Templar Sun King

Chapter 504 Themis Magic School

Chapter 504 Themis Magic School

The first day of February 4901 was originally an ordinary day, but the beginning of trial teaching at Themis School of Magic made it extraordinary.

What's more, the aftermath of both the Sun King and the Paladin's apotheosis is fierce. To be precise, the entire Holy Griffin Kingdom and even the main material plane have just entered the first reaction stage of the impact of the two apotheosis - carnival celebration.

It is no exaggeration that a miracle is enough to make the whole country sing and dance for a week.

Names such as the first day after God's birthday and the first day of the Guangming Era make February 2st a sacred commemorative significance.

In this case, it is only natural that all the pages of the "Celtic Times" have news related to the Sun King, Paladins, Templars, Miracles, and Seraphs.

"On the main material plane, His Highness is the most glorious and glorious king of the Holy Griffin Kingdom; on the outer plane, His Highness is the supreme Lord of Heaven Mountain!"

Mount Paradise is the name of the kingdom of God where the sun god Adam lived in the church's claim.

Joy from the Kingdom Press Office was sitting in a carriage heading to Themis School of Magic in Danube City—today was the day she went to the Magic School to conduct related interviews—and was fascinated by the news in the newspaper.

To be honest, she is not a devout Sun God believer. Her belief in the Sun God has always remained at the stage of pan-belief. She only goes to church to seek spiritual help and comfort when she is at a loss.

But the amazing thing is that she is a loyal admirer of Adam, the Sun King, since Adam was still the Grand Duke of Griffin.

No matter Adam's handsome appearance, extraordinary strength, or the mysterious Weaving family and various extraordinary deeds in Celtic, she couldn't stop paying attention to it all the time.

Of course it wasn't love, Joey knew full well, just pure idolatry.

At this moment, the two identities of Sun King and Sun God overlap!
Joy knew that from now on she might go to the church frequently because of this, but to her, Adam was more real, more vivid, and of course more attractive than the sun god who lived supremely on Mount Paradise or when he was the king of the Griffin Kingdom. Some people.

This situation is not unique, the same thing happened everywhere in the whole kingdom.

Some people are not usually believers in the sun god, but they worship Adam who lived from the Lord of York to the king of the Griffin Kingdom.

Now, worship and admiration have evolved into a higher level of belief.

"Ma'am, here we are."

The carriage stopped, and the first magic school in the Griffin Kingdom arrived.

What appeared in front of Joey was a majestic magic castle, located on the banks of the beautiful Lane River.

Under the sunlight, the naked eye can even see colorful magical auras flickering over the school, exuding a charming and dangerous atmosphere.

The capital of magic!

For some reason, Joey's mind flashed through the ongoing Magic City project. It is said that its ultimate goal is to turn the entire Danube City into a mage city.

There are also gossip that the location of the magic school is located on the Lane River, and the Hanging Garden stays above the Danube City are more or less related to this major plan.

Magic, one of the most mysterious forces in the entire world.

Joey withdrew his thoughts, and after showing the certificate, he prepared to work under the leadership of Crewe, a staff member of the magic school, a tall and thin man who was about thirty years old.

Whether or not we can win the headline of tomorrow's second page will depend on the quality of today's interviews—the first page must be news related to the Sun God, there is no doubt about it.

But it shouldn't be too difficult, Joey thought. After all, this is the first magic school in the kingdom, and it is definitely the top one in terms of teachers.

Meditation Wisdom, Magic Theory, Charms, Planes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, these are five courses in the first grade.

For today's interview, Joy has done a lot of homework. According to a friend of hers who works in the Ministry of Magic, the five courses can be given to any mage with enough experience.

But judging from the news released by Themis School of Magic, the professors of the five courses are all golden archmages, the highest-ranking golden archmages on the main material plane. This is enough to prove that the kingdom attaches great importance to the magic school!
"Ma'am, the children are here."

When a huge flying car appeared in the sky, Joey got a reminder from Crewe.

She thought back to the carriage she was riding just now, and then looked at the flying car pulled by a full dozen horned eagles, and sighed secretly that this is the difference between magic and magic. Up to now, she has never experienced the feeling of flying.

But the sigh is the sigh, almost the moment he saw the speeding car, Joey took out a magic prop used to leave a magic image, and took a picture of the twelve horned eagles pulling the car.

"God, we were flying in the sky just now, it's unbelievable!"

"this is amazing!"

A full 100 students got off the huge flying car, chattering and discussing, with childish, longing, and unconcealable excitement and curiosity on their faces.

Joey knew that within a few years they would become outstanding magicians in the kingdom. After all, the magical talent to be selected as the first batch of students in the magic school would definitely not be too bad.

But no matter how talented they are, no matter how outstanding they will be in the future, they are still just 11-year-old children, excited because of a short trip to the sky.

"Welcome to Themis School of Magic, little ones. I'm Crewe, one of the school's teaching staff. Now take out your admission notice and enter the school with me. Please note that you cannot pass without an admission notice." The first magician in the magic school."

While leading the children through the gate, Crewe introduced to Joey: "This is the magic cast by the Queen herself."

Joey looked at a card just provided by Crewe in his hand, and asked, "What will happen if you break into the school without relevant proof?"

"Spell attacks from the school itself, including elemental magic, and other spells that I can't name, and many of them are gold-level attack spells. Believe me, no one is willing to experience it."

Joey nodded, and secretly wrote down the fact that 'Themis School of Magic has a special identification magic system', which should be useful when he goes back to write the manuscript.

Passing through the gate of the castle, a huge statue of a phoenix first attracted the attention of Joey and the children.

"The phoenix, one of the epic creatures, is born with the terrifying ability to control flames. Mrs. Vesper, the vice principal, has a phoenix demon as a pet and combat partner. You may be lucky enough to see it in the future." Crewe pointed Statue presentation.

"Well, you can put your luggage here first, and someone will take it to the dormitory for you."

Crewe noticed that the children were more or less carrying some luggage, took out a two-way mirror and whispered instructions, and soon a group of special creatures came running here.

"What are they?"

"Magic creature! It must be a magical creature."

What appeared in front of Joey was an unknown creature with a round lizard head, red scales and skin, and a pair of short legs running hard. It looked silly.

"Fire spirit, a magical creature of fire, they maintain many of the school's power units."

"Fal, I will leave the salute to you."

"No problem, Luke."

The leading fire spirit responded very readily, and directed the other fire spirits to pick up the student's salute, and left with a humming sound.

"As you can see, they are very enthusiastic." Crewe complained in a low voice, "It's just that their brains are not very flexible. I have known him for more than ten years, and I still can't remember my name."

The children were so excited about the start of their wizarding school career that no one except Joey noticed his complaints.

"Professor Crewe, is the horned eagle on the flying car just now a magical creature?" A girl with long fluffy brown hair raised her hand and asked.

"Oh, a little lady with a strong thirst for knowledge. But this is a good thing, a mage should have a strong thirst for knowledge." Crewe pointed to a magic line on the base of the Phoenix statue and continued, "Just like what it says ..."

"Knowledge is power, and power is mystery." The girl read out the above content one step ahead.

"you know?"

Both Crewe and Joy were a little surprised that a little girl who had no magical education actually recognized this line of magic words.

"I saw it in a book." The girl looked at them with surprise and other children's admiration or admiration, "But Professor Crewe, you haven't..."

Crewe wiped his face indiscriminately, a little embarrassed: "Warcraft, the horned eagle is a kind of monster."

But soon he regained his energy and said enthusiastically: "If you want, we can introduce while visiting. We have a morning to visit the magic school, free activities in the afternoon, and then the opening dinner in the evening."

"The biggest difference between monsters and magical creatures is that the former simply have power beyond the scope of ordinary beasts, while magical creatures have the ability to release magic. The difference between them is like a warrior and a mage. You will learn these in the magic theory class in the future. "

When he came to a huge lake, Crewe put away his smile and warned very seriously: "Although Themis is a magic school, there are still many forbidden places for you. Among them, there are three places outside the castle. , which are the Amazon rainforest, the bottom of the quiet lake and the lava cave.”

"According to school regulations, once a student is found to go without the professor's approval or companionship, he is very likely to be expelled. Now, where we are is Jinghu Lake."

The 100 students nodded obediently and looked at this beautiful and calm lake curiously and carefully, not knowing what kind of danger existed at the bottom of the lake.

"Professor, may I know why the bottom of Jinghu Lake is listed as one of the forbidden places?" It was still the girl with the fluffy hair who asked.

"Of course, the bottom of Jinghu Lake is a muddy land full of dark energy, and there is an epic creature known as a phoenix hydra living in it!"

Joey gasped. It turned out to be a terrifying dark creature like Hydra. No wonder the bottom of Jinghu Lake was listed as a forbidden area.

As one of the most outstanding bards in the Griffin Kingdom, Joey is very aware of how terrifying this creature is. One of the most convincing evidences is that the dark forces in most bards have the shadow of Hydra.

But why would a magic school allow a hydra to live here openly?
"Ms. Medora is the professor of the school's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and the bottom of the quiet lake is her residence." Crewe explained to Joey softly.

"It was her!"

The name Medora is quite famous in the Griffin Kingdom, and it is very worthy of her identity as a hydra that believes in the sun god.

I didn't expect that she would become a professor of magic school, and also a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is really unexpected.

"Professor..." It was still that girl.

This time, Crewe knew what the question was without her asking.

"The Amazon rainforest is a dangerous forest, where more than 78 kinds of magical creatures and 156 kinds of warcraft live. When you reach the second grade, some of the exploration and adventure courses will be conducted in the outer periphery of the Amazon rainforest."

Like the children, Joey subconsciously looked towards the woodland not far from the quiet lake.

"No, no, it's not here. This is Moonglade. As a piece of advice, it's best not to go in unless there are special circumstances. Professor Bolognaite, one of the professors of Charms, has cultivated a lot of precious potions in it. Those are all It's her baby, usually guarded by the flower demon."

"As for the lava crypt, that's the residence of the fire spirits. In the future, if some of you are proficient in fire spells or golem refining, there will definitely be a chance to go to the lava crypt."

Then, under the leadership of Crewe, Joey and the children visited the seven-story Mage Tower of Themis School of Magic (where the Charms Classroom is located), the Sky Dome (the Meditation Wisdom Classroom), the library, and the dormitory And observatories (places for observing astrology) and other places.

That night, at the opening dinner, Joey finally saw the powerful teachers of Themis School of Magic, the principal Isabella, the vice-principal Vesper, and seven mages from various departments in the Sky Garden.

A full ten golden wizards sat at the head, among them was the Hydra Medora, a black beauty with many braids.

Joey carefully left the magic image, and confidently said to Janet sitting beside him: "Even if there is no article, only this photo is worthy of being the headline of the second page."

It is not always possible to see ten golden masters sitting together.

"You stayed at the magic school all day today?"

"That's right, what's the problem?"

It was a visit in the morning, and I was lucky enough to interview two golden masters in the afternoon. Is it just a day, and what major events happened outside?

"Indeed." Janet lowered her voice, chuckled, and said mysteriously, "My friend, have you ever heard that soldiers can cast spells?"

(End of this chapter)

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