Templar Sun King

Chapter 567 Little Arcanist

Chapter 567 Little Arcanist
Themis School of Magic, Great Hall.

The long table is full of exquisite and hearty food, toast, porridge, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes, roasted tomatoes, fried eggs, milk, jam, mushroom soup, raspberries...

Even the air is filled with rich, appetizing aromas.

Judging from the combination of food, this is a hearty breakfast, which proves that a new day has started.

In terms of food, Themis School of Magic has always been very rich, and it has always been delicious in color, fragrance, and will not treat its students badly, especially in the case of free teaching, which is even more rare.

But despite this, today's students are generally not very interested, and even food can't arouse their interest.

"Good morning."

"Good day."

The 100 little arcanists greeted each other listlessly, and sat down in twos and threes.

"I can't believe there was a sun in the sky when I was sleeping last night. My mind was so sleepy, but my body refused to sleep." A blond boy poured himself a glass of milk while yawning. Stretching out two fingers, "The time I fell asleep was about... only two hours."

It wasn't until the warm, fragrant liquid fell into his stomach that the boy regained his spirits a little.

"Igor, you really should go out and see it. It is definitely a rare spectacle. By the way, I used meditation instead of sleep to survive the night, and my spirit is not bad."

The girl sitting next to him, with fluffy hair, said excitedly: "In the east, one sun has just risen; in the west, one sun has just set. Two suns, from now on we only have day and no night, right? -"

The voice stopped abruptly because she saw the newspaper that was just issued this morning on the table.

"Quick, Igor, quickly open the "Celtic Times", there must be reports about what happened yesterday."

Whether it's two suns appearing in the sky at the same time, or a behemoth falling from the sky, or even a miracle that descended together from all Your Highnesses later.

"Last night I heard the conversation between Professor Braunette and Professor Stephanie. It is said that it is a brand new continent. Although it was divided into three parts for some unknown reason, they all descended to the main material plane smoothly. Three parts ..."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, Watson."

Igor spread out the newspaper, and there was only one title on the first page, which was in bold and black fonts: "Lord of Radiance, Lord of Holy Light, His Majesty the Great Sun God Comes to Lord God!" "

The "Celtic Times" used two full pages to review Adam's various experiences from the Lord of York to the Griffin King, and then to the Lord of Multiverse Glory, and interpreted the influence of a main god on the kingdom from different angles. All praises.

Of course, the people also bought it, which can be seen from the fact that the newspapers were sold out in just a few minutes, and the crowds in the church prayer room were filled with darkness, even though the night has not yet come.

"Lord God? Great, praise the Sun God!"

Watson clenched his fists in front of his chest and prayed in a low voice before retorting: "How can you be disappointed, Lord God, His Majesty Adam has been promoted to the Lord God!!!"

The little girl's voice was very high, and her admiration was beyond words. Igor had to cover her ears to avoid further torture.

"I didn't know you were still a follower of His Majesty Adam, Miss Watson."

"Faith and arcane art don't conflict, Igor." Watson retorted looking at the other little arcanists in the auditorium who were also cheering for Adam's promotion to the main god.

Belief belongs to faith, arcane belongs to arcane, the two can completely coexist, the former gives spiritual support, and the latter brings spellcasting ability.

And she is not a devout believer, just looking for a spiritual sustenance.

"Of course I know this." Igor gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I mean, I thought you would choose to leave your faith to Her Highness Isabella."

As the early batch of students of Themis School of Magic, these little arcanists learned a lot of knowledge in the courses that the outside world could not reach.

For example, the magical magic net was woven by Queen Isabella of the Holy Griffin Kingdom.

For the young arcanists who have just come into contact with the magic net and downloaded the first zero-ring arcane dance light in their lives, they can weave a magic net dotted with thousands of arcane arts. Sabella is so amazing, it's just awe-inspiring.

Moreover, the little arcanists have also heard about the blessings of the gods to Isabella at the grand wedding of Silver Eden. If there is no accident, Her Highness Isabella will become the goddess of magic in the multiverse in the future. !
"I can choose His Majesty Adam as the first faith, and His Highness Isabella as the second faith." The girl spread her hands, "Look, the problem is solved."

Every citizen of the Griffin Kingdom has the right to choose any god of Heavenly Mountain to believe in, not limited to the sun god Adam.

"Wait—" Watson suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked, "Speaking of which, Igor, from your tone of voice, is it Her Highness Isabella that you are going to believe in?"

The boy pursed his lips, a little embarrassed, and made an indistinct sound: "His Royal Highness Andrew."

"What? Your Highness Andrew?!" The girl's voice raised an octave again.

"Hush! Be quiet, do you want everyone to hear? What's all the fuss about?"

Watson opened his mouth, tried to control the muscles on his face, and held back the laughter on his lips: "Uh, no."

How could it not be?
God of the Sun, an Arcanist who believes in the God of Knights, is he really not joking?

His Royal Highness Andrew is the professional god of powerful professional knights, mastering the field of knights.

Generally speaking, the gods who believe in knights are powerful professional fighters or knights - there are also archers, considering the fact that the head of the Knights of the Round Table is an archer before becoming a templar - or other Worship young people who yearn for the eight virtues of chivalry.

Especially in the army and adventure group, His Highness Andrew's belief is very popular, and the increasing number of divine swordsmen is the best proof.

But an Arcanist...

Thinking of a relatively thin arcanist with a very different temperament appearing in a group of tall, muscular fighters, to be honest, Watson might have sat on the ground laughing now if he hadn't been worried about his little friend blowing his hair.

"There's nothing strange about it." Igor raised his glass and poured milk into his mouth to hide his unnaturalness. "There is no man who does not yearn to fight like His Royal Highness Andrew."

The first golden swordsman in Griffin City, once the guardian knight of His Majesty Adam, is now the god of knights in front of the Sun God.

Igor began to worship this gentle and generous paladin during the Griffin Principality, and after Andrew was made a god, the passionate child Igor immediately decided that his belief in this life was Andrew, the god of knights.

He completely forgot the admission notice to Themis School of Magic that he had received one month in advance, and the fact that he would become a spellcaster in the future.

Watson was really afraid that he would burst out laughing, and quickly continued to flip through the newspaper to find new topics: "The war between the Kingdom and France is over, and the Griffin Legion will be stationed in France for a while."

Thank goodness it's a good topic.

Basically every Celtic knows the grievances between Franz and the Griffin Kingdom, the Church of Dawn and the Holy Church. Now with the fall of Dawn and the Lord of Order, this years-long battle has finally come to an end.

"This means that the territory of France will be incorporated into the kingdom."

Instantly, Igor's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he threw away all the embarrassment he had just had.

No one can be indifferent when seeing the expansion of the territory of the motherland, even if he is only an 11-year-old boy now.

"I don't think we should be too optimistic. After all, you know that the Jiaoyan Dynasty still exists in the territory of Frans."

Demons, that kind of creatures are not generally ferocious. Just looking at the illustrated illustrations of demons in class gave her a chill in her heart.

"Don't forget, the holy church and the silver light guide are best at the spells of the light faction, and they have natural restraint against demons with dark and evil attributes..."

"Igor, legend! Starting today, to be precise, after the departure of the gods yesterday, the limit of strength that the main material plane can hold will be restored to legend."

"Read it to me."

"...With the arrival of the new continent, the special rules arranged by the Lord of Dawn and Order are invalid-it turns out that the behemoth that descended yesterday is really a brand new continent!"

The movement of the blond boy forking food paused for a moment: "Wait, New World? I remember there was a section on plane science today?"

"Yes, in the afternoon, Professor Clodees' class. What's the matter?"

"I... suddenly have an ominous premonition about the New World."

"Good afternoon, children."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Claudius, the seven-ring arcanist who was in charge of teaching plane studies, walked into the sky dome, the common classroom of plane studies and meditation wisdom, stepping on the most popular high-heeled shoes of noble ladies nowadays.

The most notable feature of the sky dome classroom is the huge circular dome. Under the effect of the magic circle, the students' spiritual power can be increased, which is convenient for perceiving the basis of arcanists' magic - the magic net.

"Good afternoon, Professor Clodis."

"During the second week of school, we learned the basic geography of the main material plane, and learned that the world we live in consists of two continents, Uppler and Yasha."

"According to the teaching progress, the theme of our course today should be the six elemental energy planes, but in view of yesterday..."

"No—" Igor moaned weakly, in fact, most of the students in the classroom were like this, except for the girl sitting next to him.

"It's great, Igor. I know that whenever something important happens outside, we can always get the answer right away."

For example, when the Jiaoyan Dynasty was born last time, they learned that the Demon God of Destruction and Flame lived in the Kingdom of Destruction, and they had a preliminary understanding of the third layer of lava in the underground world.

Another example is that when the Lord of the Sky ascended to the main god, Professor Clodis still kept up with current events and explained to them the stories of the giant family, the Titan pantheon, and the Sither Empire.

"Guess the New World..."

"Shut up, Watson!"

Although I am really interested in a brand new continent, Igor, as long as I think that the knowledge about them will definitely appear in the stage exam at the end of this month, no amount of interest will disappear—especially when the knowledge is temporary. when added.

As the first public magic school in the main material world, Themis has very strict requirements on students, which is as famous as her strong teachers.

At the end of each month, usually the last two days of the last week, there will be an assessment for all students, including two parts of theory and practice.

"You only need to bring your brains and pens for the theoretical exams. As for the practical exams, hold your wands and wave them!"

This is what Mrs. Vesper, the deputy principal, said the day before the first stage exam in February this year. To a certain extent, she is right.

Of course, if the students' grades are not arranged from high to low after the exam, they will be divided into five levels: O (perfect), E (better), A (pass), P (poor), and D (bad). Posting from high to low, Igor's approval may be higher.

As for those students who scored T (very poor), their names will not appear on it.

According to the vice-principal: "In order to take care of the self-esteem of the students, all students who get a T will not be posted. Of course, I sincerely hope that their names can be seen on it next time. If they are not posted three times in a row It appears on the comprehensive performance rankings, face-to-face, one-on-one in-depth communication is very necessary, and the door of my office is always open and waiting."

In truth, however, sometimes not having a name on it hits harder.

At the end of March, Igor saw with his own eyes a poor boy who almost cried out on the spot, because his name was not listed in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Yes, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the grades of individual subjects.

Thanks to an unknown professor for his suggestion—actually it was Adam’s idea—the ranking after the exam not only includes the comprehensive score ranking, the individual score ranking of each course, but also the theoretical course ranking and practical course ranking.

Every first Friday at the beginning of the month, all the students would gather outside the auditorium nervously and excitedly, waiting for the list to decide whether to continue to work hard or start to work hard in the next month.

A total of eight ranking lists were hung up there for seven days, and then one was posted a day until the next exam came.

But having said that, none of the students in the early batch of Themis School of Magic would admit that they are inferior to others. Every week after the results ranking is announced, the whole school will be shrouded in an intense competitive atmosphere.

Everyone is full of energy, as if there is an invisible villain behind them with a whip and whipping hard.

The most exaggerated is Watson, who is the most excited at this time and has a strong desire for knowledge. She once set a record that has not been broken until now:
Ranked in the forefront in February, and won the first place in the five rankings in March. I don’t know how many people were shocked!
"Hey, Igor!" The girl who was interrupted looked a little annoyed.

"Well, my fault. Thanks to you, sooner or later, I will be drowned by your favorite ocean of knowledge." Igor rolled his eyes, ended the quarrel with his friends and prepared to listen to the lecture.

Complaints are complaints, you still have to learn when it's time to learn, otherwise how can you be worthy of your status as a student of Themis School of Magic.

What's more, Igor didn't want to mess up the final exam, and it would be really embarrassing to stay in the first grade and take classes with the freshmen.

On the podium, Professor Clodis continued to talk with a smile: "...It is an honor to introduce three brand new continents to you."

A female professor who was over half a century old waved a magic wand, and under the influence of spells, the walls of the sky dome gradually revealed a brand new world map that was completely different from any previous period.

In addition to the two continents Upler and Yasha, there are three other brand new continents on the ocean!
"Here." The wand pointed to the Celtic south, where there was a continent that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.

Igor quickly compared it with Uppler and Yasha, and found that its area was about one-third that of Uppler and half the size of Yasha.

"This continent is called North American Rica, and it was split from the northern part of the original Merika continent."

"Currently, there are four countries in North America Rica, namely Space Empire, Blacksmith Kingdom and Plague Kingdom."

"Professor, what is the last country?" No need to ask, this is Watson's question.

"The last country is the focus of our lesson, we'll get to that later, honey. Well, it's you, honey."

"I have noticed that there are some differences in the way countries are named on North American Lika and the main material plane."

Space, blacksmith, tsk tsk, what a mess, Igor pouted.

There is also the plague. Was the head of the king who founded this kingdom eaten by a mummy?
Still, the Griffin Kingdom is nice, with its own majesty and uniqueness, without losing its arrogance.

"Since Miss Watson mentioned this, I can first explain the naming rules of the countries on the continent of Merica. Like the main material plane, there are also gods on Merika, and just yesterday, they are the same as the gods of Heaven Mountain High in the Outer Planes."

"There is a god behind every country, and the rank of the god determines the rank of the country."

They have read about the ranks of gods in the "Overview of the Multiverse". From low to high, they are demigods, true gods, and the highest-ranking main god.

That is to say...

"The demigod corresponds to the principality, the true god corresponds to the kingdom, and the main god corresponds to the empire."

"There is a master god behind the space empire!"

Claudius was very satisfied with the students' reaction: "You got the answer right, it's great! But before I mention the second naming rule, who can tell me what we should do when we meet a main god's name?"

"When any creature below the level of the main god mentions the name and name of the main god, the main god will have a reaction, so as to learn the content of this conversation. Therefore, when encountering the name of the main god, we usually use another name instead, professor. "

"Excellent standard answer."

Claudius waved his wand, and a silver mist rushed out from the tip of the wand, twisting in the air into two words.

"Space Lord."

"On the mainland of America, the rank of the gods determines the rank of the country, and the name of the gods determines the name of the country."

The God of Blacksmiths, the God of Plague, and... Many students have worked hard for a long time to turn the space lord god on their lips into a space lord.

"The second continent, the name is South America Rica..."

This continent is in the south of Lika in North America, across the sea from the Emerald Forest.

"There's only one empire up there."

"Another empire?" the students exclaimed.

Empire means the main god, and the main god means that they need to pay attention to one more place when they speak in the future.

"Yes, an empire. It is worth mentioning that the name of this empire is named after the main god."

The mist continued to twist in the air, this time they first formed two gods, God of War, God of War, followed by a big fork.

Then there is the god name Odin, and finally another name, the Lord of War.

"The third continent, located in the southern seas east of Upler, is called Great Southern Continent."

Because the battle of the main god and the god of truth tore the earth apart, the continent with the Duchy of Shadow finally fell to the southern sea area of ​​Upler.

"There are three countries on Great Southern Continent..."

After half an hour.

"Okay, here are the three new continents and their basic information. You should keep them in mind, because your trials will most likely be held on the new continents in the future."

"Three new continents?"

"Well, I think it should be North American Lika." Clodis said with a smile, "Since the name of the fourth country on North American Lika is Griffin Principality."

"Griffin Principality?"

"Is this not a coincidence?"

"God of Griffins, no!"

"What is the relationship between the Griffin Principality and our Griffin Kingdom?"

"Professor, who is the god that the Griffin Principality believes in?"

The reactions of the little arcanists pleased Clodees very well: the same surprise, the same shock, and the same disbelief. It seems that it is not that she is not able to accept it, but that the news itself is too testing. .

When 100 pairs of eyes were staring at him without blinking, Claudius cleared his throat and explained: "As you guessed, the Principality of Griffin is a country established by His Majesty Adam on the New World. Part of the Griffin Kingdom."

"Part of the kingdom, wow—"

"Long live His Majesty Adam!"

"Cool, I mean, it's a principality! How on earth did His Majesty Adam do it?"

The little arcanists who were only 11 years old instinctively cheered excitedly that their motherland had obtained a piece of principality territory in the New World.

"Professor, I read in the newspaper that we have won the war against France. Does this mean..."

"Yes, Empire, Miss Watson. Soon we will all be part of the Holy Griffin Empire."

The sky dome was silent for a second before being drowned out in loud cheers.

Holy Griffin Empire!

(End of this chapter)

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