Templar Sun King

Chapter 511 The Origin God of Water Element

Chapter 511 The Origin God of Water Element
At the moment when the Goddess of Plenty and the God of the Earth decided the winner, the Goddess of Love and Pleasure, who had been standing aside with a smile on her face, opened her arms and stood in the air.

A pink and sweet divine light rushed out of her body, and the time and rain were colorful, and countless whispers, soft words of love and laughter came out of it, and the interpretation was infinitely beautiful.

The mission of love is complete!

The second fulfilled priesthood after the bubble priesthood.

Adam on the other side is not in the mood to observe the consummation of the priesthood of love at all. To be precise, he is burning with anxiety now. If the goddess of abundance is not still accepting the belief and priesthood of the God of the Earth, he would have rushed out of the Titan Stone Temple to go to the kingdom of the sea god in person.

In the outer plane, the kingdom of the god of the earth has come to the vicinity of the kingdom of the god of abundance, and there are waves of ripples, gradually merging with the kingdom of the god of abundance.

In the God of Abundance, the first pope of the Harvest Church, Delphi I, is also the supreme leader of the Kingdom of God today, leading other devout petitioners who have made great contributions to the goddess to welcome the petitioners of the Kingdom of the Earth God. Goddess Faith.

The battle for the land is over, and the belief in the land of the Titan pantheon that started from the period of the Mother Earth Goddess is finally unified!
In the eyes of these petitioners, beams of aura of faith continuously rose from the nearly transparent kingdom of the earth and landed in front of them. This was the petitioner who was willing to convert to the goddess of abundance in accordance with the agreement of the Titan Stone Temple—this The process is not easy, and their strength will drop by at least one level within a hundred years.

At the same time, there were also a lot of green smoke rising up. They looked at the blue smoke disappearing into the void with pity and respect. It was the petitioners who finally decided to follow the God of the Earth and dissipate.


Another bang.

This is the third loud bang today, representing the third fallen god!

"What happened to the Ocean God Kingdom?"

"Who actually fell?"

"Is it the mysterious fish god?"

The gods were stunned. They thought that the battle caused by the main god would end here and end with the death of one of the two true gods, the god of the earth and the water element field, but they didn't expect there to be a follow-up!
Not long ago, they had just witnessed the spectacle of three gods ascending to the throne at the same time. In the past few days, three gods have fallen in a row.

Could it be that there will be a Ragnarok at the end of the second era like the end of the first era?
Even the Goddess of Life, the God of Truth, and the Demon God of Destruction and Flame who are far away in the main god's kingdom can't help but constantly use their divine power to look at the ocean god kingdom covered by the night cloak. The Lord God was surprised.

The battle on Heaven Mountain stopped completely when the second loud bang sounded. Angel of Dawn, Angel of Punishment, and Andrew looked at the outer plane together with divine eyes, scanning back and forth on the Kingdom of Storm God and the Kingdom of Ice and Snow God, looking for the final result.

"It's out!"

"The Divine Kingdom of the Ice and Snow Goddess is extinguished!"

"The goddess of ice and snow has fallen!"

"Sea God won the final victory!"

Adam was ecstatic, for the sea god, but also for himself.

Both the Goddess of Plenty and the God of the Sea are gods that Adam has befriended. Today, both of them cleared away the external obstacles to ascending to the main god and became candidates for the main god.

If he is lucky, he will even have two allies of the main god rank at the same time in the future!

A law of water that was dozens of times thicker and thicker than the law of the earth that came at the end of the land war just now descended through the cloak of night and fell to the kingdom of the ocean god.

"This posture..." Adam looked back at the law of the earth that had not completely dissipated for the time being, "What's going on? Such a powerful force of law can hit the main god!"


With a strange laugh, the cloak of the night was scattered, and all the gods who could finally see the scene of the ocean god kingdom clearly exclaimed, including the other three main gods except the goddess of darkness.

"it turns out……"

"I didn't expect it to end like this!"

"His Highness Ito..." Adam stared blankly at the scene on the outer plane and sighed.

I saw that the Ocean God Kingdom, which had lost its defense system due to the destruction of the flame demon god, was as dim as the Ice and Snow God Kingdom, and all the divine lights that symbolized the Sea God were extinguished.

There is only one explanation for this scene. The two true gods who competed for the original god of the water element, Sea God Ito and Ice Goddess Tiana, both fell!
Things were completely different from what he had just thought. There was no winner in this battle of gods.

In the Ocean God Kingdom, the Poseidon corpse had a trace of madness on its face, and one of its hands was still holding the Box of Winter, but it had been damaged.

Compared to Sea God whose body was severely injured, Ice and Snow Goddess was in a much better situation, but her eyes were wide open, as if she couldn't accept that this battle would end like this—bathed in the law of water.

"No..." Adam suddenly realized, if Sea God and Ice Goddess both fall, then what is going on with this law of water?

"Law God!" A familiar voice explained to Adam.

"His Royal Highness Farisa."

Adam turned his head and saw the Goddess of Plenty coming out of the orange divine light, but there was no excitement or joy in clearing the obstacle of the main god on her face, and her face was calm and somewhat unusual.

"The god of law is the highest level of law manifestation. When the priesthood of the god is completely polluted by the law due to some accident, the god of law is born."

Adam had heard this statement a little bit. It was because the priesthood of death was polluted by the law of death that the spider and the goddess of death had a rare situation of one body with two wills. In the end, the goddess of silence, who is now Scarlett, the god of sleep, had the opportunity to take advantage of it. .

"I guess, it should be His Highness Ito's final blow that completely polluted the Ice and Snow Goddess's priesthood by the law of water, and that's why this happened."

The priesthood was completely polluted by the law, and the goddess of ice and snow fell naturally.

With two loud bangs, the Kingdom of Ice and Snow and the Kingdom of Ocean began to fall.

Falling direction, water elemental plane!

The two stars in different positions on the outer plane broke away from their original places and fell, like two huge bubbles merging into the water elemental plane.

In the original place of the Ocean God Kingdom, only the Ice and Snow Goddess shrouded in the law of water, the gloomy Lord of Storms, the Fish God who almost died, and the legendary Naga who was rescued by the Fish God remained.

At the moment when the two divine kingdoms were completely integrated into the water elemental plane, the Ice and Snow Goddess suddenly opened her eyes, her pupils were blue without any emotion.

A terrible breath erupted from her, sweeping across the entire outer plane, sweeping across the kingdom of Avalon, the kingdom of truth, and the kingdom of destruction.

"This breath..."

"It's not an ordinary law god, it's the main god!"

In the horrified eyes of the gods, a blazing divine fire rose from the back of the goddess of ice and snow, wrapped in three priestly crystals, which were ocean, ice and snow, and winter.

With a crisp sound, the priesthood crystal representing winter was the first to shatter and be removed.

The remaining two clergy crystals of Ocean and Ice and Snow rotated with each other and collided violently, emitting a dazzling crystal light on the outer plane.

When the light dissipated, a brilliant blue crystal appeared in the center of the divine fire.

That is the law godhead that the gods dream of!
Possesses divine fire and is a demigod;

Possess the priesthood and be the true God;

Possess the godhead, the main god!

The original god of water element was born!

 There is another chapter ahead (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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