Templar Sun King

Chapter 80 Debate

Chapter 80 Debate
"Magic has not been static since its birth. The most prosperous white magic at the beginning was healing magic, because it can quickly heal the damage caused in battle, and it is welcomed and respected by people.

Later, in the battle against dark creatures and undead creatures, the two branches of defense and fighting against evil were gradually developed.After so many years of continuous development, Uppler's white magic has formally formed a situation where the four branches of healing, defense, fighting evil, and assistance coexist. "

Healing and defense are better understood by Adam, and the healing and holy shields in the temple spells are the representative spells of these two branches.As for fighting evil and assisting, they are the other two branches of white magic.

The former is a spell specially invented to deal with dark and undead creatures, such as Holy Strike and Aurora Ray.The latter is an auxiliary spell that does not have attack and defense effects, but is very practical, such as detecting undead and eliminating fear.

"A standard white mage should have dabbled in all four branches, and at least one of them is a specialization." Jenkins warned all the white mages present, "If the specialization branch has not been officially determined by now, hurry up and decide Come down and put more energy into it, this is the advice of an old man who is one step ahead on the road of white magic."

"Hey, Adam, what is your specialization spell?" Basel poked Adam's arm and asked.

Specialization?Adam doesn't have any specialization branches, and he will automatically learn new spells provided by the temple after his professional level is improved.

As a veteran player of the HERO game Sanctuary, Adam can clearly describe every spell of the Sanctuary and its function.For him, all spells are the same, and there seems to be no difference between specialization and dabbling.

"No, but according to Master Jenkins, I'm better at defensive and offensive spells."

"The nature of the attack?" Shouldn't it be called fighting evil?
Basel suddenly remembered that the arrows used by the opponent at the beginning of the battle with Adam in the morning and the spells that were not officially released after preparations were not any general spells or white magic he had seen.

Because at the time he was still immersed in the sadness of being defeated, he didn't notice anything special about it.It's only now in retrospect that I realize the difference.

Just as Jenkins said that magic is not static, there are many magics that he has not seen before.

What really surprised him was that the spells under the branch of fighting evil in white magic were only effective against dark creatures and undead creatures, and Adam's two spells in the morning were indeed the most authentic white magic, This can be seen from the strong light energy above.

But it is white magic, which actually showed extraordinary lethality when attacking another white mage.

Among all the white magic, there are no more than ten spells that can cause damage to ordinary targets from ancient times to the present, and some of them have been lost.

Basel thought about it carefully, and he actually saw a brand new white magic that can cause damage to ordinary targets!

And judging from Adam's tone, he has mastered more than these two spells, and even the family power behind him has even higher achievements in this regard.

Basel was so excited that he didn't even know what Jenkins was talking about.He is now focusing all his energy on Adam. If possible, he really wants to drag Adam out of the auditorium and find a place to discuss the issue of offensive white magic.

Adam didn't notice Basel's abnormality, and his attention was now attracted by a sentence from Jenkins.

"The only regret is that the attack is the weakness of the white mage. There are very few attack spells in the list of white magic spells, so we can only find suitable spells from the general spells to arm ourselves. For example, the most common magic missile, Mental shock..."

Adam didn't think that the offensive spells in the sanctuary space were so precious, but there were quite a few people who had seen him use magic arrows and sun beams so far, so he just hoped there would be no trouble.

"I know that many mages have such a view: as long as you can learn the magic in the spell list of the main spell school, you can become a great mage. In fact, this is a wrong view, or in more accurate words Saying that a mage with this view might just as well be a strong one, maybe a golden archmage, but he's destined for no greatness."

The auditorium was very quiet. In fact, among the young mages who participated in this exchange meeting, there were quite a few people who held this view. They pricked up their ears nervously, wondering why.

"As I mentioned earlier, magic has been discovered, invented, and created since its inception. Understanding the essence and then creating spells of your own is a great asset and the true greatness of a mage place."

Adam nodded in agreement. Only by continuing to innovate can a more brilliant magic civilization be born.

But when it comes to creating spells, it basically needs to be backed by the strength of the gold rank.Perhaps when his professional level is raised to level 16, he may also be able to create his own temple spell.In this regard, Adam expressed his expectation.

"This must be the trend of development. There were less than [-] white magic that were clearly recorded in the classics before the establishment of the Xither Empire, but now there are more than [-] of the four major branches. In addition, there are more family secrets. Legendary, lost white magic."

"Sir, I have a different opinion," a young mage said loudly after Jenkins had finished speaking.

Adam has noticed him, he is a white mage who believes in the Lord of Dawn, because he seemed very excited during the debate on the nature of white magic just now, and he was very unfriendly to other white mages who held different views, and even took out his wand to talk to him. Opponent's tendency to duel.

Did he have any amazing remarks?

Adam leaned on the chair with his hands folded in front of his chest, looking like he was watching a show.

"I noticed that you didn't mention another person, or force, the Church of Dawn who made a major contribution to the development of white magic during the development of white magic."

The white mage seemed very excited, and Adam thought that if it wasn't for the strength of Jenkins' silver rank and his status as the president of the White Robe Federation, he might have become even more violent.

"Since the Church of Dawn came into charge of France, you have to admit that Mage Bai has grown tremendously in terms of numbers and strength. This is an indisputable fact." The mages nodded in agreement.

"I don't deny it." Jenkins pursed his lips, signaling him to continue.

Adam rolled his eyes, he has indeed achieved great development, and all of them are firmly controlled by the Church of Dawn, just like you.

"I didn't mean to offend you, but I think that in the process of the development of White Magic and the direction of future development, we should not only see the mage side, why not take the initiative to cooperate with the Church of Dawn.

You must know that there are many overlaps between the spells in the list of divine spells and spells in the magic list. If you put aside the stereotypes between mages and priests, white magic will have great opportunities for development. "

Believe me, if you really cooperate with the Church of Dawn, you will become believers of the Lord of Dawn before you gain development, Adam secretly yawned.

"The Church of Dawn, the Silver Tower, if Upler's best at healing and defense work together. Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine? White magic will usher in the most glorious era since its birth."

In the worst times, you will be eaten up by the Church of Dawn.

"Thank you for your statement, a 'great' offer."

Seeing that some of the white mages present were eager to be moved by the young man's words, while the other white mages obviously couldn't refute directly because of various concerns, but the expressions on their faces were as ugly as swallowing a fly. Jenkins planned to end this topic.

Standing in his position, Jenkins could clearly distinguish from their expressions which ones were close to the Lord of Dawn and which ones were the real White Mage.

Jenkins' somewhat perfunctory evaluation did not stop the white mage from speaking. On the contrary, he stood up directly in the midst of his excitement, so that the other white mages participating in the exchange meeting could see him clearly.

"I have an immature idea. Due to factions and family relationships, white magic spells have always been lost in the inheritance. Why don't we record our personal spells in the church temple? Who else has time to live with them? A great god?"

"He's crazy." Even Basel was disgusted by the white mage's remarks.

To what extent does it have to be controlled by the church personnel to say such a thing.If he was the teacher of Master Bai, he would have personally dealt with him as soon as he heard what he said.It is one thing for mages to exchange spell experience, mages and priests, hehe...

"...Under the guidance of the Lord of Dawn, the brilliance of white magic can fill every inch of Uppler's land."

What he said made the white mages who believed in the Lord of Dawn cheer loudly, as if they had really come to the prosperous age of white magic.

"Sir, I also have some opinions." Adam stood up like the mage just now, so that everyone in the auditorium could notice him.The gesture interrupted their celebration very timely.

Oh, another one.Jenkins groaned in his heart, hoping it wasn't something out of the ordinary.

He took a quick look at Adam. He was young and had potential, which was the information he got instantly.

After Jenkins made a gesture of please, Adam officially spoke.

"As we all know, at the beginning of the birth of the world, there were already traces of magic."

Just the first sentence at the beginning made all the young white mages present excited, some were angry, and some admired Adam's courage to make the following remarks in France.

"Adam!" Basel reminded Adam in a low voice, this is Frans, some things cannot be said too much.But thinking of the mysterious origin of the Silver Knight and Adam sitting outside waiting, he sat quietly in his seat and took out his wand just in case.

"In other words, when white magic was born, there were no so-called gods in this world."

The white mage just now yelled at Adam angrily: "Who are you talking about?"

"If you can't understand what I just said, then it doesn't matter if I tell you the answer directly. Yes, it is the Lord of Dawn. He didn't exist at that time."

The whole auditorium exploded in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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