerhouses.

Andrew fought with the charming succubus. Facing the succubus' chain attack, Andrew used a big sword to block all the opponent's attacks.

Among the strong silver men present, only the mature and handsome knight in front of her was the most suitable for her taste. He was many times stronger than those frizzy Balrogs, so the first time he came to Midland and saw Andrew From the beginning, she chose Andrew as her opponent.

But she felt very depressed now, even if she was besieged by a few vulture demons, she didn't feel so uncomfortable.No matter what kind of attack she launches, this human knight can always block it, and it looks very easy.

What made her feel even more depressed was that this knight who seemed to be very good at defense was not the kind of person who sacrificed attack power for defense. This caused her to sweat profusely from the fact that the opponent used a long sword emitting milky white light to attack vital points from time to time. It can be seen dripping.

The succubus gritted her teeth and glared at Andrew fiercely.

Samuel was still fighting the Balrog just now, which was already very dangerous under his continuous magical attacks.

A deep bone wound appeared on the Balrog's chest, and a colorful light lingered on the wound. This was the result of the Balrog's being hit by a divine sanctification by Samuel after being temporarily weakened by the divine grace.

Sanctification is the exclusive divine art of the Church of Dawn. The target hit will be continuously sanctified, actively absorbing the light energy floating in the air.

If the target is an ordinary creature, it will naturally not be injured, but when the target is a dark undead creature, they will lose their life quickly under the effect of sanctification due to restraint.

The Balrog used the flames on his body to dispel the colorful light entrenched on the wound, but it had no effect at all.

Jenkins was still fighting with the vulture demon. The vulture demon gave up its magic attack and flew up and down with its flexible wings and sharp claws to attack from various tricky angles.Jenkins' wand was spraying various kinds of white magic, attacking the Vulture Demon while protecting himself firmly.

Samuel's companion, the Silver Warrior who stayed with him in Midland, took advantage of this opportunity to rush up the volcano, but was intercepted by the little demons who appeared continuously in the portal.Demons are synonymous with killing, chaos, and cruelty.

So even if the opponent was a silver warrior, they didn't have any fear. They used corpses to firmly block the silver warrior under the volcano, but they couldn't attack the volcano and destroy the altar.

And the situation of the crocodile patriarch, who rushed up to the volcano to fight a Balrog at the beginning, was not in a good situation.The concept of a fair fight does not exist for demons. At the beginning, he still fought with a Balrog, and he used the powerful frost attribute to firmly suppress the Balrog, and even almost cut the Balrog under the sword. The son takes revenge.

But soon he was attacked by a large group of imps nearby.Normally, he wouldn't care about these little devils with only bronze ranks, but beside him there was a Balrog whose strength was comparable to his, and was stalking him.

Under the siege of demons, he soon fell into a dangerous situation.Coupled with the constant hot magma flowing down from the volcano, it is not a very good combat environment for him, a sea tribe.

"Divine Grace!" Samuel released a divine grace again. As his opponent, the Balrog could no longer suppress the divine art of sanctification, and broke out completely.

What came out of a Balrog was no longer raging flames and thick smoke, but a dazzling and holy golden light.Under the golden radiance, Balrog's entire body was melting, gradually disappearing from this world.

Almost at the moment when Samuel and the Balrog decided the winner, the water elemental leader and the lava snake demon who were entwined in the air also decided the winner.The lava serpent slammed into the volcano with the leader of the water element, immersing the opponent in the flowing magma.

Although the elemental field here has been forcibly converted into water elements, once immersed in the magma, the body of the water element leader is quickly eroded, and the blue body quickly boils, bubbles burst out, and is evaporated alive.

The victorious lava snake demon opened its ferocious mouth, and bit the crocodile patriarch on the volcano who was besieged by the Balrog and other demons.

The big sword blocked the lava snake monster's mouth at a critical moment, and also created a good attack opportunity for the Balrog.The big hand burning with flames instantly plunged into the chest of the crocodile patriarch, digging out a beating heart.

The Balrog laughed triumphantly: "I said that I will use your heart to summon the lord."

The lava snake demon opened its mouth wide and swallowed the crocodile patriarch, ate it, and then followed the Balrog back to the altar.

"Patriarch!" Seeing this scene, the three crocodile mages wanted to do something, but were stopped by the Balrog and the Vulture Demon.

Seeing this scene, the others also sighed in their hearts. Samuel thought that he could continue to kill a Balrog to alleviate his fault, but the situation in the field changed immediately.

The crocodile patriarch was killed immediately during the siege and the sneak attack of the lava serpent, and then the Balrog would use this heart to summon the lord they were talking about to Midland.

The Balrog held up the heart of the crocodile patriarch and placed it on the altar.

Under the arrangement of other demons, a larger magic circle had already been activated. When the heart of the crocodile patriarch was placed on it, an incredible change occurred immediately.

The portal further expanded, and a flame like substance flowed, exuding intense heat.

The ground around the altar and the portal was covered by the gushing magma in just a few seconds, making a gurgling sound, and a powerful breath came from the opposite side of the portal, sweeping across the entire Midland in an instant.

Under this power, people with little combat power, such as Martin, had long been lying on the roof and could not move. Adam also felt a huge force on his shoulders and couldn't stand still. Even the other strong silver men present were also At this moment, they gave up their opponents and approached each other, looking very cautiously at the mutated altar on the volcano.

"My lord, your devout servant Samuel begs for your help..." Samuel initiated the most devout prayer to the Lord of Dawn in his heart.

The arrival of the seven silver demons is completely beyond his ability. What's more, according to the strength of the momentum just now, there is no doubt that the one who will descend from the lava field to the surface world is a big demon whose strength has reached the gold rank. !
The gap between silver and gold ranks is much larger than the gap between bronze and silver ranks.

As the bishop of the Dawn Church, Samuel has seen the power of the cardinal.It is precisely because of understanding that I am more afraid now.Once the great demon of the golden rank descends completely, all the silver powerhouses here may not be able to withstand it for a long time.

This is the gap in rank and naked crushing.

The volcano shook again, and billowing magma flowed down from above.

The flames on the portal were beating violently, and under the terrified eyes of everyone, a huge palm burning with flames protruded from the portal.Just one arm is already about the size of the Balrog kneeling in front of the portal, waiting for the great demon to descend.

The palm was pressed on the ground, and the entire volcano shook violently.

Then the second palm was pressed on the door, and there was a crackling sound on the door, and several cracks visible to the naked eye appeared.

"Not enough..." A very dissatisfied voice came from the other side of the portal.Obviously, just the heart of the crocodile patriarch is not enough for him to come to Midland.

"My lord, please wait a moment." The Balrog immediately got up and prepared to kill a strong silver man on the field with his other partners again, and continued to use his heart as a sacrifice.

"no need……"

The Balrog was puzzled at first, but then understood.The palm that was pressed on the ground suddenly opened, and grabbed the lava snake demon that was waiting for him to descend.

The Lava Snake let out a terrified cry, he never thought that he would be caught by the adults in this situation, and the adults' intentions were really obvious.

"He wants to sacrifice that lava snake!" Adam was surprised by the viciousness of the big demon.

Sure enough, it was a devil, and even his subordinates could be used as sacrifices, without any hesitation.

"My lord, I beg you..." The mighty lava snake demon just now was pinched by the big demon and fell hard on the altar. Even though Adam was far away, he heard a loud bone fracture.In this fall, the lava snake demon lost any ability to resist, and its long and thick body slumped limply on the altar.

The substantial flame flowing on the altar immediately engulfed the lava snake demon, and soon his body disappeared on the altar, leaving only a beating heart.

A silver rank demon was killed in this way, and the total time between the big demon catching the lava snake demon and killing him did not exceed ten seconds. Professionals are viscerally terrified.

After possessing the hearts of two first-level silver powerhouses as sacrifices, the portal under the altar continued to expand and became a tall portal with a height of six meters and a width of three meters. The upper temple was carved with complicated patterns and symbols, exuding chaos , darkness, the breath of killing.

The big devil pressed both palms on both sides of the door and slammed it out, and the tall door was stretched wider and bigger by him.

Blazing black flames and magma that smelled of sulfur rushed out from the other side of the portal. From a distance, it looked like the volcano had finally erupted. A head with a pair of curved horns protruded from the portal.

Judging from the shape of his head, this is an enlarged version of Balrog, a great demon whose strength has reached the golden level!
"Master, we have to go, or it will be too late." Although he didn't want to admit it, Andrew knew very well that once this big golden demon came, he was no match at all.Not only him, but even Samuel, the bishop stationed in Midland, had the intention of retreating temporarily.

Samuel is very contradictory now, he is caught in a dilemma whether to rush forward to fight the devil and die for martyrdom, or follow his instinct to leave.

"Yes... yes... let's go..." Under the powerful aura of the big devil, Martin couldn't speak clearly.

"...You were born from the brilliance, you cleared the darkness and brought light to the world..." A resounding voice of prayer came from the sky, and another huge momentum pressed down on the volcano.

"The archbishop, the archbishop has come!" Samuel burst into tears, his reinforcements finally arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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