Templar Sun King

Chapter 590 The Birth of the Son of God

Chapter 590 The Birth of the Son of God
The outbreak of the cold wave had a great impact on the entire main material plane, except for the Romano Empire and the Church of the Sky.

The blizzard weather is not suitable for demons, creatures that usually live in lava fields and bathe in magma. The Romano Empire and the United Kingdom of Sauk intend to step up their offensive and plan to take advantage of the time to destroy the Jiaoyan Dynasty in one fell swoop.

However, as time went on, after entering August, the temperature continued to drop, the blizzard intensified, the wind was bitter, the blizzard was flying, and the whole world was white. Not to mention fighting, even marching became difficult.

Soon, the war on a global scale was suspended, vitality was dormant, and the main material plane was shrouded in white, as if the world was ushering in a hibernation.

In the Holy Griffon Empire, one ark after another carrying safety and hope was built with all the manpower and material resources of the temple and the empire, and the most important main cities of the empire were incorporated into the defense system.

Residents of nearby cities and towns migrated in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the empire, and entered the city to escape the long cold winter that would last for three years or even ten or hundreds of years.

Adam once again ushered in a frenzy of faith. Watching the patriarch raise a brand new blazing sphere every morning has gradually become a habit of the people.

When September came, the First Theological Seminary of the Holy Church, the Royal Knight Academy of the Holy Griffin Empire, and Themis School of Magic officially ushered in the school season, facing the empire, teaching divine arts, vindictiveness and magic.

Thanks to Dimensional Tallinn and the Ministry of Magic for jointly building the space teleportation array extending in all directions in the empire, the little guys who have reached the age of 11 can go to their respective colleges for free through the teleportation array.

The Seminary and the Knight Academy are built by Adam's Projection Temple, which has various magical abilities and super defenses. The Themis School of Magic is equipped with powerful magic circles by arcanists. It is easy to maintain the temperature and resist the severe cold storm. , The wind and snow outside will not affect normal teaching.

On the morning of September 9, after the Patriarch raised a blazing sun ball, the priests prayed to the statue of the sun god as usual to welcome a new day.

Suddenly, endless joy burst out of their hearts for no reason, filling their bodies, and their bodies and souls were all immersed in extreme joy.

This joy does not come from themselves, but from the gods they believe in, and is directly reflected in their hearts through the invisible channel of faith.

This is the joy of the gods!
Several young priests who had just become professionals looked at each other, not understanding what happened on Mount Paradise that could reflect the joy of the Sun God so clearly and outwardly.

You must know that the gods have always been unpredictable, and they maintain a certain sense of mystery in front of believers, and they will not easily reveal their emotions because of the joy or sorrow of gains and losses from foreign objects.

The joy or wrath of God is usually impossible to speculate on.

However, at this moment, even a priest who has just obtained his first divine spell and has a professional level of only 1 can clearly experience this heartfelt joy.

"Something good must have happened." This was the first reaction of several young pastors.

As for what was going on, they looked at the priest with the highest position in their respective churches, waiting for the other party to interpret and announce.

In the Holy Splendor Cathedral, Pope Clement I opened his eyes, with joy on his face, and announced loudly: "The Son of God is born!"

The Son of the Sun God, the heir of Adam, the descendant of the Weaving family, and the heir of the Holy Griffin Empire was born in the Garden of Eden!

"It's the two little highnesses who were just born in the Garden of Eden."

"Great. This is good news enough to bring hope to the people of the empire."

Heir to the Holy Griffin Empire.

In the days of ice and snow, people desperately need such good news to dispel the haze.

"Yes, do we need an announcement at once, Your Majesty?"

"Let's announce it. I think everyone will forget about the wind and snow outside for a while."

Paradise Hills, Garden of Eden.

"Thank you, Bella." Adam hugged Isabella, who was a little tired from childbirth, and used gentle divine power and blessing to help her recover.

On the side, two seraphs, the angel of evangelism Raphael and the angel of redemption Teresa, each hold a child, a boy and a girl, who are the children of Adam and Isabella.

As the heirs of a main god and a divine creature, they appeared extraordinary at birth, and came to the world with visions.

The elder sister came to the world first in a burst of colorful rainbow, followed by the younger brother bathed in milky white holy light and uttered the first cry.

Even the Garden of Eden seems to be aware of the extraordinary, with exotic flowers blooming in full bloom.

"let me see."

Isabella recovered quickly with Adam's help and took over a child, and Adam also took another.

The newborn baby is soft, a small ball in the arms, very cute.

After the initial crying, the two slept soundly, completely without the fragility of ordinary babies.

They perfectly inherited the divine blood and divine blood from Adam and Isabella, and they were born as primary divine creatures, so they looked very healthy and full of vitality.

Although he was too young to activate his blood for the time being, his whole body still glowed with surging vitality and divine aura, and was surrounded by a slight holy light, which made him look extraordinarily extraordinary.

——Actually, if Adam wanted to, he could help them activate all the divine blood in their bodies now, but that would be counterproductive, and it would not benefit the future development at all, and it was definitely not the result Adam wanted to see.

Isabella hugged her daughter and said happily: "They will definitely be excellent fighters or spellcasters in the future."

"Obviously, without a doubt. Legendary and great, by the way."

Adam gently stroked the son's golden hair in his arms with his fingers and asserted that the two children, like Adam, had standard blonde hair and blue eyes.

And as Isabella ignites the divine fire in the future and ascends to the god position, their bloodline can continue to be sublimated once more. With two kinds of divine blood, their talent and potential will be even more powerful.

The upper limit of a professional's level is determined by both talent potential and acquired hard work, and the talent and potential of Adam's heirs are basically full at the moment of birth, and they have obtained an identity and status that ordinary people struggle for a lifetime. The descendants of the Lord of Radiance, The prince and princess of the Holy Griffin Empire.

#On the Importance of Origin#
#Reincarnation is a technical activity#
To be honest, even if they don't do anything in the future, they can become powerful professionals simply by relying on the spells hidden in the blood of the gods inherited from their parents.

You must know that Adam is now the main god in charge of the law of light, and his first generation of god sons can successfully inherit the complete holy light magic from covering black iron to legend.

The only possible question is whether after Isabella ignites the divine fire, whether the two divine bloods will conflict and cause unknown distortion.

Maybe at that time, you can choose to refuse the sublimation blood, or simply give up a kind of divine blood.

Adam quickly drove the question out of his mind. He hugged his son, clearly feeling the connection and resonance from the blood, excited and excited.

This is his blood, the continuation of the blood in this universe!

"Choose a name for our child." Isabella handed over the task of naming to Adam.

The sun god who became a father for the first time pretended to ponder for a while, but in fact he had already thought up the name when he learned that Isabella was pregnant, and listed a long list of backups.

Today, it finally came in handy.

"My sister's name is Diana."

At the beginning, there were Margaret (nicknamed Mary) and Victoria as alternate names, but in the end Adam chose this rather mythical name.

"Your brother's name is Arthur, don't you think?"

It is a legendary name, derived from a great king.

"Diana Weaving, Arthur Weaving..." Isabella repeated it twice, "Listen to you, I have no objection."

"Well, then it's decided." Adam nodded, and officially confirmed the names of his children, "As our children, they should enjoy the highest glory."

Isabella guessed what Adam wanted to do, and stopped her: "They are still young, so it would be too early to be knighted now."

It seems reasonable, a baby doesn't understand the power of the title, this kind of thing should be satisfied when they understand the longing.

But Adam still enjoys making plans for the future with Isabella: "Then wait until they are adults. Diana is the Duke of Danube and inherits your city."

"In addition, the fiefdom of the eldest princess of the Holy Griffin Empire is Danube City, which can be passed on as a tradition and practice."

"But I remember that you have transformed Danube City into the capital of magic." Isabella said with a smile.

With the settlement of the Hanging Garden, the establishment of Themis School of Magic and the smooth progress of the immigration plan, the Danube City’s magic capital plan is basically completed.

The current Danube City gathers the best arcanists and spellcasters of the Holy Griffon Empire. It is the empire's magic research center and the most prosperous magic business center including magic props and magic materials.

Dimensional Tallinn is planning to move its headquarters to Danube City recently, so as to facilitate in-depth communication and face-to-face competition with another magical holy land of the Empire, the Hanging Garden.

"No matter how it is built, it is still the territory of the empire, and the owner of the city is also Isabella, isn't it?"

"Danube is Diana's fief, where is Arthur?"

"York, Duke of York."

Yorkshire is the first and only fief that Adam acquired in this world, and it is the starting point of the Griffin Empire.

Isabella understood: "It sounds like Yorkshire is the traditional fiefdom of the first heir to the empire. But—"

Isabella drew a long voice, describing another possibility: "What if Arthur is more willing to enter the church in the future?"

"How come? What I want are two excellent heirs."

rather than believers.

You can worship, but you don't need to believe in it. The path of believers is the last choice.

As a new god who has not long been conferred as a god, and influenced by some traditional concepts, Adam has somewhat hopeful expectations for his sons and daughters when it comes to their children, and he does not have the indifference of ordinary gods to their children.

"They will receive the most complete and systematic training and guidance in the world, grow smoothly, climb to the peak of the main material plane with their extraordinary blood talent and excellent professional skills, and even launch a sprint to the realm of gods."

"A good idea." Isabella commented briefly, "But I think they will leave Mount Paradise soon and return to the main material plane."

This is an inevitable thing. Although the Garden of Eden was temporarily adjusted to the energy balance of elements by Adam, it cannot change the nature and fact that the Garden of Eden is part of the Glorious Kingdom, which is not conducive to the growth of babies.

As for the twin Eden, it is also a place of energy imbalance, where light energy dominates.

Thus, the Material Plane becomes the last option.

"It doesn't matter, I can come with my will at any time, and I can even take charge of their enlightenment work. In addition—" the excited Adam thought about asking for Isabella's opinion, and of course it was just asking, "You said How about I make the twin Eden their fief as well?"

The essence of the Transitional Plane of Twin Eden is destined to become a future aspirational place for Imperial priests, paladins, templars and swordsmen.

What's more, the planes are twins, Diana and Arthur are also twins, couldn't think of a better idea than that.


The successive visits of the goddess of life and the lord of space finally liberated Isabella from Adam's blueprint.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty Adam. You are really two lovely children." The Goddess of Life took Arthur from Adam's hand, her eyes filled with kindness.

As a main god in charge of the law of life, the strong breath of life on the goddess of life has an indescribable attraction to the creatures that have just come into the world.

Soon, Arthur and Diana woke up from their sleep together, making babbling noises.

It's a pity that it doesn't conform to the canon, otherwise the Goddess of Life could be invited to be Diana's or Arthur's godmother, Adam thought regretfully looking at the Goddess of Life.

"In the name of the Goddess of Life, I bless them to grow healthily, be free from disease, and be as eternal as the stars."

Emerald green light fell on the two little guys, turning into a green leaf mark and then disappearing.

"Since His Majesty Thrandell blessed the two little guys with eternal life, it would be too stingy if I didn't express my opinion." The Lord God of Space thought for a while and said, "Then I will bless them to be able to flicker freely in space."

Space flickering, a unique silver divine art of the Space Church, the caster can perform up to nine consecutive flickerings with a distance of one meter.

The blessing of the Lord God of Space is equivalent to giving Diana and Arthur a permanent silver spell with extraordinary practicality, which is no different from the spells derived from the blood, and they are all instantaneous.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesties!" Although it was only a matter of one sentence, it consumed the original divine power and the power of the law. "By the way, I almost forgot the magic pets prepared for Diana and Arthur."

Seeing the blessings of the two main gods, Adam remembered it. He stretched out his hand and placed a Feathered Serpent egg in the Reincarnation Pool together with the first hatched little golden dragon in the Garden of Eden.

"Golden dragon and feathered snake, legendary creatures." The goddess of life nodded, and only such cubs of legendary creatures with very good talent and potential are worthy of being the son of the sun god.

"Come on, a little golden dragon and a feathered snake, what do you like?"

The space lord couldn't bear to hit Adam: "They're just babies—"

It's not even an hour since birth, how can I know how to choose a magic pet.

But Diana and Arthur made their own decisions before the space lord had finished speaking.

I saw Arthur stretching out a chubby finger and pointing at the little golden dragon beside Adam, while Diana looked at the unhatched Feathered Serpent's egg without blinking.

"Very good, very good."

With the help of Adam and the Goddess of Life, the two contracts were quickly established.

When the contract was established, two pieces of information flashed through Adam's mind.

Name: Diana Weaving
Bloodline: Sun God blood (concentration 12%, not activated), magical divine bloodline (concentration 13%, not activated)
Occupation: Immortal (blessed by Goddess of Life)
Rating: 1
Spells: Light, space flicker

Magic Pet: Feathered Serpent (Level 1)——
Name: Arthur Weaving
Bloodline: Sun God blood (concentration 20%, not activated), magical divine bloodline (concentration 5%, not activated)
Occupation: Immortal (blessed by Goddess of Life)
Rating: 1
Spells: Light, space flicker

Magic Pet: Golden Dragon (Level 1)
One morning three years later, the people of Griffin City watched with devout eyes a golden blazing sphere rising from the Holy Radiance Cathedral, hanging in mid-air, and releasing it together with the two suns in the sky. light and heat.

Yes, two suns, two suns close together.

Every morning they rise together in the east and set together in the west in the evening.

In the second year when the main material plane was covered with ice and snow, because of the falling temperature and worsening weather, the great sun god relocated the sun he collected before, and hung it in the sky with the first sun, Bring warmth and light to the world.

——The story of the sun horse driving the sun to rise in the east and set in the west was spread throughout the world at that time.

There is also the story of "Sun Bible" that has been circulated together. Unfortunately, until today, no one has found the treasure book that is said to be able to resurrect people.

This measure once delayed the severe cold and blizzard on the main material plane, melted the ice and snow, revived the earth, and put a layer of green on the white snow.

However, as time goes on, even two rounds of the sun can only maintain the average temperature hovering around 0°.

"Don't know when this damn weather will end. It's been too long since I've broken a sweat."

A soldier wrapped himself in a thick padded jacket and complained that he missed the pleasure of sweat running down his skin.

"Be content. Our Holy Griffin Empire has the Holy Ark and the Blazing Sun Orb bestowed by His Majesty. I heard that the northern part of the Romano Empire has been turned into an ice field, which is completely uninhabitable and completely dead."

"I'll just talk about it. Having said that—" The soldier looked at a group of owls flapping their wings in the sky, "Is the new semester of Themis Magic School about to start?"

"Obvious things."

Every July, a special scene will appear in the empire:

A group of owls shuttled over the city with a letter in their mouths, and delivered the letter to children who had reached the age of 11. It was an admission notice from Themis School of Magic.

These owls are not real owl creatures, but the latest golem works from the Hanging Garden.

They have the shape of owls and do not possess attack power. Their only function is to be fast, and they can deliver letters to specific targets according to the requirements of their masters.

"It is said that some elders suggested that owls be used as a communication tool to be promoted in the empire. I think this idea is good."

After all, the double-sided mirror is a magical item that arcanists and wealthy people can afford, and it is still a long way from ordinary people.

But this kind of owl that can be mass-produced is different, and the empire has come forward to set up a department in charge of postal affairs, which is undoubtedly a great thing for ordinary people.

Letters that used to wait on a monthly basis can now be received in half a month or even a week.

"Where did you see it, why don't I know? But I have to say, this idea is really good."

"The Celtic Times, yesterday, uh, maybe the day before yesterday, I can't remember exactly. But I still remember the headline that day was that the Empire is about to set up an education department to build schools across the country for those who cannot enter the three universities. teach children at school the basics of common sense.”

"If I knew how to read back then, I wouldn't be just a black iron warrior until now—huh? Why is the direction the owl is heading to the palace? Are there any children in the palace who are about to enter the magic school?"

Princess Diana and Prince Arthur who brought hope to the empire three years ago are only three years old now.

The owl didn't know that there were two warriors talking about it behind it. It flew into the palace after going through multiple checks according to the previous setting, and threw the letter in its mouth into the arms of a boy with light blond hair.

"Huh? There is my letter——Arthur, wait, let me play with you after reading this letter, please? Dormammu, sit down too."

The boy hugged the giggling blond child with big blinking eyes in his arms and rubbed the other's head.

A golden dragon about the size of a calf with beautiful scales and feathers roared softly, and obediently lay at the little boy's feet.

After finishing these, the boy chose to read the contents of the letter:
Themis School of Magic

Principal: Isabella Weaving.

(Lord of the Magic Net, President of the Arcanist Association of the Holy Griffin Empire)

Dear Mr. Chris Dean:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Themis School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Semester is scheduled to start on September [-].

We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before August 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)
Sincerely, Vesper
"Wow, it's actually my admission letter." Chris cheered, pumping his fists.

"You are already 11 years old, of course you should enroll in Themis School of Magic." A voice came from behind.


Chris felt his arms empty, the little guy had flung himself into someone's arms in a way he was born with.

 * Today will make up the third update that disappeared yesterday, but it is a bit late.

  *In addition, the notebook is broken (my Y430P axis is broken), and I need to use my mobile phone to code for these two days. I am not used to it, and the speed is very slow, so the update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will probably be a little late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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