Chapter 507
Two days later, on the outer plane, four beams of light streaked across the void, namely Adam, the Goddess of Fertility, the Goddess of Spring, and the Goddess of Autumn.

The decisive battle with the God of the Earth is related to the ultimate ownership of the God of the Earth, which is no small matter. In addition, the Goddess of Plenty in the Titan pantheon has no allies, so Farisa is very cautious, and invites Adam to go with the two other gods.

"His Royal Highness Farisa, I have always been curious about where the Titan Stone Temple is located, and even the gods have not noticed it."

Even the two goddesses of Spring and Autumn who ignited the divine fire in it can deceive the gods.

"Here we are," said the goddess of abundance, stopping her flight.


Adam looked forward, and not far away was the Earth Elemental Plane, one of the six major planes.

"The Titan Stone Temple is on the Elemental Plane of Earth!"

"That's right, when the spirit of the divine power and the energy of the elements in the void outside the Japanese domain were separated, the Titan Stone Temple was transferred to the center of the earth elemental plane."

Adam suddenly realized that, just like the demons generally have flame and darkness attributes, the giants' talent in earth attributes is unmatched.

It is not very difficult for giants to live in the Titan Stone Temple on the Elemental Plane of Earth.

"Come on, let's go in."

The Goddess of Plenty stepped forward and entered the Earth Elemental Plane first, followed by Adam.

The six planes are pure elemental energy accumulations, which will automatically assimilate any non-divine creatures, including legends.

Only gods can move freely in it.

Scanning with his divine eyes, Adam discovered that the elemental plane has undulating mountains, filled with soft mud, mud, gravel, stones, rocks, metals, crystals, gemstones and mineral veins, and even the air reveals a bit of sharpness.

There is even an exposed gold mine not far from Adam, exuding a charming golden light.

What a land of wealth, Vol'jin will love the Elemental Plane!

Adam sighed, grabbed it casually, pulled out the gold mine, kneaded it into a golden ball with a diameter of more than three meters, and sent it to the church.


Under the gravity of at least one hundred times that of the main material world, the hollowed out mine was immediately filled with mud and rocks from all directions.

If it wasn't for another purpose, Adam wanted to explore the Earth Elemental Plane.

Not to mention Zhenjin and Mithril, even ordinary metal veins and crystal gems are of indescribable benefits to the development of the kingdom.

"Your Highness Adam is really..."

Seeing Adam's actions, the Goddess of Plenty, who was originally troubled by tension and conflicts, couldn't help laughing out loud.

For gods like the Goddess of Plenty, whose lives lasted thousands of years, there is no difference between gold, silver and crystals that symbolize worldly wealth and dust. Only beliefs, laws and the main god can attract their attention.

So Adam's behavior seemed to him as ridiculous as an adult clinging to a child's toy.

As for accumulating wealth for the church, it is even more nonsense. It has always been believers offering sacrifices to please the gods. There is no reason for the gods to devote themselves to the believers.

His Highness Adam has just conferred God, and some habits of being a mortal human being have not receded for the time being.

The Goddess of Plenty comforted herself in this way, dumbfounding, stretched out her hand and pointed at the ground, and divine power surged out to tear the ground apart, revealing a passage leading directly to the center of the earth.

Iron ore, tin ore, crystal ore, ruby, emerald and other objects flashed before Adam's eyes, and about 5 minutes later, a bronze gate appeared.

"This is the divine power seal that was successively arranged by the two god masters of our Titan pantheon. It needs the blood of a divine giant to open it."

The goddess of abundance flicked her fingers, and a drop of golden blood fell on it.


The divine power seal attached to the bronze door disintegrated in an instant and spread out to both sides. On the left was the storm and thunder, and on the right was the giant rock and tree.

Immediately afterwards, an independent space appeared in the center of the earth element plane, and the line of sight suddenly opened up.

"Titan Stone Temple, we are here."

The goddess of abundance pointed to an extremely rough and majestic stone temple in the distance.

The holy place of the giant family, Titan Stone Temple!
Feeling the coming of the gods, a group of giants soon appeared in the distance.

I saw that they were generally about [-] meters tall, wearing battle armor, the men were muscular, and the women were heroic, flying towards this side quickly.

"My lord!" The sixteen giants knelt down on the ground when they saw the goddess of abundance, and greeted respectfully.

"Sdam, how is the situation?" asked the Goddess of Fertility.

"My lord, there was a lightning strike 10 minutes ago, and it was suspected that the temple of the sky had descended. As for the other two highnesses, there is no news yet."

The other two Highnesses refer to the God of the Earth and the Goddess of Love and Pleasure.

"Why did North come so early?"

Before the decisive battle, the four major gods of the Tan pantheon will inevitably be present, which is something that even Adam is very sure about.

It's just that the situation is a little different from what the Goddess of Plenty had expected. The God of the Sky didn't come with the God of the Earth!
You must know that in the Titan pantheon, the god of the earth has always been closer to the god of the sky.

"Let's go to the Stone Temple first."

The goddess of abundance put away her doubts and flew towards the majestic stone temple located in the center of this world.

Seeing the four streaks of light disappearing into the sky in an instant, the leading Titan immediately ordered: "Notify the elders of the clan immediately that our Lord has come, and the decisive battle is about to begin."

While flying, Adam looked at the whole world curiously with divine eyes, and found that bigness is the indisputable theme here, and there are many stone houses with primitive and unrestrained shapes that are hundreds of meters in length.

At the foot of a mountain, a special giant whose body was made of rocks sat on the ground, holding a piece of obsidian (a rock known for its hard texture) in each hand, stuffing it into his mouth, one bite at a time, and there was a crisp chewing sound.

"Huh, that's it?" Adam described what he saw.

"Mountain giants, they feed on minerals."

"The giant family is divided into three tribes, respected by the Goddess, the Lord of the Sky, the Goddess of the Earth, and the Titans to which the God of the Sky belongs. In addition, there are two tribes: the Mountain Giant and the Cyclops." The Goddess of Spring quickly explained to Adam.

Among the three giant tribes, the Titans are the most similar to humans in terms of appearance and appearance. Considering the fact that humans have giant blood flowing through them, it is accurate to say that humans are Titans that have been shrunk dozens of times.

The mountain giant is a giant whose whole body is rocky or even crystallized. It has a sturdy and rough appearance, but its personality is quite gentle. It is generally not easy to use terrible talents such as meteorite throwing before being provoked.

Contrary to the mountain giant, the Cyclops is extremely irritable and irritable by nature, with a single eye that can emit destructive death light.

It is said that their source of strength is anger, endless anger.

In addition to the goddess of love and joy in the Titan pantheon, the three true gods, the goddess of abundance, the god of the sky and the god of the earth, each have their supporters in the Titan tribe.

Among them, the God of the Sky is the most powerful, even though his prestige plummeted after killing the Lord of the Sky with his own hands.

The mountain giant and the cyclops are the supporters of the goddess of fertility and the god of the earth respectively.

Outside the Titan Stone Temple, the three major tribes of Titan Giants, Mountain Giants, and Cyclops gathered together, with more than [-] people.

Adam took a look, and saw that there were no less than ten Titans with legendary ranks.

The giant clan that fell due to the war between the three clans still has such strength, which can be seen from the grand occasion when they ruled the land in the first era.

"His Royal Highness Farisa!" The giants knelt down on the ground.

The goddess of abundance nodded, looked at the stone temple in front of her, stretched out her hand, and the dome of the stone temple parted.

ka ka ka-

Two statues at least 300 meters high slowly rise from the stone temple.

The one on the left is a man with a burly figure and a heroic appearance, holding a lightning spear. He is the first god-lord of the Titan pantheon, the Lord of the Sky.

The one on the right is a female, with a plump figure, full of smiles, all-encompassing eyes, great fraternity, and she is the second god-lord of the Titan pantheon, Mother Earth.

"Your Majesty Ula, Lord of the Sky, Your Majesty Noam, Mother Earth..." The giants put their hands on their chests and knelt down again, expressing their respect to the two divine masters.

Looking at the two majestic statues, Adam secretly felt sorry.

Both the Lord of the Sky and the Mother Goddess of the Earth are rare main gods, but both fell and disappeared in the long river of history.

Today, the belief of the Lord of the Sky is inherited by the God of the Sky, and the belief of the Mother of the Earth is inherited by the Goddess of Plenty and the God of the Earth at the same time due to the troubles of the Goddess of Love and Pleasure.


Doubts suddenly arose in Adam's heart. The Lord of the Sky died at the hands of the God of the Sky because of the sneak attack of the God of Truth. What about the Mother Earth?
According to the consistent statement, the Mother Earth was strangled to death by the five demon gods of the demon gods.

But it is obvious that even the five true gods will not be the opponent of a main god, let alone strangled.

Could it be that there were other unknown secrets behind the battle between the Titan gods and the demon gods?

When Adam's thoughts gradually diverged, the Goddess of Plenty leaned slightly towards the two statues, and then walked to the left side of the statue of the Mother Earth and sat down with divine power to form a seat.

The Goddess of Spring and the Goddess of Autumn serve both sides as slave gods.

Adam thought for a while, and sat down beside the goddess of fertility.

boom -

As soon as Adam sat down, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, and then the sky was filled with thunder and lightning.

Tens of thousands of silver snakes were entangled together, crackling and slashing towards him.

"The way the Titan pantheon welcomes guests is really unique."

Knowing that the person coming was the God of the Sky, Adam lifted the Holy Cross Sun Scepter in his hand, and just about to fight back, the two goddesses of Spring and Autumn gave a soft shout and drew an arc with their right hands.

The arc-shaped divine brilliance forms a circle, evolving into spring blossoms and autumn fruits. Countless green branches and leaves grow out, and the branches are covered with numerous fruits, blooming with vibrant light, forcibly supporting the thunder.

"North, His Highness Adam is my friend." The goddess of abundance remained expressionless.

"Farisha, the Titan Stone Temple is a sacred place for my giant family, how can anyone else enter it at will!"

The thunder continued to wreak havoc and grew stronger. The entire sky was filled with darkness, and thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds, brewing a more terrifying attack.

Through the thick clouds, Adam saw a spear entwined by a silver snake, exuding a horrifying aura of terror, which even made him a little terrified.

"His Royal Highness Farisa, His Royal Highness North is helping His Royal Highness Todd consume our divine power first."

"Hmph!" Being so squeezed by Adam, the sky was filled with thunder, and a handsome god in golden armor appeared.

Noth, the god of the sky.

The God of the Sky snorted coldly, stopped talking, and did not salute the statue of the Lord of the Sky, and sat down in front of the statue as if no one was there.

"Why should North be angry? Can His Highness Adam sit here and we might as well see if Todd has any help."

The sky was still covered with dark clouds just now, but in the blink of an eye, the clouds were transpiring, colorful, and a goddess with perfect figure and appearance walked out.

Goddess of love and pleasure, Heliana.

Adam carefully looked at the goddess in charge of the six priesthoods:
I saw that she was wearing a bright yellow long dress with a milky moonlight-like brilliance all over her body, and a pearl necklace on her fair and slender neck—in each pearl was a mermaid with a different expression !
Her glamorous face has a bright brilliance that is somewhat superior to that of the goddess of life. There is a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, her expression is extremely dignified and elegant, but her bright eyes are full of affection and charming to the extreme.

Pure and slutty, green and mature, reserved and unrestrained, all kinds of women's completely different temperaments are both contradictory and unified in her body.

"If Todd also came in with his helpers, it would be reasonable for His Royal Highness Adam to sit here. If not..."

Hailiana covered her mouth and smiled lightly, even the breeze that blew by carried the fragrance of flowers.

"His Highness Adam's matter can be put aside, how to comfort the heartbroken Todd is a headache."

"Heliana, if you still want to fulfill your priesthood, I suggest you shut up now and sit aside obediently."

The goddess of abundance sneered, hitting Hiliana's weakness all at once.

"Hard words hurt people, your words are like an ice pick piercing into my heart..."

The Goddess of Love and Pleasure clutched her chest, her face was pale, and she walked to the God of the Sky with a look of extreme sadness and sat down.

The corners of Adam's mouth twitched, and he had a new understanding of this goddess who was experimenting with a new way of the Lord God.

The giants around the stone temple ignored the quarrel between the goddesses and waited quietly for the last member of the Titan pantheon to arrive.

Now, three of the four great gods of the Titan pantheon have come. The God of the Sky and the Goddess of Plenty are sitting in front of the Lord of the Sky and the Goddess of the Earth respectively because they are all heirs.

Adam glanced secretly at the Goddess of Love and Pleasure, who had regained her radiance. Is she sitting in front of the statue of the Lord of the Sky because she is not compatible with the Goddess of Plenty, or is there another reason?
When the time gradually came to noon, the ground trembled for a while, and then there was a second, third, and fourth...

Everyone looked up and saw a giant in golden armor walking slowly in the distance, exuding a circle of divine brilliance!

The giant's footsteps were very slow but extremely firm, with a solemn expression, and he walked towards the stone temple step by step.

"His Highness Todd is coming!"

God of the Earth, Todd!
Adam tried to find traces of the helpers of the god of the earth, but found nothing.

The God of the Earth came alone!

"Farisha, here I come."

(End of this chapter)

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