Templar Sun King

Chapter 84 Demon (1)

Chapter 84 Demon (1)

In the carriage, Adam saw that the black-clothed warrior transformed into six or seven bodies in an instant to attack Andrew together. He knew that this was the afterimage caused by the extreme speed of the black-clothed warrior in front of him.

In fact, only the black-clothed soldier attacked Andrew, but his speed was so fast that the afterimage left behind could be captured by others, creating the illusion that six or seven people attacked at the same time.

Regarding the fierce and fast attack of the black-clothed warrior, Adam didn't think he would bear it.Under this level of physical attack, even the holy shield will be broken in a short time, and then killed instantly like the few temple warriors just now, the kind of death is very miserable.

Adam glanced at Martin, who was still in shock. What did Martin take in the Damans Valley, so that he would be chased and killed by such a terrifying silver warrior.

And there was no problem at all when they were on Celtic, and they were attacked as soon as they came to France, but the things that Martin was asked to hand over came from Celtic, which was really a big trouble.

There was a dense sound of long swords colliding on the street. Andrew held the sword in both hands, panting heavily, and a ten-centimeter-long wound appeared on his chest.

He didn't defend against the black-clothed warrior's attack just now. The enemy in front of him has reached the high-level silver, and his body has begun to alienate and gain alienation ability.Facing his attack, Andrew could only use all his strength to block it, even so Andrew was still injured under his attack.

This was the first time Adam saw Andrew, a paladin who was good at defense, injured, which showed how powerful this enemy was.

"Martin, you have to explain it to me later." Adam said softly to Martin, at the same time he took out his wand, and a holy light fell on Andrew.

A wound of this level is not serious for a fighter, but an injury is an injury, and the combat strength in a full state is undoubtedly higher.

Afterwards, Adam connected his wand again, a blessing spell, and a holy shield fell on Andrew.

After Andrew came to this world, today was the first time he received Adam's temple spell blessing. In the past, the enemy was not so strong that he didn't need any blessing at all, but now, the opponent is a little stronger.

"Hey, there is actually a white mage hiding here." A very sweet voice came from the air, and Adam looked up. It was a woman in pink clothes, showing large areas of snow-white skin, with exaggerated paintings on her face. The makeup looks very coquettish.

"On the 27th, it's been so long and I haven't got that item. The two adults asked me to hurry up." The coquettish woman took out a magic wand that was also dyed pink, "If the delay is too long, wait We won't have time to leave after the lords have summoned the demon."

This woman revealed too much information in just two sentences!
The soldier in black who fought Andrew was called No. 27, which was obviously a code name.What organization would use a number as its code name, and what does this code name mean, and who is the person above him, 26, or 25?

Whether it is the black-clothed warrior 27 or this coquettish woman, they are both in the silver rank, so what kind of strength should the two adults in the coquettish woman's mouth have.

More importantly, the four words of summoning the devil fell on Adam's ears no less than an earthquake.

After living for so many days, Adam knew very well what kind of species the demon was.

A powerful creature that lives in the third layer of lava in the underground world. It is cruel, evil, and violent. It is good at destruction and destruction. The powerful demon race can even rival dragons. It is definitely one of the most unfavorable species in this world.But now the two adults in the mouth of the coquettish woman actually want to summon the devil.

Where to call?How many summons?Is it Midland?

In an instant, the information obtained in the past few days flashed in Adam's mind one by one. The cardinal archbishop came to the next city today, and the clergy in Midland have basically gone to participate in this grand event, but they are also living in the deep sea today. The Sea Clan's sudden attack on Midland forced the last batch of the temple's armed forces to rush to the port to fight, and even used a summoning order to bring the remaining combat forces to the port.

As a result, the power within the entire Midland is unprecedentedly empty!

Then, they met these people. Could all this really be a coincidence?

"Stop talking nonsense, 28, come and help me kill this knight, he is a bit weird."

It's not just weird, he has never seen a fighter who has acquired the fighting energy of the light attribute and can have such a strong defense ability, and he can block all his attacks.The only thing that could leave a wound on this knight was because the other party was distracted by the carriage not far away.

"Giggle, that's your opponent, why should I intervene." No. 28 covered his mouth and let out a greasy laugh, "It seems that this credit is destined to fall into my hands."

When Number 28 finished speaking, the tip of the wand mobilized all the nearby earth elements.

"Be careful!" Adam thought of an earth spell, one in each hand, grabbed Martin and Pepin, spread the wings of the holy light and flew out of the carriage.

Almost at the moment when Adam flew out of the carriage, six or seven long and sharp thorns protruded from the street and instantly smashed the carriage into pieces, making loud noises.

Adam struggled to fly in the air with two people, and a pool of blood flowed out from the fragments of the carriage below...

If Adam hadn't felt the gathering of the elements of the earth and Arman's usual spells, he immediately flew out of the carriage with Martin and Pepin, and they would have probably been tied into a string by these ground thorns.

It's just that coachman... Adam couldn't bear it, but there was nothing he could do about the situation just now.

When No. 28 released the spell, Andrew wanted to go over to help, but was stopped by No. 27 again, and they fought together.

No. 28 looked at the young mage who flew out of the carriage with admiring eyes. Without enough perception, ordinary mages would not be able to escape from the sneak attack she just performed.And the mage in front of him not only escaped from it, but even rescued two other people.

"Very good flying spell, little brother, I wonder how you are learning other spells?" No. 28 watched Adam put the two people in his hands on the street, raised his wand and waved it lightly.

The situation in the port is getting worse and worse, and a steady stream of sea people come out of the sea to join the battle.

Although there are two silver spellcasters, Samuel and Jenkins, and another Silver Temple warrior, under the attack of the octopus sea beast and the sea tribe, almost the entire pier has been occupied by the sea tribe.

Once the pier falls, these sea tribes can enter Midland in a mighty manner, and Samuel dare not think about the consequences.

It would have been nice if the other armed forces in the temple hadn't gone to the next city. Who would have thought that Midland, guarded by a total of five silver powerhouses, would be attacked by the Sea Clan.

"Let the fighters retreat, let's release a large-scale attack spell together, at least clean up the excess sea people first. This is the best way at present."

As a white mage, Jenkins' frontal combat ability on the battlefield is not high. His real role is to apply defensive and healing magic to the soldiers below.Although Samuel is also a priest of the Church of Dawn known for his defense and healing, he has spells of the flame faction that he can release, and his attack power is higher than Jenkins.

"That's the only way." Samuel ordered the soldiers fighting with the Sea Clan to retreat temporarily, and at the same time he released the prepared spell flame vortex.

This time he put almost all his magic power into it, and the large expanse of red flames almost flooded the entire pier.Before the complete flame vortex was formed, the orange flames were already burning on the Sea Clan, forcing the Sea Clan to retreat back into the sea.

When the flame vortex really formed, the raging flames burned a large area of ​​the sea tribe to ashes, and even the octopus and sea beasts had to return to the sea.The Silver Warrior took this opportunity to chop off the two tentacles of the octopus sea beast.

Jenkins flew in the air, shooting various colored rays of light from his wand onto the soldiers below, helping them recover their physical strength and increasing their positive effects.

When the flame vortex really formed, he took the time to release the magic missile, a bronze-level universal spell, a total of six magic missiles shot three huge wounds on the octopus monster.

After releasing the flame vortex, Samuel could barely fly in the air. The powerful spell just now almost drained all his magic power.

He wiped off his sweat, looked at the pier full of corpses, and finally drove the Sea Clan back into the ocean temporarily.But if they still dare to climb up next, his silver bishop's combat power will basically be unable to output attacks in a short period of time.

And the other silver mage is a white mage who is not good at attacking. Could it be that Midland is really going to be attacked by this group of sea people today.

The soldiers below suddenly let out a lot of screams, and even Jenkins looked into the distance with a serious face.

Samuel hurriedly looked into the distance, which almost made him fall from the air.

At the end of his sight, a sea wall was rushing towards Midland, exactly like the tsunami he had seen before.The sea level of the entire sea area near Midland is rising, and the sea water below is constantly bubbling and has spread to the pier.

However, this is not a natural tsunami, but a mage who is good at waves and waves is manipulating a large amount of seawater to form this unprecedented landscape.

Once this sea wall gets close to...

Samuel shuddered, his face pale.

In Samuel's desperate eyes, a water column rises from the sea surface, and the combat power at the top of the water column is a tall and strong sea tribe, wearing armor, holding a magic wand in his hand, with fish-like scales and patterns on his face , staring at Samuel and other humans fiercely.

"Hand over our prince, or this incomplete tsunami technique will submerge and destroy the entire city!"

(End of this chapter)

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