Templar Sun King

Chapter 517 Golden Apple

Chapter 517 Golden Apple

The law of life!

Create laws!
The law of light!

These three laws fell into the hands of the goddess of life and immediately became docile, even the law of light that Adam had just brought over was no exception.

The true god is still at the stage of using the law, and it is too early to talk about mastering it. Adam remembered the situation where he used the holy cross sun scepter to guide the law of light just now:
In the pure white world, there grows a giant tree comparable to the world tree. It is pure, holy, and bright, and it is full of all the good things and joys in the world.

A cocoon-thin silk thread was pulled out from the giant tree because of Adam's guidance—this is the power of the law of light to the extreme—passing through many spaces, appearing in the sky above the central area, and instantly growing into a bright and gorgeous beam of light.

If Adam is willing, now he can integrate the power of this law of light into the holy light, and evolve the extremely powerful holy light magic!

The power of the three laws was entwined by the goddess of life, incorporated into the brilliance of the main god, and turned into a flower bud with a size of a kilometer.

In the next second, the petals of this bud made of the radiance of the Lord God mixed with the laws of life, creation, and light bloomed, radiating endless brilliance, covering the leaves, branches, and world tree where Adam was, and radiating the entire center in an instant. area.

When the thousands of petals layered on top of each other bloom more than half in all directions, the bright radiance feedbacks ripples, and each ripple carries hundreds of millions of information that only the goddess of life can decipher.

"The law of life...the law of creation...hell, has Thrandell's comprehension of the law of creation reached this point?"

On the fruit representing the kingdom of darkness, the Goddess of Darkness stands in the air, identifying the radiance surging in the entire central area, and there is even a trace of the law of light in it.

Beside her, there was a cloak floating - the Faceless Man, and a strange corpse lay - wolf head, bat wings, sharp claws, Pansy, the silver moon god.

At this time, Pan Xi's corpse was fused with a leaf of the World Tree under the catalysis of a black light.

"Thrandale wants to obtain the gem of life, and Baimon is looking for a way to strengthen the law of fire. The purpose of truth is unknown."

The Goddess of Darkness withdrew her gaze, as if feeling the Goddess of Life's accomplishments in the law of creation, her complexion was gloomy, and she shot a sharp ray of light, blasting the corpse into powder, and was immediately swallowed by the leaves of the World Tree.

At the moment when the god corpse and the leaves were completely fused, the inner plane, a dark plane with only a single energy attribute like Silver Eden, suddenly thundered and thundered, and dark clouds gathered.

Countless black, densely packed silk threads shot out from the dark clouds, baring their teeth and claws, like spider webs and roots, all over the void, dividing the entire plane into fragments.

At the same time, a brand-new magical energy mixed with dark energy and some dark divine power was born from the void, rolling and galloping in the plane.

"Why is there such a big movement on that plane?"

"I don't know if it's an illusion. I just sensed the law of darkness that flashed by."

The abnormality of the plane quickly attracted the attention of the gods, and they all cast their eyes over it.


A statue of a dark god with a height of one thousand meters, a wolf head, bat wings, and sharp claws dispelled heavy clouds and descended on the earth.

"Panxi, God of Silver Moon, hasn't she already fallen?"

"No, it doesn't have any vitality, it's a dead thing made of black devilish energy."

Although it is a dead thing, at this moment, this dark god statue seems to be given life, roaring upwards, the terrifying sound waves tremble the plane, and break the space barrier.

The galloping demonic energy vented out of the gap, and plunged into the two adjacent adjacent planes!

"found it!"

On the other side, the Goddess of Life showed joy, and the gem of life was indeed on the World Tree, but then she frowned again.

Adam noticed the change in the expression of the Goddess of Life, and asked, "Your Majesty Thrandell, what happened?"

"The gem of life seems to be imprisoned by something, and it cannot be recovered with the three laws."

"That is to say..."

"I have to locate the Gem of Life first, and go to take it out in person. But in this way, the location of the Gem of Life will be exposed."

After hesitating for a second, the Goddess of Life made a decisive decision, and the main god's radiance was drawn, and the thousand layers of petals dispersed, leaving only a dazzling radiance pointing directly into the distance.

At the end of the glow is where the gem of life is.

"Let's go, Your Highness Adam."

The Goddess of Life shoots out, increasing the speed to the fastest.

If it weren't for the special rules in the central area of ​​the Chaos Sea, Adam believed that the Goddess of Life would teleport there directly.

"No problem." The golden light flowed on Adam's body, and he entered the state of the Holy Spirit, advancing at the speed of light.

"Thrandale found the Gem of Life!"

The Destruction and Flame Demon God immediately reacted when he saw the obvious glow.

"God Lord..."

"Go! Thrandell cannot be allowed to obtain a second high-level artifact."

I didn't know where the Life Gem was just now, but now that I know the location, the Destruction and Flame Demon God's nature of harming others and benefiting himself will naturally come into play immediately.

"Not good! My lord, this glow..."

The Ember Knight looked at the light sweeping past him in shock, the direction was exactly the same as the direction they were heading in.

"Is that so?" Although the God of Truth sighed, the Ash Knight found a trace of imperceptible anxiety on the face of his devout God.

Things are far more serious than he imagined!

For so many years, the God of Truth has always been in the hands of wisdom, and this is the first time he has seen the emotion of anxiety that is incompatible with the God of Truth.

"Huh?" The Goddess of Darkness also saw the exposed location of the Gem of Life, laughed lowly, and said to the Faceless Man, "You continue to drive the evolution of the plane here, I'll go and have a look."

"Sure enough, as soon as the location of the Gem of Life was exposed, the other three main gods came over like sharks smelling blood."

At this time, the Goddess of Life, who should be more worried, seemed calm: "Believe me, Your Highness Adam, if they were here today looking for the gem of the law, I would also stop it."

Adam and the Goddess of Life traveled fast on the World Tree, star rivers passed by in front of them, and soon came to the end of the glow, where the Gem of Life was.

Almost at the same time, the God of Truth came here with the Ash Knight.



The two main gods greeted dryly without exchanging pleasantries, and all their attention was focused on a strange plant on the branch of the world tree in front of them.

It was an apple tree with a height of [-] meters. The crown was hemispherical. The leaves trembled slightly and made a pleasant rustling sound.

Of course, what attracts everyone's attention is the apples hanging on the apple tree, which are divided into three layers.

The first layer is an apple exuding a colorful halo. Adam can easily see through the essence of the apple, which contains gold or legendary spell runes.

There are earthquake spells, super electromagnetic guns, meteor fire showers, sharp blade storms, brilliant diamonds...

The second layer is the silver apple, exuding a strong divine aura.

But this is also very normal, because each apple really has a divinity with different attributes!
And the nine golden apples on the third floor are the root cause of the two main gods losing their composure.

Their centers are blossoming pure non-attribute divine fires!
If Adam's guess is correct, anyone who eats the golden apple can directly ascend to the throne of God!

One step to the sky!
As for the gem of life that the goddess of life has been looking for, it is covered by the aura of life of this golden apple tree.


Absolute gem!
Adam looked at the golden apple tree, and a strong possessive desire rose from his heart irresistibly.

 Today's annual meeting, I took the time to write it during the performance in the afternoon, and I will make up the rest in the next two days.

(End of this chapter)

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