Templar Sun King

Chapter 572 Will, Element, Treasure

Chapter 572 Will, Element, Treasure
The gods of the multiverse originate from laws, are based on beliefs, and perform their duties.

The domain and priesthood of the gods are not only the source of power and might, but also a constraint on the gods in the operating rules of the multiverse.

Therefore, the moment Adam ignited the divine fire and ascended to the god position, he knew that it was the unshirkable responsibility of the gods to maintain the smooth operation of the multiverse within the scope of the priesthood.

Otherwise, if the gaffe is allowed to develop badly, it is very likely to cause a backlash of faith, leading to the extinguishment of the divine fire, and the collapse of the priesthood and even the godhead.

Solving the sun disaster is certainly Adam's job, but similar to this kind of major problem that is very likely to cause a world-ending disaster, the will of the world is not stingy with encouragement and rewards.

The so-called will of the world does not refer to the will of the entire multiverse itself. The universe has no will, only the laws to maintain its operation.

The sum of all the laws that maintain the operation of the multiverse plus the common will of all beings constitutes the will of the world in the dark.

——For a main god like Adam, this vacant will of the world, or the will of the multiverse, is actually an important part of the supreme throne of the gods in the realm of gods.

Every mobilization of the will of the world is extremely rare. Sometimes the gods must admit that even major events that affect the future development trend of the multiverse may not necessarily arouse the will of the world, because there is no participation of the will of all beings on the main material plane.

Obviously, solar catastrophes are not included.

The gods are worried that natural disasters will cause a crisis of faith, and all living beings pray for survival.

"A reward from the will of the world."

The gods looked enviously at that huge power that shone faintly with golden light, and they were very envious.

"When was the last time the will of the world was triggered?"

"The Titan Lord God of the giant family ended the war between the three major races, drove the entire demon family into the underground world, restored peace to the earth, and opened the second era. Uh, well, according to the rumors, so it is."

"Whether it's rumors or not, the God of Heaven's luck is really good. Just as he landed on the Lord God, a new continent descended. It's simply..."

The speaking demigod wisely shut his mouth, he was afraid that if he continued speaking, it would turn into naked|naked jealousy.

"My lord, the sun disaster is not difficult for you at all..." the kingdom of truth, the soul knight asked doubtfully.

The laws of chaos distort reality, and if his god is willing to do his best, it is not difficult to solve the sun disaster.

Moreover, you can also get a reward from the will of the world once.

It's a pity that she didn't think of this before, otherwise she would strongly suggest that the God of Truth take action.

"I don't have the priesthood of the sun, it's just more divine power. Even if I can gain the gratitude of all beings, I won't get feedback from the law. After all, the sun is Adam's domain."

"Besides, once I make a full shot now, I will be seized by the three women from the Kingdom of Destiny."

The Soul Knight and the Ash Knight looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

Although the prophecy of the three goddesses is indeed weird, they can use the rank of the true god to induce the realm of impermanence for their own use, and can also influence the original god of the water element to help them fight, but their gods are not overestimating the prophecy of the three goddesses?
The God of Truth is now the first Lord of Chaos Law in the multiverse to fully grasp a law, and...

"However, the will of the world is indeed infinitely useful."

The God of Truth looked at the center of another area of ​​the outer plane, which was a huge kingdom of God, the kingdom of the sky, surrounded by countless storms, thunder and chaotic air, intertwined with purple and blue.

"At the beginning, I attacked the Lord of the Sky with a ray of light from the Lord God. I thought he had fallen, but I didn't expect to be reborn on the God of the Sky."

"What does my lord mean, is that the reward of the will of the world that Lord God Titan got back then helped him escape?"

"Nine times out of ten, this is the case, otherwise he would have died in the first place, just like the goddess of the earth, without the slightest chance of rebirth."

As he spoke, the God of Truth frowned slightly: Things were not like this.

"A reward from the will of the world."

Adam held the Holy Cross Sun Scepter in one hand and held the sun in the other, allowing this huge force to fall on him.

Under the effect of this extremely pure and soft power, Adam's fist-sized platinum divine fire suddenly expanded in a circle, and the flames were blazing, blooming circles of divine brilliance in the spiritual sea.

Then it shrinks, transparent and bright, shining with divine light, galloping endless energy light waves connected with the law of light in the entire multiverse.

For Adam, this power, which accounts for most of the rewards, has very limited effects. It simply strengthens the divine fire, enhances the sun's divine power, and raises him to a level that is only one step away from level 44 in one fell swoop.

What is really precious is the seven hazy golden mist that is mixed with power and falls on the divine fire, some of which are entangled with the divine fire, and some are violently tumbling in the spiritual sea, like a dragon and snake, endless.

The moment the seven golden mist fell into the spiritual sea, Adam felt that his mind was clear, and his main god's glory (sacred light) as the lord of light became clearer and more mysterious.

We must know that after Adam inherited and absorbed the holy light and eternal will left over from the seventh layer of Heavenly Mountain, the quality level of the main god's brilliance theory is no less than that of any main god who has lived from the first era to the present.

But now it's going a step further, which is really unimaginable.

Even...even the last part of the law of light that Adam has never comprehended is no longer obscure at this moment.

When I think about it carefully, some places that I couldn't understand through life and death before suddenly became clear.

The mystery in it is simply wonderful!

"I didn't expect the reward of the will of the world to have such an effect!"

Adam held the sun in his hand, retracted the light and shadow, and fell into the temple of the sun, smiling all over his face.

At his level, every improvement, especially the comprehension of the laws, is extremely rare.

The reward from the will of the world can purify and enhance the brilliance of the main god and help comprehend the law, which is really an unexpected joy.

This feeling is like the [merit] mentioned by a sect in the world where Adam lived before.

"In that case..." Adam sat on the throne, closed his eyes, and sank all his energy into the spiritual sea, absorbing and refining the seven golden mist for the first time.

The platinum-gold divine fire danced, spewing out a circle of light waves, spreading like ripples in the spiritual sea, covering all seven golden mist.


A second later, the diffused light waves began to shrink back, and the ripples turned into tidal waves, which were thrown into the center of the divine fire together with seven golden mist.

Under the calcination of the divine fire, the golden mist was decomposed into the most original particles and energy, as well as seven runes, which were thrown into the crystal bright godhead.

Immeasurable light gushed out from Adam's divine fire and divine personality, illuminating the entire spiritual sea, penetrating it, and radiating to the entire Sun Temple.

On the divine seat, one meter above Adam's head, the void was shattered, and the law of light descended directly, falling into the godhead.

After 10 minutes, Adam opened his eyes, and the visions such as brilliance and laws disappeared.

Genesis automatically jumped out of Adam's arms, flipped, and hung in front of Adam to display the latest information.

Adam took a closer look, and sure enough, his understanding of the law of light has increased from 85% to 90%, which means that his godhead can accommodate 90% of the law of light in the entire multiverse.

As for 100%, that is the Lord of Law's business.

And, from this moment on, Adam can really plan for the second main god.

He has already met the basic requirements for comprehending the second law: 90% comprehension of the first law!

"Merika's sun was taken away by the Lord God of Heaven, and the sun disaster was perfectly resolved."

The God of Winter looked at the sun slowly turning in Adam's palm, feeling a little out of breath.

This is the might of the Lord God!

"It's really good news. Once the solar disaster is resolved, the gods of the multiverse can finally spare their energy to do other things, such as invading Merica?" The God of Plague sat on the head and laughed at himself.

The two suns appeared alternately. Although it also caused a lot of damage to his Plague Kingdom, he thought he could last for a month.

Most of the followers of the plague god are mummies, as long as they hide in the pyramid, no matter how many suns there are in the sky.

"No, they should still have no extra energy in a short period of time." It was the silent God of Slaughter who spoke.

Looking at the last two Nine Pillars gods, the God of Plague and the God of Winter, this ruthless man with very resolute facial lines explained concisely: "The double tide of elements and energy and the Ice Age."

The God of Plague and the God of Winter, the double tide of elements and energy, knew that when they first heard about this disaster from the mouth of the Lord God of Space, they had some expectations.

As the profession of mage among spellcasters is weakened, the role and social status of priests will become more important, which is extremely beneficial to the development of church power.

Of course, these are based on the assumption that Merika will not be invaded by foreign lands.

Although the mages of the entire main material plane have been weakened...

"No, not all mages have been weakened. In fact, as far as I know, spellcasters in the Kingdom of the Lord God of Heaven have not been affected much."

Being watched by the two true gods together, the God of Winter organized his words and said with extra sincerity: "There are only three of us left in the Nine Pillars God, I think it's time to share the information we know. Your Highness Burns, I know You have visited the Lord God who masters the laws of darkness."

"Well, you're right, we should really cooperate sincerely now, what do you think, Your Highness Kira?"

The God of Slaughter did not make a sound, but nodded.

"Great, let me start first."

The God of Winter continued the topic just now: "After the double tide of elements and energy erupted, it is difficult for mages to cast spells with their own abilities, yes, but there is a magic net in the multiverse. With the help of the magic net, the strength of mages is not the same as before. up and down."

"The magic net, the magic net, the mummies in my kingdom don't feel it." The God of Plague said a little grumpily.

Anyone who is facing a group of other gods who are staring at them, and then hears the news that "we are the only ones who have been weakened by mages, while mages from other continents on the main material plane are not affected", will not be able to suppress the restlessness in their hearts .

"Uh..." Faced with the violent gaze of the God of Plague's scarlet eyes, the God of Winter opened his mouth a little unnaturally, and explained, "It is said that the current coverage of the magic net is only the Upler Continent and the first layer of the underground world. Underdark."

"Who is the master of the magic net?"

The God of Slaughter's words immediately made the God of Plague understand. Yes, it sounds like there should be a master behind this magic net.

As long as you find the owner of the magic net and let him cover the magic net on the continent of Merica, the gap with the foreign continent can be bridged.

Moreover, don't the other two worlds of Yasha Continent and Underground World still have magic nets?

You definitely don't want to know, the God of Winter said in his heart while spit out a name: "Isabella."

The God of Plague raised his eyebrows: "I've never heard of it."

"She has another identity, the wife of the Lord God of Heaven." Her wedding nine-pillar god witnessed it with her own eyes. "Now she lives in Silver Eden, the twin Eden."

The God of Winter pointed to one of the worlds in the inner plane that was shrouded in countless holy lights. Because of the divine power magic circle that the Lord of Radiance personally set up to strengthen the space barrier, his divine eyes could not see through it.

"Damn it!" the God of Plague cursed fiercely.

Not to mention the subtle relationship between the Nine Pillars God of Merica and the gods of the multiverse, when Adam came to Merika as a legend, he personally sent masters to hunt down Adam.

And after his divine desert god was jointly killed by the three seraphs under Adam, the grievances between the two could not be eliminated.

Adam's wife Isabella is actually the master of this magic net, how could things become like this.

Wait, isn't there a Griffin Principality in North America?

As the hostess of the Griffin Principality, it is impossible for her to give up the territory that Adam finally (?) acquired in the New World.

"It may not be possible to cover more areas with the strength of Isabella's legendary rank, otherwise this is definitely a golden opportunity for her."

Once successful, it is very likely that it will be a priesthood of magic, a powerful priesthood that can support Isabella's coming to the Lord God.

Unlike his priesthood, the priesthood of winter is just a simple seasonal priesthood with little development potential, and he is a true god if he dies.

Of course, the saddest thing is that he hasn't even gathered the priesthood of cold winter yet, and is still spinning around in the cold winter domain.

"What about the Ice Age?"

When the God of Slaughter was uncertain and the God of Winter was complaining, the God of Plague asked at the right time, so the aura of the Kingdom of God did not continue to decline.

Even so, the atmosphere in this temple that belonged to him was extremely oppressive.

"I know that." After all, the God of Slaughter is a true God, so he quickly adjusted his mood.

"I visited the five-color dragon queen of the dragon god system of the multiverse two days ago. She told me that there is a special building made of laws in the depths of the void, called the Pantheon. Before the arrival of the new continent, a main god entered it. The double imprint of divine power and law was placed on her throne exclusively, causing the law to be out of balance."

"If the six primordial gods of the multiverse don't all return to their positions within a hundred years, the entire universe will enter an ice age starting from the main material plane. A terrifying disaster enough to elect out 99% of the universe's creatures."

"The cold wave erupting in the north of the main material plane is just a trivial beginning."

"Which main god is it?" the God of Winter asked.

There is only one main god in the multiverse than Merika, and the main gods restrain each other, resulting in such serious consequences, do the other main gods have no objections?
"The original god of the water element." The plague god frowned and sighed. "The main gods of the multiverse are not the six we know, but seven."

"The seventh main god is the original god of the water element. The two true gods who received the water element before, the sea god and the ice goddess died together and were born after being polluted by the law of water. It is a god of law, and now lives in the pantheon."


The God of Winter gasped, his eyes almost went dark, and he suddenly felt that the future was gloomy.

If you count the space gods who turned against Adam, the number of light gods can be compared with the nine-pillar gods in the heyday of Merika.

"But you don't have to worry too much. The main gods of the multiverse are not harmonious, and their conflicts are more complicated than the Nine Pillars God." The God of Plague said through gritted teeth, "Even if they invaded Merika, they would not be able to swarm them all at once."

"How exactly?"

"Among the seven main gods of the multiverse, the most powerful are Yasha, who dominates a continent and completely masters the laws of chaos, and the demon master, who has two main gods."

Odin, the God of War, must be very envious of the God of Truth, fulfilling his dream of dominating a continent, the God of Plague thought maliciously.

"Secondly, there are the two main gods, the elf god and the dark lady, who came to the main god in the first era, and the Titan god who returned after the fall."

The remaining two are naturally the sun god Adam and the original god of the water element.

Under the explanation of the God of Plague, the God of Slaughter and the God of Winter gradually learned about the grievances between the seven main gods.

The God of Truth and the Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Sky and the Demon God of Destruction and Fire, the God of Destruction and Fire and the Lord of Light, the Lord of Light and the Goddess of Darkness, the Goddess of Darkness and the Goddess of Life, and the God of Truth and the Demon God of Destruction and Fire.

These contradictions are reflected in the main material plane, that is, the war between the Romano Empire and the United Kingdom of Sauk, the war between the Jiaoyan Dynasty, the holy griffon empire's daggers drawn by the Jiaoyan Dynasty, the dispute over beliefs in the Underdark region, the racial divisions within the Dark Elves, and the conflict between the surface world and the Jiaoyan Dynasty. The Clash of the Underworld...

In a nutshell, the multiverse is much more chaotic than Merica.

When the God of Plague finished speaking, the God of Winter suddenly felt sincere admiration for the demigods of the multiverse: how they survived the turbulent conflicts and struggles of the main gods.

Thanks to the demon gods and the demon gods of destruction and flames for strangling the second Goddess of the Titan gods, Mother Earth, otherwise the situation they are facing now will undoubtedly be more severe.

Compared with the worry of Nine Pillars God, Adam's current mood can only be described as joy.

Needless to say, the benefits from the prayers of all sentient beings and the will of the world, just solving the sun disaster itself brings no small benefits.

First of all, those new light elements born in the place where the light and energy of the main material plane are abundant, they are the most intuitive reaction and embodiment in the multiverse after Adam refined the sun.

Yes, refining, Adam is now a main god with a professional level of 43, refining the sun is only a matter of an instant, and it has been completed silently almost at the moment when the sacred light drowns the stars.

Adam is confident that except for the main god of the same rank, the gods do not even know that the sun revolving around the main star has become a part of him.

Adam is not like the Lord of Dawn and Order refining the sun to increase his strength. After he was promoted to the Lord God, his vision was broadened, and he directly sent a will into the core of the sun, using the huge energy and characteristics of the sun itself to nourish and grow.

Adam doesn't know whether he can truly become an incarnation after Adam's body. Up to now, he has not seen any incarnation of a god with independent strength beyond the legend.

But at least from now on, the sun can be counted as a part of Adam's body, and the general things that happen in any place where the sun can shine can be fed back to Adam's mind through the sun.

In modern terms, Adam is equivalent to turning the sun into a monitoring satellite dedicated to him, watching the earth anytime and anywhere.

As for the sun horse transformed by Adam's other will, it was not that the Lord of the Sky tried to obtain divine power by operating the sun, but created his own mythology.

As the main god, how can there not be a few related myths spread on the earth for bards to sing and priests to quote scriptures and preach.

Adam even made up the story line:
3.1 In the beginning, the new land came, there were two suns in the sky, and there was no night.

3.2 On the seventh day of the advent of the New World, when one sun rises in the east and one sun sets in the west, God walks out of the sacred mountain of heaven.

3.3 God said: light and darkness should be separated, light is day, darkness is night.So one of the suns was taken away, and night fell.

3.4 The gods summoned the holy horse of the gods, the sun horse, and ordered him to pull the sun to gallop in the sky, from east to west, with morning rise and nightfall, so that the light will shine all over the world.

In Adam's view, faith requires not only the number of believers, but more importantly, the silent influence of moistening things.

The fairy tales that are familiar to the elderly and children are undoubtedly a good choice.

The topic returns to the light elements. These brand new light elements can be said to be the product of a series of complex reactions between the Adam-like sunlight and light energy. Born close to the holy light, they are naturally his believers and supporters.

If the priests of the church encounter light elements in the wild, there is a certain chance to recruit them as partners to fight.

Light elementals live in groups, usually three to five live together.

The light elements of the black iron and bronze ranks are palm-sized bare-bottomed children. Only after being promoted to the silver rank to become the leader of the light elements will their image change for the first time, becoming the size of a normal three-year-old child.

Then came the handsome teenagers or ethereal girls of the golden rank. At this time, they could be called light element lords, or according to Adam's vision, light angels.

If the elemental lords are further promoted to the legendary rank, they will choose to sacrifice to the sun god through a ceremony, so as to obtain a pair of wings of light.

After that, they will try their best to collect light energy and create a throne composed of pure light energy.

At that time, their strength reached the peak that the main material plane could accommodate, and they could be called the angels of the throne, patrolling the world instead of the Lord of Radiance and clearing away the darkness.

Of course, there is still a long time before the birth of the first angel of the throne. This is not something that Adam can interfere with if he wants to - changing the type of light element and the evolution process, he has already intervened wherever he can - only Let nature take its course.

Adam took out the sun that he had collected, stretched out his finger, and with a click, about one-twentieth of it was torn from it, without any energy leaking out.

Regarding the use of the sun, Adam had already thought about it, and used it to create sacred treasures.

With the advent of Mirika, the churches between the two crystal walls became one, and the sanctuary should also have its own iconic treasures to ensure the authority and combat power of the sanctuary on the main material plane, and serve as inheritance treasures.

For example, the crown of thorns, a treasure that Adam has not used for a long time, can be used as the exclusive treasure of the future supreme leader of the church.

Adam pointed at the torn sun fragments, and the huge sun power immediately shredded the sun fragments and reduced them to the most basic material basis.

"The Holy Church respects the Holy Light spell, so let's create the holy scriptures most commonly used by priests first."

With a thought, the prototype of a holy book about seven centimeters thick appeared in front of Adam.

The raw materials necessary for making treasures, such as the divine power of the sun, magical runes, and the law of light, were sealed by Adam one by one.

Half an hour later, the first treasure embryo was born in a ball of light.

Then came the second treasure embryo, which was a ball formed by the extreme compression of the sun's divine power, and contained violent power inside.

Although it is only the size of a pigeon egg, because of its extreme density, it has a terrifying weight that can crush a mountain.

The prototype of the third treasure is a holy spear, on the barrel of which is engraved a holy scripture by Adam, the lord of light.

After creating three prototypes of treasures in one go, Adam felt a sense of emptiness in his mind, and only then did he understand why the number of treasures on the main material plane has always been very limited.

It's not that the gods don't want to make it for the church to use. It's because building a divine weapon for self-defense has already consumed too much of their divine power and god origin, and there is no extra time and energy to make a second treasure for the church to use.

Furthermore, cost performance, precious materials needed to create treasures, etc. are all factors that the gods need to consider.

Not everyone has a huge divine power like Adam, and even uses a sun as a raw material to create treasures.

"Uther, Raphael, Uriel, come in." Adam summoned three Seraphs.

Half an hour later, the three Seraphs worked together to create the prototype of the fourth treasure, a gleaming golden Holy Grail.

"Very well, the embryonic form has been formed, and the next step is to warm and nurture it with the power of the sun day and night until the treasure is formed."

(End of this chapter)

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