Templar Sun King

Chapter 524 Dwarves Countermeasures

Chapter 524 Dwarves Countermeasures
Since the outer void was divided into the outer plane and the inner plane, the major gods have occupied the inner plane according to their respective attributes and preferences and developed corresponding transitional planes.

The dwarf plane is one of them, and it is occupied by the dwarf pantheon with two gods-the god of forging (true god) and the god of caves (half god).

It is located near the Earth Elemental Plane and is rich in minerals and materials. Legendary dwarves and some gold professionals who were excluded because of the special rules of the main material plane live here.

As a race known for forging, smelting, and making weapons, it is difficult for dwarves to refuse the best minerals and precious metals. There are many stories of warriors bringing precious metals to trade with dwarves in the poems sung on the mainland.

However, according to the powerful angel Yanar, things are not that simple.

"It's a pity, Your Excellency Yanar, I'm afraid we won't be able to make the Mithril and Vibranium into armor weapons as agreed."

On the second day when the four-winged angel Yanar and the four two-winged angels came to the dwarf plane with Mithril and Vibranium, an old dwarf rejected him like this.

Yanar frowned, flapped his wings lightly, and a little bit of holy light lingered around him: "According to the agreement, after the mithril and vibranium are forged into finished products, the dwarves can draw a tenth. I think this reward It's enough."

Faced with the doubts of the five beautiful creatures from the sacred Heavenly Mountain, the old dwarf stroked his beard that almost reached the ground and explained: "It's not about the reward, Lord Yanar. It's really unfortunate timing, because the hostile plane of the main material In the rainy weather, the Modine Cave of the dwarves is facing the greatest crisis in history, we old guys must first spare no effort to jointly build a piece of armor to protect our homeland."

Combined with the recent spooky weather, this is indeed a perfect reason.

After sending away the five angels, as well as the mithril and vibranium that people are reluctant to part with, the dwarves talked a lot.

"Patriarch, the situation in Modine Cave...is not as serious as you said." A slightly younger dwarf couldn't express his regret.

Although the dwarf plane itself has some mithril and vibranium, but that is mithril and vibranium, one of the most precious and cherished metals in the entire universe, and no one would dislike it.

A young dwarf of the golden rank said in a trance: "When the patriarch refused just now, I actually felt a sense of guilt for no reason."

"Probably because creatures like angels are too pure and beautiful." Another dwarf felt the same way.

As the last of the temple's champion arms, angels, the spotless divine creatures, are undoubtedly the manifestation of truth, purity, goodness and beauty in the world.

All creatures with normal aesthetics have more or less facial control, and excellent appearance and extraordinary charm can always bring unexpected benefits.

Therefore, if you want to reject the divine creature angel born from the brilliance, you must have a hard heart. In this regard, the dwarves admire their old patriarch.

"This is the meaning of the above." The old dwarf pointed to the sky, and the other dwarves quickly shut up, understanding.

If it was an oracle, it would not be difficult to understand the refusal of the patriarch just now. After all, the dwarf pantheon is closer to the kingdom of truth.

As we all know, the patrons of the Percy Empire did not have a good sense of the sudden rise of the Lord of Heaven Mountain—this can be seen from the fact that the sun god ignited the fire of truth and the four knights of truth sent down divine punishment in succession, causing Adam to die.

It's a pity, the dwarves sighed in their hearts, because of their position, they couldn't make friends with this group of beautiful creatures in Paradise Mountain.

"Whether it's showing favor to the kingdom of truth or making a statement, the dwarves should not have anything to do with Paradise Mountain."

The God Lord of the dwarf pantheon, the God of Forging who has the two priesthoods of forging and smelting, is expressing his views on this matter at the time of the Kingdom of God and the God of Caves.

"What's more... Heavenly Mountain is rising too fast!"

The God of Forging still remembers how trembling and cautious he was when he ignited the divine fire. After years of hard work, he established the dwarf pantheon to occupy a place in the outer planes.

As for Heavenly Mountain, who knows where the two demigods, Angel of Dawn and Angel of Punishment, who are called Seraphim, came from.

It seemed that overnight, with a true god, three and a half gods, Heavenly Mountain was born. It was so fast that people were caught off guard, and it was so fast that he felt extremely unbalanced, and the jealousy that pierced his chest like weeds grew wildly!

What makes the gods even more fearful is the personal connections of Tiantang Mountain, the goddess of life, the goddess of the moon and hunting, the goddess of the earth and fertility, the fish god, the god of death...

Especially the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Earth and Fertility. One is the main god who ascended to the main god position in the first era, and the other is a candidate for the main god. If there is no accident, he will be the main god soon.

The prestige of the two "main gods" made the conspiracy of the outer planes against Tiantang Mountain aborted before it was formally formed.

Of course, the powerful strength shown by Adam obtaining the priesthood of the sun on the day he ignited the divine fire is also a great deterrent, not everyone has the capital to reach the sky in one step.

"Indeed, the current situation in the outer plane is complicated, the four main gods are fighting openly and secretly, and the demons are about to establish a kingdom on the surface. If our dwarf pantheon wants to remain neutral at the end of the second era, there is little hope. If we must find a backer... "

It is definitely the best choice to complete the Kingdom of Truth to unify Yasha's great cause!

That's why the two issued an oracle, asking the contemporary patriarch of the dwarves to reject the angel's proposal.

"Two-winged angels, four-winged angels, and seraphs." The cave god murmured, "Where did you say that divine creatures like angels were born? No one of your highness has ever discovered such creatures in the void outside the territory before." kind of creature."

The god of the cave can see clearly, even a two-winged angel with only a golden rank, has a light divinity in his body-that is the reason why an angel is an angel!
"I am more inclined to say that they are the creation of the sun god."

"Creation? At least there must be life and the creation of two domains as a basis, and even the elf god has not created a divine creature! Her peak works are the tree elves and oak elves in the first era. I don't know I think the sun god has this ability."

Speaking of creation, the goddess of life is the first to be in charge of the law of life. The two elf allies in the emerald forest, the dryad and the oak elf, are her creations.

Two days ago, he used the supreme meaning of the law of life [rebirth] to bring the god of nature who had fallen for many years back to the level of a true god, which made the gods amazed.

If it weren't for the fact that the elf gods are racial gods like the Titan gods, and only accept elf gods, many gods who have little ambition and only indulge in pleasure would like to join the elf gods immediately and become one of them-a person who can make the fallen How great and fascinating is the god-reborn god-lord.

"Who knows what method he used to create them, we just need to get rid of the relationship with Paradise Mountain."

"It seems that the rumors are true. The dwarf pantheon is closer to the kingdom of truth."

When Yanar reported the results, Adam was extracting divinity from the Temple of the Sun—preparing for Simon to ignite the divine fire.

Adam has been doing this since returning from the kingdom of Avalon, and even postponed the plan to recruit angels of power with divine power and faith and hold a wedding in Silver Eden.

After all, compared with the legendary Angel of Quan, a demigod can strengthen Tiantang Mountain's strength, right?

As for the wedding, to be honest, preparations are still in an orderly manner.

With the promotion of Adam to the True God, the four heroes except Andrew have already reached their full professional level, regardless of their spiritual power, magic power, fighting spirit and physical body, they are all in an unprecedented peak state, and they only need a divine fire to complete their final transformation.

Originally, Adam's idea was to use the golden apple to complete this last step, but due to various accidents, the magic fire in the golden apple was polluted by the dark power, making the heroes unable to eat it—unless Adam hoped that there would be another person in Paradise Mountain who was incompatible with their attributes. Dark gods, but this is obviously impossible.

And the next batch of ripe golden apples will already be at the end of the third era.

Therefore, the most primitive method of accumulating divinity is put on the agenda.

Fortunately, Adam is a true god with a career level as high as 38 in the evaluation of the temple. The ratio of divinity extracted from the power of faith has increased significantly. About every [-] power of faith can extract one unit of light divinity.

Fortunately, Adam, the three seraphs, and the five heroes came from the same origin of the Holy Church Mountain, and their divinity is universal. Otherwise, with Simon's ability, he would have to consume a hundred thousand faith powers to obtain a unit of divinity, and it would be impossible to accumulate enough in a short period of time. divine material.

In addition, the faith of the temple now spreads all over the Celtic mainland, the five cities of Upler and the Principality of the Griffon of Merika, and has a huge faith base. In just one week, Adam has extracted 90 units of light and divinity.

And during this week, a major event happened on the main material plane-on March 4901, 3 AD, the Jiaoyan Dynasty was born, a dark kingdom established by demons in the middle of France!

This is the first time in an era that demons, one of the three major races, officially counterattacked to the surface world and established a base.

Thanks to the torrential rain, the Jiaoyan Dynasty dominated by the Balrog did not rush to expand after its establishment. They sent troops to deal with the five cities of the Griffon Kingdom in the north, Frans in the south or the United Kingdom of Sauk in the East. They continued to accumulate strength.

But this also sounded the alarm for Adam, the crucial battle of the main material plane is coming.

Adam has secretly contacted the Goddess of Plenty. Once there is a change in the Jiaoyan Dynasty—it is best to go south to attack Frans—he will immediately attack Frans and break the foundation of the Lord of Dawn's belief in the main material plane.

"Your Highness Adam, if you do this, it may affect the evaluation of Heavenly Mountain among the gods." The Goddess of Earth and Fertility gently reminded Adam of the possible consequences of looting when it is related to the dispute between the surface world and the underground world. God Sha Lord, is very likely to take the opportunity to attack."

He had wanted to make trouble a long time ago. Adam, who learned about the follow-up situation of the Chaos Sea from the Goddess of Life, rolled his eyes. If the Demon God of Destruction and Flame hadn't unexpectedly acquiesced in the ownership of the golden apple tree, Heaven Mountain would have been taken by the God of Truth long ago. engulfed in anger.

What's more, isn't what he did from the beginning to the end just to get rid of the threat of the main god?
As for the negative comments from other gods caused by this...

Adam was full of confidence: "Who is qualified to judge a Lord God?"

"You are right, Your Highness Adam, none of them are qualified to judge the Lord God." The goddess of earth and fertility was convinced.

Adam withdrew his consciousness from the memory, saw Andrew touching his nose, and suggested, "It's better... let me and Garen build it together."

Since there are no skilled blacksmiths in the kingdom, it is better to let him try, no matter how bad it is, it is the work of a demigod.

Garen was taken aback, looking at the war hammer in his hand, maybe he wanted to act as a blacksmith temporarily?
However, if it is simply forging iron, he can probably do it - considering the weight of the war hammer and the blessing effect of the extraordinary fighting spirit.

"No need." Adam said while extracting the 97th ray of light divinity and handing it to Simon, "Dwarves are not the only ones who are proficient in weapon making in the entire universe."

Teresa suddenly realized: "My lord means the priest of the blacksmith god of Merika."

As the priests of the God of Blacksmiths, they have attainments in the manufacture of weapons and equipment that other professionals cannot match.

The Blacksmith Kingdom is definitely the country with the largest number of weapon forging masters.

"With this idea, it shouldn't be too difficult to ask the priest of the Blacksmith God to help create a batch of weapons and armor through the Lord God of Space."

Adam remembered that the Lord God of Space had mentioned that the God of Blacksmiths was the first to be persuaded by him to join the anti-Odin alliance, and he might be listed as the next target of Merika's strategy.

Since the dwarf pantheon rejects Heavenly Mountain because of the kingdom of truth, in return, Adam doesn’t mind supporting the God of Blacksmiths to contain the dwarven pantheon together with the Lord God of Space after the arrival of the New World, lest they shout for the kingdom of truth and put pressure on Heavenly Mountain.

After all, forging, smelting, and blacksmithing are very closely related to each other. Adam believed that the God of Blacksmithing could find no reason to refuse.

Of course, this is just an immature idea flashed by Adam, and the specific implementation still needs to go to Merika to negotiate with the space lord.

However, just when Adam was seriously thinking about when he should go to America, news from the New World sounded in his heart—it was the request of the gospel angel Raphael, and the Kingdom of God was being attacked by the God of War!

Attack of a main god!

 Going home this morning, the 4000 update should be guaranteed. As for adding updates for the New Year, I will try my best.

  The author was mentally disabled yesterday and forgot to update it regularly.I just saw it now. . .

(End of this chapter)

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