Templar Sun King

Chapter 547 Landing Battle

Chapter 547 Landing Battle

When Gabriel, the petitioner who died two centuries ago and came to the land again, learned that the Griffin Kingdom was sailing around the Jiaoyan Dynasty and marching towards Frans, he was furious and uttered three foul words in a row before cursing road:

"Damn it! Can't these Celts settle down? Now is a critical moment for the battle between the Romano Empire, the United Kingdom of Sauk, and our Franz Jiaoyan Dynasty. It involves two opposing camps, the surface world and the underground world. What they are doing is simply conniving with the underground creatures, and they are the accomplices of the Jiao Yan Dynasty!"

Gabriel is very aware of Frans' current situation. The once glorious Dawn Church is standing on the edge of a cliff. One mistake will lead to a tragic ending of falling apart.

The past six months can be said to be the most difficult period for the Church of Dawn since its establishment. As early as after the masters of the Church of Dawn were hit hard by the church and the three major natural disasters, they had to rely on divine magic to attract petitioners to the earth to maintain the system.

A rotation is carried out every seven days (the time for the petitioner to land on the earth cannot exceed seven consecutive days, otherwise he will die permanently), and he has persisted until now.

Although Frans was saved, for a god, being forced to use the power of the petitioners of the Kingdom of God to maintain the Kingdom of Faith itself is a very embarrassing thing.

The principle that the master humiliated his ministers to death also applies in the church.

The Lords of Dawn and Order were disgraced by Mount Paradise, so they naturally hated the Sanctuary.

If it hadn't been for the Jiaoyan Dynasty's forceful tearing apart of France's territory, the Church of Dawn would have tried every means to cause trouble for Celts, even if they were martyred.

For example, Gabriel has had several unscrupulous—in fact, insane—assassination plans in his mind for a long time.

"I have to admit that the current Celtic has this capital."

The one who spoke was also Jacques, a petitioner from the Kingdom of Dawn, but immediately after he finished speaking, he was glared at by other masters of the temple.

Of course, the reason for this is not because Jacques grows the ambition of others and destroys his own prestige, but because the group of petitioners and gold professionals find that they can't find anything to refute for a while, which makes them the saddest and powerless.

On the main material plane, Frans and the Church of Dawn are facing many difficulties. If the problem can be solved through a battle of gods, the Lord of Dawn and Order would have attacked Heaven Mountain and beheaded Sun Mountain.

However, Heavenly Mountain, an emerging divine force in the outer plane, has grown from obscurity to fame in just half a year. A true god and a luxurious lineup of five demigods allowed him to secure the No. [-] position under the six main gods.

Things have developed to this point, and the situation is very clear. On the main material plane, Frans and the Church of Dawn are struggling, and on the outer plane, the gods they believe in are also in a dilemma. Jacques' words are equivalent to tearing off the last fig leaf of the Church of Dawn.

"Shut up, Jacques!" Theodore, the interim leader of the Dawn Church who had been sitting at the top without speaking, scolded, "Don't forget the magic of order prepared by our Lord for Celtic."

The birth of the magic of order is probably the only thing they feel gratified about during this period.

Yes, it is the magic of order, a brand-new system of magic developed by Luoxi, the Lord of Dawn and Order, based on the priesthood of order.

Different from the magical magic that evolved from the priesthood of dawn and is good at defensive healing, the magical magic of order has a certain magical effect of "following the words" to a certain extent.

When the priesthood of order was first formed, the lord of dawn and order passed down three new magic spells: expulsion of undead creatures, expulsion of dark creatures, and expulsion of demons to deal with the three major natural disasters.

Thinking of the terrifying divine technique taught by the Lord of Dawn and Order himself, the oppressive atmosphere in the temple eased a bit.

Afterwards, Theodore pondered for a while, named twelve names in one breath, and ordered: "Lead the army to Vados first to prevent the Celtic army from landing, and I will pray to my lord!"

The sudden intervention of the Griffin Kingdom interrupted Frans' opportunity to counterattack the Jiaoyan Dynasty, and also delayed their main force.

As a last resort, Theodore could only ask for help from the Kingdom of Dawn.

The last time the Griffin Kingdom raided Leon had left a deep impact on Theodore—although he hadn’t come down that time yet—the number of legendary professionals that exceeded expectations directly destined the Church of Dawn to suffer a huge loss that night.

It can be said that Frans' ups and downs and rapid decline in the past six months all started from that defeat.

Therefore, in the face of another attack from the Griffin Kingdom, he must be cautious.

"When necessary, you are allowed to use that magic!"

On the night of May 5th, an urgently transferred army rushed to Vados and lay in ambush nearby regardless of the storm.

Their purpose is only one, to prevent the Celtic army from landing here.

"The torrential rain intensified tonight, and the weather was very bad. Do you think the Celts will delay the landing time?" a petitioner asked Gabriel.

"Although the wind and waves are turbulent, it is not a big problem for professionals." Gabriel shook his head, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, "After the Celtic fleet appears, immediately attack with natural disaster spells! Kill as many as you can , the tsunami magic scroll in Bastian's hand is a good choice."

Bastian didn't feel anything wrong with Gabriel's proposal to attack ordinary soldiers. Since he is an enemy on the battlefield, it doesn't matter whether he is an unarmed ordinary person or a low-strength black iron soldier. Just kill him without any sense of guilt. and psychological burden.

At dawn the next morning, another twenty petitioners came to Vados through various means.

Meanwhile, the wind and rain receded and the weather improved.

"Damn!" Gabriel cursed in a low voice. The torrential rain had lasted for nearly a week, but it just stopped when the Celtics were about to land.

Could it be that even the weather is on the side of the Griffin Kingdom? An ominous premonition arose in the heart of this golden rank petitioner.

At 5:5 in the morning on May 5th, the fleet of the Griffin Kingdom finally appeared in Gabriel's sight.

"Prepare for natural disaster spells!"

Bastian and another petitioner took out two magic scrolls, tore them apart, and threw them out.

In the depths of the sea in the distance, a mysterious point was immediately formed under the action of magic, vibrating rapidly, releasing violent energy.

The sea surface rolled violently, and the terrifying shock waves radiated out round after round, setting off a destructive sea wall of tens of meters, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Golden spell, tsunami spell!

In the sky, the rich and explosive fire elements were forcibly gathered from all directions, like a long river of flames winding and flowing, and then descending waterfalls of flames, the target was also the Celtic fleet.

Golden spell, burning waterfall!
There is a flame on the top, and a tsunami below. The flame meets the rolled up waves, and instantly transpires into a white mist that makes it impossible to see.

"Leave the tsunami technique to me."

An eight-ring arcanist from the Hanging Garden swore that it was extremely cold to activate the seven-ring arcane magic sealed in the magic wand.

The invisible ripples of spells radiated out from him, whether it was the still tumbling sea water or the sea waves splashed into the air, they all solidified quickly and became solid ice that reflected colorful halos in the morning light, leaving only a strip in the middle. The channel is available for the fleet to proceed.

click -

However, the violent and turbulent sea water under the thick ice layer is like a thousand troops galloping and roaring, hitting them again and again.

The ship swayed, and cracks appeared on the ice layer, from which several meters high waves rushed.

Obviously, the power of this tsunami technique is far higher than his extreme coldness, and a seven-ring arcane technique alone cannot completely freeze it.

This unexpected situation made the Arcanist, who had just been confident in his mind, feel a little uncomfortable. He hurriedly made amends and activated another eight-ring arcane sealed on the bracelet again, the cold wave of death!

The dark blue mist rolled and swelled, spreading out, and the cracks on the ice disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, completely blocking the possibility of the huge energy and destructive power of the tsunami technique venting through the cracks.

"Huh——" the arcane master breathed a sigh of relief. Although it cost two sealed, one-off seven-ring arcane arts and eight-ring arcane arts, at least the simple and rude solution to the tsunami art would not be too embarrassing.

But then, he discovered that when he used two spells of Frozen Tsunami in a row, the burning waterfall falling from the sky was also resolved.

However, it was not the patriarch of the church who was at the same level as him, but the priest who only had the middle-level strength of silver!
A group of silver priests solved the Burning Flame Falls, is this really a joke? !
Even though he had been indoctrinated with the idea that "the sanctuary is the most mysterious existence on Celtic land, and the priest of the sanctuary should not be underestimated", he didn't realize that the sanctuary's mystery and power far exceeded his imagination until he witnessed it with his own eyes!

I saw two milky white light beams rushing out from each ship - the other end of the light beam is the priest's magic wand - the light beams are linked together and intertwined into a huge piece of heavenly armor shining with platinum luster across the sky, covering the entire sky. The fleet is protected.

The orange-red waterfalls composed of flames and plasma fell one after another, hitting the heaven armor heavily, making a deafening sound, exploding into a rain of fire, and splashing circular energy ripples.

But the thin layer of Heavenly Kingdom Armor only trembled slightly, and it persisted. It was not breached, but made the Sun Cross in the middle of the Heavenly Kingdom Armor even more sacred and glorious!

Is this joint casting?

No, joint spellcasting only exists in the group of mages, using their respective magic powers to induce different elemental energies to arrange and combine to build spell models, thus forming brand new powerful spells.

However, when priests (priests) cast spells, there is no process of building a spell model, so there is no such thing as joint spellcasting.

In fact, arcanists don't have either, but they can download powerful joint spells directly from the magic net.

Moreover, asking himself, the Arcanist felt that when he was in the silver rank and other companions jointly cast spells, he simply couldn't achieve the level and ease of this group of priests.

Vaguely, the Arcanist heard a few angry roars from the other side, and then a total of three golden energy balls struck.

Vardos lands, begins.

(End of this chapter)

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