Templar Sun King

Chapter 537 Guest and Uninvited Guest

Chapter 537 Guest and Uninvited Guest

It is now April 4, the day before Adam and Isabella's wedding.

Since the news of Adam and Isabella's wedding was published on the "Celtic Times" on April 4, the people of the entire Holy Griffin Kingdom are looking forward to the arrival of April 11.

The wedding of the king and queen is worth looking forward to, not to mention that this time one of the protagonists is still the true god, which casts a layer of mystery on this destined grand wedding.

"Oh my god, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's wedding, the wedding of my lord and queen! Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I can't help myself, but it's a pity that I can't witness it in person."

In the first half of the sentence, the person who uttered dreamy groans looked like he was about to faint from excitement at any time, but in the second half of the sentence he immediately languished.

"The secular invitation list has been announced on the 17th. There are a total of 108 places, most of which are temples and kingdoms, as well as high-level leaders of the United Kingdom of Sauk, the Royal Court of the Emerald Forest Elf, and the Naga Empire. It is said that each invitation card can carry Three entourages."

These forces are all friendly with Adam, the Holy Church, and the Griffin Kingdom. As for other Romano Empires, Percy Empires, etc., they are not considered.

"I heard that the staff of Trust Auction House have been driven crazy, and there are complaint letters everywhere, just because they can't get even a place for the entourage."

The first heir to the United Kingdom of Sauk, the silver high-ranking knight, Prince, was in a daze for a while after hearing the conversation between the two men on the way to the teleportation array in the tower of the North City. Auctions will be held unless their heads are eaten by zombies.

Accompanying him was the saint of the Harvest Church. She looked at the streets decorated with lights. If she didn't know the inside story, people who didn't know the truth might think that the wedding was held in Griffin City.

"God, you can't believe what I saw! Great news!"

Suddenly, a voice trembling with excitement reached Prince's ears. It was a businessman with a shiny face.

I saw him holding a newly issued newspaper in his hand, reciting aloud: "...on the wedding day, you can go to any cathedral square to watch the wedding scene!"

"Cathedral, you can see the wedding held in Silver Eden in Cathedral Square? What do you think?"

"I don't know, it says so."

The same question arose in the hearts of Prince and Foster. How can a wedding held on the inner plane be seen by the people of the main material plane? Could it be the memory crystal?

The people soon knew how to see, because when the sun rose the next morning, they found that the hazy mist that had covered the top of the cathedral—in fact, the strong power of faith—cast a ray of light. The light curtain, showing the wedding scene, the appearance of Silver Eden!

One light curtain after another rises from the top of the cathedral in the Griffin Kingdom, from Goldberg to Yeoman, from Lyon to Kerke, without exception.

And the light curtain projected from the top of the Holy Radiance Cathedral is even bigger, at least 20 meters high, even if you are far away, you can see the shocking scene above.

"My God, this is really... spectacular!"

"Miracle, this is a miracle."

"Memory crystal, where is the memory crystal! I want to record this scene."

Although there is no sound and it is just a silent film, the wedding scene shown in the light curtain is still breathtakingly beautiful.

The flying spirits, the angels shuttle, the light and rain are colorful, ten times and a hundred times more dreamy than the wedding scene that countless girls dream of.

At the same time, Merika, the evangelical angel who re-established the Kingdom of God in the void and chaos, consumed his divine power to project the vision of Silver Eden on the top of every cathedral in the Griffon Kingdom-a live broadcast of a wedding across the crystal wall!

"Will this be too high-profile?" Isabella said when she learned of Adam's decision.

"Honey, this is called having fun with the people." Adam obviously had a better way of interpreting it.

"The guests are starting to enter!"

In the square, the slightly noisy voices due to excitement immediately disappeared without a trace, and everyone opened their eyes wide, greedily capturing every picture and detail on the light curtain.

"That's the king of the United Kingdom of Sauk, the eldest prince. Pope Delphi III of the Harvest Church and His Royal Highness!"

"The guests are Madam Teresa, Lord Arras and Madam Vesper."

"It should represent the Holy Church, the Griffin Kingdom and the Queen respectively."

"Look, six-armed Naga, people from the Naga Empire, and Princess Ellie is among them."

"Elf! Silver hair, that is the moon elf among the high elves."

"It's the Moon Elf, that's right, the one next to him should be the Sun Elf!"

High elves, since retreating to the Emerald Forest, this group of beautiful creatures has not appeared on the mainland for too long.

"Wait, the one who just came in didn't—"

"Dark Elf!"

Professionals who knew about the grievances between the dark elves and the Emerald Forest looked at the content on the light curtain. To be honest, they were a little afraid that they would fight in Silver Eden.

After taking his own seat, Prince unpretentiously stretched out his hand to grab a plate of raspberries that looked like a specialty of the Emerald Forest in front of him.

Just as he was about to send the raspberry to his mouth, the double-sided mirror in his arms began to heat up.

Prince complained in a low voice, and took out the double-sided mirror: "Bob, if you don't have something very important, you are dead, I am busy."

"Your Highness, your poor guard doesn't want to lose his job yet, so please be sure to maintain the demeanor of the first heir to the United Kingdom of Sauk at the Silver Eden wedding scene."

Prince glanced at the double-sided mirror, it was his own bodyguard—because of the limited number of places, he only brought his personal bodyguard, the golden swordsman Ben who had been promoted to the first level of gold—and said casually: "It's always been What an heir should be."

"Really?" In the square of the Holy Radiance Cathedral, the junior silver guards looked up at the huge light curtain, where the eldest prince of the United Kingdom of Sauk was throwing a raspberry into his mouth.

Bob covered his forehead and sighed: "It might be more convincing if you didn't stuff the raspberries in your mouth."


"Your Highness, you are sitting in the fifth position in the second row of Area D, and on the left is Your Highness the Holy Maiden."

Prince froze for about a second, growling in a low voice: "Damn it, Bob, how do you know?"

"What's wrong?" Saint Foster asked.

Prince opened his mouth: "...Bob said that every cathedral in the Holy Griffin Kingdom projects a light curtain showing the wedding scene!"

Merika, the Nine Pillars didn't care about the light curtain that suddenly appeared over the Cathedral of the Griffon Principality until he saw a six-winged demigod, Uther, the Angel of Dawn.

In the light curtain, the Angel of Dawn exudes a milky white soft holy light, which is extremely sacred, standing with a knight who makes people feel like spring breeze just by looking at it.

"What the hell is the Gospel Angel doing? Playing tricks!"

She was so flamboyant just after returning from resurrection, she was not afraid of being beheaded by His Majesty Odin again.

Although Nine Pillars God was shocked by the resurrection event itself, he would not naively think that the resurrection of a demigod would not cost anything.

"It looks like a wedding?"

"This is a scene from another continent!"

Unlike other Nine Pillar Gods who can only guess, the Lord God of Space directly incarnates and goes to the Gospel Angel God Kingdom to ask, "What is Adam doing?"

The evangelical angel explained with a smile: "My Lord's wedding, Uther and Andrew are responsible for welcoming the gods."

Then he added: "It's a pity that Her Highness Hillside is far away in Merika, otherwise, my lord will be very happy that you went to Silver Eden to attend the wedding."

The Lord God of Space doesn't care about this, what he cares about is another thing: "What does Adam mean?"

"Show all the believers that you are about to start your married life—" Facing the god of space with a hellish expression, the evangelical angel changed his words, "By the way, I will deter the God of Nine Pillars, you know, and it is also for my safety."

Although it can be resurrected in the reincarnation pool after death, it is death after all. If it is possible, the angel of the gospel does not want to have a second time.

When Teresa, Arras, and Vesper stepped back and replaced them with the two demigods Uther and Andrew, everyone, whether it was Silver Eden or those watching the wedding scene from the main material plane, all sat upright. .

Obviously, the one who will appear next is very likely to be a god!

As people had previously speculated, the Sun King's wedding also invited gods to attend.

I thought that I would not be able to witness the wedding of the great God, but I never expected to see it on the light curtain above the cathedral. God!

Many people can pat their chests and say: something that can brag about for a lifetime is born.

A blue divine radiance was first born from the void, spread out in an instant, and a large wave gushed out, out of which came a small old man.

"Welcome, Your Highness Solo." Angel Dawn stepped forward to welcome the arrival of the Fish God.

"Fish God!"

It turned out to be the fish god who was one of the three main gods of space along with the God of War and the God of Divination back then!
Nine Pillars God's Kingdom of God issued a series of exclamations one after another.

According to historical records, the Fish God died as early as the first era, but he is still alive in a different continent.

The initial attitude of disdain and casual viewing completely disappeared with the appearance of the fish god. Maybe they can see more information about the gods of the foreign continent from the light curtain above the church?

"His Royal Highness Solo, your seat is here." Dawn Angel brought in the Fish God and sat down on the vacant seat in area C on the right.

The fish god and man are old and sophisticated, and they can know the mystery of the position arrangement just by looking at them.

If the vacancy in area C on the right corresponds to a demigod, area B on the left is the true god, and the remaining area A in the middle is ready to emerge, the main god!

Don't look at the small number of gods, but in terms of level strength, I don't know how many times more fortified than the main material plane.

It seems that today's wedding is not a simple wedding, the fish god sat down with a smile on his mind.

Not long after the fish god sat down, two gods, a man and a woman, came hand in hand amidst the sound of the harp that made people feel sleepy.

"Your Highness Alros, Your Highness Scarlett, welcome to Silver Eden."

Andrew stepped forward and arranged the two gods of the death pantheon to area C as well.

The people on the main material plane didn't know the specific identities of the fish gods, the gods of death, and the gods of sleep, but they were already very satisfied just seeing the gods appearing, with a proud look on their faces.

Compared with them, Nine Pillars God's expression was much more serious. Before the wedding started, there were more than seven gods in the light curtain, although they were all only demigods!
Just as the Nine Pillars had this thought, they saw the rebirth of the vision in the light curtain.

I saw a full moon rising on the left side of the light curtain, which was dazzling, and on the right side was an extremely warm and clear orange light, dotted with countless harvest scenes, and in the middle were three hazy seven-colored lights, intersecting each other. Very beautiful and magnificent.

Silver moonlight, orange light, and hazy colored light dispersed together. On the left are three beautiful goddesses whose appearance is slightly different from that of human beings. In the middle is a strange combination of an old woman, a noble lady, and a young girl. goddess.

Nine fresh and natural, noble and elegant, or graceful goddesses descended together, adding luster to the stunning silver Eden.

"His Highness Adam invited the three goddesses of prophecy?" Sleeping God asked Arlos softly.

Arlos snorted coldly: "Come here uninvited."

Uther: "Your Highness Diana, Your Highness Gadriel, Your Highness Vera!"

Andrew: "His Royal Highness Farisa, Her Royal Highness Spur, and Her Royal Highness Oliga!"

Uriel: "Your Highness Grace, Your Highness Ditney, Your Highness Fett!"

The nine goddesses looked at each other, and the scene was very strange for a time - the problem was the three goddesses who predicted it.

Fortunately, before the accident happened, the three demigods, Angel of Dawn, Angel of Punishment, and God of Knights, had already stepped forward to welcome them in.

Nine gods, and five of them are true gods!

Although separated by a crystal wall, the Nine Pillars God can still distinguish the true strength of the goddesses through the flawless divine brilliance on their bodies!
"As expected of my lord's wedding, there are nine gods at once!"

"The spirit system, the three goddesses of prophecy, the goddess of the earth and the fertility, as for the remaining two, they should be the goddess of spring and the goddess of autumn."

"I don't know if there will be other gods appearing?"

Ordinary people don't know whether the three goddesses of prophecy have received Adam's invitation, but the effect of the nine goddesses appearing together is extremely visually impactful, making them hooked and worthwhile.

Before the words were finished, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky above Silver Eden, and the wind was raging, and two more gods appeared.

God of the sky, goddess of love and pleasure!

Another two uninvited guests, Dawn Angel thought.

There are two true gods again, Nine Pillars God thought.

Sure enough, as His Majesty Hillsey said last time, the power of the gods in the foreign continent is above Merica.

Thinking of the fact that he was about to merge with another continent, Nine Pillars God had a trace of worry on his face.

But they were obviously worried too early, because at the next moment, an emerald green radiance surrounded by infinite green leaves descended from the sky mightily.

Such a complete and great brilliance, they had only seen one god before, and that was the God of War!

There is no doubt that the one who descended this time is a main god!
Unknowingly, Nine Pillars God stared at the light curtain without blinking like the most ordinary people in the cathedral square in the Griffin Kingdom, for fear of missing any details.

"The Lord God is here."

"Her Majesty the Goddess of Life is here!"

In Silver Eden, both gods and ordinary people stood up to welcome the arrival of the main god.

"Welcome, great elf god, goddess of life, Your Majesty Thrandell! Your Highness Nacho!"

"Lord God!"

In the kingdom of Odin, the God of War squinted his eyes at the smiling, noble and elegant goddess in the light curtain.

In his divine eye vision, all appearances receded, leaving only a ball of emerald green radiance of the main god constantly beating.

Suddenly, a green divine fire flew out of the lord god's radiance, shooting out thousands of tender green sparks, and what appeared in the God of War's vision was still a moon elf goddess, and he could no longer spy on any information.

"Your Majesty Thrandell, please."

Led by the Angel of Dawn, the Goddess of Life took her seat in the middle area A.

"The Elven Lord has arrived, why don't we show up?"

In the backcourt, when Isabella saw the mighty radiance of the Lord God, she knew that the witness of the wedding, the Goddess of Life, was present.

The guests have already arrived, whether it is a mortal or a god, who dares to enter the venue after the goddess of life.

"No, wait a little longer." Adam looked up at the sky, "Perhaps, there is a second main god."


There was a loud noise, black smoke raged in the sky above the silver Eden, sulfur flames crossed the sky, and the scarlet and bright red radiance of the two main gods rotated in the sky, finally converging into a flame throne, on which sat a firstborn with two horns. A ferocious demon god with a ferocious face.

"I should be eligible to attend this wedding."

A deep and hoarse voice rolled out, and the entire Silver Eden fell into the abyss in an instant, and there was a dead silence.


The guests took a deep breath in their hearts. Although they had never seen this extremely violent god, from all signs, he was the god master of the demon pantheon, the supreme ruler of the demon family, and possessed two godheads. The Destruction and Flame Demon God!
Is this Demon God really here to attend the wedding?
"The divine master of the demonic pantheon naturally has the qualifications, and please take your seat first, Your Majesty Baimeng." Andrew, the god of knights, smiled and invited with neither humility nor condescension.

"Looks like I'd better sit with Diana."

The God of Nature, who has not yet taken his seat, walked to area B very freely and sat down with the Moon and the Goddess of Hunting, the Goddess of Earth and Fertility, and the Three Goddesses of Prophecy.

If the Demon God of Destruction and Flame hadn't arrived, as the husband of the Goddess of Life, he was fully qualified to sit in Area A.

But since there is another main god coming, and the demon god of destruction and flame whose strength is higher than the goddess of life, it seems too reluctant for him to sit there.

"The second main god!" Mirika, the face of the Nine Pillars God was extremely serious.

And after discovering the two completely different radiances of the main gods on Destroyer and Flame Demon God, they even temporarily abandoned the previous suspicions, and discussed their thoughts in the void and chaos.

"One scarlet and one bright red are two radiances of the Lord God!"

"what does that mean?"


The Nine Pillars Gods all thought of a possibility, but no one had the courage to tell that fact.

Two godheads, in charge of two laws!
The main god of space in the first era was in charge of the laws of space, and Odin was in charge of the laws of war in the second era. The two main gods in charge of only one law each overwhelmed the gods of an era.

But compared to this terrifying main god who is in charge of the two laws, the main god of space and the main god of war are nothing at all.

After a long time, the God of Blacksmith said shyly, "His Majesty Hillsey once said that there are three main gods in the different continent. Do you think the third main god will appear?"

Of course they will, they will know in the next second.

No matter how mixed the five flavors of Jiuzhu God's heart are, the light curtain truly shows the glory of the third main god.

Compared with the broadness of the first main god's brilliance and the tyranny of the second main god's brilliance, the first feeling of this main god's brilliance is mysterious.

After the chaotic Lord God Radiance emerged from the void, it immediately flew towards Area A where the Goddess of Life and the Demon God of Destruction and Flame were located.

The Demon God of Destruction and Flame snorted coldly, and thousands of pale white lights burst out, cutting towards the Chaos Radiance.

"Baimen, today is the wedding of the sun god, it would be too impolite to do it here."

The chaotic brilliance was retracted, and the knife light disappeared, as if it had never appeared, and turned into a young God of Truth.

"Heaven, it's the God of truth!"

"The first Lord of Laws of the Multiverse!"

If the people of the Griffin Kingdom were so excited that tears filled their eyes when the Goddess of Life appeared on the stage, then when the two powerful main gods, the God of Destruction and Flame and the God of Truth, appeared one after another, their hearts were suspended, and they were extremely worried.

If you think about it with your feet, you know that the Tianshan Mountain in the light domain and the destruction of darkness and chaos are naturally opposed to the flame demon god. As for the truth god, there is no intersection—if the sky garden counts as an intersection.

Prince felt that he had a toothache. It was fine to come to his rival's wedding under the envious eyes of others. At the wedding scene, he would also meet the extremely horrific Destruction and Flame Demon God, as well as the most mysterious truth god.

What was even worse was that all the gods who came to the wedding came in real bodies.

This meant that if there was an accident at the wedding, ordinary people like them would not even have a chance to escape, and being strangled to ashes by the terrifying divine power would be the best ending.

There are really three main gods, and it seems that their strength is not weaker than the main god who was in charge of the two laws just now!

At this moment, Jiuzhu God is like an eggplant beaten by frost.

The same crystal wall, why is there such a huge gap.

The existence of the three main gods has made the strength of the foreign land far above that of Mirika, and two of them are even more terrifying characters than the God of War.

The god of blacksmiths remembered the proposal made by the evangelical angel when he suddenly visited the Kingdom of God a few days ago, and knew it was time to make a decision.

The nine-pillar gods looked at the light curtains on the cathedral in the Principality of Griffin, and no one would laugh at the gospel angels for mysteries.

Wait, if they remember correctly, this is a wedding that hasn't started yet.

The three main gods are all present, where is the wedding host?
Silver Eden, after confirming that the Goddess of Darkness would not come, the Goddess of Life took a step forward, came to the stage, and announced loudly:
"Now, let's invite our protagonist today, the Lord of Heaven Mountain, the Sun God, His Royal Highness Adam, King of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, and his fiancée, Ms. Isabella!"

Thankfully, the wedding finally got off to a smooth start.

This was the voice of almost all the guests at the scene. As for the surprise and excitement of seeing the gods, it had disappeared as early as when the demon god of destruction and flames descended.

(End of this chapter)

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