Templar Sun King

Chapter 53 The Trace of the Black Mage

Chapter 53 The Trace of the Black Mage
Adam and the others followed closely behind the group of vampires. In order not to lose track, the four silvers led Adam and Helen to fly at low altitude in the forest.

This was not pleasant at all. In order to avoid objects such as branches, Andrew had to go around, making Adam feel a little dizzy.He felt that he hated the flying spell a little bit.

Suddenly, Adam saw several goblin corpses in the forest.Some corpses were so horrible that they were almost torn to pieces.Adam recognized the scars, the vampire's way of attacking.

Goblins are very timid creatures, and even have a reputation for being so timid.As the Ash Forest is the stronghold of the Johnson family, the nature of the goblins should keep them away from the Ash Forest.But it was here that Adam discovered the corpses of several goblins.

"Andrew." Adam pointed to the goblin's body.Andrew understood, and led Adam to deviate from the direction and stop beside a goblin's corpse.

"What are you doing?" Leo was the first to notice Andrew's abnormal behavior and was very dissatisfied.

He was worried that the destination of the vampires was the same as theirs. If his worries were true, it would be difficult for all the treasures in the underground palace to belong to them.See what this little mage is doing?He was actually observing the corpse of a goblin!

Leo admitted that this mage has good talent and strength, and even has a silver knight guarding him, but this doesn't mean that he can come here casually during the adventure, right?

If he couldn't get a satisfactory answer, he felt that his anger needed to be vented, and this mage was obviously the best target.

"Adam?" Arman also couldn't understand Adam's actions.

"Wait a moment." Under Adam's order, Andrew was looking for something on the goblin's body with his sword.

Yet nothing.

"I need an explanation." Leo finally seized an opportunity to make things difficult for Adam. Although he looked very angry, he didn't know how happy he was.

"It will satisfy you, old sir." Andrew took Adam to fly again, and Adam began to explain, explaining in detail about the mysterious beads that he encountered when he exterminated the goblins last time.

"This is no joke!"

Master Helen covered her mouth in surprise.As long as one bead can obtain the power of the first level of bronze, such props will drive the unwilling people crazy.For those who want to gain strength but suffer from no method, let alone a 6% success rate, even 1% is worth the risk.

As high-level members of the Masters Union, Arman, Leo, and Lance had serious expressions on their faces. They all knew that this kind of thing would cause countless troubles.But now their information about the mysterious beads comes from Adam, and the specific authenticity needs to be verified.

When a goblin corpse appeared in front of them again, they had already verified it without Adam himself.

This time, in the goblin's body, Leo found a bead that could allow the goblin to master the primary power of bronze.

"Except for the complex runes left, I can't find anything else." Leo carefully explored the cracked bead with mental power, but regrettably found that it was damaged.

Based on his experience, he quickly realized that this was a self-destruct condition set by the person who designed the beads. Once the host died, the beads would be destroyed.And these are enough for Leo to accept Adam's explanation.

"They should be the works of the Scourge Church." The magic book in the castle, the sign with the six-pointed star and the five-headed dragon, and the message given by Bishop Silver all pointed the final target to the Scourge Church.

If Bishop Baiyin gave news about the Scourge Church last time, Arman hadn't taken it to heart.But now, he takes it very seriously.

"Why did the members of the Scourge Church appear in Celtic? What is the purpose of their experiments on goblins?" Leo was very puzzled.

"They are a group of lunatics. After believing in the five-color dragon that represents disaster, they cannot use ordinary people's thinking to guess."

"The appearance of this group of vampires is very likely related to the Scourge Church and the goblins. Let's continue to follow."

Everyone continued to follow the vampire in silence. After about an hour, the group of vampires began to slow down and stopped beside a huge tree.

A bat hangs upside down on the tree, with a small body, short black hair, and bright red eyes.If Andrew hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed it yet.

This group of vampires lay respectfully on the ground around the big tree. It might be funny to say it, but Adam still saw the respectful expressions on the faces of these lying humanoid creatures.

The tiny bat looses its grip on the branch and falls from the tree.When it was about to fall to the ground, a large amount of black smoke emerged from its small body. The smoke twisted quickly, and finally turned into a young man in an evening dress.

Pale skin, handsome face, hair is meticulously groomed, it seems that every hair is in its proper position, full of aristocratic style.

This is the second time Adam has seen the blood race, and it is also the first time he has seen them transform from bat form to human form.

"Did the elder bring any orders?" The blood clan youth asked, even his voice sounded very aristocratic, no wonder there are classic plots of girls falling in love with blood clan in various novels.

"Silver." Andrew softly reminded Adam that the strength of this vampire not far away was silver.

A vampire hoarsely conveyed the order of the elder of the blood clan: "The elder guesses that the black mage's goal is the traitor in the Damans Valley, so I hope you can continue to stay here and pay attention to his movements."


The young man of the blood race was taken aback for a moment, he knew very well the prophecies and legends about the rebels.

The three prophecies made by the Archmage Colin are the Conqueror, the Silent Man, and the Rebel. Among them, Charlemagne the Conqueror established the Xishen Empire, and the Silent Man founded the Mage Kingdom. Only the third prophecy, the Rebel, has not yet come true.

According to Colin's prophecy, this rebel who mixed blood and werewolf blood would step on the dead bones of the two races to be crowned.

Out of fear of the prophecy, after the rebel was born 13 years ago, he was exiled by the patriarch of the Johnson family to the Damans Valley in the Ash Forest. An elder stayed in the valley all year round to watch over it.

He wondered why the patriarch and elders didn't directly kill the bastard with werewolf blood, but exiled him to the Damans Valley. For this reason, an elder had to be wasted to guard it himself.

Elder is not an empty title in the blood clan, only the blood clan with pure silver rank is eligible to hold the title.

He was surprised because the existence of rebels was almost a taboo for the blood race and werewolves, and the news had been tightly sealed all the time, how could it suddenly be known to outsiders.

Just two months ago, a group of humans ran into the Ash Forest with the aim of being traitors. For this reason, a companion of the silver rank was damaged, and even his heart was gouged out by those damned humans.

At that time, he was also one of the blood clans who chased and killed those humans, but it was a pity that those humans who were good at hiding escaped.

And now, another black mage came to the Ash Forest inexplicably, and the target was also the rebels. How did they learn about the existence of the rebels?
And the goblin who entered the Ash Forest with the black mage changed his timid nature and brandished a stick and sword like a vampire.What's even more amazing is that some goblins among them actually obtained the power of the bronze rank by relying on a magical bead, which even the elders in the family felt unbelievable.

The targets are rebel humans, black mages, goblins, everything is weird.

"I see." The vampire youth rubbed his chin, "Is Elder Bruch still guarding the rebel side?"

"Elder Kawei also left for Damans Valley when he left the family this morning."

There are a total of six elders in the Johnson family. According to the convention, one elder goes to the Damans Valley to watch over the rebels and changes every year.

Damans Valley is not a place with beautiful scenery. As a prison for detaining rebels, it is the worst place in the entire Ash Forest. It is cold, humid, dark, and full of insects, ants, snakes and rats.

The blood youth sympathized with the rebel for a minute. He was born with only insects, ants, snakes and rats as his food. It may be that he has never tasted the taste of human blood. It is really sad.

However, he immediately focused on the fact that Elder Kawei, one of the six elders, also set off for the Damans Valley. Two elders were needed to guard the valley at the same time, and the strength of the opponent must be terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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