Templar Sun King

Chapter 614 Destiny

Chapter 614 Destiny
The first Sunday of every month is probably the day Arman looks forward to the most.

Because at this time, the Jingjie Mountain will be opened, and the imperial elites included in the "Holy Griffon Empire Advanced Talent Reserve Plan" can enter it to receive training, stimulate their potential, and improve their strength as long as they pay a certain contribution.

Today is different from the past, the special rules laid down by the Lord of Dawn and Order have long since disappeared, and legendary professionals are the highest combat power on the main material plane.

There are legendary professionals in Sky Garden (Elemental Duke, Storm Lord), Dimensional Tallinn (Supreme Mage, Six Legendary Elders), Nine Ring Council (Nine Ring Witch, White Robe Wizard), and the newly appointed Minister of War is also legendary In the case of Juggernaut, it would be too shabby for the Minister of Magic, who is only at the peak of the golden rank, to lead the magic world if he doesn't work hard to reach the legendary rank.

Therefore, Alman wished that he would have the opportunity to enter it every month to receive training and be promoted to the legendary rank as soon as possible.

However, the contribution is limited after all. Today is the first time Arman entered the Pure Realm Mountain in 4909, so he exhausted the contribution he had accumulated for half a year.

"Huh? Strange, how could this be? This is different from the past."

After being dizzy from Jingjie Mountain and entering a special space, Arman looked suspiciously at the interface floating in front of him. There was only one strange and unique option on it, the doomsday mode.

What should have been here were Training Mode, Challenge Mode, and Survival Mode.

"The doomsday mode is on, start teleporting..."

After another burst of dizziness, Alman was surprised to find that he appeared in his office again, and his assistant was sorting out the materials outside.

"Is this a hallucination or..."

Arman soon knew that this was not an illusion, because the halo from the magic lamp in the office flickered, showing a line of writing:
Every plane, world, and universe has a beginning and an end.

When the timeline reaches the end, there will be endless disasters, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, meteorites, plagues...

All souls cry his name in the embers of doom, apocalypse...

World Background: Ten Plagues of Apocalypse.

According to ancient legends, when the ten apocalyptic plagues of blood, frogs, lice, flies, animal plagues, blisters, hail, locusts, darkness, and the firstborn come, the world will be in a state of war, hunger, and plague. , Death ushers in destruction.

Main task: Please try to survive the ten disasters of the apocalypse.

Task Reward: Rune Fruit*1.

Quest rewards, this is the first time Arman has encountered mission rewards, not to mention the rune fruit that is most talked about by arcanists. After taking it, you can permanently get a spell slot for a fixed spell, my God!
In the next second, Arman's brain, which was just excited because of the rune fruit, immediately calmed down. Obviously, both the world background and the mission description described how difficult this mission was, which was even more terrifying than the survival mode. doomsday mode!

Suddenly, Arman noticed that there was a red blood line in the glass of water on the desk that he hadn't finished drinking yesterday for no reason, curling up and spreading, and then the whole glass of water was soaked in red, turning into a glass of blood.

"Is this the bloody flood among the ten plagues?"

Arman rushed out of the office, rushed into the bathroom under the suspicious eyes of his assistant, and turned on the faucet. What flowed out of the water pipe was not clear water, but scarlet blood.

"Oh, damn it!"

Arman hastily tightened the faucet and backed away, because the blood contained a terrible curse that made even an eight-ringed arcanist feel palpitations.

The next moment, the bloody water remaining in the washbasin and flowing into the water pipes flowed back under the action of an unknown force and splashed into the air, like a torrential rain falling on him.

Every drop of blood contains a curse, including weakness, hunger, blindness, disease, confusion, decay, poison, paralysis...

At the same time, other imperial elites who went to Jingjie Mountain also ushered in their own tasks in the doomsday mode.

"According to the prophecy, after the sun sets on December 4912, 12, it will never rise again. From then on, light will enter darkness, warmth will welcome cold, shadows will cover the world, and the universe will usher in destruction in a dead silence..."

"The climate of the main material plane is changing. Terrible tornadoes, blizzards, and glaciers are approaching from the north and south poles. Everything they pass is frozen and covered with ice and snow. The whole world has re-entered the ice age in the cold winter..."

"God sees the earth full of corruption, violence, and lawless evil deeds, and plans to send down a monstrous flood to destroy the wicked, cleanse the sins, and reshape the earth. The Ark is the only fire of civilization and hope for survival..."

"On the last day of the second era, when the sun rose, the poles of the main material plane reversed, the outer shell and surface of the main star suddenly separated, and the magma inside the earth's core gushed out and flowed across the cracked earth. The separated continent, together with all living things Fill it all into the sea..."

"When the apocalypse decided to send down disasters to judge the world, the stars in the sky fell to the earth, just like a fig tree being shaken by a strong wind and dropping unripe fruits..."

Main task: survive as long as possible!

One world after another, some experienced ten disasters, some were engulfed by disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and meteorites, some perished in the collapse of people's hearts, some were shattered together with the entire main star, and some were destroyed by undead natural disasters and dark natural disasters. Combined with the devil's natural disaster, it was turned into a piece of wasteland.

Worlds shrink rapidly one by one, forming adjacent spaces. Countless worlds experiencing disasters and destruction gather together, like a Rubik's Cube composed of countless cubes, and finally form a box, a box engraved with an inscription of destruction, surrounded by a pair of Holding it in hands with well-defined joints and clean and slender fingers.

"How about it, what is the effect of using the doomsday mode to simulate the destruction of the world?"

Isabella on the side looked at the boxes containing the final destruction of the world and asked Adam.

"The effect is better than expected!"

Adam rubbed his fingers on the box, and brand new worlds were born one after another, evolving new ways of disaster and destruction.

"Until now, I have only evolved 147 worlds. Each world corresponds to a way of world destruction. The birth of each new way of destruction can improve my understanding of the priesthood of destruction by one point."

There are different ways to comprehend the law, and one of the more common ones is to confirm the law itself with practical actions. Just like the goddess of life creating a new species of life, Adam walked the same path in the process of comprehending the law of destruction—destroying the world.

The inner planes of the multiverse are unknown, but they can be used as targets, but Adam has not been mad enough to destroy the real world to comprehend the law, so he created a special artifact, which can evolve virtual worlds one by one by virtue of divine power. Destroy in different ways.

This artifact is the box in Adam's hand. It was rebuilt by him on the basis of the five-color dragon queen's disaster box. The new name is the Apocalypse Box, which carries Adam's authority to destroy the priesthood.

In order to make the process more authentic, Adam linked the Apocalypse Box with the temple building, and drew the consciousness of the imperial elite into it. While destroying the world by various means, Adam stimulated their potential in natural disasters and doomsday, and used The rune fruit serves as a reward, killing two birds with one stone.

But until now, no one has been able to escape from the destruction of the world.

Of course, in order not to let the contributions of the imperial elites be wasted in inexplicable deaths, His Majesty the Great Sun God made a decision that he thought was very generous, giving them ten extra chances to go to other worlds to continue training.

Therefore, when Arman could no longer bear the ubiquitous curse and the death of the dark force when the lice plague broke out, he was not bounced back to the Pure Realm Mountain as before, but was still in a white world.

At the beginning, Arman's spirit was still immersed in the bloody floods, frog plagues and lice plagues that had just erupted in the world of the "Ten Plagues of the Apocalypse".

The three disasters seem to be unrelated, but they are actually intertwined. Blood pollutes the world and makes frogs crawl all over the ground.

Frogs mutate, carry diseases, and provide an excellent environment for the outbreak of the third plague lice.

Although Alman did not realize the latter seven plagues, he could roughly guess that the so-called ten plagues of the apocalypse should be interrelated, promoted, promoted, and strengthened. As a purgatory on earth.

After wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, Arman realized that he hadn't been ejected. Looking at the interface floating in front of him, it still showed the doomsday mode, with the words 1/11 behind it.

A second later, Arman found himself in an empty, foggy world where snowflakes of dust and ash kept falling from the sky.

World Background: Infernal erosion.

The order of heaven is perfect, and the chaos of hell is evil. When beliefs are corrupted and the world is filthy, the inner world where hell collects sins and desires are projected to the main material plane begins to erode reality, manifesting into various evil creatures to wreak havoc on the world.

Corresponding to the angry triangle iron head monster, corresponding to the convulsive ballet dancer of silver jade, corresponding to the fly of the plague...

Main task: Survive seven hours in the erosion of the inner world.

Task Reward: Rune Fruit*1.

With a piercing siren, Arman found that the surrounding environment changed rapidly, becoming dirty and dilapidated, with mottled walls, rusty iron nets everywhere, dark red blood stains and disgusting mildew spots.

The sound of heavy footsteps and the sound of metal rubbing in the distance made Arman immediately alert. When he turned around, he saw that it was a monster.

The other party has a strong man's body, dragging a huge ax on the ground with his right hand, where the head should be is a slightly rusty steel triangle made of refined steel!

A day later, Arman, who had experienced eleven worlds, left the Pure Realm Mountain with a heavy heart and returned to the Ministry of Magic.

This time he entered the Pure Realm Mountain, and he experienced a total of eleven different ways of death!

And in Tiantang Mountain, Adam, who is using the Apocalypse Box to comprehend the law of destruction, is also in a heavy heart, because the three goddesses of fate have become the master of the law.

After the three Goddesses of Fate obtained the Fate Slate in the Pantheon and ascended to the main god, Grace, the goddess of fortune, Ditney, the goddess of fortune, and Feite, the goddess of prophecy, all obtained a godhead, ranking as the main god.

The rapid progress in the past five years is not only Adam who comprehends the law of destruction with the help of the Disaster Box and the Frontier of Chaos, but also the three goddesses of fate.

Before Adam obtained the priesthood of destruction, the three goddesses of destiny were already one step ahead of the main gods, ranking second in the pantheon, second only to the god of truth.

Of course, their strength is even more unfathomable now.

Time went back to a few minutes ago, when Adam noticed the abnormality, the realm of impermanence, one of the twelve outer planes, was already shrouded in a hazy brilliance.

The majestic divine power of destiny is rolling, like a deep ocean, and like a vast starry sky.

The two ends of the river of fate sank into the void, making noise.

The endless hazy light radiates to the outer plane centered on the realm of impermanence, and there are blurred colorful lights and colorful rain of light everywhere.

Just like the last time God of Truth became the Lord of Chaos Law, the aura of the three goddesses of fate has just increased exponentially in the perception of the gods. In the next moment, the vast breath has reached a critical point and officially climbed to the position of the Lord of Law .

Three tall and large phantoms rise from the realm of impermanence. Although they are shrouded in infinite fog and hazy light, the gods can still distinguish that from left to right are the goddess of fortune, the goddess of fortune and the goddess of prophecy.

At the same time, the Pantheon, the throne representing the three goddesses of fate moved forward in a burst of brilliant colorful light and roaring sound, leaving the Lord of Radiance behind and forming a row alone.

Now, the location of the main god area of ​​​​the Pantheon becomes:

First row, God of truth.

The second row, the three goddesses of fate.

The third row, the sun god.

The fourth row, other main gods.

"From the main god to the god king, there are three correct ways."

In the Kingdom of Destiny, after becoming the lord of the laws of destiny, the three goddesses of fate closed their eyes and meditated on something. It was not until half an hour later that Mrs. Grace spoke first: "The first type is the lord of the laws; the second type corresponds to the ten laws. , two main gods that are opposite or complementary to each other; the third type is the main god and great power in the same field."

Ditney stretched out her hand in front of her, and a flash of colored light quickly outlined the names of the twelve main gods of the multiverse in the air.

"The original god of the water element and the three goddesses of beauty and love are the first to be ruled out. The god of war, the goddess of earth and abundance, and the lord of the sky are all the third methods, but even if it succeeds, it will not be known how many years later."

The names belonging to the three main gods turned into light spots and disappeared following Ditney's voice.

"The methods of the Demon God of Greed, the God of Space, and the Goddess of Darkness are the masters of law, and they are also not much of a threat."

The names of the three main gods continued to disappear.

"The Goddess of Life and the Sun God adopt the second method. They already have a main god position and a priesthood. It stands to reason that there is no threat to us. However, for the sake of caution, Adam, who has a mysterious origin and rapid progress, will stay temporarily."

Now, only the God of Truth, the Sun God, and the Three Goddesses of Fate are left with their names suspended.

Grace looked at the three names with strange expressions: "Colin, the god of truth, and Adam, the sun god, one is fate and nothingness, and the other has a mysterious origin. They are the greatest threat to our success as god kings!"

Ditney asked the sisters for their opinions with some distress and excitement: "So, who to start with?"

"Adam!" Two identical answers popped out from the mouths of Grace and Feite.

"Okay, then Adam."

The three Goddesses of Destiny grasped the void together, and a colorful long river composed of countless lights emerged, which was the long river of fate.

The three goddesses of fate looked at each other, drank lightly, each separated a ray of glory from the main god, fell into the long river of fate, and headed back to the upper reaches of the long river of fate against countless huge waves.

Based on the present, there is only one main road in the upper reaches of the long river of fate, without any branch lines, representing a complete history on a timeline, which is the past.

The downstream is composed of countless tributaries that are changing all the time. At every moment, countless tributaries are born and disappear, and they converge as time goes by to form established facts, representing a future with countless development possibilities.

Now, what the three goddesses of fate are doing is to go back to the long river of fate and explore the origin of the sun god Adam.

The inability to predict the future of Adam has always been one of the things that the three goddesses of fate care about most after the god of truth, fate and nothingness. Now that they have become the masters of the law of fate, they can directly trace the long river of fate. Naturally, the three goddesses of fate want to find out.

The waves on the long river of fate are rolling, and the brilliance of the three main gods is connected upstream, and a period of history quickly flashes before the eyes of the three goddesses of fate.

Adam who has withstood the test of the torrent of laws and became the Lord of Radiance;

Under the siege of the knights of truth, Adam escaped from the shadow plane by using the radiance of the main god of the water element;
Under the protection of the Goddess of Life, the Angel of Dawn, and the Goddess of Earth and Fertility, Adam ignited the divine fire on the inner plane;

Adam who was brought to the new continent of Merika by the three keys;

Adam crowned King of the Holy Griffin Kingdom in Griffin City;

Adam, who cooperated with the 17th and 18th of the Scourge Church to make a big disturbance in the Iris Flower City...

And, Adam suddenly appeared outside the Celtic Ash Forest!

"This is the starting point of Adam's destiny!" Dieter suddenly realized, "No wonder we haven't been able to find Adam's origin. It turns out that he has no origin of destiny at all!"

In the volume of the glory of the three main gods, this piece of information was intercepted from the river of fate and projected into the air.

There, Adam, who was dressed in a priest's robe and was still a little immature, was walking briskly in the field under the guard of seven militiamen.

Mrs. Grace carefully looked at the projected image, and frowned: "This is not something to be happy about, Dieter. What does it mean for a person who has no origin of fate but appears directly in the river of fate?"

"It means that he was not born in his own universe, but from another crystal wall universe!" Ditney thought of something, and suddenly felt like a big enemy, "Holy light spell, holy heaven mountain, seraphim, Adam is most likely a Obtain another visitor from the Alien Crystal Wall universe inherited from the Lord of Radiance!"

In this way, all doubts will be solved.

Why did Adam have a pure and bright holy light spell, why he was promoted to a true god the moment the divine fire was ignited, why there were three seraphs and a brand-new race of angels under his command...

"I will never allow an outsider to seize the throne of God King that should belong to us in our universe!"

Feite's eyes were full of fierce light, and he wished he could rush to the Ocean of Glory immediately, destroy the Heavenly Mountain, and kill the Sun God.

"and many more!"

Feite, who was about to discuss with Ditney how to destroy the heavenly system, saw Mrs. Grace pointing at the projected screen, where seven militiamen were fighting an ogre.

"I just saw something that seemed familiar to me."

The screen is reversed, back to the moment when Adam suddenly descended on his own universe.

Not far from Adam, several golden thunderbolts poured down, turning a mountain range into dust.

"What is this lightning?" Ditney and Feite refocused on the screen, with some uncertainty, "Like God's punishment?"

Feite thought for a while: "Do you still remember that when Adam ignited the divine fire in the inner plane, there was also a golden divine punishment of unknown origin?"

As she spoke, she intercepted another piece of information from the River of Fate, and another picture was projected. The golden lightning fell first on Adam who was hidden in the inner plane.

"At that time, I was busy supporting Arlos to ignite the divine fire, so I didn't pay much attention. Now it seems that we missed a very important message."

Mrs. Grace looked at the very similar golden lightning on two different screens and suggested, "How about checking it at the time when we arrived?"

"it is good!"

"no problem!"

This time, the three goddesses of fate sat with their eyes closed, and most of their will and divine power entered the long river of fate again under the protection of the lord god's brilliance, and went upstream to arrive at the time when Adam came to his own universe. Observe that golden lightning carefully.

"What a hell of a day."

The three goddesses of Fate heard Adam mutter a few words, and led the seven militiamen to walk in the opposite direction from Lightning.

As the masters of the laws of their destiny, most of the history can be reflected in detail, the only flaw is that they cannot change the history.

The Three Fates looked at Adam's back, and flew towards the sky covered by dark clouds.

"It's [-]% likely to be God's punishment. I have the breath of divine power."

While quickly sensing the breath remaining in the air, Ditney flew deep into the dark clouds with her two sisters.

"Closer, the source is nearby."

The three goddesses of fate used their divine power to push away the dark clouds belonging to the past, and prepared to spy on the truth, which consumed a lot of their divine power.

However, at the moment when they pushed the dark clouds away, a great will descended from nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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